When the Media Intentionally Lies to the Public
like Yelling Fire in a Theater when there is no Fire
causing Intentional Harm to the Public
this must be a Punishable Crime
as my Investigation continues
while the Political Media does not Investigate anything
they just Preach the Political Sermon they are told to Preach
based on zero Logical Common Sense Question Rebuttal Debate
as the very mild Corona Virus is Real
and the Invented Political Crises by Your Political Media is all Proven Political Ploy
as you Billionaires who Hate President Trump
are Intentionally Destroying the Lives of many Millions of
We the People
There are many numbers and Data I have yet to know
~ like ~
how many Farmers and Ranchers have now committed Suicide
because of this Democratic Political Media Scam based on Hate Preaching Paranoia
and is Your Lunatic Criminal Effort to Win Votes for Democrats
with Scientifically Proven Lies Destroying America
as the Media Owned by You Billionaire Democrats
continues to Yell Fire when there is no Fire
and your Preached New Normal
is for We the People to live in a constant state of Paranoia
controlling our Lives
based on Scientifically Proven Lies for your Proven to be Criminal Political Agenda
with Real Blood on Your Proven to be Criminal Hands
as many more will Die from your Proven to be Political Media Lies
and because You Hate the President
and this does not give you the right to Yell Fire in the Theater
or Destroy all Life in America as we know it
as Your Billionaire Democratic Political Media Corporation
is a Scientifically Proven Mental Cancer doing only harm
Preaching Scam Science Fiction proving Fraud in Science
as you Preach Hate and Paranoia while Destroying Everyone’s Life
all to Win Votes
as a Political Media Brainwashed Mental Disorder is the best you Democrats have to offer
while destroying our Lives
rather than providing good Ideas to make Life better
as You Preach only a Criminally Negative Paranoid False Reality
hoping this will win the votes of
We the People
as you continue to Intentionally destroy our lives
for the sake of Your Political Power Control and Greed
and this is not Leadership
this is Proven Crimes by Hateful Politically Paranoid Lunatics
who will do anything to win
and if this Scientifically Proven to be Mental Disorder and Paranoid Religion Wins
We the People will Lose
April 29, 2020
When the Corona Virus hit New York
New York Influenza Cases then Impossibly Dropped by 77 %
when it is not possible in Real Medicine for the Influenza Virus to suddenly Drop by 77%
telling us a majority of Corona Virus reported Deaths were not from the Corona Virus
they are Deaths from the yearly Influenza Virus
that have dramatically increased over the past few years
and was Predicted to increase much further and be much worse this year
while the Corona Virus is much much milder than the yearly Influenza Virus
and Medical Professionals have now told me
the Corona Virus has been in America since August of 2019
and most People do not know they had the Corona Virus
because it is a very mild virus
as the Political Media Ploy Plot Thickens of the Corona Virus
as the Preached Paranoia based on Proven Lies by the Media
continue to do only Harm in Reality
April 26 ~ April 28
as long as Billionaires Own and Control the Democratic Party
and Own and Control the Majority of the Media
there will always be a Double Standard in the Media
and the tested truth will be withheld from the Public for Political Agenda
and proven lies will be preached as Reality in Science
Believing in Scientifically Proven Lies is not ~ knowing ~ the Tested Truth
Self-Debunked Ouija Board Prediction based on Proven Fraud and Ignorance
is not Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science
as I write and rewrite everyday
while I hate to write but I must for the tested truth
and I know I am Repetitive
Repetitiveness is the Key to Deprogramming Political Media Brainwashed Proven Lies
and why is the Majority of the Media in America
committing scientifically test proven Fraud against
We the People
~ because they can ~
and because they are Owned by Billionaires with a Political Agenda
as Freedom of the Press is now serving the very opposite of its original intention
and is now Preached Political Sermon based on Test Proven Political Lies
that many proven Fools just Believe in
Question Test Rebuttal Debate by the Scientific Method
and rejecting test proven knowledge for
Political Media Belief is Pathological not Factual and is Foolish
as Climate Change is real
while the political media preached doomsday climate Paranoia is a test proven lie
for Political Agenda to profit the Billionaires who own the majority of the media
just as the Corona Virus is Real
while the political media preached Paranoia is based on proven lies
and is a proven Political Ploy
by Political Agenda by Billionaires who own the majority of the media
along with many other Media outlets
and News Papers like the New York Times and many Magazines
and they are very proven political pathological frauds in Science
as they truly believe their proven lies
Preached to We the People
based on zero Question Test Rebuttal Debate
as they continue to Preach words of belief they can not prove are reality in science
proving they are Pathological not Factual
while Doctors have now stated they are being pressured to state on
Death Certificates
the cause of Death was the Corona Virus when it was not the cause of Death
proving political fraud
while Doctors stating factual Science Data to the public have been censured
proving further political fraud
as the Death Rate for the corona virus in California is now 00.03%
and is the same in parts of Germany based on 500,000 tests per week
and you will not hear this Scientific Data on the majority of the Political Media
as they continue to withhold Scientific facts from the Public for their political agenda
as 10,000 People Die everyday in America and not caused by the Corona Virus
as the new normal is Political Media Brainwashed Paranoia
based on Scientifically Proven to be Political Media Fraud in Science
by 60 Billionaires who own the Democratic Party and Hate President Trump
and they will do anything to stop the President from being the President
including committing Treason against We the People
because they can as they are doing
as Criminal Billionaires Dictate a False Reality
for the sake of their Political Power Control and Greed
as Political Media Brainwashed True Believers just believe the proven Lies
as we continue to be overwhelmed by Proven Lies everyday by the political media
owned by Billionaires who are Destroying America to win Democratic votes
To Conquer you must first Destroy
as the proven crimes of the Democratic Party continue to destroy America
as the Censorship of Physicians and Scientists continue by the Democratic Media
further proving Political Ploy by Billionaires who Own everything