I have emailed NOAA and Jim Hansen & NASA and the EPA
many times over many years
with no response
as they can not scientifically prove Humans cause Climate Warming
I challenge NASA to an open Public Debate
in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
and Climate Science
with a
for the peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause Climate Warming
as they can not prove an un-proven theory based on a backwards hypothetical
is a proven theory
and of course they will not debate the real science
as they reject the scientific method
for True Belief in their self-debunked un-provable theory
Climate Change is Real
and is happening right now
right this very second in time
beginning about 4.6 billion years ago
as we live with very real weather today
that has been an ongoing variable for many millions of years
and Climate Paranoia is a test proven Lunatic Political Religion for Profit
as many proven Lunatics are becoming very rich
while doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
by test proven Lunatics in Science who do not Comprehend the real science
and refuse to Publicly Debate the real science
who are embraced by the Media as the Media refuses to allow any scientific Rebuttal
to this scientifically proven to be Lunatic Scientists they Truly Believe in
that is doing very real test proven Harm to Nature and the Environment
as the spike in CO2 in the air is a variable caused by Nature
as less than 10% of the CO2 in the air before the spike is caused by Humans
as the vast majority of CO2 for billions of years
acidifying the Oceans over billions of years
is from variable un-predictable un-measurable volcanic activity below sea level
as the vast majority of volcanic activity is below sea level
causing the Carbon Cycle above Sea level
with any increase making this Carbon based Earth Greener
as Plants and Trees require 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to be at best good health
as CO2 and Water Vapor
is the evaporated by product of increased warming by the variable Sun
not the cause of increased warming
as warming occurs first and then CO2 and Water vapor levels rise
and as all heat still rises in real physics
very frozen -200* F below zero CO2 = Dry Ice is crashing downward
more than off-setting warm CO2 rising
and the faster gases are heated the faster they rise
and the faster and harder frozen air will crash downward to fill the void of hot air rising
as we know in Real Physics
something the size of a sewing thread = Human generated CO2
can not trap heat in something the size of a football field = the Atmosphere
while we know in climate history from ice core samples
there have been Ice Ages with much higher CO2 levels than in the air today
as this too is just ignored by Climate Paranoia
as Proven Frauds in Climate Science are the Climate Hero’s of the Media
and together they dictate science doing Harm
while allowing zero scientific rebuttal
proving political media fascism in science
as only True Believers are allowed Free Speech
~ Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion
a Real Scientist will acknowledge when they are proven wrong
and learn and know and grow forward with reality in science
as it is only the proven Frauds in science
who just ignore their un-proven science has been debunked
Steve Running
Forestry Major
University of Montana
Missoula ~ Montana
and working with NASA
as NASA predicted 30 years ago Manhattan would be under water today
as NASA now admits the sea level is declining and not rising
as 49 NASA Scientists are not on the Climate Paranoia Band Wagon
as stated in a Letter they all signed and sent to NASA
as the Scientific Consensus is a very proven Political Media Lie
by those who do not allow scientific Rebuttal because their Lunatic Science is Settled
and there is nothing new to Discover and Learn and Know
in this Brand New Climate Science
as they ignore all peer-reviewed science further debunking their un-proven theory
not the cause of increased warming
as warming occurs first and then CO2 and Water vapor levels rise
and as all heat still rises in real physics
very frozen -200* F below zero CO2 = Dry Ice is crashing downward
more than off-setting warm CO2 rising
and the faster gases are heated the faster they rise
and the faster and harder frozen air will crash downward to fill the void of hot air rising
as we know in Real Physics
something the size of a sewing thread = Human generated CO2
can not trap heat in something the size of a football field = the Atmosphere
while we know in climate history from ice core samples
there have been Ice Ages with much higher CO2 levels than in the air today
as this too is just ignored by Climate Paranoia
as Proven Frauds in Climate Science are the Climate Hero’s of the Media
and together they dictate science doing Harm
while allowing zero scientific rebuttal
proving political media fascism in science
as only True Believers are allowed Free Speech
~ Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion
a Real Scientist will acknowledge when they are proven wrong
and learn and know and grow forward with reality in science
as it is only the proven Frauds in science
who just ignore their un-proven science has been debunked
Steve Running
Forestry Major
University of Montana
Missoula ~ Montana
and working with NASA
as NASA predicted 30 years ago Manhattan would be under water today
as NASA now admits the sea level is declining and not rising
as 49 NASA Scientists are not on the Climate Paranoia Band Wagon
as stated in a Letter they all signed and sent to NASA
as the Scientific Consensus is a very proven Political Media Lie
by those who do not allow scientific Rebuttal because their Lunatic Science is Settled
and there is nothing new to Discover and Learn and Know
in this Brand New Climate Science
as they ignore all peer-reviewed science further debunking their un-proven theory
Preached as Settled Science
When you can not admit Your science is proven wrong
or admit your so called sciences is only an un-proven theory
or know settled science does not exist in real science
while rejecting the scientific method = to Question Test Debate
to find the truth in knowledge
you are not a real scientist you are a Preacher a True Believer
and I have emailed Steve Running many times over many years
and Steve will not respond or provide peer-reviewed science
to prove he is not a Lair and a Fraud in Climate Science
you have zero back ground in
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
as You have scientifically proven to me you do not Comprehend Climate Science
as you can not Articulate Climate Science and refuse to Debate Climate Science
and you can not provide peer-reviewed science when requested
to prove your un-proven theory is proven theory
as you claim to be a Expert Climate Scientist
as you make your pre-programmed computer Ouija Board climate predictions
of the un-knowable future based on ~ One Half ~ of one climate variable
that Humans generate less than 10% of going into the air
as we can only wonder
which of your many hundreds or thousands of Ouija Board Catastrophic predictions
is the settled science based on a self-debunked un-proven theory
as you Preach the variable Sun with many cycles
that continues to be warmer and brighter is not a climate variable
as the variable Sun has further debunk your un-proven theory
while further proving you are a test proven Lunatic and Fraud in Climate Science
as you ignore more than a dozen other known climate variables
further debunking your un-proven theory
as you ignore millions of years of climate history further debunking your un-proven theory
as you ignore physics and chemistry further debunking your un-proven theory
your un-proven theory you continue to Preach to us is settled science
as you continue to preach your climate Paranoia based on self-debunked predictions
as you reject the scientific method for your scientifically debunked Climate Paranoia
as you falsely claimed for many years to have won the Nobel Peace Prize
as you continue to Preach your Garbage science to your Students
as your Lunatic Science is doing test proven Harm to the cause of Green
costing trillions of dollars to do only Harm and zero Good
as your Self-ignorance is all you can prove in real science
while scientifically proving you are a Pathological Fraud and Lunatic
a very proven Phony and a Fake and not a Real Scientist
as you reject knowledge you do not comprehend for your Lunatic True Belief
as you Profit from your proven Fraud in Science
while proving Montana Universities Preach Climate Paranoia based on Lunatic Science
Helena ~ Montana
Is your Science Teacher Preaching Climate Paranoia to you
based on self-debunk un-proven theory ?
Have you been convinced to Truly Believe
with out Questioning the Truth in Knowledge
and just believe what you are told to just believe ?
Do you just believe the cause of all Nature and the Environment is toxic pollution
and the cause of all the Plants and Trees is toxic pollution
and the cause of all the food we eat and all the oxygen we breathe is toxic pollution
do you truly believe
the cause of all carbon based life on this carbon based earth is toxic pollution
as we continue to put this toxic pollution in everything we drink
into our 20% carbon based bodies for the past 120 years
Climate Change is Real
and today I reviewed 6 different computer Ouija Board weather predictions for tomorrow
January 30, 2019 for Helena Montana
and maybe one will be right and maybe not
while on some days they will all be right
because on some days the weather will change every 20 minutes
while I have yet to see a 7 day computer Ouija Board weather prediction ever come true
as Prediction is not Knowledge
while most predictions never come true
and true belief in self-debunked prediction is lunatic pathological make believe
~ as ~
True Belief is proven self-Ignorance in Tested Knowledge
and You can not Debunk Make Believe with Proven Fact Tested Reality
because True Belief is Reality for True Believers
as True Believers can never admit they are wrong when proven wrong
while Real Science is based on admitting Failure to find the truth in knowledge
as True Believers Reject the Truth in Knowledge for their True Belief
as only True Belief can be Perfect in the Minds of True Believers doing Harm
as they believe they can do no Harm or be Wrong
as they refuse to look and see and learn and know and grow forward in Tested Reality
beyond their Make Believe doing Harm or Wrong
as there can be no tested truth in reality in True Belief
because you can not question the truth in Make Believe
as Science is Questioned Tested Debated Knowledge
and True Belief is Religion a Feeling not a Fact
and Personal Emotional Feelings of True Belief is Pathological not Factual
No one can Prove there is a God
and no one can Prove Humans cause Climate Warming
with the cause of all carbon based life and energy caused by this carbon based earth
beyond their True Belief doing Harm
to the cause of all carbon based Life and Energy caused by this carbon based Earth
as Nature continues to change Humans
Humans can not change the Nature of this Universe
or this Carbon based Earth causing all carbon based Nature
where Lunatics can convince others to be Lunatics
to contribute to ending the carbon cycle above sea level sooner
science is: to ~ know ~
and the Truth in knowledge must always be in Question
and when the scientific method to Question Test Debate to find the truth in knowledge
is Politically Prohibited for the sake of True Belief in Political Agenda
there can be no truth in knowledge
and those who do not ~ know ~
who do not Question the Truth in knowledge
and just believe what they are convinced and programmed to just believe
then Force their convinced True Belief
on to those who do Know the Questioned Truth
the True Believers do not comprehend and refuse to ~ know ~
Scientifically Proven Political Media Lies
by those who do not know and refuse to know the Questioned Truth
Dictate Reality
and when they Lie to the public
and you send them Peer-reviewed science proving they are Lairs
they continue to be Lairs because they do not comprehend the science you sent them
as they are programmed to believe they are always right
and there can be no question test debate proving they are wrong
further proving they are not real scientists
as they allow zero Public Question Rebuttal or Debate of their True Belief
of their Politically Dictated False Reality doing only Harm in Tested Reality
as they do not Teach tested knowledge
they Preach and Convince and Program their Political True Belief
as they continue to reject real science for their political true belief
and if you disagree with their convinced and programmed political true belief
you are a Denier
and there can still be no scientific method
because they are always right and you are always wrong
and it is always their way or no way
and there can be no common sense Logical Question and Debate
of their Politically Dictated True Belief doing test proven Harm
Everything is a Variable
nothing is a constant in this expanding Universe
and variable
Climate Change is Real
and Climate Science is a Brand New Science
and a 2 Degree Climate Variable is very normal
in the known Climate History of this Carbon based Earth
while those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who do not know the science or the history or simple physics and chemistry
Preach their Climate Paranoia based only on their convinced self-Ignorance
who refuse to learn and know and grow forward with the tested knowledge
as they continue to reject real science and the scientific method
for Politically Convinced Hearsay True Belief
and those who claim to be the Experts in this Brand New Climate Science
and have zero back ground in
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
and zero knowledge of climate history
who do not acknowledge any tested science further debunking their
politically convinced hearsay
~ True Belief ~
in Self-debunked Un-proven Theory they Preach to us is Settled Science
as they preach to us there can be no Public Question or Rebuttal or Debate
in their Brand New Settled Climate Science
when settled science does not exist in real science
further proving they failed grade school science by rejecting the scientific method
as we learn and know something new in every science everyday
that will support or debunk what we know from yesterday
as Tens of Thousands of Working Scientists disagree with the so called Climate Experts
who have proven they Failed Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
and Failed Climate History and Failed Simple Physics and Chemistry
real science debunking their politically convinced hearsay true belief
as they refuse to publicly debate their settled science
as the Media just ignores the Working Scientists
who have proven the self-proclaimed Climate Experts are Political Lunatics
who reject the scientific method for their true belief
debunked by the real science they do not comprehend and just ignore
the U.N. states it is “likely” Humans cause Climate Warming
and Likely is not Peer-reviewed Science
Likely is Un-proven theory based on a proven to be backwards hypothetical
based on One Half of one climate variable
and is a very small tiny insignificant fragment of all climate knowledge
of more than a dozen climate variables known today
providing an infinity of climate variable
that is all just ignored by a proven to be flawed incomplete fraudulent climate study
by a Political Body
who do not comprehend the real science
and can prove nothing beyond their true belief in self-debunked un-proven theory
as the scientific consensus is a scientifically proven political Media Lie
because there is zero scientific consensus in ” likely ” = un-proven theory
there is only a consensus by those who have proven they
~ Failed ~
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
Climate History and Physics and Chemistry
and have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as they have a very proven to be Political Agenda
and can not Scientifically Prove Humans cause Climate Warming
as test proven fraud continues in Climate Science
as they do not Teach Science
they try to convince others to just believe as they just believe
they are the Preachers of Climate Paranoia and not real Scientists
as Climate Change is Real but not caused by You and Me
~ and ~
Please do not Vote for anyone Preaching Climate Paranoia
costing Trillions of dollars to do only Harm to the cause of Green
because they are Pathological for Factual
and refuse to learn and know and grow forward
as they reject peer-reviewed science for their true belief in their Political Agenda
as science is: to know
and true belief in an un-proven backwards hypothetical is not knowledge
and Dictating your Political True Belief is Fascism not Science
and I am a Proud Denier of test proven Fascism in science
that is doing test proven Harm to the cause of all Nature and the Environment
for Profit
taking trillions from the poor to give to the rich
to do only harm
because killing 600 million years of carbon cycle above sea level
will not stop 4.6 billions years of very normal variable climate change
as they politically convinced and programmed True Believers
are the proven Deniers of tested Reality
they refuse to ~ know ~
as they politically dictate Science based on politically convinced True Belief
as they reject the Questioned Truth in knowledge
while their proven to be Political Fascism in Science is not open for Public Debate
and when only one side of many sides of the arrangement can only be politically known
this is not Equality or Justice or Science
as Repetitiveness is the Key to Deprogramming
as we so called Deniers ~ know ~ the Truth the True Believers refuse to know
as Political Media Brainwashing of True Belief
while allowing only one side many sides of the story to be told
is not informing knowledge in proven fact tested reality
as the test proven frauds in science continue to dictate their Lunatic Reality
as programmed Pathological Frauds will always be Pathological Frauds
and will never acknowledge the proven fact tested reality in Science