CO2 + Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Green = Environment


…and the Pulitzer prize goes to ~

The Very Best Scientifically Test Proven Political Pathological Frauds in Climate Science


Pulitzer Prize = Test Proven Fraud in Science

~ by test proven political pathological frauds ~

The Pulitzer Prize is for the best Political Pathological Fraud in Political Science Fiction

Preached as Test Proven Reality while Killing the Cause of Green and the Environment

to profit the Few

it is an Award for the best test proven Lunatic Political Science Fiction written today

based on zero scientific review and zero peer-reviewed science

as Those Who Failed Grade School Science Fraudulently Dictate Science

for Political Power and Greed

as they Preach to us they are saving the Environment

while they are in fact tested reality trying to Kill the cause of the Environment

based on their proven Political Pathological Ignorance rejecting real science for true belief

as the Pulitzer Prize is an Award given to Political Pathological Frauds

for the best Political Media Brainwashing Stories based on zero peer-reviewed science

and very Proven Political Pathological Hearsay Lies

in science they do not comprehend and have earned zero right to opinion

as they truly believe their proven Lies and are the very best Political Pathological Lairs

who can Articulate zero Real Science

beyond their Preached Lunatic Words of Politically Persuaded True Belief

Preaching and Selling Test Proven Harm to the Environment

Brainwashing Our Youth to Kill the Cause of Green

as they Profit from their scientifically proven to be Fraudulent Political Science Fiction

based on zero Question Test Rebuttal Debate

as they reject the scientific method for their Political Pathological Hearsay Fraud

Harming the Environment

because they are Politically Programmed and Brainwashed True Believers

preaching their test proven Harm to the cause of Green and the Environment

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

as we must Live with Lunatic Science by the Media by Lunatics and Frauds in science

who refuse to debate the science because they can not debate the science

because of their Politically Programmed Ignorance rejecting proven fact tested reality

as they refuse to learn and know and grow forward

for the sake of their Lunatic Fraudulent Political Agenda based on zero real science

Pulitzer Prize = Test Proven Fraud in Science


The Increased levels of Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor

caused by the Variable Sun with many cycles

is making this Carbon based Earth Wetter and Greener

as evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor is the Byproduct of Climate Warming not the Cause

as Scientifically Proven and just Ignored by Political Media Doomsday Climate Paranoia

who Make Believe Killing 600 million years of the Cause of Green and the Environment

 will stop 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable Climate Change

caused by more than a dozen climate variables known today

as the Media refuses to allow Public Scientific Question Test Rebuttal or Debate

 to their Politically Preached True Belief

as Persuaded Belief is a Feeling and is Pathological not Scientifically Factual

as the Media rejects the bases of real Journalism for political agenda

and supports a Climate Study by a Political Body

that just Ignores more than a dozen climate variables proving is not a real scientific study

as the United Nations states it is ~ likely ~ Humans caused Climate Warming

based on a very proven to be Flawed Incomplete and Fraudulent Study

while it is ” likely ” to rain tomorrow

as likely is a word of belief and is a feeling not a fact

as feelings prove nothing in real science

~ likely ~ proves nothing but Persuaded Belief = Political Media Religion

as Human caused Climate Warming is a self-debunked unproven theory

 Further debunked by NASA Data and Peer-Reviewed Science

just Ignored by Political Media Doomsday Climate Paranoia

who preach their further debunked unproven theory is Settled Science

when settled science does not exist

and the Scientific Consensus is a Scientifically proven to be Political Media Lie

by very proven Pathological Frauds who do not comprehend real science


science is: to know


Prediction of the unknowable future is not Knowledge = Science

and Prediction based on unproven theory Politically Preached as settled science

is for Psychic’s and Political Media Lunatics not Scientists


~ Preaching ~

Political Media Doomsday Climate Paranoia based on Psychic Prediction

based on unproven theory Politically Preached as settled science

is not the Questioned Truth in Knowledge

by Scientific Method by Question Test Debate


Politically Preaching Fear of the unknowable future is Paranoia

based on self-debunked unproven theory

~ Politically Preached as Settled Science ~

and 30 plus years of self-debunked pre-programmed computer Ouija Board prediction

based on self-debunked unproven theory

~ Politically Preached as Settled Science ~

is Lunatic Political Media Pathological Paranoia

not the Questioned Tested Debated Truth in Science = Knowledge


Politically Preaching Carbon on this Carbon based Earth

where everything has Carbon in it is: Toxic Pollution

by those who are 20% carbon made from CO2

is Programmed Lunatic Pathological Political Science Fiction


Politically Brainwashed Political Pathological Fraud in Science

does not Scientifically Prove Humans cause Climate Warming

as the Majority of the Media are no longer based on real Journalism

by investigating and providing all the available facts

the Media is now a Political Church

taking political sides in science they do not comprehend

Preaching their Political Sermon

in Doomsday Paranoia for their Political Agenda

as the proven Fraud is ignored by their True Believers who just Believe

and do not question the Truth in knowledge

as the many Failed Doomsday’s over the past 30 plus years

are owned by the Media not the Science Community

and the world as we know it today is not going to end in 2030

~ again ~

and why does the Media not Publicly acknowledge

all the many Failed Doomsday’s that never happen over the past 30 years

as they continue to Preach another Doomsday Climate Paranoia

that will never happen

I guess Paranoia sells better than the proven fact tested reality in Science


This Science Web Page is Suppressed by Al Gore & Co.

who do not want you to know the past 1000 years of the Questioned Tested Debated

Truth in Science

who can articulate zero science

who have publicly proven they failed 5th grade science

as Al Gore is a Senior Adviser at Google

who decides for you what is real and what is not real

based on his proven Ignorance while Blocking my Free Speech

Proving Political Media Fascism in Science

while becoming very rich by Preaching

Scientifically Test Proven to be his Political Pathological Hearsay Lies

supported by zero Peer-reviewed Science

and from my ongoing Investigation since 2007

there is far more Bogus Hearsay Science Fiction than Real Science on the Internet

as proven to be and just believed Lies overwhelm the Peer-reviewed Facts

as the Proven Lairs truly believe their proven Lies

and when confronted can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove they are not Lairs

only proving they have earned zero right to scientific opinion

by rejecting proven fact tested knowledge debunking their Pathological True Belief


~ One Day ~

the Natural Death of this Carbon based Earth

above Sea level will be from the lack of

2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ one carbon atom

Carbon ~ based ~ Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon ~ based ~ Earth

causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

causing all Carbon ~ based ~ Energy

causing all Carbon ~ based ~ Life

in a continuous energy and life cycle recycle

as the byproduct of carbon based energy generated by this carbon based earth

is all carbon based life above and below seal level

as scientifically proven for many many years before



We are the evolved byproduct of Carbon based Energy

Generated by this Carbon based Earth

for the past 600 million years that we know of above sea level

We are 20% Carbon made from CO2

Breathing O2 = Oxygen made from CO2

Eating Carbon based Food made from CO2

made by the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

caused by Carbon based Plants and Trees Breathing Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor

while absorbing Sun Energy

as Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the Air today to Breathe

in Botany Science = Greenhouse Science

to be at good health

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth


~ Climate Change is Real ~


Political Parties are the Proven Cancer not the Cure

and Media Political Bias is not Real Journalism

and Killing the cause of Green will not stop Climate Change

and spending trillions of dollars to Kill the cause of Green

is Lunatic Political Media Insanity not Real Science

by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as Repetitiveness is the Key to Deprogramming Media Brainwashed

Lunatic Pathological Political Science Fiction

Killing the cause of Green and the Environment

and all Carbon based Life made by the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

made by this Carbon based Earth from Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor

for Al Gore’s Profit

based on zero scientific method

based on zero Public question test rebuttal debate

based on the suppression of Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science

as the Media rejects the Scientific Method and Peer-reviewed Science for Political Agenda

doing test proven Harm to all Living Nature

as Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor is the Byproduct of Climate Warming not the Cause

as Warming by the variable Sun Occurs First and then CO2 and Water Vapor levels rise

as 97% of the CO2 in the air is caused by Nature making this Carbon based Earth Greener

as Scientifically proven and just ignored by the Ignorance of

Political Media Doomsday Climate Paranoia

for Political Power and Greed by those who have publicly failed 5th grade science


The Green New Deal can not Save the Environment made from CO2 and Water Vapor

as we are building giant Machines to remove CO2 from the air

that will End the Environment caused by Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor

on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth


Human caused climate warming is a self-debunked unproven theory

Preached as Settled Science by Political Lunatics

when settled science does not exist in real science

as NASA Data and Peer-reviewed Science Prove Political Media Fraud in Climate Science

and Prove there is no Catastrophic Climate Warming

and Prove the Sea level is Declining

and Prove Rain Snow and Sea Ice has Increased

as proven to be Political Pathological Lunatics Preach to us we are all going to Die Soon

~ again ~

stated by the Political Media Lunatics who can Articulate ~ zero ~ Science

while those who know the Questioned Truth in Science are called the Deniers and Skeptics

Skepticism: to Question the Truth in Knowledge

and  have scientifically Proven Al Gore is a Fraud and Criminal

as those who know the questioned truth in knowledge

are allowed zero voice in the Media

as Free Speech is only for the Politically Brainwashed True Believers of

Political Media Doomsday Climate Paranoia

as Real Journalism based on all the very available facts is Dead

for Lunatic Political Agenda

by those who refuse to learn and know and grow forward in proven fact tested reality

and Preaching self-debunked unproven theory is settled science

and this carbon based world will end in 2030 again

if we do not spend trillions of dollars to end the cause of Green and the Environment

is Fraud



as test proven Morons in Science Pathologically Politically dictate Lunatic Science

as Al Gore has Successfully Politically Brainwashed our Youth and the Media

who do not comprehend the real science

to Kill the Cause of Green

for his Profit

and when the Media Refuses to allow

Public Question Test Rebuttal Debate

of their Lunatic Science this only further prove it is Lunatic Political Science Fiction


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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