science is: to know
Science is not something you Believe in
Science is something you can Prove beyond your personal feelings of true Belief
as Religion is something you Believe in
and in Real Science of the Scientific Method
we learn and know something new in every science everyday
that will support or debunk what we know from yesterday
and those who Politically Preach the Science is Settled
are scientifically test proven Political Media Brainwashed Lunatics not scientists
as they reject
to always question the Truth in knowledge
and reject the scientific method to Question Test Rebuttal and Debate
for their politically convinced and programmed true belief
as they truly Believe their test proven Lies
~ scientifically proving ~
they are Political Media Brainwashed Pathological Frauds in Science
harming Nature not saving Nature
as Settled Science does not Exist in Real Science
and if you Believe in Settled Science
that is only because you have been politically programmed to just believe
with out knowing the truth in real science
and earning zero right to scientific opinion
only proving you are a political lunatic not a real scientist
who can not Articulate or Debate or Prove the science you Fraudulently Preach
as you are scientifically proven to be Politically Pathological not Factual
while proving you Failed Grade School Science
by rejecting the scientific method for politically Brainwashed make believe
in Test Proven Political Media Fraud in Science
as you just believe what you are told to just believe while you can prove nothing
beyond your politically convinced personal emotional feelings of true belief
as you are a scientifically proven to be
~ convinced ~
True Believer and Preacher
~ of ~
The Church of Climate Paranoia
Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
~ as you can not scientifically prove otherwise ~
and you will continue to Preach your Pathological Fraud in Science
because you are a Politically Con-vinced True Believer and not a Real Scientist
and you will never ~ know ~ the Questioned Truth in science
and you will always just believe as you are programmed to just make believe
as you just Truly Believe in test proven Political Media Lies
when there is zero Belief in real science
and as long as there are True Believers there will always be Fraud in Science
as true Belief is Religion not Science
science is not what you believe science is what you know
The Religion of Science is skepticism of True Belief dictating Science
as you Preach skepticism is a mental flaw
when skepticism is only a mental flaw in True Belief = Religion
Al Gore is gong to save us from the cause of Green
and save us from the cause of the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
and save us from the cause of all Nature
and save of from the cause of the Environment
Al Gore and his AlGoreism
is going to save us from the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
as Al Gore Preaches the cause of all the Carbon based Green and all Carbon based Life
made by this Carbon based Earth is: Toxic Pollution
I have sent Al Gore Peer-reviewed Science proving he is a Lair and a Fraud
as his Organization sent me their Bogus Garbage Scam Science References
that only further prove Al Gore is a Fraud
as Al gore can prove zero science
as Al Gore continues to Lie for Power and Greed
~ so don’t forget ~
to send Al Gore your monthly commitment donations
so Al Gore can save this Carbon based Earth from the cause of Green
and The Real Scientists who have scientifically proven Al Gore is a Fraud
AlGoreism then Preaches they are the Deniers
as Al Gore the Politician is not a Scientist
and has publicly scientifically proven he failed grade school Science
as he can not Articulate or Debate the Science
or scientifically prove his true belief is reality beyond self-debunked un-proven theory
and as AlGoreism Preaches the Sea level is Rising
when NASA states the Sea level is Falling
I have sent Peer-reviewed science many times to the New Your Times
proving they and Al Gore are scientifically proven Frauds and Lairs in Science
as the New York Times continues to just Believe and Preach AlGoreism
every word that comes out of Al Gore’s proven to be Pathological mouth
supported by zero peer-reviewed science and with out Questioning the Truth in Science
scientifically proving only their self-ignorance in real science and tested reality
as the New York Times can Preach it but can not Prove it
with peer-reviewed science
as they Preach self-debunked un-proven theory is settled science
when settled science does not exist in tested reality
scientifically proving they are Morons in Science
proving the New York Times are not Real and are scientifically proven to be
Politically Convinced and Programmed Pathological Frauds in Science
Preaching AlGoreism for their political agenda
doing test proven Harm to the cause of Green
Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment
as Al Gore continues to Profit from very proven Lies by Proven Lairs
for AlGoreism
The Political Media Church of Climate Paranoia
preaching their fear and paranoia of the un-knowable climate future
based on self-debunk pre-programmed computer Ouija Board Prediction
based on self-debunked un-proven theory
based on a flawed incomplete study
based on proven to be backwards hypothetical
based on one half of one climate variable
while using an outdated incomplete self-debunked science paper
and proven to be very flawed data
as scientific proof Humans cause all climate change
while ignoring real peer-reviewed science further debunking their pathological True Belief
Preached as Settled Science by AlGoreism
Algoreism has been Scientifically Debunked
as they continue to Preach their test proven Political Media Pathological Lies
as Programmed True Belief always reject test proven knowledge
for Programmed True belief
as they can prove nothing with real science beyond their Lunatic True Belief
When you prove the Sea level is Falling and they continue to Preach the Sea level is Rising
what does this then scientifically prove in real science ?
~ Political Lunatics Dictate Science ~
as the truth in science must always be in question
and never just Preached and Believed with out Rebuttal and Debate
as the New York Times continues to reject the Scientific Method
for Preached Garbage Political Science Fiction
doing test proven Harm to the cause of Green they Politically Preach they are saving
the New York Times are very Scientifically Proven Frauds in Science
and will continue to Preach their Political AlGoreism Paranoia doing Harm
as they will continue to reject real science they do not comprehend
for proven Fraud in Science they do not comprehend
as they reject any and all Public Question Rebuttal and Debate
as only their Political Lunatic Side of the Story can be told to the Public
as Public Scientific Rebuttal with real peer-reviewed science is a Sin in AlGoreism
and a Political Sin at the New York Times
Scientifically Proving Political Fascism in Science
by Scientifically Proven to be Political Pathological Frauds in Science
as the Truth in Knowledge is not by Political Agenda Rejecting the Scientific Method
The Variable
~ SUN ~
with many cycles continues to be Warmer and Brighter
as the very variable Sun is the number one climate variable
of more than a dozen plus climate variables known today
providing an infinity of climate variable for Billions of years
as these very proven climate variables are just ignored by Climate Paranoia
who believe ~ One Half ~ of One Climate Variable define all climate science
scientifically proving Journalists like
~ John Schwartz of the New York Times ~
who does not provide his readers with all the very available facts
so the readers can decide for themselves what is real and what is not
John provides his readers with his true belief side of the story
as the truth in Science
I have sent Peer-reviewed science to John debunking his true belief
that he does not comprehend or just ignores
Proving John is a test proven Pathological Fraud and Moron in Climate Science
as he is only one of the many Political Media Lunatics who are not Scientists
at the New York Times as they are a Political Body not a Science Body
who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who Preach their Political Lunatic True Belief
and do not provide the readers with all the available facts
as the New York Times
fully support the very proven Fraud in science supporting their Political Agenda
as the New York Times does not allow rebuttal to their proven fraud
as they commit Test Proven Fraud in science for their Political Agenda
as they can not prove with real science other wise when requested
as they Preach to us their un-proven backwards theory is Science Settled
that can not be ~ Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated ~ by the scientific method
to allow the public to find and know the truth in real science
as they have decided for the public what the truth is based on their pathological true belief
as they politically dictate Garbage science they refuse to publicly debate
scientifically test proving Political Media Fascism in Science
as they only allow one side of the story in Journalism at the New York Times
scientifically proving they are not real Journalist
they are politically convinced fools who reject tested knowledge for Lunatic True Belief
doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
as True Believers never know when they are proven wrong
they are True Believers not Scientists
who do not Question the Truth in Knowledge
and after being confronted with the Truth
they just continue to Preach what they have been told to just believe
doing test proven Harm to Nature
as their convinced True Belief will not allow them to know the truth
and just believing in proven to be Lunatic Political Science Fiction
does not scientifically prove Humans cause climate warming
as they reject the variable Sun
causing a cycle of Ice Ages and Global Warming Periods
is a Climate Variable
proving they are Lunatics in science
who can not prove self-debunked un-proven theory is Proven theory
as they commit test proven Fraud in Science caused by their own self-ignorance
refusing to learn and know and grow forward for politically programmed True Belief
they now Preach and refuse to allow publicly Rebuttal and Debate
scientifically proving it is not real science
as the proven Criminals of tested reality dictate Science
doing test proven harm to Nature
while the real scientists who have proven they are Frauds
and they refuse to publicly debate
they Politically Preach are the Deniers
Rejecting peer-reviewed science by the scientific method
for politically convinced and programmed make believe
is not reality tested science
science is to know
~ as ~
Increased Warming by the Variable Sun
Increase the Evaporation of CO2 and Water Vapor
making this Carbon based Earth Greener
as CO2 causes warming and cooling at the very same time
and if you incorporate the other One Half of the very same climate variable
ignored by climate paranoia
the cooling effect of frozen CO2 = Dry Ice crashing downward
more than off-set he warming effect of warm CO2 rising
and of course you must also incorporate
all gases absorb and radiate heat while expanding and rising
as CO2 can not Trap Heat it can only transfer both warm and cold at the very same time
while a 2 Degree variable is normal
and those who do not question the Truth in knowledge
will continue to just Believe what they have been programmed to just believe
as repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming
as climate change is real but not caused by you and me
as we are an un-measurable cooling fragment in climate change
Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion
~ In Reality ~
You can not debunk the Questioned Tested Truth in Knowledge with True Belief
but you can not debunk True Belief with the Questioned Tested Truth in Knowledge
because you can not Stop People from just Believing there is a God
and you can not stop People from just Believing Humans cause Climate Change
and you can not scientifically debate God with a True Believer of God
and you can not scientifically debate Climate Change with a True Believer
of Human caused Climate Change
as they will always Believe they are always right and you are always wrong
based on zero Question Test Debate
and that is their un-tested Reality based on their True Belief
Climate Change is Real
and Political Media Hearsay Science is Political Media Science Fiction
as the True Believers Preach Skepticism is a Mental Flaw
~ skepticism ~
” the doctrine that the truth in all knowledge must always be in Question “
and is the bases for the scientific method = to Question Test Rebuttal and Debate
to find the tested truth in science
~ science ~
” to know “
as only True Believers
~ Believe ~
the Questioned Truth in Knowledge by Skepticism is a Mental Flaw
and when a Scientists is proven Wrong
they will admit they are proven wrong and learn and know and grow forward in science
and when a True Believer is Proven Wrong
the True Believer will always believe they are right in their make believe pathological mind
and the Scientists who know the questioned tested truth are always wrong
as they are Pathological by Personal Emotional Feelings
and not Factual in ~ their ~ Realities
factual knowledge is not reality for True Believers
and are scientifically proven to be Pathological Frauds in Science
who Truly Believe they are right when scientifically proven wrong
because their Feelings can not be Wrong
as Science does not dictate reality
as Scientifically debunked True Belief dictate Science
doing only harm in tested reality
because Feelings of Trust in Make Believe is not tested factual Reality in Science
as they ignore the tested factual reality for their make believe pathological reality
Some of us are politically convinced and programmed
to just believe what they are told to just believe
with out questioning the truth in knowledge
as most of us Question the truth in knowledge beyond convinced true belief
and True Believers will always reject questioned tested knowledge for their True Belief
and maybe Bloodletting can cure this Political Media convinced self-ignorance in science
because You can not stop a Political Agenda
based on convinced and programmed self-Ignorance
with proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method
because convinced True Believers will always be True Believers
regardless of the questioned tested debated truth in reality
Proven Fraud is Proven Fraud
weather you comprehend the real science or not
as the Politically convinced and programmed True Believers just Ignore the Proven Fraud
because they do not comprehend the real science
and do not know if they are right wrong beyond True Belief
and just believe as they are programmed to just believe
as fact tested knowledge is meaningless in true belief
as they Preach to us the science is settled in this Brand New Climate Science
based on self-debunked un-proven theory
as they can prove only their politically convinced self-ignorance in real science
doing only harm in tested reality to Nature and the Environment
as they are truly convinced and believe they are saving the environment
based on un-questioned Political Media generated hearsay political science fiction
they refuse to publicly Debate proving it is not real science
as their only science argument is to call you a Denier
when they can prove nothing with real science
as I do not Deny Climate Change as they call me the Denier
because I am not a True Believer of their convinced and programmed
Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
based on self-debunked Ouija Board computer prediction
based on a proven to be flawed incomplete study
based on a proven to be backwards hypothetical
based on one half of one climate variable
they refuse to publicly Debate by the scientific method
they Politically Preach is Settled Science they can not publicly articulate
or provide peer-reviewed science when continuously requested for many years
for their Settled Science
doing scientifically test proven harm to the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
costing Trillions of dollars to do only harm
as those who do not comprehend the science politically dictate the science
and maybe we can convince the True Believers their True Belief in Bloodletting
will stop 4.6 billion years of climate change
caused by the variable Sun with many cycles
and more than a dozen other climate variables known today
all just ignored by Politically convinced and programmed Climate Paranoia
who refuse to publicly debate the science
because it is Politically Settled Lunatic Science Fiction
and there is nothing more or new to learn and know or debate
in this brand new climate science they do not comprehend
When you are Programmed to just Believe
regardless of the Questioned Tested Truth in knowledge
there can be no Honest Open Healthy Normal Debate in Tested Reality
with those who reject all tested knowledge for their Convinced True Belief
My concept of Climate Warming is
be thankful we are not trying to survive the previous Ice Age or the next Ice Age
after a cycle of Ice Ages and Global Warming periods over Hundreds of millions years
caused by the variable
~ SUN ~
with some Ice Ages with higher levels of CO2 than in the air today
and since I began my Climate Science investigation in the spring of 2007
with over 42 years of background in
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
and after well over 40,000 Requests since 2007
not One University on this Carbon based Earth
who is Preaching Humans cause Climate Warming
when Requested
can provide peer-reviewed science proving
Carbon based Humans Cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
or will Publicly Debate the Science
as they reject the scientific method for their Hearsay Belief
as the working scientists disagree with the University and Government Scientists
who refuse to debate their settled science
who can not Scientifically prove their un-proven theory is a proven theory
as their primary focus is on computer Ouija Board Prediction of the un-known future
based on un-proven science they do not question
by government organizations
who are proven to have provided very flawed and false scientific data
and their climate reports by Political Scientists who failed grade school science
as they just believe in hearsay science with out questing the truth in knowledge
as they reject peer-reviewed science further debunking their un-proven theory
while they can provide zero peer-reviewed science
to prove beyond their true belief their science is real
as the Universities just believe the Government Scientists
who can prove nothing beyond their True Belief
to make Paranoid Catastrophic Ouija Board computer predictions
based on proven to be flawed and fraudulent science
as they refuse to allow Question ~ Test ~ Rebuttal ~ Debate
of their un-proven theory they preach is settled science
and who provides funding to these Universities
for their flawed and proven to Fraudulent science
based on flawed and Fraudulent data from the Government
all managed by Political Scientists who can prove nothing beyond un-proven theory
and computer Ouija Board Prediction to sell their Climate Paranoia
as we have very proven to be
University Lunatics who Preach the Sun is not a climate variable
who Predict the Climate Future with their pre-programmed Ouija Board computers
based on scientifically test proven Garbage Science
~ while ~
Climate Change is Real for billions of years
the Human caused Climate Warming is a self-debunked un-proven theory
Preached as test proven Reality by Proven Lunatics in Science
who reject the scientific method for their true belief in their Garbage science
based on one half of one climate variable
while just ignoring more than a dozen climate variables known today
and Politically Preached as Settled Science
by those who Failed Grade School Science by rejecting the scientific method for their Belief
as True Belief does not allow you to Question the Truth in Knowledge
and Blind Faith in Self-debunked prediction is not tested reality in science
as Manhattan is not underwater as predicted by NASA and Climate Paranoia 30 years ago
while I have not seen it with my own eyes
as I am guessing the New York Times would have provided us with first hand knowledge
if Manhattan was now underwater with Photos
from the Boats they would now be driving around in today
as NASA now admits the sea level is declining by evaporation by the variable Sun
making this Blue and Green Planet Wetter and Greener
while the Political Media Lunatics continue to Preach to us the Sea level is rising
and this Earth is becoming Browner
as Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years
about 350 feet
as the Sea level has been rising and falling many hundreds of feet
for as long as there have been Oceans on this Carbon based Earth
as we live with proven to be Bogus Data by Bogus Scientists
who’s predictions are self-debunked
as Lunatic Predictions based on Garbage Science based on Bogus Data
never come true
~ 49 NASA Scientists ~
disagree with the proven to be Politically Fraudulent AlGoreism
~ 87 % of the National Academy of Science ~
disagree with the proven to be Politically Fraudulent AlGoreism
along with over
~ 30,000 other Scientists over 9,000 with PhD’s ~
who all Signed a Petition
and disagree with the scientifically proven to be
Politically Fraudulent AlGoreism = Political Media Convinced Climate Paranoia
~ * ~
The 97% Scientific Consensus is a very Scientifically proven Political Media Lie
started by then U.S. Senator John Kerry
who’s Public statements continue to prove he is a Pathological Fraud in Science
who when requested
can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove the un-proven theory is proven theory
as he preaches the science is settled in this Brand New Climate Science
when settled science does not exist in the scientific method
as the truth in all knowledge must always be in question
so we may continue to learn and know and grow forward in tested reality
and to preach there is nothing new to learn and know in this Brand New Climate Science
is self-ignorance
and very proven Political Scam Science Fiction for Lunatic Political Agenda
~ * ~
Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated
Climate Science
with peer-reviewed science
~ vs ~
un-questioned ~ un-tested ~ un-debated
Political Science Fiction
Political Media Dictated Climate Religion
who allow zero Public Scientific Rebuttal to their Politically Dictated True Belief
scientifically proving
Political Media Fascism in Science
as they can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove they are not Lairs in science
as they refuse to Publicly Debate their True Belief
while Preaching Climate Paranoia
based on pre-programmed catastrophic computer Ouija Board Climate Perdition
based on a flawed incomplete study proving nothing but un-proven theory
based on one half of one climate variable
they Preach as Settled Science
supported by an outdated incomplete self-debunk science paper
Preached as Scientific proof Humans cause Climate Change
supported by scientific data from new Weather Stations
placed on Tared Roof Tops next to Heating and Air Conditioning outlets
with this and other very proven to be false data
used as further Fraudulent proof of Human caused Climate Warming
while Preaching to us the Sea Level is rising when NASA admits the Sea level is declining
all proving Political Media Fraud in Climate Science for Political Agenda
by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as they reject the scientific method for their true belief
debunked by proven fact tested reality in science they do not comprehend and just ignore
as only the Political side of the Argument can shared with the Public
with out Scientific Rebuttal in this Brand New Climate Science
as only the politically convinced opinion can be Heard
by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who do not know the truth in science and just Believe what they are told to just believe
To: Jessica Wentz
Columbia Law School
Columbia University
when your Science Departments can not scientifically prove
Humans cause Climate Warming
~ then how can you ?
and when you scientifically prove someone is wrong
and proven Fraud has been committed in science
but they are not intelligent enough in science to comprehend they are proven wrong
or refuse to look at the science proving they are wrong and have committed fraud
because they have been politically convinced to reject all forms of knowledge
beyond convinced True Belief
they will then continue to pathologically believe they are right
and continue to Preach their politically convinced
Personal Emotional Feelings of Trust and True Belief
they can not support with peer-reviewed science when requested to do so
as they continue to just Believe and Preach their un-proven theory is settled science
when there are zero feelings in science and settled science does not exist in real science
as they continue to do their test proven harm to the
Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment
based on 100% Blind Faith and Ouija Board Science
and when you refuse or can not provide evidence for your argument there can be no case
and you have lost the argument
because Politically Convinced True Belief is Pathological
and not Factual Evidence in the Laws of Science
and Preaching un-proven theory is settled science can only be Pathologically Programmed
and will always reject proven fact tested knowledge for Programmed True belief
and will always refuse to debate
further scientifically proving it is True Belief and not Scientific Fact
scientifically proving they are politically convinced and programmed
Pathological Frauds in Science
who truly believe they are always right
and everyone who does not just believe as they believe are always wrong
all based on zero scientific method
proving politically Brainwashed Fools now politically dictate a false Reality
There can be no scientific debate with Pathological Frauds
as they dictate how we live our lives as they do test proven harm and zero good
as True Believers can not Debate their scientifically proven to be Lunatic Science
~ as ~
We Live in a World of Tested Reality
~ vs ~
Make Believe
~ where ~
science is: to know
~ and ~
The Laws of Science the Laws of Justice and the Laws of Reality
are all one and the same
The Questioned Truth in Knowledge
True Belief
The Montana Supreme Court
~ Knows ~
Blind Faith and Ouija Board Science does not Prove Humans cause Climate Warming
~ as ~
the United Nations a Political Body not a Science Body
States: it is likely Humans cause Climate Warming
likely = un-proven theory
based on a flawed incomplete study
based on one half of one climate variable
to make pre-programmed computer Ouija Board Catastrophic Climate Predictions
of the un-knowable future
while ignoring more than a dozen climate variables
providing an infinity of climate variables
while ignoring millions of years of known climate history
while ignoring very real physics and chemistry
all further debunking the un-proven theory
based on a proven to be backwards hypothetical
Preach as Settled Science
Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
~ and ~
it is not my job to debunk their un-proven theory
it is the True Believers job to prove they are not
Politically convinced Pathological Frauds in Science
and prove their self-debunked un-proven theory is Proven Theory
as I can only further debunk their un-proven theory
they Truly Believe and Preach is Settled Science
in this Brand New Climate Science
as we have many unanswered Questions in this Brand New Climate Science
the True Believers can not answer
when confronted with very real scientific Question they just ignore for true belief
as we have far more to learn than we know today in this Brand New Climate Science
as the Truth in Knowledge must always be in Question
and when we fail to always question test and debate the truth in knowledge
there can be no truth in science
as real science is never settled as we learn and know and grow forward everyday
This major global warming period began 14,000 years ago
with many Little and Mini Ice ages all along the way
with a cycle of major Ice ages all caused by the variable Sun
There is zero tested reality in political science fiction
and this is My repeated argument in many forms to many Fools
who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who can not prove with real science Humans cause climate warming
as they ignore science proving their politically convinced True Belief is wrong
as scientifically proven with real peer-reviewed science they just ignore
and refuse to learn and know and debate
for the sake of their politically convinced True Belief
scientifically proving their true Belief is a Political Religion
and not Questioned Tested Debated Science
as they refuse to allow any and all Question Test Debate of their
Politically Convinced True Belief
as no one Preaching Humans cause Climate Warming
can Articulate their un-proven theory they preach is Settled science
as they politically dictate Science they do not comprehend
doing test proven harm to Nature
as those who Politically Preach the Science is Settled
can only scientifically prove they failed grade school science
There is zero Logic or Common sense in Climate Paranoia
as they Reject the Laws of Science for Politically Convinced True Belief
doing only very Real Harm to Nature the cause of all Life
because they refuse to learn and know and grow forward in tested reality
for their Politically Convinced True Belief
only further proving their self-ignorance in Real Science
their inability to separate tested reality from convinced make believe
as one is Science one is Religion
and their convinced Ignorance will not allow them to comprehend the difference
as they are programmed to just believe with out question
while rejecting the questioned tested truth in science
as their politically convinced true belief will not allow them to know
science is: to know
and those who politically dictate science
can only scientifically prove their Political Self- ignorance and Fascism in Science
as they reject the scientific method for convinced True Belief
as they refuse science: to know
beyond Belief
as they have yet to scientifically prove otherwise
as Political Media Fascism can only dictate a false reality doing harm
~ * ~
I Challenge anyone and everyone to an open public debate in climate Science with a
for the peer-reviewed Science proving
carbon based Humans cause climate warming of this carbon based Earth
with carbon based oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
~ * ~
CO2 can not harm the Greenhouse
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
from the variable Hot churning Liquid core of this Carbon based Earth
from variable un-predictable un-measurable volcanic Activity below Sea level
causing many times the CO2 in the Oceans than in the air
while variably Acidifying the Oceans over Billions Years
while causing the Greenhouse above and below Sea level
as the variable Hot Liquid Core
is variably Heating the Oceans the Earths Crust and the Lower Atmosphere
CO2 is the variable by product of variable warming by the variable SUN
by the Variable Evaporation of CO2 and Water Vapor
and is the primary cause of the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle above Sea level
causing all of Nature and the Environment above Sea level
and as variable warming by the variable Sun with many Cycles increase
the variable evaporation of CO2 and Water vapor increase
increasing Green the cause of all Carbon based Life above Sea level
as the majority of increase of CO2 on the CO2 charts is Caused by Nature
as the smallest contribution to the cause of Green is caused by Human Activity
while all the Lungs on this Carbon based Earth produce more CO2 than all the Cars
and as Nature increases CO2
this reduces the percentage of CO2 in the air generated by Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth who contribute to the cause of all life on this Carbon based Earth with
Man Made CO2
as warming by the variable Sun occurs first and then CO2 and Water Vapor levels rise
causing all the variable Green on this Carbon based Earth
as Plants and Trees require 4 times the CO2 in the air than today to at best Health
to Produce the carbon based food we need for our 20% carbon based bodies
while Producing all the Oxygen we require to Breathe
as the Carbon cycle needs more CO2 not less CO2 on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth
as CO2 causes both Warming and Cooling of the atmosphere at the very same time
with the cooling effect more than off-setting the warming effect
with the cooling effect causing the Ice Caps at the Pole of this Carbon based Earth
as all heat still rises in real physics while forcing very frozen air to take its place
as CO2 is the by product of warming making this carbon based Earth Greener
while Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years
and if ice did not melt the sea level would decline about 60 feet every 10 years
from evaporation causing the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
CO2 and Water Vapor is not toxic Pollution as Politically Preached by Climate Paranoia
by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
and do not question the Truth in knowledge
who reject the scientific method for politically convinced True Belief
as the politically convinced media
do not allow public scientific rebuttal to their lunatic science
they Preach to us is settled science and there for is not open to public debate
as they force us to spend trillions of dollars to harm the cause of Green
that will one day end from a lack of
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
causing all the Green
the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment
caused by this Carbon based Earth
where everything Breathing and not Breathing has Carbon in it
as Nitrogen going from nothing to just under 80% of the Atmosphere today
caused by decomposing soil will on day dilute CO2 and then Oxygen to nothing
ending the cause of the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
as we now spend Hundreds of Billions of Dollars
to pump man made CO2 into the ground
reducing what plants and trees need more of to breathe
reducing existing O2 = oxygen level in the
as Man Made CO2 is made with O2 = oxygen from the air and pumping it into the ground does not allow the carbon cycle to recycle oxygen back into the air
while turning under ground water into an Acid
while increasing nitrogen levels faster ending the Carbon cycle sooner
as Energy Companies make a fortune pumping CO2 into Ground
and into old oil wells to recover more oil from old wells
while proving Political Lunatics who refuse to debate their lunatic science
dictate their ignorance in science
in response to your email today
January 10, 2019
as I told you in an email yesterday I would leave you be
after I sent you a sample of real peer-reviewed science
further debunking your True Belief
and now you say I am Harassing you
when all I am asking for is your peer-reviewed science
to prove you are not a Lair and a Fraud
because this is not Harassment Jessica
this is proven fact tested reality you do not comprehend knocking on your door
confronting your test proven political Religion dictating science
with political media Garbage science fiction
as you are a proven Political Phony who does not know your own side of the argument
as your own science departments can not prove your Bogus Argument
and after more than 40,000 requests with a reward since 2007 to everyone Preaching Humans cause Climate Warming and ~ nothing ~ and I knew that before making all the requests while I never said Climate Change is not Real as you call me a Denier, while you can not Prove climate warming is caused by Humans as you are the proven Denier as real science is proven not Preached and if you continue to contact me I will continue to respond and as long as you are a True Believer you will never know the Truth in knowledge and you will always reject knowledge for your True Belief
AlGoreism has been Preaching the Science is Settled for how many years ?
and so everything we have come to learn and know everyday for all of these many years in this Brand New Climate Science since Al Gore Preached the Science is Settled is all Garbage and must all be thrown away because there was nothing new to learn and know in this Brand new Science since Al Gore said so and there for there is nothing to debate in this Brand New Climate Science because the Science is Settled and there is nothing new to learn and know in this Brand New Climate Science
Proving Al Gore who is not a scientist Failed Grade School Science
and when someone who Failed Grade School Science Preaches to me the Science is Settled and can not be Debated and want me to give them money every month so they can save the this carbon based Earth from climate warming by stopping the the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth they Preach to me is Pollution and then Preach to me there is a Scientific consensus that is scientifically proven to not exist proving they are a Lair and can not be Trusted and only scientifically proving to me they are a Lunatic in Science
and then they Preach to me the Sea level rising
when NASA states the sea level is declining for the past 9 years
and then they Preach to me all the Ice is melting
when there is 40% increase in Arctic Ice since 2012
while half the people on carbon based Earth just Believe him
with out questioning the Truth in knowledge
and as I continued to request Al Gore for his peer-reviewed science
and then one day he sent to me
and his bogus scam references only further scientifically proving to me he is a Fraud
as Al Gore continues to Preach the science is settled and can not be debated
as you continue to just believe Al Gore’s proven lies
is Al the Proven Fraud in science for profit a billionaire by now
as we continue to harm the carbon cycle on this carbon based Earth
so Al Gore the scientifically proven fraud can profit
Jessica ,
ask Al Gore for his Peer-reviewed science
and we will compare notes
and if you are interested in learning and knowing and growing forward in real science
maybe you could do one little thing
Place a sewing thread down the middle of the 50 Yard Line of your favorite Football field and then go sit in the Grandstands and look at the sewing thread
~ and then ask yourself ~
how can that sewing tread trap heat in that football field ?
as the Sewing Thread is Human generated CO2 and Football field is the atmosphere
now keep in mind ~ all ~ gases absorb and radiate heat while expanding and rising
while very Frozen air take its place
and explaining why we have Ice Caps at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth
and now articulate to me how CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere
and of course it it not possible in real physics
as CO2 transfers Heat upward and the faster all Gases are heated the faster they all rise
and the faster frozen Air and frozen CO2 = Dry Ice will take its place
as CO2 can not just hang there in the air not rising
now incorporate more than a dozen other climate variables missing from your True Belief
as simple proven fact tested reality has further debunk your True Belief
that you can not scientifically prove is Reality
and until you can prove heat no longer rises and something the size of a sewing thread can trap heat in something the size of a football field and debunk more than a dozen climate variables and millions of years of climate history further debunking your un-proven theory
You Preach is Settled Science
by your so called climate science experts like
Steve Running
who has zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry and is a Forestry Major who is a proven Fraud who Preaches to his students and to the world the Sun is not a climate variable proving he is a Lunatic as he predicts the future with his Ouija Board computer while just ignoring more than a dozen climate variables to provide us with very catastrophic predictions so you can preach your climate paranoia based on proven to be Garbage Science Steve Running refuses to debate or provide scientific reference only further proving it is Garbage science by Lunatics in Science
while it is not my job to debunk you it is your job to prove you are not a Pathological Fraud in Climate Science you do not comprehend as my peer-reviewed science only further debunk your True Belief in self-debunked un-proven theory based on a proven to be Backwards Hypothetical
You Preach is Settled Science
and obviously based on your email you do not comprehend the science I sent you so I will not waste thousands of more words trying to explain something you will never comprehend while only True Believers claim the Mid Evil warming period did not happen
but of course you did not review the many scientific references on the subject matter
as Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years
and because you disagree with one published peer-reviewed paper in a Science and Medical Journal by an organization publishing peer-reviewed science and medicine since the 1940’s then everything they have published for the past 80 years must be wrong based only on your true belief in Political Hearsay
~ when you can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove you are not a fraud ~
because one very small tiny fragment of One Half of CO2 chemistry does not prove humans cause climate warming when the other cooling half you just ignore more than off-set the warming half as you do not question the Truth in knowledge as you just believe what you are told to just Believe
as you just ignore far more very available knowledge than you know
only proving your self-Ignorance in real science
science is: to know
and Blind Faith True Belief is: Religion
as the term Climate Religion and Ouija Board Science has been around for a long time
because fools like you do not Question the Truth in knowledge
they just blindly believe everything they are told to just believe
with out Question Test Debate as you Reject Question Test Debate
as you don not know your side of the science argument
as you refuse to look at the many other sides of the science argument in this
~ Brand New Science ~
as True Belief can Prove nothing in real science
and your true belief based on a very proven to be backwards hypothetical is self-debunked
and without CO2 on this CO2 ~ starved ~ Carbon based Earth
We all Die
as your scientifically proven to be
Lunatic Paranoid Science Fiction doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle is Settled
while in tested reality yesterdays knowledge is debunked by today’s new knowledge
as science is never Settled in Reality
real science your Climate Religion refuses to debate
scientifically proving your settled science is not real
as I debate real science with PhD’s and have Evaluated Education Programs
and was invited to participate in the London Symposium on Climate Change
at the Oxford and Cambridge Club and I am guessing you were not
you are a proven Moron is science
as you have proven to me you Failed Grade School Science
as you Belittle me and Insult my Intelligence
for your Politically Brainwashed Lunatic Paranoid True Belief
doing scientifically Test Proven Harm to the Environment
and The Laws of Science are not Politically Preached they are Test Proven
by the Scientific Method you Reject for your scientifically proven to be Lunatic True Belief
as your Political Arrogant Ignorance is all you can contribute to real science
and you can not stop a Lunatic Religion with Real Science they just ignore
by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
~ and ~
I will do something your Lunatic Religion does not allow
I put your Rebuttal on this page with your peer-reviewed science
Proving Humans cause climate warming
with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
with zero Color Taste or Smell
causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
as your Lunatic Religion refers to CO2 as Toxic Poison and Pollution the very same Toxic Pollution we have been adding to our Beverages and Drinking for the past 120 years
while not one carbon based Lunatic who Preaches CO2 is Pollution has yet to Prove it
the same toxic pollution we add to our Greenhouses to grow healthier Plants and Trees producing Healthier Carbon based Food while Producing more Oxygen for us to Breathe
while your Lunatic Religion refers to White Steam = Water Vapor
coming out of Smoke Stakes as Toxic Poison and Pollution too
and when repetitively confronted for many years with the questioned Tested Debate Truth
your Religion continues to Preach CO2 and Water Vapor causing the Carbon Cycle above sea level is Toxic Pollution
scientifically proving you are Pathological Lunatics not Scientists
as Journalists and the media who failed Grade School Science
who refuse to allow Public Question Test Rebuttal or Debate
proving Political Fascism in Science now Dictate Science
as the Public is only allowed the Preached and Convinced
Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion to be known
based on scientifically proven to be Garbage Science
that you Preach is Reality based only on your convinced hearsay True Belief
costing trillions of dollars only to End the Carbon Cycle sooner
the cause of all Green and all Carbon based Life above Sea level ending Sooner
because you refuse to learn and know and grow forward with real science
as you live in Convinced Blind Faith and not in proven fact tested reality in Science
that your Blind Faith will not allow you to ~ know ~
science is: to know
as true belief in science can do only Harm
and Preaching Paranoia based on Computer Ouija Board Prediction
based on Garbage Science is not Reality
it is Lunatic Make Believe selling Paranoia for Profit
~ now your rebuttal ~
now Prove ~ One Half ~ of one climate variable
of more than a dozen climate variables
defines all climate science and is settled science
something the size of a sewing thread can trap heat in something the size of a foot ball field
and is settled science
and the cause of the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment
CO2 and Water Vapor
causing all the Green and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
is Toxic Pollution
and is settled science
and computer Ouija Board Prediction of the unknowable future is reality in science
and of the thousands of computer Ouija Board Predictions
how did you choose the one to be and is the settled science
and you will have to debunk millions of years of known climate history
and debunk very real Physics and Chemistry
as Preached by your Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion as Irrelevant
who find very proven fact tested reality in science is be Irrelevant
who refuse to publicly Debate and can not Prove their Settled Lunatic Science
doing test proven harm to Nature for Profit
as to Question the Truth in Knowledge in your Lunatic Religion is a Sin
Now Debunk Proven Fact Tested Reality in Science
you do not comprehend
and have earned zero right to opinion in
as belief in science is test proven Lunatic Science
as the Pathological Fraud in Science continues by True Believers
who reject the scientific method for their Politically convinced True Belief
as you live by convinced feelings I live for the tested truth in science
one is tested reality and one is not
as your Scientifically proven to be Political Media Brainwashed Mind calls me the Denier
as you Preach you are for Green while trying to Kill the cause of Green
because of your self-Ignorance
I look forward to your next Lunatic Rebuttal
and here is something new for you to learn and know
so you may grow forward in real science
Nitrogen is 78.09 % of the air and CO2 is 00.04 % of the air
and if you were to substitute 1.% of the Nitrogen in the air with CO2
your car will not start and idle
because the CO2 lowered the Explosion Temperature in the combustion chamber 500*
and this is very proven Physics and Chemistry from the 1960’s
and the more CO2 nature is putting in the Air
the Greener this Carbon based Earth
and slower and cooler the Forests will burn and will produce less NOx = nitrogen and oxygen bonded together by temperatures of 2500 degrees and hotter that sun Energy separates making O3 = Oxygen = Ozone at ground level
and the more efficiently you car engine is running
the more CO2 and water vapor for plants and trees to breathe
on this very CO2 staved Carbon based Earth
and as more warm CO2 rises
the more -200 * below zero very frozen CO2 = Dry Ice will take its place
more than off-setting the warm CO2 rising
as you just believe in very proven to be Lunatics and Frauds
who do not comprehend this very real physics and chemistry
who have zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
who have not earned the right to scientific opinion who refuse to debate the science
who Predict the future with their Ouija board computers
based on their proven choice of Ignorance
who you just believe with out questioning the Truth
now enlighten me with your politically brainwashed ignorance
based on Scientifically Test Proven Garbage Science
that the media refuses to allow scientific rebuttal
for the sake of Yours and Their Political Agenda Harming the Environment
that you Preach you are saving based on your settled science
as you Dictate how we may live our lives
based on your fraudulent Garbage science fiction doing harm
costing trillions of dollars to profit the few
and that is my opening Argument
with 42 plus years of Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
with First Hand Testing of the Science
with ~ zero ~ Politically Convinced Lunatic Hearsay Make Believe
and after making this request many thousands of times since 2007
Please forward your Peer-reviewed Science for further Review and Analyzing
for further Question Test Debate by the Scientific Method
so we may prove the words of true belief you Preach
so we may find the Truth in knowledge beyond your Politically convinced True Belief
and then we will all know the tested truth in science beyond your make believe
as your closed politically Brainwashed mind only proves you are a fools Fool
there are zero feelings in real science
and your science is based on 100% Trust and convinced True Belief
with out knowing either side of the science argument beyond Lunatic Hearsay
you Preach is Settled Science
as you refuse to Question the Truth in Science
as you refuse to learn and know and grow forward in real science
and after being a Student of Law myself since 1980
the only Valid Legal Argument comes from knowing all sides of the argument
and you Jessica know neither side of the science argument
as you have failed both the Laws of Science and the Laws of Tested Reality
for the sake of your True Belief in Socially Politically Brainwashed Make Believe
so please provide me with Legal Science Argument based on your Moron IQ in real Science
and I would suggest you start with a 5th Grade Science Exam
and see if you pass and go from there
and if you need a Tutor you let me know
and did you know
most of the atmosphere is -200* F below zero and Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice
cools the air 10 times faster and 20 time longer than frozen water
as Columbia University has an Attorney who Failed Grade School Science
Arguing Climate Science by Biologist
with zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
who believe one small fragment of chemistry
of ~ One Half ~ of one climate variable that humans generate a fragment of in the air
while ignoring more than a dozen climate variables defines all climate science
while ignoring millions of years of climate history debunking their un-proven theory
while I know Attorneys who have passed University level Physics and Chemistry
and they disagree with you and agree with me
as their science is not based on personal feelings
their science is based on zero trust and zero politically convinced hearsay True Belief
their Science is based on the Scientific Method
as only True Believers just Believe
and as we say in Science and Law and Reality
don’t Preach it to me Prove it
as you are a Political Crusader who Failed Grade School Science
Preaching Climate Paranoia while doing Harm to Nature costing Trillions of dollars
The next time someone Preaches to you CO2 is Toxic Pollution
ask them why they continue to Drink it
scientifically proving they are a Moron in real science
January 2, 2019 ~ January 9, 2019
~ * ~
To: Jessica Wentz
Senior Fellow
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
Columbia Law School
Climate Change is Real
~ and ~
The Truth in Knowledge must always be in Question
as Settled Science does not exist in real science of the scientific method
as only True Belief Rejects Tested Knowledge for True Belief
as True Belief is now Dictating Science today
as we are now going to stop the cause of Green to save this Carbon based Earth
proving maybe we should return to Bloodletting to Cure self-Ignorance in real science
~ * ~
I Challenge Columbia Law School
to an Open Public Debate in Climate Science
with a $100,000.00
for the peer-reviewed science proving Carbon based Humans cause climate warming of this Carbon based Earth where everything Breathing and not Breathing has Carbon in it
do you know your are 20% carbon ?
and you are made by the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle made by this Carbon based Earth
and how did you earn the right to opinion in
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
and no matter what you are always right and tens of thousands of real working scientists
who disagree with you are always wrong
because you are a True Believer who does not comprehend the science
science you can not Articulate or Debate
or answer the real unanswered questions debunking your True Belief
as you can not prove your True Belief is Science
as you truly believe a self-debunked un-proven theory
based on a very proven to be backwards hypothetical
based on one half of one climate variable is Settled Science
while I knowing in real Physics and Chemistry CO2 causes both warming and cooling at the very same time with the cooling more than off-setting the warming as you are trying to stop the cause of Green to save this Carbon based Earth from variable climate warming and cooling by the variable Sun proving only Insanity Suicide as you truly believe un-proven theory is proven theory and is settled science in a brand new science no one has a real degree in when settled science does not exist in any science
and as you Preach the Sea Level is rising when NASA states the Sea level is Declining
for the past 10 years
because the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the ice is melting
caused by warming by the variable Sun with many cycles
and if Ice did not melt from the top and bottom side
the bottom side melted by the hot liquid core of this carbon based Earth
the Sea level would decline at today’s evaporation rate about 60 feet every 10 years
and as warming by the variable Sun increases Evaporation of CO2 and Water vapor increase making this carbon based earth Greener
and when evaporation increases Arctic Ice increases as it has by 40% since 2012
as you Preach all the Ice is Melting
while you truly believe one half of one climate variable defines all climate science
while you just ignore more than a dozen climate variable
providing an infinity of climate variable further debunking your True Belief
while just ignoring millions of years of climate history further debunking your True Belief
while you just ignore very real Physics and Chemistry further debunking your True Belief
as you call me a Denier
when I do not Deny
4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable Climate Change
and that is your best scientific argument
when I approach you with the scientific method
to Question Test Debate the knowledge to find the truth in science
as you reject the Scientific Method for True Belief
as you reject Scientific Question for True Belief
as you can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove you are not a Lair
as you truly believe your proven lies
as you reject peer-reviewed science before reviewing the science
as you reject Rebuttal and Debate of the real Science
as you can prove nothing but your Arrogant Ignorance in real science
as you do not know if you are right or wrong as you just make believe you are right
with out questioning the truth in knowledge
as you state to me in your reply email you are not a scientist
as you just believe you are right and real scientific are wrong and there can no debate
because your proven to be Lunatic Science is Settled
as I have Scientifically proven you are a Moron in Science
and you are a Politically Convinced and Programmed Pathological Fraud in Science
as I have now sent you a very small sample of very real peer-reviewed science
you rejected before reviewing it that in fact scientifically debunk your True Belief
as you do not comprehend the science either way
real science further debunking your true belief in un-proven theory
that you Preach is settled science when settled science does not exist
as you just believe in a proven to be political media consensus lie
because you do not comprehend the real science suppressed by the Media
real science you refuse to review and learn and know
as we must now live with your politically preached and dictated reality in science
doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
costing trillions of dollars
because you reject the scientific method
as you reject to Question Test Rebuttal and Debate
as you reject real peer-reviewed science for your politically convinced true belief
as your Organization is a Political Body not a Science Body
and as in Real Law
Politically Convinced Hearsay True Belief proves nothing
as we must now live with the politically motivated Idiots in science dictating science
who do not know the truth in knowledge and never will
as we live on a Carbon based Earth where we have Carbon based Attorneys
who are proven Morons in Science who Preach Carbon is Pollution
who are arguing science with Attorneys who are proven Morons in Science
to Judges who are proven Morons in Science
but not here in Helena Montana
as we have Judges and Attorneys here in Helena Montana who are not Morons in Science
and know the Scientific Definition of Ouija Board Science
as real science must be debated by real scientists
and not by test proven to be Morons in science
as I live for the Truth in all of Life and all of Knowledge for a better life for all
knowing true wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively while doing no harm
as we must now live with Political Media Fascism doing test proven Harm
to the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
doing scientifically test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
doing test proven Harm to all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
costing trillions of dollars to do only Harm and zero Good
and sadly they are not intelligent enough to know the harm they doing to nature
because they do not comprehend the science and reject the scientific method
while refusing to allow the public to know the questioned tested debated scientific Truth
the very real peer-reviewed science sent to them many times over many years
debunking their true belief they can not prove is real science beyond un-proven theory
they continue to preach is settled science when settled science does not exist in real science
as they continue to reject knowledge for politically convinced = Brainwashed True Belief
only proving they have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as they dictate science based on politically programmed True Belief
rejecting real science
by rejecting to Question the Truth in Knowledge
as science is to know
as they refuse to learn and know and grow forward
for their politically convinced personal feelings of true belief doing harm
while pathologically believing they are doing good
as True Believers will always reject knowledge for True Belief
as CO2 causes warming and cooling at the very same time
with the cooling effect more than off-setting the warming effect
and just ignored by Climate Paranoia
as they ignore more than a dozen other climate variables for the sake of their true belief
Climate Change is Real
and Stopping 600 million years of the cause of Green sooner than would be later
will not stop 4.6 billion years of more than a dozen climate variables known today
as Preached and Convinced by Political Media Ignorance
as they Preach we need to stop the cause of Green to stop Global Warming
because they do not know CO2 is the cause of all the Green on this CO2 starved Earth
as they do not know Plants and Trees need more CO2 than in the air today
as they Preach the cause of Green CO2 is Toxic Pollution
from their Carbon based Body made from CO2
proving Moronic Insanity not Science
as they can not Prove there is a God
and they can not prove Humans cause climate warming
as they have been politically convinced and programmed to ignore the scientific method
and to ignore real science they do not comprehend
while programmed to always believe
they are always right and anyone else who do not just believe as they just believe
are always wrong and are the Deniers of their True Belief
that their un-proven theory is reality
as it is their Politically Brainwashed Minds who reject the real peer-reviewed science
and more than a dozen climate variable and millions of years of climate history
and very proven physics and chemistry they continue to Deny
further debunking their true belief
in self debunk un-proven theory they continue to preach is settled science
scientifically proving political Media Brainwashing works very well
on those who failed grade school science and do not question the truth in knowledge
for the sake of Political Agenda True Belief to profit the few while harming Nature
as they refuse to publicly debate their Settled Lunatic Paranoid Political Science Fiction
based on Scientifically very proven to be Garbage Science they do not comprehend
and never will
as they Moronically Politically Pathologically Dictate Science
while only Fooling Themselves
Question and Test the Truth in Knowledge beyond Convinced True Belief
~ or ~
Just Believe in Political Media Pathological Fraud
by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who did not Question the Truth in knowledge for their convinced True Belief
Being Brainwashed to Believe Humans cause all Climate Change
does not scientifically prove Humans cause any Climate Change
as Climate Change is very Real but not caused by You and Me
Bruce A. Kershaw
42 plus years
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
with thousands of hours on going Climate Science Investigation since 2007
with over 40,000 requests with a reward for the peer-reviewed science
proving Humans cause Climate Warming
Proving Fraud in Climate Science
for the peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause Climate Warming
~ as ~
Climate Paranoia calls Me the Denier and a Skeptic
because I Question the Truth in Knowledge to Find the Truth in Science
beyond Politically Programmed True Believe doing real Harm to Nature for Profit
and here comes the
~ SUN ~
along with more than a dozen other climate variables just Ignored by Climate Paranoia
January 6, 2019
…as the variable
~ SUN ~
with many cycles continues to be warmer and brighter while causing a cycle of Ice Ages and Warming Periods for billions of years with some Major and Little and Mini Ice Ages with much higher levels of CO2 than in the air today along with some much warmer climate periods with much lower CO2 levels than in the air today
~ Carbon Cycle ~
with oxygen and hydrogen
caused by variably
Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor and Sun Energy
causing all carbon based life and energy on this carbon based earth
with the variable CO2
from variable un-measurable un-predictable volcanic activity below Sea level
from the Hot Liquid core of this Carbon based Earth
variably heating the Oceans the Earth Crust and lower Atmosphere
At 210 PPM CO2 in the air Plants and Trees begin to Suffocate and at 160 PPM CO2 in the air the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth will end as Plants and Tress need up to 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to be Healthy and Strong and to make a Healthier Carbon Cycle to make the Food we Eat and the O2 = oxygen we breathe and to keep up with the production of Nitrogen from Decomposing Soil
that will one day Dilute CO2 to nothing
ending the cause of all the Green
ending the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment
above Sea level of the past 600 million years
of the past 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable
Climate Change
caused by more than a dozen climate variables known today
Providing an Infinity of Climate Variable in this Brand New Climate Science
as we have far more to learn than we know today
as we learn and know something new everyday in every science
that will support or debunk what we know from yesterday
as Climate Science incorporates every science everyday
~ and ~
the 97 % Scientific Consensus is a very Scientifically Proven Political Media Lie
and Al Gore is a very Scientifically Proven Fraud in Science for Profit
doing very real test proven Harm to the cause of Green
the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle = Nature = Environment
costing trillions to end the carbon cycle above Sea level Sooner
As Al Gore Laughs all the way to the Bank
with his World Wide very proven to be Fraudulent Carbon Credit Scam
as you just believe in the convincing political words of true belief by Al Gore
with out Questioning the Truth in Knowledge
as belief in words of belief prove nothing in science or reality
just as belief in science is not science
belief in science is Ignorance
and true belief in the words of Al Gore only scientifically Prove
you are a Politically Brainwashed Big Dummy in science
Preaching Al Gores Test Proven Ignorance for his Profit
Al Gore is not a Scientist
and he has earned zero right to any scientific opinion
and you just believe everything coming out of this Politicians mouth
with zero Question zero Rebuttal and zero Debate
because Al Gore Preaches to You his Science is Settled
and that is very true
AlGoreism is Lunatic Paranoid Settled Political Science Fiction
based on proven to be flawed incomplete self-debunked backwards hypothetical
doing very test proven harm to the Environment for his Profit
and you will continue to just believe as you have been Programmed to just believe
and that is why non true believers call it Climate Religion
because you true believers always reject peer-reviewed science
for your Political Media Brainwashed True Belief
and so do not forget to send Al Gore your Monthly Commitment Donation
so we can keep that smile on his face
as Al Gore saves this Carbon based Earth from the cause of all the Green
and from the cause of all the Oxygen we Breathe
and all the Carbon based Food we Eat
for our 20% Carbon Polluted based Bodies
and Al Gore will save this Carbon based Earth from cause of all Carbon based Life
by ending the cause of all life above sea level sooner
that will have zero effect on billions of years climate change
as Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion continues to politically dictate science
doing only harm and zero good
other than taking from the very poor
and giving to the few very powerful very rich
as they dictate how we may live our lives
as we spend trillions to do only harm to the cause of Green
with out Questioning the Truth in Al Gore’s Political Science Fiction
Al Gore the Pathological Politician and Scientifically Test Proven Fraud in Science
and AlGoreism a Politically Brainwashed Pathological Political Religion
Preached by Political Media Fascism rejecting the scientific method
doing very real test proven Harm to the Environment while Profiting the Few
Rejecting knowledge is not science