U.S. Sen. Jon Tester MT. ~ The Cancer is not the Cure


 Carbon is the Foundation for this Earth the Environment and all Life

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth


 CO2 can not Harm the Environment as CO2 is causing the Environment everyday

and causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth everyday

and is not Toxic Poison and Pollution

as Preached by

Political Media Doomsday Climate Paranoia

as they Profit from their Proven Political Media Lies

while doing only test proven harm to the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle


Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen

Hydrogen = Rocket Fuel

Hydrogen and Carbon = Gasoline = Stable Rocket Fuel

Hydrogen and Oxygen = Water

Carbon and Oxygen and Hydrogen = The Human Body


HC = Hydrogen & Carbon + Oxygen mixed together + spark =

Oxygen from the Air

then allows the Hydrogen part of HC to Burn = Combustion = Vaporize

as the Oxygen is Bonding to the Carbon

making Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

for Carbon based Plants and Tress to Breathe with the Water Vapor

making O2 = Oxygen and Carbon based Food


There is zero CO2 in Fuel = HC = Hydrocarbon = Hydrogen and Carbon

the Carbon comes from the Fuel and bonds with the Oxygen from the Air

while the Vaporized Hydrogen is then bonded to O = Oxygen by Sun Energy

making H2O = Water Vapor

as Nature turns the Rocket fuel into Water

and if the Vaporized Hydrogen going into the Air did not bond to the O = Oxygen

the Atmosphere would be full of Hydrogen = Rocket Fuel

and the O2 = Oxygen in the air would cause the Rocket Fuel = Hydrogen

to explode in the atmosphere everywhere

for as long their is a supply of Hydrogen Vapor coming out the tail pipes of Cars

while the O= Oxygen is caused by Direct Sun Energy separating Frozen Water

as the O= Oxygen evaporates the dirty Hydrogen flows into the Rivers and Oceans

while the O3 = Oxygen = Heavy Oxygen is called Ozone causing the Ozone Layer

and is caused by Direct Sun Energy separating NOx = Nitrogen and Oxygen

bonded together by Lighting and Heat and Combustion above 2500 Degrees


Just Ignoring

more than a dozen Climate variables does not make them go away


Are you Politically Pathologically Programmed by the Media to Believe

or do you Question the Truth in Knowledge and you are Factual ?

~ Real Science is Proven ~

and is not Political Media Persuaded and Just Believed


knowledge is learned not convinced and just believed


The Media is a very self-proven Political Church

Misinforming We the People

for the sake of ~ their ~ Political Agenda

and not the agenda of

~ We the People ~

as they Preach to us only what they want us to Politically Make Believe

based on unearned opinion and test proven Ignorance and Lies they Believe

as they withhold from We the People very real available facts

they do not comprehend

as the Political Media Church is a self-proven form of Political Fascism

rejecting all Facts debunking their Political True Beliefs

and doing only test proven harm in tested reality

they do not Comprehend and refuse to learn and know

as they Preach to us their proven Ignorance

that many of you just Believe with out Questioning the Truth in knowledge

as Political Media Pathological is not Factual

as they Preach only their political one side of many sides of the story

Proving Real Journalism is Dead


Is Political Media Preached Ignorance your Reality

are you a True Believer in Preached Ignorance doing only Harm in Tested Reality ?


Do you reject tested knowledge for persuaded political media make believe

are you a Political Puppet for their Proven Ignorance doing Harm

are you Politically Persuaded Convinced Programmed or Brainwashed

to just believe as you are told to just believe with out question

are you a True Believer in test proven Ignorance

do you just believe the test proven Lies the test proven Lairs just Believe ?


My continued repeated Science Argument

in many forms to many proven Frauds and Fools with a


~ Reward ~

for the peer-reviewed science proving

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


with oxygen and carbon

2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ one carbon atom

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

causing the carbon oxygen hydrogen cycle


CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

causing the carbon oxygen hydrogen cycle


January 2, 2020


The Test Proven Frauds Continue to Profit

after 30 plus years of many Failed Doomsday Climate Predictions for Profit

as the Political Media Persuaded True Believers

continue to just believe the test proven Lies in science they do not comprehend

and can not articulate and refuse to publicly debate

as they refuse to learn and know and grow forward beyond their Programmed True Belief

as the Politically Brainwashed Green Lunatics want to Kill the Cause of Green

~ Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor = Green = Carbon Cycle = Environment ~

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

while it is Scientifically Proven CO2 is the Byproduct of Climate Warming not the Cause

as Political Media Programmed True Believers reject questioned tested knowledge

for Political Media Preached True Belief



is a very proven Climate Variable

as the Variable SUN is the Scientifically proven to be the Number One Climate Variable

and is ignored by proven Lunatics who Profit from their Lunatic Belief


Those Preaching the Variable Sun with many Cycles

is not a Climate Variable

when causing a known Cycle of Ice Ages and Global Warming Periods

as the Variable Sun continues to be Warmer and Brighter over time

as they Preach the Sun is not a Climate variable

as they Preach Doomsday Climate Warming Paranoia as they Profit

proving they are the Test Proven Frauds in Climate Science as they Profit


Evaporated by the variable Sun

CO2 and Water Vapor with Sun Energy = Green = Environment

as Plants and Trees need four times the CO2 than in the Air today to Breathe

to be Healthy and Strong

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

and one day all life above Sea level will end from a lack of CO2

as CO2 is the byproduct of Climate Warming not the cause of Climate Warming

as scientifically proven

as real science is ignored by those Preaching Doomsday Climate Paranoia as they Profit

as they refuse to Publicly Debate their proven to be Fraudulent Science

as they Profit while Harming the Environment

they Preach to us they are saving


science is: to know

and being politically persuaded to believe in Proven Political Media Lies

based on zero question rebuttal debate or science data is not Real Science


Fear of the Unknown is Paranoia not Science

and Politically Preaching Paranoia for Political Power Control and Greed

based on scientifically proven Lies is Fraud in Science


No One Preaching Doomsday Climate Warming Paranoia for Profit

will provide peer-reviewed science when requested to support the words they Preach

or will Publicly Debate or Answer Questions related to the words they Preach

while NASA Data they Ignore

scientifically debunk Catastrophic Warming of this Carbon based Earth


 NASA Data they Ignore

scientifically debunk the Sea level is Rising

while Carbon based Humans made by the Carbon Cycle

made by and from this Carbon based Earth

have been moving to higher ground for the past 20,000 plus years


NASA Data they Ignore

scientifically debunk all the Ice is Melting

and prove a 40% increase in Sea Ice since 2012

~ as ~

Ignored NASA Data

scientifically debunk the Political Media Pathological Frauds

the Political Media Doomsday Climate Warming Paranoia

Preached by those who have proven they failed 5th grade science

who refuse to allow scientific question rebuttal or debate

to their scientifically proven to be political media Lies

as the Scientific Consensus is a very proven Political Media Lie

while those who disagree with the Media are aloud zero voice in the Media

as only one side of many sides of the story can be told

proving they are Political Preachers not Real Journalists or Real Scientists

as Real Scientists admit they are wrong when proven wrong

and learn know and grow forward in tested reality

as Real Journalist would provide the Public all the available facts

and allow the Public to decide for themselves what is real and what is not

rather than be Preached to from a Political Pathological Media Church

doing test proven harm to the environment for the sake of their Lunatic Political Agenda

based on zero comprehension of real science

and based only on politically persuaded belief


Evaporated by the variable Sun

CO2 and Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

as we add CO2 to Commercial Greenhouses to make up for the lack of CO2 in the air

and how many carbonated with CO2 Beverages did you drink today

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth where everything has Carbon in it

or put out a Fire

with a CO2 Fire Extinguisher that also removed all the heat caused by the Fire

on this Carbon based Earth

where People who are not Scientists Dictate Science

based on zero Question Test Rebuttal Debate

based on zero knowledge

based on persuaded hearsay Belief

when belief is not knowledge


Belief is a Feeling and is Pathological not Factual

and my first Question for the world of knowledge

~ Is it True ~

Al Gore

who is 20% Carbon

made from CO2 by the Carbon Cycle

made by and from this Carbon based Earth

has now made over


two hundred million dollars

by Cheating his Carbon Credit Customers

all based on Proven to be Fraudulent Climate Science

Al Gore who is the Lead Adviser at Google

Who can Articulate Zero Science

while the number of Visitors to this Web Page

have gone from about 2,500 a day to under 100 a day

as Al Gore decides what you can and can not see on the Internet

~ ? ~


” the doctrine that the Truth in all knowledge must always be in question “

and is the bases for the scientific method

to question test debate to find the truth in science

science is: to know

Scientist = Skeptic

as personal feelings can prove nothing in real science

as Trust and Belief are Personal Emotional Feelings and are Pathological not Factual

and Political Media Persuading Convincing Programming and Brainwashing

are Feelings and are Pathological and are not the questioned tested debated truth

as Al Gore Preaches skepticism is a mental flaw

when skepticism is how we find and know the truth in real science


Persuaded Feelings are not the Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science

and stating it is likely to rain tomorrow is a feeling of belief not test proven fact

as the U.N. IPCC states it is ” likely ” Humans cause climate warming

based on a very scientifically proven to be

Flawed Incomplete and Fraudulent Climate Study

to predict the unknowable future

as Lunatic Prediction is for Psychics not Real Scientists

as Prediction is not knowledge  = science

Prediction is Make Believe

and preaching fear of the unknowable future is Paranoia

and making Paranoid Predictions

based on proven to be Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Political Science Fiction

for the sake of Political Power Control and Profit

is not Reality in Science


10 years ago Al Gore Predicted the unknowable future

Al Gore Predicted another Doomsday

that did not come true

Al Gore Predicted all the Ice will have Melted and entire Nations would be underwater by


and again by 2020

and the next Doomsday Prediction of many

based on the very same proven to be Fraudulent Science

is in 10 years


The Next Preached Doomsday is in 2030

and when that Doomsday Prediction fails to happen

there will be another Doomsday Perdition

based on Preached Paranoia by those who Profit from Doomsday Prediction

those who Profit from Politically Preaching and Selling Doomsday Paranoia

based on proven to be flawed incomplete and fraudulent science

doing test proven Harm to the cause of Green and the Environment


CO2 and Water Vapor is the scientifically proven byproduct of climate warming

as the warming occurs first and then evaporated CO2 and Water vapor levels rise

while causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

as 97% of the CO2 in the air is caused by Nature

causing all the Plants and Trees and all the Food we Eat and all the Oxygen we Breathe

causing all Carbon based Life made by and from this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth

and one day all Carbon based Life above Sea level will end from a lack of CO2

while Doomsday Climate Paranoia is building Giant Machines

to remove CO2 from the air

and further starving Plants and Trees Breathing CO2

as Plants and Trees need four times the CO2 than in the air today to Breathe

as they begin to suffocate at 210 ppm CO2 in the air

and at 160 ppm all life above sea level will end

as we are now and have for many years are pumping CO2 into the Ground

and turning underground water into an Acid

while reducing what Plants and Trees need four times more the Breathe

as we spend trillions and trillions harming the Environment


The more CO2 the Greener and Healthier this Carbon based Earth

as proven in Botany = Greenhouse Science = Photosynthesis

and as all warm CO2 rises

frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is crashing back downward

more than off-setting warm CO2 rising

as it is very scientifically Proven CO2 does not cause the warming by the variable Sun

CO2 is the proven Byproduct of Warming by the variable Sun

the CO2 from the Hot Churning Liquid Core of this carbon based Earth

as the majority CO2 is from

variable un-predictable un-measurable volcanic activity below sea level

as we are made from the Exhaust of this Carbon based Earth

as the Exhaust from your Car is making this Carbon based Earth Greener

CO2 = Green


So please do not forget to send Al Gore

or your other favorite Doomsday Frauds in Climate Science

your monthly Check

so we can save ourselves from his next Lunatic Doomsday Prediction

by Killing all the Carbon based Plants and Tress

made by and from this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth


January 1, 2020


To: Justin Worland

Time Magazine


how did you earn your right to scientific opinion in

Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice Science

beginning in 1835

cooling the air 10 times faster 20 times longer than frozen water

while crashing downward as all heat rises including warm CO2

as CO2 does not Trap Heat it Transfers Heat upward

removing Heat from the lower atmosphere

forcing – 200 * below zero frozen Air to come crashing downward

causing the Ice Caps at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

and as long as all Heat rises in real physics there will Ice caps at the Poles

until the variable Sun causing Ice ages and global Warming Periods

Vaporizes this Carbon based Earth

and if Heat did not rise we would be living in Steam


and your working back ground in

Solar Science = Sun Science

Climate History

Mini Ice Ages

Little Ice Ages

Major Ice Ages

and Global Warming Periods in between Ice Ages

debunking your Political Media True Belief


Ice Core Science

proving Ice ages with much higher levels of CO2 in the air than today

and debunking your political media True belief


Basic Physics and Chemistry

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

Hot and Cold and Energy Transfer Science

and Botany = Greenhouse = Photosynthesis Science

all further debunking your Political Media True Belief

~ ? ~

and would you please forward your Science Data you have reviewed and analyzed

proving Humans cause climate warming


as you Preach it but can not Prove it

scientifically proving you are a Political Pathological Fraud in Science



for the peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause climate warming

as I have made that request over 40,000 times since the spring of 2007

when I began my Climate Science Investigation

and still zero proof

as I already knew their was zero Science proving Humans caused Climate Warming

and while climate change is Real for billions of years

Human caused climate warming is a self-debunked unproven theory

you pathologically preach is settled science

and I would challenge you to an open Public debate in Science

but you obviously failed 5th grade science

and can articulate zero real science

as you are a Politically Programmed Fool

who can prove nothing in science but your Ignorance in proven fact tested reality

as you have proven you are not a real Journalist

as you do not provide the public with all the very available facts

to allow the Public to decide for them selves what is real and what is not real

as you have politically decided for the Public what is real in science

and you have proven you do not comprehend

as you Preach only your Politically Persuaded side of the story

while withholding very real science from the Public

because it goes against your Political True Belief

Proving you are a Preacher not a Real Journalist

as You are a Proven Pathological Fraud in Science

as you make believe debunked unproven theory is reality

as your True Belief is doing test proven harm to the Environment

and you will ignore this proven fact for your Lunatic True Belief


Evaporated by the variable Sun with many Cycles

as the Sun continues to be warmer and brighter

CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

and is the byproduct of Climate Warming not the cause as you make believe

proving your Ignorance

as you Preach test proven Ignorance to the Public for Profit

because you do not Question the Truth in Knowledge

as you just believe as you are Politically Programmed to Blindly Believe

as you Preach harm to all Living Breathing Nature


science is: to know

and you do not know

and persuaded belief is not knowledge

and 30 plus years of self-debunked by NASA Data


Computer Ouija Board Doomsday Predictions

based on unproven theory is: not Knowledge

as you are a proven Preacher for Lunatic Political Media Doomsday Climate Paranoia

doing test proven Harm to the cause of Green and the Environment

as you Preach Fear of the unknowable future based on proven ignorance

and is Pathological not Factual and based on hearsay belief

as you Preach CO2 with zero color taste of smell is Toxic Pollution

as you Preach White Steam coming out of Steam powered generators is Toxic Pollution

further proving you are a politically brainwashed Fool

as you Preach and do not Inform

as you reject knowledge = factual

for Politically Persuaded True Belief = Pathological

and you can not scientifically prove I am wrong

and you will continue to Make Believe you are right

and you will continue to Preach your debunked Lunatic Political Science Fiction for Profit

as you Preach as you are told to Preach so your Pay Check Clears

you are a Political Puppet not a Real Journalist

as you help Harm the Environment as you Profit

as you Ignore the Questioned Tested Truth in knowledge

as you refuse to look and see and learn and know and grow forward

for your personal emotional feeling of True Belief in a Proven Lie

and you are going to continue to just Believe in the proven Lies

and why Question the Truth when you can just make believe in a proven Lies

why be a Real Journalist when you can be a test proven Politically Brainwashed Lair

as tested history has already proven the Lies the future history will know

and you can not stop billions of years of climate change

and stopping all carbon based life above Sea level will not stop climate change




December 31

New Years Eve

the last day of the year

~ 2019 ~

The Coldest Year on Record here in Montana

as the number of warmer than normal days continues to decrease

the number of colder than normal days continues to increase

Here in Montana

where very extreme progressive variable Climate Change is very Real

for the past 4.6 billion Years

caused by more than a dozen climate variables known today

and just Ignored by Political Media Doomsday Climate Paranoia

based on self-debunked unproven theory they preach to us is settled science

based on proven Ignorance in real science they do not comprehend

as they refuse to allow Public Question Test Rebuttal Debate

of their Settled Lunatic Political Science Fiction they can not Articulate

as they are Blinded by their Political Media Persuaded Belief

and refuse to learn and know and grow forward

with proven fact tested reality they ignore for belief


Power Control and Greed Dictate Reality


Pathological can not be allowed to dictate the Factual


~ politically dictated make believe reality is not the proven fact tested reality in science ~

and only Lunatics Preach something they can not Articulate or Prove

and only the Fools just Believe the proven fact tested Lies

based on zero Question Test Debate

as they are Persuaded True Believers and Preachers not Scientists

who can prove only their Persuaded Ignorance

they Refuse to Publicly Debate


Preached Political Media Hearsay

is not the

Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science

based on the

Scientific Method

to Question Test Rebuttal Debate

as they reject the scientific method for their Lunatic political media science fiction

as they Believe are always right and real science is always wrong

as Persuaded Belief is Religion and not the tested reality in science

they refuse to Debate because it is Political Media Settled Lunatic Science

based on self-debunked unproven theory

as they can not scientifically prove otherwise


Willard Mac Donald


The Climate Center

[email protected]


Julie & Michael & Destiny


Preachers ~ not  ~Teachers

they are

Test Proven Political Pathological Frauds in Climate Science

as they are a Political Media Body not a Science Body

Preaching Doomsday Climate Warming Paranoia for Profit

based on Flawed Incomplete and Proven to be Fraudulent Science

they do not comprehend and have earned zero right to Scientific opinion

as they reject the scientific method and NASA Data and Peer-reviewed science

proving they are political pathological frauds in real science

as they refuse to allow Public Question Test Rebuttal Debate

of their Doomsday Climate Paranoia

as they want to Kill the cause of Green and the Environment

to prevent their next Lunatic Doomsday Prediction

as Prediction of the unknowable future is not real science

and evaporated by the variable Sun

CO2 and Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

 is the scientifically proven Byproduct of Warming not the cause of Warming

causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle above Sea level

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

and Preaching Doomsday Paranoia

based on 30 plus years of Failed Computer Ouija Board Predictions

based on proven to be fraudulent lunatic political science fiction for profit

is not Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science

and spending trillion of dollars trying to stop the cause of Green and the Environment

will not stop billions of years climate change


I challenge Willard and The Climate Center

to an Open Public Debate in Climate Science

with a $100,000.00 Reward for the Scientific Data and Peer-reviewed Science

proving Humans cause Climate Warming with CO2

as they reject all proven fact tested reality in science

for Political Media Brainwashed Lunatic Make Believe

doing only Harm to the cause of Green and the Environment for Profit

Bruce A. Kershaw

P.O. Box 4664

Helena ~ Montana


[email protected]


The now Un-United States of America

for many reasons

Has been Nation Building and Dictating Elections

and Installing Dictators all over this Carbon based Earth

for many many years

…as I am Told and always Reminded

many times over many years

I am just a Dumb Auto Mechanic

that I can only know as much as an Auto Mechanic can possibly know

by those who can not fix their own brand new car and have to pay me to fix their car

as there is far more science in the car you drive everyday since the late 1800’s

than anything else you will own in your life time since the late 1800’s

back when a Luxury for the Family one room Shack was a Wood Stove

long before indoor Pluming and Electricity for most People

as Automotive Science is


the Atmospheric Emission Science Psychics and Chemistry known before 1960

to engineer emission control devices on your car since 1960

and computer science controlling emission controls since 1967

and satellite communication in a moving car since 1976

as General Motors sells 20 year old Car Computer Technology to companies like HP

as Artificial Intelligence was Born and came to Life in the Automotive World

before NASA went to the Moon

Artificial Intelligence is:

the very rapid process of elimination

as many NASA Scientists can not fix their own car when their car will not start and run

or know how to build a 10,000 Horsepower V8 Internal Combustion Engine

as the rocket engine is very simple science

put the hydrogen in the large tube and light the bottom

and cross your fingers and hope it goes upward

as Gasoline is Hydrogen and Carbon = HC = Hydrocarbon

as the Carbon makes the Hydrogen Stable

and that a good thing because I do not want to be Driving on the Roadways

with cars running on very unstable Rocket Fuel = Hydrogen

with Unstable Hydrogen Bombs everywhere running into each other

while Hydrogen and Oxygen H2O is Water to drink and put out the fire

caused by Hydrogen with or with out the carbon

H or HC

while CO2 Fire Extinguishers work best on all fires

while removing the heat caused by the fire

as CO2 is a proven natural refrigerant since 1835

as frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

crashing downward as all heat rises in real physics

cools the air ten times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water

and is very real science ignored by the Political Media Pathological Frauds

who reject the scientific method for Political Agenda based on proven fraud in science

as only Lunatics ignore NASA Data proving they are Lunatics


Experts in Automotive Diagnostics and Trouble Shooting

have been helping  NASA for many many years when NASA is Stumped

as it takes good Auto Mechanics making Service calls to NASA to keep NASA going

and I know some of them

one of them my Helena High School Automotive Science Instructor

Allan E. Walter

and when NASA can’t fix it

we Dumb Automotive Scientists can


49 NASA Scientists sent a signed Public Letter to the NASA Political wing nuts

disagreeing with their Lunatic Science

as NASA Data debunk NASA Public climate statements

as not one NASA Climate Prediction over the past 30 plus years has come true

as the wing nuts continue to preach their Lunatic Science debunked by their NASA Data

as they refuse to publicly Debate their Lunatic Predictions that never come true


I Vote

and I did not vote for Clinton or Trump

and I will never vote for anyone Preaching proven to be

Political Media Lunatic Doomsday Climate Paranoia

very debunked by real science the Media continues to ignore for lunatic political agenda

or vote for anyone Preaching Socialism

as Socialism is a proven form of Fascism

while I have always respect the Office of the President of We the People

regardless of their proven to be Criminal Political Party

and based on today’s Lunatic Political Standard

all Presidents could and will be Impeached

as Feelings of Politically Bias Hatred is now the Bases for Political Impeachment


Politics + Religion + Science = Political Pathological Science Fiction

by those who can scientifically prove only their Ignorance in real science

as they Break the Laws of Man and God and Science

as the Media continues to Politically Brainwash our Youth with very Proven Lies

as the Media Refuses to allow any scientific Question Rebuttal or Debate

to their scientifically proven to be Political Pathological Fraud in Science

scientifically proving Political Media Fascism in Science

dictating a fraudulent political agenda as factual Reality

based on Proven Ignorance in real science doing test proven Harm

they do not comprehend


The Biggest Scam against We the People


The U.S. Government

since 1850

and the fastest easiest way to be come a Millionaire in America

is to get Elected to the U.S. Congress


I am a Master Technician ~ Independent Scientist

for the Questioned Truth in Knowledge

and I have Investigated Fraud and Scams in Technical Science for many years

and I do not belong to any political party


History is the proven Key to Knowledge

and as some of us can live in the Questioned Truth of Tested Reality

 many of us must live in a make believe reality

as they live by their feelings while rejecting facts

as their Realities are Pathological not Factual

and the future history will prove the Political Pathological Beliefs and Lies of today

are the persuaded test proven Lies and Make Believe

that were truly believed as tested reality

like Bloodletting was a True Belief not Scientific Fact

but was persuaded belief to be scientific fact

On this Carbon based Earth


Children are Raped by Catholic Priest

and the Pope can be paid to look the other way

partly because Catholic Priest can not Marry

because they must be Celibate but not Celibate for their God

but Celibate so the Catholic Church can Inherit the Property of the Priest

who is allowed no family of his own

in a Church started by the Roman Government in the year 321

to better control the Christians who were their best behaved slaves of that time

as the Roman Government Church of Christ

went on to kill every living person that was not a Christen

during the Christen Crusades of Power Control and Greed


Believe in our God or Die

as I have learn the True Meaning of Hypocrite by those Preaching God is on their side

as God has moved on


God is now a Democrat too

as stated by Democrats who ignore separation Church and State

for their Power Control and Greed

as the Democrats now know what God wants and what Christ would do

beyond the Roman Governments knowledge of what their Dictated God wanted

as the Democrats reject the Laws of their God they Preach

and we must follow

as Rulers Dictate Religion and Science for Power Control and Greed

as the Democratic Party is a Political Media Pathological Church

Preaching Lunatic Doomsday Climate Paranoia

based on proven to be Fraudulent Political Science Fiction for Power Control and Greed

as Scientifically Proven and Ignored by the Political Media

who do not allow public rebuttal to test proven Fraud in their media

because they are True Believers who always believe they are never wrong

and there is nothing to Question Test Debate in their Lunatic Dictated Reality

they Preach to us is Settled Science


You can Debunk a Lunatic Political Media Persuaded Pathological Belief

but you can not stop scientifically proven to be Lunatics from being Lunatics

who can prove only their Politically Programmed Ignorance

as we live in the land of political media preached make believe doing only harm

while just ignoring the Questioned Truth in Tested Reality


Christmas Day

December 25

~ 2019 ~

the coldest year on record in Montana

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

where CO2 and Water vapor is the Evaporated byproduct of Climate Warming

and not the cause of Climate Warming

causing all the Plants and Trees

causing all the Oxygen we Breathe and all the Food we Eat

and spending many Trillions trying to stop the cause of Green

to prevent the next to be Failed Doomsday again

is Programmed Political Media Insanity for Power Control and Greed

and not the Questioned Tested Debated Truth in Science Reality

CO2 and Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green

and is not Toxic Poison and Pollution as Preach by Lunatics

who reject the scientific method and real science data and real peer-reviewed science

for Politically Programmed True Belief

for the sake of Power Control and Greed doing only Harm

costing and wasting Trillions and Trillions and Trillions

when we have many very real problems on this Carbon based Earth to fix

like those who have God on their side and Killing everyone they can Kill

and all the Real Toxic Pollution

and all the real starving People with no water to drink

while Dying of Real Decease that is Spreading

while you can not stop Billions of years of climate change

caused by the variable Sun with many cycles

and we can only hope we do not enter a Little or Mini Ice Age

causing Billions of People to migrate to the Equator

while Billions of People Starve to Death

or maybe the next over due Supper Volcano that will kill all but 15 breeding woman

like the last supper volcano 74,000 years ago

as we now know this from our DNA funnel

or the next over due Asteroid that will kill everything for millions of years

as we can not predict the unknowable future

but what I do know

~ is ~

spending trillions trying to Kill all the Plants and Trees will not stop Climate Change


CO2 and Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment

Real Science the Real Lunatics refuse to allow Public Question Test Rebuttal Debate

because it is Settled Lunatic Science

and we are all going to die soon if we do not Kill all the Plants and Trees

and all Carbon based Life above Sea level

based on Preached test proven Fraud

as 50% of you are persuaded to just Believe in proven Fraud

based on zero scientific method

and if you do not question the Truth you can not know the Truth

as you reject the Questioned Truth for Persuaded Belief


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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