AlGoreism = Climate Paranoia for Profit


Is your Reality ~ convinced ~ political make believe ?

~ * ~

The Last thing I would be Paranoid about is Climate Warming

making this Carbon based Earth Greener

I would be concerned with

a Political Lunatic pushing the Nuclear Button and starting the war to end all wars

or the next Major or Little or even a Mini Ice Age

caused by the variable Sun with many cycles

or a Solar Flare by the Sun ending all life as we know it today

as the Variable Sun with many cycles continues to be warmer and brighter over time

or the next over due Supper Volcano or Asteroid

or the on going growing Nuclear Pollution of the Soil the Oceans and the Air we breathe

that will last many thousands of years doing very real harm

as we live with over population and millions starving to death

as we are now spending trillions to reduce the cause of Green proving Insanity not Science


Paranoia is living in fear of the unknown

like catastrophic computer Ouija Board predictions of the unknowable future

based on un-proven theory

based on a proven to be backwards hypothetical

based on ~ One Half ~ of one climate variable

of more than a dozen known climate variables providing an infinity of climate variable

for billions of years


Climate Change is Real


True Believers always refuse to look at Peer-reviewed Science debunking their True Belief

and that is why it is called True Belief as test proven facts do not matter in True Belief

as those who are not Scientists who do not comprehend the Scientific Method

who do not comprehend the Science

who reject the Scientific Method and reject the Tested Science

for their Political Hearsay Words of True Belief

are those who Politically Dictate Science doing Test Proven Harm to Nature


Have you Earned the Right to Scientific Opinion

or have you been Politically convinced to just believe

with out questioning and knowing the truth in Science

have you been politically convinced by the Political Media

who will only tell you one side of the story ?


~ I have Earned the right to Scientific Opinion ~

and I do not Profit form the Questioned Truth

as they Profit from their proven to be politically convinced Pathological lies

as the true believers reject Peer-reviewed Science for Political Make Believe

proving they are not a Real Scientist or a Real Fact Checker

while one scientists can be right in real science

the Fact Checkers Preach that

I and Tens of Thousands of Real Working Scientists

with a life time of back ground in Questioned Tested Debated Knowledge

who have earned the right to scientific opinion are all Wrong

and only they the Fact Checkers with zero working back ground in the science

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion are right

in this brand new science

as they refuse to acknowledge Peer-reviewed Science

in this brand new science they do not comprehend

as People who do not have a Clue if they are right are wrong

Politically Dictate this Brand New Science

because they Truly Politically Believe they are right based on zero Question Test Debate

as they do not question the Truth in knowledge

as perceived convinced hearsay reality is not always proven fact tested reality

The Fact Checkers are proven to be Social Political Science Fiction

not based on Peer-reviewed science by the scientific method by Question Test Debate

who have never polled all the Scientists to test the 97% consensus Lie

they just believe the proven lies by the proven lairs

as they are not science bodies they are political media bodies

who can not Articulate the science or Debate the science

or provide peer-reviewed science

to scientifically prove they are not social political Pathological frauds in science

who have a political agenda doing test proven Harm to the environment

because they do not comprehend the real science

as they can not answer any of the real questions of real science debunking their true belief

they are pathological not factual

they are test proven True Believers not Scientists

as the so called fact checkers refuse to publicly debate the science

scientifically proving they are not real

they do not comprehend using un-proven theory to make catastrophic predictions

is not reality in science

and when requested with a reward the Fact Checkers who Beg for money online

can provide me with zero facts or answer any real scientific Questions

as they are proven preachers not teachers

as the U.N. states it is likely Humans cause climate warming

likely = unproven theory

based on a very proven to be very flawed incomplete study

to make Catastrophic computer Ouija Board predictions of the un-knowable future

as the Fact Checkers call this self-debunk Garbage Science Reality

proving they are political frauds in science

who have scientifically test proven to the working Scientific community

they do not know their Butts from a Hole in the Ground in real science

and over 9,000 PhD’s I know of agree who are allowed zero voice in the media

as the Media continues to Preach their Garbage Science Fiction

provided to them by their proven to be Fraudulent Fact Checkers

while allowing zero Scientific Rebuttal

and when requested many times over many years

the media can provide zero peer-reviewed science to support their statements

while ignoring peer-reviewed science provided to them debunking their true belief


Since 2007

I have an ongoing Climate Science Investigation

with 40 plus year of working back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science

and I have been asked and have Evaluated Education Programs

and I was Invited to Participate in the London Symposium on Climate Change

at the Oxford and Cambridge Club, London June of 2013

and since 2007

and I have made well over 40,000 requests to publicly debate the science

to everyone Preaching Humans cause climate change

including the Fact Checkers with a Reward

for their peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause climate warming with

Man Made

CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide

making this Carbon based Earth Greener

~ * ~

Evaporated CO2 + Evaporated Water Vapor + Sun Energy = Carbon Cycle

over 90% of the CO2 in the air is caused by Nature

causing the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

and when warming by the variable Sun increases

evaporated CO2 and Water vapor increases too

making this Carbon based Earth Greener

evaporated CO2 and water vapor are the by product of warming not the cause

warming occurs first and then CO2 and Water Vapor levels rise as

evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor is a variable and the cause of all the Green

and Plants and Trees would like 4 times more CO2 than if the air today

to be at best health

~ * ~

~ I have asked many Fact Checker Organizations very real Scientific Questions ~

~ as they claim to be experts in this Brand New Science

and when they can not answer these Questions

~ what does this scientifically prove ?

and when you provide the Answers to the Questions they can not Answer

supported by very real and very available Peer-reviewed Science

~ they could not find the very available Answers to ~

what does this scientifically prove ?

and when you ask the very same Questions again

and they still can not answer the questions you gave them the peer-reviewed Answer to

~ what does this scientifically prove ?

as these Fact Checkers are Political Media Bodies not Science Bodies

and have scientifically proven they have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as their facts are Political Hearsay not First Hand Questioned Tested Debated Knowledge

as these so called Fact Checkers provide scientific answers to questions

asked by Politicians and the Media

and when the Politicians and the Media can not Answer the very same Questions

they too were provided the peer-reviewed Answers to

~ what does this scientifically prove in real science ?

as they all Preach their scientific opinion they have not earned and can not prove

with peer-reviewed science

as Political Ignorance caused by Politically ~ convinced ~ True belief

is the easiest Ignorance to scientifically prove is convinced Political Pathological Fraud

as they provide Political Answers to scientific questions

they have not earned the right to give opinion in

as they do not know the real science they just Politically make believe the science

as they continue to state those who have earned the right to opinion are wrong

and they who have not earned the right to opinion

are always right

based on zero scientific method and zero peer-reviewed science

The Fact Checkers are Proven Frauds

caused by their test proven convinced Political Ignorance

doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

as they continue to reject peer-reviewed science

for self-debunk un-proven theory they preach is Settled Science

test proving they are Political Lunatics not Scientists


Politically Preaching Climate Paranoia is not Science


science is: to know

and convincing someone to just politically believe you

with out proving the truth in knowledge is Hearsay Political True Belief not Science

because real science is proven by question ~ test ~ debate with peer-reviewed science

not politically convinced and just believed

as very extreme progressive variable climate change is very real for billions of years

while Human caused climate warming is a very self-debunked un-proven theory

and there is zero scientific consensus in un-proven theory

Politically Preached by the Media as Settled Science with 97% consensus

is a very proven Political Lie that is just believed with out any investigation by Journalist

Proving Real Journalism is Dead

as we live with Fact Checkers who failed grade school science

who provide us with political hearsay as test proven fact

who can not answer the real Questions of Real Science

even when given the Answers to the questions

who can not Articulate the science

or provide real peer-reviewed science to support their public statements

as the Fact checkers do not know if they are right or wrong

because they do not comprehend the science

as they politically believe what they want to believe

with out knowing the truth in knowledge

in this Brand New Science no one has a real Degree in

as they are the self-proclaimed Experts in this Brand New Climate Science

who do not provide or Educate knowledge they Preach their words of political true belief

rejecting knowledge doing only harm to Nature


 Blind Faith Leading the True Believers

all based on personal feelings not test proven fact

because when you send these so called fact checkers very real peer-reviewed science

they obviously do not comprehend as they continue to Lie to the public

proving they are not Qualified to be Fact Checkers in this Brand New Science

as they continue to preach their test proven Ignorance in science

while proving they have been politically convinced not educated and are politically bias

as they just ignore the questions they can not answer

that debunk their true belief in un-proven theory they preach is settled science

and refuse to publicly debate or can prove is real with peer-reviewed science

as they reject peer-reviewed science

proving these so called Fact Checkers are proven Pathological Frauds and Fools

who can not answer my Scientific Questions debunking their Hearsay True Belief

as Real Science is Questioned Tested and Debated

and not politically convinced

as the so called Fact Checkers have scientifically failed the real scientific test

as I know the answers to the questions they can not answer proving their Ignorance

and when I give them the answers to the questions they still can answer the questions

because they do not comprehend the scientific Questions or the Answers

scientifically proving they are Stupid Ignorant Political Frauds in Science

Preaching Lunatic Paranoid Political Science Fiction as Fact Checked Reality

doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle they do not comprehend

and they have scientifically test proven

they are Political Media Pathological Frauds in Science

proving the Fact Checkers are a Political Cancer in Science Reality

doing only harm to the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

~ and as we say in real science ~

Don’t Preach it to me ~ Prove it

Put Up or Shut Up

as the True Believers will always be True Believers

and will continue to reject knowledge they do not comprehend

and do not want to learn and know

and will continue to Preach their test proven Lunatic political science fiction

doing harm

as test proven Ignorance is caused by True Belief refusing to to know




for the peer-reviewed science


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide

contributing to the cause of all the Green


the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life and Energy

making all the Carbon based Food we Eat and all the Oxygen we Breathe

on this CO2 Staved Carbon based Earth where everything has Carbon in it


Being Politically Convinced does not Earn you the Right to Scientific Opinion


The future is not written in stone

or by Ouija Board Computers

and catastrophic predictions never come true

and if they did come true we would all be long gone many moons ago

as many Catastrophic Climate Predictions by NASA have not come true

as NASA predicted 30 years ago Manhattan would be underwater today

but as warming by the variable Sun increases

evaporation of CO2 and water vapor increase too

as the rate of evaporation has now exceeded the rate the ice is Melting

causing the sea level to decline for the past 8 years

while increasing Rain and Snow and Arctic Ice by 40% since 2012

as NASA now admits the sea level has been falling and the increase of Arctic Ice

as the opposite is Politically Preached to us to be true by true believers

proving they are Pathological not Factual

while humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years about 350 feet

and we know the Sea level has been 100 feet higher than today

as everything in this universe and on this carbon based Earth is a variable not a constant

and if Ice did not melt the sea level would decline about 60 feet every 10 years

and from what I do know beyond politically convinced true belief

based on real science

one day Nitrogen from decomposing soil can and probably will dilute CO2 to nothing

and at 210 ppm CO2 in the air Plants begin to suffocate

at 160 ppm CO2 in the air the carbon cycle the cause of all the Green

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth will end above sea level

as Plants and Trees need four times the CO2 than in the air today to be at good health

as we now spend trillions to end the cause of all the Green sooner

and as warm CO2 rises

as all heat still rises in real physics

very frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is crashing downward

more than off-setting the warm CO2 rising

while in real physics

something the size of a sewing thread = Human Generated CO2

can not tap heat in something the size of a football field = the Atmosphere

now incorporate more than a dozen other climate variables

providing an infinity of climate variable for billions of years

just ignored by a proven to be very flawed incomplete climate study

that is Politically Preached Convinced Brainwashed to be settled science

when settled science does not exist in real science

while Climate Science is a Brand New Science

and we have far more to learn than we know today

as we learn and know something new everyday in every science




~ Church of Climate Paranoia ~



doing scientifically test proven harm to the Environment

by those who refuse to learn and know and grow forward with fact tested reality

who reject knowledge for convinced political true belief doing harm

who do not question the truth in knowledge

who refuse to allow Public question rebuttal of debate of fact tested knowledge

who prevent the public from knowing the questioned Truth in Science

who prevent the Free Speech of others who do ~ know ~ the science

who will allow only their True Belief side of the story to be told with out Question

proving politically dictated Fascism not science

by those who prefer to live in Politically Convinced Paranoia

based on self-debunked un-proven theory in science they do not comprehend

as they provide us with their scientific opinion they have not earned


AlGoreism is: Politically ~ Preached = Convinced ~ Climate Paranoia

with zero scientific rebuttal allowed in the politically controlled media

a Scientifically Test Proven to be Self-Debunk Un-Proven Theory

that is Politically ~ Convinced = Brainwashed ~ as Settled Science

and is scientifically proven to be exactly ~ Backwards ~ Garbage Science

based on a scientifically proven to be Flawed and Incomplete Study

based on less than 10% of one half of one climate variable

of more than a dozen known climate variables providing an infinity of climate variable

as this scientifically proven to be Backwards science

is used to make pre-programmed paranoid catastrophic

computer Ouija Board climate predictions of the un-knowable future

based on self-debunk un-proven Backwards theory

as the media refuses to allow Open Pubic Scientific Question and Debate

because it is ~ Settled ~ Lunatic Political Science Fiction

and the scientific method does not apply to this proven to be Paranoid Lunatic Science

~ doing Harm ~

as this very proven to be Lunatic Science is not open for Question ~ Test ~ Debate

because it is Settled Lunatic Paranoid Political Science Fiction

by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

~ when settled science does not exist in real science ~

as the Truth in all knowledge must always be in Question

so we may learn and know and grow forward in tested reality everyday

so we do no Harm based on True Belief in un-Proven theory


science is: to know

science is: not ~ True Belief in un-Questioned un-Debated

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

costing Trillions of Dollars to end the Carbon Cycle above Sea level sooner

ending all carbon based life on this carbon based earth above sea level

for the sake of true belief in proven to be backwards lunatic political science fiction

that is politically preached as settled science

and not open for public debate for the sake of political agenda


politically convinced belief in science is religion

and not proven fact tested reality by the scientific method

because reality in science is questioned not politically preached and believed

and Climate Paranoia can not Answer the Real Scientific Questions

even when they are given the test proven answers

as they refuse to acknoVwledge the Scientific Questions they can not answer

scientifically proving their politically convinced true belief is not Real Science

as they refuse to allow Question ~ Test ~ Debate

because it is Settled Lunatic Paranoid Political Science Fiction doing test proven harm


If you can not Articulate the Science

If you can not Debate the Science

If you can Prove the Science

its not Real Science


49 NASA Scientists do not agree with AlGoreism

30,000 plus Scientists in the USA that I know of

over 9,000 with PhD’s

do not agree with AlGoreism

87% of the National Academy of Science do not agree with AlGoreism


AlGoreism is based on scientifically test proven to be

Backwards self-debunk Un-Proven Theory

further debunked by very real science just ignored by Political Fools


The 97% Scientific Consensus is a Scientifically Proven Political Media Lie

by those who refuse to publicly debate the science

and can not scientifically prove the true belief is science

Scientifically Proving ~ their ~ Garbage Science is Garbage Science

as they are doing scientifically test proven Harm to the Environment for Profit

for Power and Greed

by those who reject the scientific method and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as the Un-knowing and Politically convinced to just believe

with out questioning the true in knowledge

are the true believers who have proven they failed grade school science

as only the True Believers may have a voice in the Political Media


skepticism =

the doctrine that the truth in all knowledge must always be in Question

and those who have been politically convinced to believe skepticism is a mental flaw

need a real Shrink

The scientific method =

to Question Test Debate to find and know the truth in knowledge

so we may learn and know and grow forward

so we may do no harm providing a better life for all

The Key to the Truth is Tested Knowledge

as Politically Convinced True Belief is a Scientifically Test Proven Lie

and I think I will open a Bloodletting Mental Health Club for Political True Believers

where we will bleed the political poison out of the lack of Brains

caused by the Political Media Brainwashing of test proven Ignorance in science

because Climate Paranoia

based on Preached Ouija Board Computer Catastrophic Prediction

based on self debunked un-proven theory Politically Preached as reality

while just Ignoring very real very available Peer-reviewed Science

scientifically debunking your True Belief in Lunatic Political Science Fiction

is not real science

~ * ~

and here comes the SUN

along with more than a dozen other climate variables

just Ignored by Climate Paranoia

~ scientifically proving ~

True Stupidity is Self -Ignorance caused by convinced True Belief

politically rejecting proven fact tested reality


 Paranoid Predictions of the un-knowable future

~ based on scientifically proven to be ~

very flawed very incomplete Politically Fraudulent Garbage Science

providing only self-debunked un-proven theory preached as reality

is not reality

and True Believers will continue to just Believe

further scientifically proving

it is a Lunatic Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

and not


Publicly Questioned Tested Debated Science

as scientifically proven

and is Al Gore who is 20% Carbon made from CO2

who has publicly proven he failed grade school science a Billionaire yet ?

with his very proven to be Fraudulent world wide Carbon Credit Scam

as his website with zero peer-reviewed science Begs for more money

so he can save this Carbon based Earth from the cause of all Carbon based Life

so we may one day end the Carbon Cycle above sea level sooner


Al Gore is a very proven Fraud in Science and a test proven Political Lunatic

doing very real test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

as he continues to Preach an un-proven theory is Settled Science

when Settled Science does not exist

as the proven Hypocrite who can Articulate Zero Science

who can Prove Zero Science

is very happy to take your money and Laugh all the way to his Bank

while Al Gore does know your money cannot stop

4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

as he Preaches his Paranoia for Profit for Power and Greed

as Al Gore and his test proven Ignorance in Science

is fully supported by his True Believers who do not Question the Truth in knowledge

and never will

because they are true believers not scientists

who truly need something to just truly believe in

and does not matter if their true belief is doing harm to the cause of Green

all that matters is they Truly Believe

and that is why Green Lunatics are called Green Lunatics

as they do not know = science

their convinced true belief is harming the cause of Green

and you can not stop True Belief with proven fact tested reality by the scientific method


The cause of all carbon based life and all the food we eat and all the oxygen we breathe

on this carbon based earth

with zero color taste or smell is not toxic pollution as Preached by AlGoreism

as CO2 causes Warming while rising

very frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is crashing downward causing very real Cooling

Both at the very same time

with the cooling off-setting the warming

so lets Tax the cause of Green so we can spend trillions to reduce the cause of Green


Climate Science

~ vs ~


Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

based on self-debunked un-proven theory

to predict a catastrophic future based on test proven Ignorance in science

and if you truly believe humans cause climate warming

then you can prove humans cause climate warming

because you do not know  = science

as you just believe what you are convinced and told to just believe with out Question


Always Question the Truth in Knowledge = Scientist = to find the truth in science

as all science is in question everyday

and everyday there is a new tested truth in science

as we grow froward in tested reality

so we may do no harm

~ * ~



About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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