Yale & Mike Bloomberg & AlGoreism = Killing the Carbon Cycle



~ Likely ~

is a word of belief and proves nothing in real science

and those who Preach this Brand New Climate Science is Settled

based on likely

when settled science does not exist in real science

are the proven Lairs and Frauds and Lunatics

who have been politically convinced and programmed to just believe in Garbage science

with out questioning the Truth in knowledge

who do not comprehend the real science and can not Articulate or Debate the Science

or Prove anything beyond their Lunatic Political Agenda True Belief

doing test proven Harm to the Cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

as they are Green Lunatics who Failed Grade School Science

who are doing test proven Harm the Cause of Green

The Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

based on Scientifically test proven to be Garbage Science

as real science is proven wrong more often than proven right

based on Question Test Debate rejected by Climate Paranoia

who control the Media

who are True Believers who reject the scientific method

and do not know they are Lying to the public

as they are test proven Pathological Frauds in Climate Science

who preach the science is settled based on the word of belief

” likely “

as they refuse to allow any Public Scientific Question Rebuttal or Debate in their Media

as the Media has taken Political sides in science they do not comprehend and never will

as the Media has decided based on their Political Agenda

 to not allow the public to have all the very available scientific facts

debunking their True Belief

and have decided for the Public what is real and what is not

in science they do not comprehend

and Preach is Settled Science that is doing only harm to the Environment

costing trillions of dollars

as they are true believers not scientists and will continue to just believe

as true belief do not acknowledge real science

and can never admit they are wrong even when doing test proven Harm


I have 42 plus years of background in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

and Heat and Energy Transfer Science

I was Licensed by the State of California in 1976 for Emissions Testing

I have been asked and have Evaluated Education Programs

I have Investigated and Proven Fraud in Science for the past 20 plus years

I was Invited to Participate in the London Symposium on Climate Change

at the Oxford and Cambridge Club, London, June of 2013

along with many other Invitations to International Climate Conferences

I have many thousands of hours of Climate Science Investigation since 2007

and I have made over 40,000 requests since 2007 for the peer-reviewed science

~ I already knew did not exist ~


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen (CO2) Carbon Dioxide

and I now have an Outdated Incomplete self-debunked Science Paper

used by many as scientific proof Humans cause climate change

Scientifically Proving Fraud in Climate Science

by those who do not comprehend the science and refuse to debate the science

and are doing Test Proven Harm to the cause of all the Green

The Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

the cause of all Nature and the Environment

~ and ~

The Number One Scientifically Proven Frauds in Climate Science

Yale University


Yale has Publicly Proven by their Public Statements

they have Failed and have earned zero right to Opinion in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

as they do not comprehend this science

and can not Articulate or Debate or Prove their personal emotional feelings

of Convinced Hearsay Political True Belief is tested reality in science

they are very Test Proven Lairs and Frauds in Climate Science

and they are not Intelligent enough to know they are Lairs and Frauds in real science

~ they have zero back ground in ~

as they have test proven they are Morons and Fools in Atmospheric Emission Science

based on their Public statements they refuse to publicly debate

further scientifically proving it is Garbage Science

Preached as Settled Science


Test proven Political Lunatic Science Fiction by test proven Political Lunatics in Science

with a Political Agenda

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as proven fact tested reality has debunked their Preached Climate Paranoia

based on their self-debunked un-proven theory

they Politically Preach is Settled Science

as they refuse to learn and know and grow forward in real science


Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

goes back to the 1800’s

and we began to engineer atmospheric emission controls in the 1950’s

and going back to the 1960’s we have been engineering and developing

NOx emission controls used today since 1972

NOx is Nitrogen and Oxygen bonding together at 2500 degrees or hotter

and caused by Lighting

and then Sun energy separates the Nitrogen from the Oxygen

causing O3 = Oxygen = Heavy Oxygen = Ozone


If you substituent 1.% of the Nitrogen in the air with CO2

the Internal Combustion Engine in your Car

will not Start and Idle

because CO2 is a Heat and Energy Sponge

and robed heat and energy from the surrounding gases in the combustion chamber

lowering the explosion temperature in the combustion chamber 500 degrees

as this science is used to lower NOx emissions by your Car engine

with what is called an EGR Valve = Exhaust Gas Recycle Valve

since 1972 = 46 years

by recycling a very small percentage of exhaust back into the the intake manifold

with the air fuel mixture going in to the combustion chambers

making the combustion chambers 7.% exhaust

and by doing so making the combustion chamber 1.% CO2

the other 6.% of the exhaust going into the combustion chamber

is Nitrogen replacing Nitrogen

with the 1.% CO2 replacing 1.% of the Nitrogen going into the combustion chamber

but only at above Idle speeds with the engine fully warmed up

reducing NOx emissions out the tailpipe of your car

as CO2 is used to make the air cleaner and safer to Breathe since 1972

~ 46 years ~

by reducing Ozone at Ground level

reducing respiratory Illness

and today the internal combustion engine produces CO2 and Water Vapor

and the more efficiently your car engine is running

the more CO2 and Water vapor it produces

producing more of what Plants and Trees need 4 times more of to breathe

as the Carbon cycle above Sea level is caused by evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor

combined with Sun energy making Plants and Trees = the Carbon Cycle

the CO2 evaporated from the Ocean

is from variable un-measurable volcanic Activity below sea level

as the spike in CO2 is caused by Nature from the volcanic activity below sea

and by increased evaporation caused by increased Warming by the Variable Sun

CO2 and Water Vapor is the by Product of climate warming

not the cause of climate warming

while all the Lungs on this Carbon based Earth produce more CO2 than all the Cars

all for Plants and Trees to Breathe

as we need more CO2 not less CO2 on this CO2 staved Carbon based Earth

for a more healthy Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle above sea level

as Gasoline is Hydrogen and Carbon and when you add Oxygen from the air

and ignite the air fuel mixture causing the exposition in the combustion chamber

the oxygen causes the hydrogen to vaporize producing the heat and energy

as the carbon bonds to the oxygen making carbon based oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

and if you do not know


di = 2

oxide = oxygen

2 oxygen atoms ~ based ~ to 1 carbon atom

carbon ~ based ~ oxygen (CO2) carbon Dioxide

while Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water

and what goes up warm removing heat from the lower atmosphere

comes back down at -200* F below zero

causing Ice Caps at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

as CO2 Transfer hot and cold at the very same time

with the cold more than off-setting the warm that rises removing heat


CO2 can not Trap Heat

as all heat still rises in ~ Real Physics ~ and frozen air still take its place

and in

~ Real Physics ~

something the size of a Sewing Thread = Humans generated CO2

Can Not Trap Heat

in something the size of a Football Field = the Atmosphere


Climate Science is a Brand New Science

and only Lunatics can Preach the Science is Settled

only Lunatics can Preach the variable Sun with many cycles is not a climate variable

only Lunatics can Preach ~ One Half ~ of one climate variable defines all climate science

only Lunatics can Preach the cause of all the Green on this carbon based earth

is Toxic Pollution


caused by their test proven self-Ignorance in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry



is Committing and Preaching Test Proven Fraud in Science

as they reject the scientific method and all peer-reviewed science

debunking their true belief

for their Lunatic Political Agenda

doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

as Yale is no longer a Science Body they are now a Political Body

the Political Church of Climate Paranoia

doing only Harm in tested Reality to the cause of all Life above sea level

as they refuse to learn and know and grow forward

for the sake of politically convinced pathological True Belief

as they reject knowledge for personal feelings of true belief

scientifically proving they are not real scientists of the scientific method

they are True Believers rejecting Science for True Belief doing Harm

because the do not comprehend the science ~ they reject ~

before they

Review Analyze Question Test Rebuttal Debate the real science

as they are not aware of the real science debunking the True Belief

because they refuse to Look and See and Learn and Know

for the sake of their lunatic political agenda that can prove nothing in real science

beyond Convinced Political True Believe doing Harm

as their true belief in self-debunked un-proven theory does not and can not debunk

the very real very well established hard science of the past 500 years

peer-reviewed science they just ignore or do not comprehend and refuse to know

for their Political Agenda Make Believe


Climate Science is a Brand New Science


the Working Scientific Community and the Science Universities

Disagree in Climate Science

as the Political Majority of the Media has taken sides with the Universities

who have yet to prove anything beyond self-debunked un-proven theory

they preach is settled science based on ” likely “

as the Universities ignore the peer-reviewed science by the Working Scientific Community

further debunking the self-debunked un-proven theory

as the Universities refuse to Publicly Debate very Real Science

with the Working Scientific Community they just ignore

as the Media Peaches there is a Scientific consensus that does not exist

as the Media reject the Working Scientific Community and their peer-reviewed science

and will not allow any Scientific Rebuttal or Debate in climate science in the Media

with the Working Scientific Community

and only their True Belief side of the Story can be told to the public

as the Media has rejected the scientific method and all peer-reviewed science

for their political agenda

for Convinced Political True belief in science they do not comprehend

as the media has earned zero right to scientific opinion

and have taken political sides in science they can not Articulate or Debate or Prove

while suppressing and withholding very real science from the Public

proving Political Fascism in Science by the Media

who can only scientifically prove their self-ignorance in science for political agenda

as their garbage science fiction is doing test proven harm to the Environment

as they continue to Preach their test proven Pathological Fraud to the Public

is Settled Science

as they fully support the test proven Fraud in Climate Science

because they are not intelligent enough in real science to know fraud is being committed

as they are test proven Big Dummy’s in Science

and self-ignorance is all they have and can prove in real science

as they Preach true belief in science when there is zero belief in real science

and zero belief in self debunked prediction

used to preach and sell fear and paranoia of the un-knowable future for profit

as they preach to us the self-debunked predictions are happening

scientifically proving they are Pathological not Factual


30 years ago

James Hansen

~ NASA  ~

predicted Manhattan would be under water today

and in Manhattan today they are still driving around in Cars not Boats

as we must live with proven Lunatics who Preach to us the sea level is rising

as NASA now admits and states the sea level is declining

as the proven lunatics preach to us all the ice is melting

after a 40% increase in Arctic Ice

as we live with 30 years of failed climate predictions

based on self-debunked un-proven theory Preached to us is Settled Science


~ Climate Change is Real ~

for the past 4.6 billion years

caused by more than a dozen climate variables known today

and there are no sides in real science

there are only sides in Dirty Politics where neither side know the truth in science

with their realities based on personal emotional feelings of true belief in hearsay

in science they will never comprehend

as our Lives are Owned and controlled by Political Science Fiction

by very Big Dummy’s in Science

and Living in Fear of the un-knowable Future is Paranoia

and Predicting a Catastrophic Future with pre-programmed Ouija Board Computers

based on scientifically proven to be self-debunked un-proven theory

based on a scientifically proven to be flawed incomplete study

that ignored more than a dozen climate variables known today

that ignored millions of years of known climate history

that ignored very real hard science in Physics and Chemistry

a study with proven to be false and flawed data

supported by many test proven Lies in Science

and then Preaching this is settled science when settled science does not exist

and not allowing any Public Question Rebuttal or Debate

to sell their Fear and Paranoia for Profit

is a Crime

and is not Questioned Tested Debated Science of the Scientific Method

as Hearsay Politics Dictate Reality not Questioned Tested Science

while Catastrophic Predictions never come true

and Killing 600 million years of the cause of Green the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

will not stop 4.6 billions of years of Climate Change

caused by an infinity of climate variable


Is your Reality based on Test Proven Fraud

because you do not know the truth in science

and have been politically convinced to just believe

by those who do not allow you to know the truth in knowledge

by those who do not comprehend the science and refuse to debate the science

all for the sake of their lunatic political agenda

Harming the cause of Green

but they are not intelligent enough in real science

to know they are harming the cause of Green

as they Preach to us the cause of all the Green is Toxic Pollution

the cause of all the food we eat is Toxic pollution

the cause of all the oxygen we breathe is Toxic Pollution

the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth is Toxic Pollution

that has zero color taste or smell

and we have added to our Beverages and Drink everyday

for the past 120 plus years

is Toxic Pollution

the cause of all Nature and the Environment is Toxic Pollution

that the carbon cycle needs 4 times more of in the air to be healthy

is Toxic Pollution

as Preached by Climate Paranoia

who refuse to publicly debate the science

the Toxic Pollution is the their Politically Brainwashed Lunatic Pathological Minds

and I would like to review their peer-reviewed science

proving the cause of all the Green with zero color taste or smell

and in their Favorite Beveridge they Drink everyday is: Toxic Pollution

as only the Lunatic Science can be Preached in the Media

by the test proven politically brainwashed Lunatics in Science

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

while those who have earned the right to scientific opinion have zero voice in the media


Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion


Presenting outdated incomplete self-debunked Science Papers

as Scientific Proof Humans cause Climate Warming is Proven Fraud not Science

as the Union of Concerned Scientists are very good at this

along with other political organizations who are not Science Bodies

who reject the scientific method

and all peer-reviewed science debunking their lunatic true belief

who do not allow Question Test Rebuttal or Debate

of their proven to be Fraudulent Garbage Political Science Fiction

Harming the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

because they refuse to know


when you do not ~ know ~

and you just Believe and Preach

everything you have been convinced and programmed to just Believe and Preach

with out Questioning the Truth in Tested Knowledge

you are not a Real Scientist

you are a True Believer and Preacher of Blind Faith

because being convinced and programmed to just believe is Brainwashing not science


science is: to know


Question Test Debate


….and how did you earn your right to opinion in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry ?

Climate Science is a Brand New Science

and we have a lot of Biologist and Forestry Majors on this Carbon based Earth

who call themselves Experts in Climate Science

who have zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

and are very Proven Frauds in Climate Science

caused by their very proven self-ignorance in real science they do not comprehend

as they are Political Activist who do not Question the Truth in knowledge

and refuse to publicly debate the real science

who just believe in Convinced Hearsay Political Science Fiction

based on a flawed incomplete fraudulent study

based on a proven to be backwards hypothetical

based on ~ One Half ~ of one climate variable

of more than a dozen climate variables known today

a scientific study by Politicians who failed grade school science

that states

it is “Likely” Humans cause climate change

likely = un-proven theory

they now Preach is Settled Science

when settled science does not exist in real science

while not one University Preaching Climate Paranoia to this Carbon based World

and to our Adult Carbon based Children their Carbon based Students

can provide peer-reviewed science when requested many times over many years

to prove they are not Lairs and Frauds

~ like ~

Bud Ward


Yale Climate Connections

Preaching one side of many sides of the Story

as they allow zero scientific rebuttal to their Political Fascism in Science

as they are the perfect example of Political Media Brainwashing

of those who do not Question the Truth in Knowledge

and just believe what they told to just believe


A Real Journalist

will provide the Readers with all the available Facts

allowing the readers to decide for them selves what is real and what is not

but Bud Ward suppress all the very available facts

that go against his personal emotional feeling of his True Belief

as Bud decides for the Readers what is real and what is not

as Bud does not Question the Truth in knowledge

as Bud Preaches his Lunatic Political True Belief is knowledge

and is settled science


Bud Ward is a test proven Pathological Fraud in Climate Science

Science Bud can not Articulate or Debate or Prove

as Bud has publicly proven he Failed Grade School Science

and has earned zero right scientific opinion

Bud Ward is a Political Con Artist not a Journalist or Scientists

he is one of the very best Political Brainwashers on this Carbon based Earth

a True Fascist and Political Media Criminal in Science

because anyone who calls themselves a Journalist

and withholds and suppresses science knowledge from the public

for their political agenda

is the lowest from of Life on this Carbon based Earth


Yale must be so very proud to have among them

the very Best of the very Best

Proven Lairs Frauds Criminals in Science on this Carbon based Earth

~ Yale University ~


Peter Salovery

I Challenge Yale University

to an open public debate in climate science with a



for the peer-reviewed science proving

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

with Carbon based Oxygen (CO2) Carbon Dioxide

the cause of Green

and all carbon based Life on this carbon based Earth

and you Preach is toxic Pollution

while I have made this request many times over many years

since I began my Climate Science Investigation in the spring of 2007


Yale is the perfect example of Politically Brainwashed Science Fiction

Preaching AlGoreism

The Church of Climate Paranoia

who can Politically Preach it

but can not Scientifically Prove what they are Preaching

as they reject the scientific method and all peer-reviewed science

debunking their Politically convinced Lunatic True Belief

for their politically programmed true belief in self-debunked un-proven theory

based on a scientifically proven to be backwards Hypothetical

they truly believe is settled science in this brand new science

when settled science does not exist in real science

as they are Pathological Lairs and Frauds caused by their proven self-ignorance

caused by their Politically Con-vinced True Belief

as they refuse to publicly debate their proven to be flawed incomplete fraudulent science

with the Working Scientific Community they just ignore

along with the very real peer-reviewed science

by the working scientific community

Further Debunking their self-debunked Climate Paranoia

and when you make believe their is a scientific consensus

because you have been politically convinced their is a scientific consensus

in this brand new science

you have only further proven you are the fools of proven fools

~ because ~

Blind Faith in a scientifically proven to be Fraudulent political agenda

is not proven fact tested reality in Science

and Preaching and Brainwashing Fraudulent Lunatic Political Activism

is not the proper method of Teaching Real Science by the Scientific Method

as real science is

to always question the Truth in knowledge

by reviewing analyzing testing questioning and debating all the available facts

to find the Truth in knowledge

and not by suppressing all the available facts

and refusing to allow Question Test Debate of all the available facts

that scientifically debunk your fraudulent lunatic political science fiction

doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

and when your so called science can not be Questioned Tested and Debated

it is not Real Science in Tested Reality

~ while one scientist can be right ~

when 49 NASA Scientists disagree with with your Preached Climate Paranoia

and over 30,000 scientists over 9,000 of them with PhD’s

disagree with your Preached Climate Paranoia

and 87 % of the National Academy of Science

do not agree with your Preached Climate Paranoia

~ you refuse to publicly debate ~

as the Media call these very Real Working Scientists the Deniers

as the media refuses to acknowledge the Real Working Scientist and their Real Science

who are allowed zero voice or scientific rebuttal in the Media


what does this scientifically prove in real science of the scientific method

based on Question Test Debate rejected by the Media and Universities

who can prove nothing beyond their test proven self-ignorance in real science

who have closed their minds and refuse to learn and know

beyond their Lunatic Politically convinced True Belief


~ Real Science is not Preached and Convinced ~

Science is Proven by Question Test Debate


~ Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion ~


Climate Change is very Real for Billions of Years

caused by an Infinity of climate variable

and I do not know anyone who Denies Climate Change

as we the working scientific community

are called Climate Deniers by test proven politically brainwashed Lunatics

who politically believe Humans cause all climate change

based self-debunked un-proven theory the proven Lunatics Preach is settled science

to make pre-programmed catastrophic computer Ouija Board Climate Predictions

of the un-knowable future

as these proven Lunatics who failed grade school science

by rejecting the scientific method truly Believe and Preach

the past 30 years of self-debunked predictions are happening

when the opposite of the Lunatic predictions are happening

as they continue to reject and ignore real peer-reviewed science

further debunking their Lunatic True Belief they can not prove is tested reality in science

as they are doing very real test proven harm to the cause of Green

the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment

science they obviously do not comprehend and just ignore

further Proving they are test proven Lunatics and Morons not Scientists

and of course you can not scientifically debate science with proven Lunatics

as they are programmed to just Believe they are always right

and anyone who Believes differently are always wrong

as their lunatic science fiction is settled and there can be no scientific debate

as they reject the scientific method for their Lunatic True Belief

as they continue to Preach their Climate Paranoia

based on convinced and programmed Political Media Science Fiction

based on a proven to be backwards Hypothetical

as the very opposite of their true belief is the proven fact tested reality in science

the opposite of their true belief is the Questioned Truth in Knowledge

as they refuse to learn and know and Grow Forward with the scientific Truth

for the sake of their test proven Lunatic Make Believe doing Harm

and when you can not answer the very real scientific question in this brand new Science

and refuse to debate your so called science

and can not provide peer-previewed science for tested reality

beyond an outdated incomplete self-debunked science paper

 Presented as Scientific Proof

this only scientifically proves your science it is not real

and you are Proven Lairs and Frauds in Science

for the sake of convinced political Make Belief


I am a Scientist = Skeptic

and I do not Deny Climate Change as I am called a Climate Change Denier

by proven Lunatics with a Mental Block

who can not separate 4.6 billion years of very real Climate Change

caused by more than a dozen climate variables known today

from Human caused Climate Change

~ as one is very real and one is very not ~

as the proven Lunatics do not comprehend the science

and can not Articulate or Debate the Science

and are politically programmed to just believe in very test proven Lies

who can not scientifically prove Humans cause Climate Warming

after repeated requests with a Reward for their peer-reviewed science

they can not provide because it dose not exist

as I always Question the Truth in all Life and Knowledge

for a better life for all

and Political Parties are a Scientifically Proven Cancer in Tested Reality

as political party agenda is the art of political Brainwashing

to convince others to just believe with out question

to just believe what you are told to just believe

to just believe in the political party Religion

with out questioning the Truth in knowledge

as Political Parties can not admit they are wrong when proven wrong

as they are programmed to believe they are always right

as they are not programmed to know they are programmed to just believe

as I very much agree with George Washington

who stated Political Parties would be a Bad Thing for this New Republic

as George Washington and his prediction of the unknowable future

has been scientifically test proven to be 100% right

scientifically proving ~ sometimes ~ a politician can be right

as Questioned Tested Science is proven wrong more often than proven right

as test proven politically programmed Lairs dictate Reality

while pathologically believing they are telling the truth

always rejecting the questioned tested Truth in knowledge

because they are politically convinced and programmed True Believers not Scientists

who do not comprehend the science

and have only their personal emotional feeling of true belief

and a scientific opinion they have not earned

based on test proven to be very Fraudulent Political Garbage Science Fiction

they can not Prove is Real and refuse to publicly Debate


science is: to know

by always admitting failure to find the truth in knowledge

by always questioning the truth in knowledge

by the scientific method

by question test debate

to find and know fact tested reality in science

as we look and see and find and learn and know something new everyday

that may support or debunk what we know from yesterday

growing forward in science to know what is real and what is not

to prevent harm by always testing reality to find the truth in knowledge


True Belief is:

always rejecting proven fact tested knowledge by the scientific method


Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief


On this Carbon based Earth a 2* Temperature variable is Normal

as the New York Times along with many other political organizations

 Preach a 2* change is a catastrophic change

as they continue to Preach many proven Lies to the Public

as they are very scientifically Test Proven Frauds in Science

~ and ~

Spending Trillions to End the Carbon Cycle above Sea level Sooner

is Political Insanity not Science

by Test Proven Political Media Morons in Science Dictating Science


The Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle is caused by

Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor combined with Sun Energy

as the Idiots in Science Preach to us the cause of Plants and Trees

making all the oxygen we breathe and all the food we eat

causing all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

with zero color taste or smell

Carbon based Oxygen (CO2) Carbon Dioxide is: Toxic Pollution

and White Steam (water vapor) coming out of Smokestacks is Toxic Pollution too


-200* F below zero CO2 = Dry Ice is Crashing downward

more than off-setting warm CO2 rising

as all heat in real physics still rises

as Climate Paranoia ignores heat rises and very frozen air take its place

as Climate Paranoia just ignores

frozen CO2 = Dry Ice cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water

further proving those who failed grade school science dictate science doing harm

while not one climate prediction over the past 30 years has come true

as we were told in the 1980’s

by the year 2000 entire nations would be under water

while Sea level Rise and Decline is nothing new

as Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

as the sea level today is declining

because the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the ice is melting

increasing Rain and Snow and Ice

while making this carbon based Earth Greener

and if ice did not melt the Sea level would decline about 60 feet every 10 years

as Ice melts from the top and bottom side while moving during Ice Ages too

and in Botany

Plants and Trees require 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to be at best good health

on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth

and Carbon Sequestration is Lunatic Science Harming the Carbon cycle

because pumping man made CO2 into the Ground

A ~ Lowers what plants and Trees need more of to breathe

B ~ Reduces existing O2 = oxygen levels in the air

because man made CO2 is made with O2 = Oxygen from the air

and pumping it into the ground

does not allow the Carbon Cycle to Recycle O2 = Oxygen back into the air

C ~ Increases Nitrogen levels from decomposing soil faster

ending the carbon cycle above sea level sooner

D ~ Turns under ground water into an acid

Spending hundreds of billions to Pump CO2 into the Ground

is test proven Stupidity

and when true belief rejects knowledge it’s not science

and when you can not debate your Garbage science this proves it is Garbage science

as your Garbage science is self-debunked un-proven theory

further debunked by real peer-reviewed science your so called scientists just ignore

rejecting knowledge for belief is Religion not Science

Yale is: The Church of Climate Paranoia

Committing Test Proven Fraud in Science

Preaching Test Proven Harm to the

Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

as self-ignorance prevents your Political Preachers

who refuse to debate their Lunatic Political Science Fiction

from knowing this test proven Fact

and Preaching Criminal Political Agenda is not Teaching Science

but maybe you have been convinced to just believe too

and the other many sides of the science argument can not be allowed to be told

and the many other sides of the science argument in this brand new science

must be suppressed

and nothing new in this new science can be known

for the sake of your convinced True Belief

and only your convinced true belief can be Preached

with zero Question Test Rebuttal and Debate

to find the Truth in Knowledge

as belief is not knowledge and can prove nothing in tested Reality

and I hope you will look and see and learn and know and grow forward beyond Belief

for the Truth in Life and Knowledge to prevent harm in reality

and is your Reality based on test proven Fraud in Science

as you just ignore the test proven Fraud in Science

continuing to Harm the cause of Green

for your un-Questioned un-Tested un-Debate Politically Convinced True Belief

as only Lunatics can Preach

the Science is Settled

and the cause of all the Green and all Life is Toxic Pollution

as Frozen CO2 dry Ice crashing Downward more than off-set warm CO2 Rising

in Real Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry


with more than 40 plus years

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

your Forestry Majors do not Comprehend and refuse to Know or Debate

for the sake of their Political Agenda committing test prove Fraud in Science

and Harming the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment

they obviously do not comprehend

Bruce A. Kershaw

Scientist = Skeptic


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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