how does your personal Hatred make you a better Person and a better U.S. Senator ?
as Political Parties Destroy each other they Destroy America
scientifically proving
Political Parties are the Cancer of America not the Cure
as you have proven you are against the will of
We the People
and are part of the proven Political Media Cancer Destroying America
as the Democrats have put themselves above the Law
and above the Will of We the People
as you have proven you are a part of a Lunatic Political Media Religion
based on proven Political Arrogant Ignorance doing test proven harm
because you refuse to learn and know and grow forward in tested Reality
as you live in Preached Political Media Make Believe Reality
based on test proven Lies
as you are Blinded by your Politically Brainwashed Make Believe
as you ignore test proven facts for your scientifically proven to be
Political Media Preached Ignorance
based on a test proven Lunatic Reality
the Criminal Political Media Democrats Refuse to Publicly Debate
as you support Political Crimes against We the People
as Political Party Wars are Bad for America and We the People
as you do not Represent the Government of the State of Montana in the U.S. Senate
you represent the Proven to be Criminal Democratic Corporation Destroying America
We the People
as Politically Brainwashing Ignorance is the proven Agenda
of your scientifically Proven to be Pathological Lunatic Criminal Media Party Corporation
and the Majority of We the People with zero Voice or Representation
can go to Hell
and if I were you Jon
I would separate and deprogram myself
from the Criminal Democratic Political Media Corporation
and be a real leader and not a cloned follower of a Lunatic Political Agenda
doing only harm in tested reality you ignore for you feelings of Political Make Believe
and become a part of the real
We the People for America
Bruce A. Kershaw
Helena ~ Montana
~ Independent ~
who will never Vote for any Democrat ever again
as I can no longer Vote for Preached Paranoia by Criminal Ignorance
Destroying America
for the sake of their Political Power Control and Greed
as test proven fraud is test proven fraud
even when Ignored by the Politically Bias Media
as the test proven Political Media test proven Lies are overwhelming
as we live with political frauds supported by media frauds
Destroying America
and you can not stop Lunatic Political Media Criminal Religion
with proven fact tested reality
you can not stop Political Media Brainwashed Pathological Ignorance
with Factual Knowledge as Scientifically Proven
and those who have publicly proven they Failed Constitutional Law
and Failed Grade School Science
should not be in any form of Government
as those who Failed 5th Grade Science Dictate Science
costing us many Trillions and Trillions of Wasted Dollars to do only test proven Harm
caused by test proven Political Media Brainwashed Arrogant Ignorance
ignoring test proven knowledge they do not comprehend and refuse to know
as they reject all Question Test Rebuttal and Debate
proving they are Pathological Frauds
who make believe and Preach to us they are doing Good
as Ignorance can prove only Ignorance
and Politically Brainwashed True believers
can not admit they are wrong when Scientifically Proven they are Wrong
as True Believers reject knowledge
for their Political Media Programmed Lunatic True Belief
as Political Make Believe always believe they are always right and never wrong
proving they are Lunatics separated from tested reality