April 5 ~ April 11
The Corona Virus is Real
and the only thing Paranoia can prove in real science is Paranoia
and the Number One Mental Disease in America
The Preached Paranoia and Hate of Political Media Brainwashing Machine
We have healthy 100 year old People surviving the Corona Virus
as we have healthy 30 year old People who would not Dye from the Virus
who are in a Political Media Brainwashed State of Paranoia
are Committing Suicide
thanks to the Preached Panic and Paranoia based on Proven Political Lies
as many very healthy people continue to die
because they are not allowed to live Life
while trying to Survive a Political Media Brainwashed Death
as there can be no living when in fear of death
Hate and Paranoia are Pathological not Factual
and when your Political Agenda is based on Hate and Paranoia
this not a Political Agenda based on Fact this is a Preached Mental Disorder
spreading more mental disorder
The Majority of People in America are very healthy
and Healthy People who will not die from the Corona Virus should be working
as the Political Criminal Scam Media
are using the Corona Virus as a Political Scam Tool and Weapon
25,000 Carbon based Humans Starve to Death Everyday
on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth
as 10,000 Americans die everyday caused by everything but the Corona Virus and Old Age
while 100,000 have died world wide of the Corona Virus
when 100,000 People have died in the past just in the U.S. from the Yearly Flu Virus
and today’s Political Ploy by the media may kill many more People than the Corona Virus
as the Corona Virus is only a Tool for the Democratic Political War Machine
against the President
to ~ Scam ~ not Earn the Votes of We the People by Preaching their Hate and Paranoia
as the Democrats and their Criminal Political Media Brainwashing Scam Machine
continue to shoot the foot in their mouth
as their Political Crimes continue to Destroy America and We the People
for Democratic Political Gain
as We the People are being used as a Political Tool by Destroying our Lives
by Brainwashing us with their Hate and Paranoia
with their Political Blame Game with their every proven Lie
to Scam Votes for Proven Political Criminals
~ and ~
there will always be more Questions than Answers in Real Science
like how many of us who are still working as Essential Workers
are dying from the Corona Virus with the exception of Medical Workers
as I know of no deaths of Essential Workers because they are Healthy People
as in some areas of Germany the Death rate of the Corona Virus is .37%
where People are the Healthiest and not Vulnerable to the Corona Virus or any Virus
as Obesity Diabetes Heart and Lung Disease
are the number one Contributing Factors for already sick people dying
who are not well enough to work in the first place
while many People with the Corona Virus have had no Symptoms
and the Majority of We the People have not been tested and never will be
and testing can not stop any Virus
as the Virus will run its cycle and course regardless of Lock Downs
because there will always be second wave of a virus of some kind
and we never know until it happens or happens again and again
as the Lock Downs have the Suicide Hot Lines all Jammed up
with Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Drug Over Doses Spiking
while Domestic Violence is Sky Rocketing
and Food Lines are backed up for miles for days now in some places
as Crimes and Scams are Increasing
and Fresh Farm Food ready for Harvest just rotting on the Vine
and all caused by and based on Political Ploy
based on Lunatic Political Science Fiction by Lunatic Political Agenda
based on Hate and Paranoia
as Political Media Lunatics Cause and Dictate a False Reality
as the Negative effects of the Lock Down are far worse the the Virus
all for the Democratic Political Blame Game
by the number one Criminal Political Organisation in America
the Billionaire Political Media Democratic Corporation
forcing the President between a Rock and a Hard Spot
forcing the President to make an unnecessary Lock Down in America
as the Democrats continue to Prove they are Criminals and only for Democrats
and if you are not a Democrat then you are their enemy as their Actions continue to Prove
as the Billionaire Democratic Corporation
do not want to help We the People they want Own and Control We the People
as they have proven they are the Enemy of We the People
as the Billionaire Political Media Criminal Democratic Corporation of Hate and Lies
is the Cancer not the Cure
as we must live in the world of Political Scam Artist
Preaching their Lunatic Political Science Fiction doing only Harm in tested reality
as the Media in America is a proven Political Brainwashing tool for Billionaires
as we must live in a state of on going continuous Political War Destroying America
and the only thing with a lower rating than Congress is the Politically Brainwashing Media
who believe they can earn votes ~ not ~ with positive Ideas
but by Preaching Hate and Paranoia
and by committing Constitutional Crimes and Treason against We the People
as the Political Media Democratic Corporation is Organized Crime and nothing more
as they have Scientifically Proven
as the Billionaire Democratic Political Media Brainwashing Machine
continues to Preach their Political Hate Sermon to their Shrinking Political Choir
hoping to Earn the votes of those who’s lives they continue to destroy
as Viruses will come and go
and the Political Hate Machine Preaching their Paranoia for Votes will always be
~ Letter to the Editor ~
Preached Political Media Paranoia based on Proven Political Lies
can not be the Deciding Factor on how We the People continue to Live our Lives
as there is perception and there is deception and there is fact tested knowledge and
Preached and Persuaded Negative Make Believe Feelings of Fear cause Paranoia
and if I was the President
and knowing what I Scientifically know today from my Investigation of the available Facts
I would tell those People who are sick to stay home
and I would tell those People who are most vulnerable to die from the Corona Virus
to stay home
and I would tell all of those People who are Healthy and Well
to go to Church on Sunday
and ~ if ~ they should catch the Corona Virus
they should now they will not Die from the Corona Virus
as many of them have already had the Corona Virus and had no systems
and it is very safe for Healthy People to return to Living Life
and then do everything we can to help those who are not well to become well again
and ignore the proven to be
Political Media Programmed and Scripted Political Criminal Lies
by the Proven to be Political Media Pathological Frauds in Science
and always Question the Truth in knowledge
and do not just believe the proven Political Lies
or the proven to be Lunatic Hypothetical Conjecture based on proven Ignorance
by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
and are Paid to Lie to We the People for their Political Agenda
who do not know they are Lying to We the People
as the Media will not allow Question or Rebuttal to their Proven Political Lies
further proving they are Political Criminal Lairs
who are destroying We the People and America
for the sake of their Political Power Control and Greed