Taking away the Normal Lives of Everyone
will save no one and will cause far greater Harm and more Death
Politically Preached Panic and Paranoia based on proven Hate is not Real Science
Science is not based on Politically Preached Feelings and Proven Lies for Political Agenda
Science is based on Hard Data
and Test Proven Reviewed Analyzed Questioned Debated Facts
The Corona Virus is:
Proven Fact Tested Reality in Medicine Science
~ as ~
science is: to know
and the opposite of knowledge is belief
and the Media is no longer about Real Journalism
as Real Journalism is by stating all the knowable available facts
and allowing the Public to decide what is real and what is not
and today the Media does not provide all the known available facts
they withhold available facts to Preach their belief in hearsay political opinion
based on their political make believe
as the Media now decides for you what is real and what is not
based on their Political Agenda ignoring the known facts
as the Media Preaches to you what they want you to just believe
and they can not Scientifically Prove
The Media do not Question the Truth in knowledge to know the truth
as the Media is no longer based on Questioned Tested Debated Knowledge
the Media is based on Political Agenda based on Political Science Fiction
just ignoring the proven fact tested reality in science
causing Preached Political Media Ignorance and Paranoia based on Feelings
as Persuaded Political Make Believe is now a Preached and Believed False Reality to many
by those who do not Question the Truth and just Believe what is Politically Preached
Political Agenda based Feelings and Proven Lies is not Reality in Science
Political Hate is a Feeling not a Scientific Fact
and Proven Political Lies only further Prove the Hate
scientifically proving only Ignorance in Fact Tested Reality
for Political Power Control and Greed
and is the bases for all Political Evil in proven fact tested reality
doing only Harm to everyone
Political Media Programmed and Staged Panic and Paranoia for Political Gain
is a Crime against Humanity
and will do far more Harm than the Corona Virus
as their Political Hatred will do far more Harm than the Virus
Political Ploy is Evil based on Feelings and Ignorance and not Science
Political Media Ploy is the Deception of Science for Political Gain
as Political Media Preached Ignorance spreads faster than a Virus
as we must now live with a Lamb Politically Disguised as a Wolf