AlGoreism = Climate Paranoia for Profit


Real Science is Thinking not Believing


Nitrogen caused by decomposing soil has gone from nothing to just under 80.% of the air

and one day Nitrogen will dilute CO2 only 00.04% = 4/100 of 1 % today to nothing

and when CO2 is at 00.016% of the air

this will end the carbon cycle above sea level as there is already to little CO2

for all the plants and trees to breathe on this carbon based Earth

as Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to be at best health

and as warm CO2 rises

very frozen CO2 Dry Ice is Crashing down

more than off-setting the warm CO2 rising

as we are spending trillions to reduce the cause of all the Green

to end the carbon cycle above sea level sooner

proving Political Insanity is Politically dictating Science they do not comprehend

as they Profit from their test proven Lunatic Political Science Fiction

doing only test proven harm to the cause of all the Green

the Carbon Cycle

doing only harm

to the cause of all carbon based life and energy on this carbon based Earth

doing only harm to the cause of all the food we eat and all the Oxygen we breathe

because they Dictate ~ their ~ True Belief and refuse to know the tested truth

by Question Test Debate

Tested Knowledge ~ vs ~ Convinced Political True Belief


Preaching and convincing is not Informing or Teaching or Proving

and Proving Science is not the Equivalent to selling a Used Car

and Political Media Fascism is not Science

because convincing your political hearsay true belief proves nothing in real science

and when the Political Media forces something down your throat

with out Public comment = Question Rebuttal or Debate

or provide peer-reviewed science when requested

to support the Preached Political Hearsay True Belief

while allowing only the Political Media True Belief side of the story to be told

this is not fair and balanced Journalism

this is Political Media Fascism

Preaching what is test proven to be Political Media Garbage Hearsay Science Fiction

doing only test proven harm to the

Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

costing Trillions of dollars


Science is: to know

and Imagination provides us with Ideas

leading us to Hypothetical Conjecture = unproven theory

that is then Questioned Tested and Debated

and through Failure we succeed to find the truth in knowledge


97% of the CO2 in the air is caused by Nature

and the 97% scientific consensus is only one of many very Proven Political Media Lies

being shoved down the public’s throat with out Question Rebuttal or Debate

and living and preaching fear of computer Ouija Board prediction is Paranoia not Science

especially when the Ouija Board predictions are based on very scientifically proven to be

self-debunk un-proven theory

based on a scientifically proven to be backwards hypothetical

as science is proven wrong more often than proven right by the scientific method

by Question Test Debate

by test proven failure

to find the Truth in knowledge beyond True Belief in un-proven theory

but you must admit your failures to succeed

because Politically convincing = Brainwashing your Political Hearsay true belief

while preventing the public from knowing any of the very available tested facts

debunking your political Hearsay belief side of the story

is not informing educating or proving your science by the scientific method

Preaching Test Proven Ignorance is not Teaching or Proving Science


The majority of CO2 going into the air everyday is from volcanic activity below sea level

with the water evaporated in to the air causing all the Green causing the Carbon Cycle

and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth above sea level

and as warming increases water vapor and CO2 increase causing more Green

while Humans generate about 3% of the CO2 going into the air

while it is widely accepted humans generate about 10% of the CO2 going into the air

and if you include Lungs = Nature then the CO2 level are much higher

as all Lungs on this carbon based Earth produce more CO2 than all the cars

but as warming by the variable sun increases evaporated CO2 and water vapor increases

the level of CO2 by Humans drops to under 1% of the CO2 going into the air everyday

and if the atmosphere was the size of a football field

all of the CO2 in the air would be the equivalent of a Kite String

down the middle 50 yard line

for all the plants and trees to breathe

while Human generated CO2 would be the equivalent of

something smaller than a sewing thread down the 50 yard line

to trap all the heat in something the size of a football field ?

while knowing all heat rises including warm CO2

while knowing frozen air is taking it place at the Poles of this Earth

and that is all there is for all the plants and trees the breathe in the air

while knowing plants and trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to be Healthy

while humans have 20 yards of the football field for their share of the air to breathe

knowing the Oxygen we breathe is made from CO2 by the carbon cycle

while knowing all the food we eat is made from CO2 by the carbon cycle

knowing all the Green is made by CO2 made by the hot liquid core this carbon based earth

while knowing the hot churning variable Liquid core

is variably heating the Oceans the Earths Crust and the Lower Atmosphere

while those who failed grade school science

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who refuse to Publicly Debate the Science

who Socially Politically Pathologically Dictate Science

as they reject the scientific method

~ to question test debate to find and know the truth in science ~

as they ignore peer-reviewed science debunking their political hearsay true belief

and refuse to allow scientific rebuttal debunking their true belief in un-proven theory

based on a proven to be backwards hypothetical

they truly believe and preach is proven theory and settled science

as settled science dose not exist in real science

further proving they failed grade school science

while owning and controlling the Media

They = Climate Paranoia

live in fear of the unknown

based on computer Ouija Board Predictions

based on a scientifically proven to be backwards Hypothetical = un-proven theory

based on a flawed incomplete study

using scientifically proven to be flawed and misinterpreted data

based on one half of one climate variable

while ignoring more than a dozen climate variables

providing an infinity of climate variable

while ignoring millions of years of climate history

while ignoring very real hard physics and chemistry

all further debunking their self-debunk un-proven theory

based on one half of one climate variable

they Preach is Settled Science in a Brand New Science no one has a Real Degree in

scientifically proving they are Social Political Pathological Frauds in science

selling ~ their ~ Paranoia while doing very real test proven harm to the

Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

real science they do not comprehend and never will

because they are True Believers not real Scientists

as only true belief can never admit they are wrong

with a very proven political agenda based on very proven to be

Lunatic Political Media Science Fiction

doing only test proven Harm to the cause of all the Carbon based Green

the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

because they refuse to look and see and know beyond their Political Pathological Truth

in real science they do not

~ know ~

and can not Articulate and can not Debate and can not Prove

and you can not stop a Social Political Pathological True Belief = Religion

with proven fact tested reality in science

because nothing is possible beyond their Pathological Truth

~ doing harm ~

you can not stop true belief with real science

as they continue to truly believe they are right when scientifically proven wrong

proving the Ignorance of Un-Questioned True Belief doing only test proven Harm

because they refuse to know beyond belief

~Pathological not Factual ~

and Factual can not fix Pathological

and only Real Scientists

can admit they are proven wrong and learn and know and grow forward

making the world a better place

as Science is Dictated by Lunatic Politics

Political Agenda = Political Science Fiction = Political Religion

and so thanks to scientifically proven to be Fascist Political Stupidity

and very scientifically proven to be Political Garbage Science Fiction on the internet

we are devolving in real science


You can only find the Truth in knowledge by Questioning the Truth in knowledge

because Socially believing in something does not make it real or the truth

as Politically convinced Hearsay True Belief is not Fact Tested Reality in Science


Water Vapor = White Steam coming out of Steam Driven Power Plant Smoke Stakes

is not Toxic Pollution as Preached by Climate Paranoia


CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide

with zero color taste or smell

causing the Carbon Cycle caused by this Carbon based Earth

is not Toxic Pollution as Preached by Climate Paranoia


The cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

the Carbon Cycle

caused by Water Vapor and CO2 and Sun Energy

and is not Toxic Pollution as Preached by Climate Paranoia


The Internal Combustion Engine produces Water Vapor and CO2

all Power Plants that require O2 = oxygen from the air to ~ vaporize ~ burn fuel

produce Water vapor and CO2

Volcanoes caused by the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

produce Water Vapor and CO2

all causing the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

while all the Lungs on this Carbon based Earth produce more CO2 than all the Cars


Those who have been Politically convinced to just believe

Water vapor and CO2 is Toxic Pollution

are test proven Morons and Fools in real science


Have you been convinced to Believe without Questioning the Truth in knowledge

and if you are a True Believer then you are Pathological not Factual

because you can not Articulate the Science or Debate the Science or Prove the Science

because you are Convinced = Pathological not Educated = Factual

and you have earned zero right to scientific opinion

because you can not scientifically prove your convinced true belief is tested reality

as you Preach your convinced true belief you can not prove is tested reality

because you have not Questioned the Truth in Knowledge

because you have been programmed to just believe what you are told to just believe

and you have been programmed that it is wrong to

~ Question the Truth in Knowledge = Skepticism ~

to find and know the truth in science

and those who Preach skepticism is a mental flaw

are the very ones very much in need of a mentally healthy Shrink

because there are Lunatic Shrinks out their who make believe

to Question the Truth in knowledge to find the Truth in knowledge = skepticism

is a mental flaw

proving some Shrinks are very much in need a good Shrink

as they too have been convinced = programmed = Socially Politically Brainwashed

to just believe with out Questioning the truth

as repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming

while most Pathological True Believers will always be True Believers who reject test proven knowledge but we can not allow these pathological fools to continue to control our lives based on their Lunatic Science doing test proven harm to the environment even if they truly believe they are saving the cause of Green by forcing us to spend trillions of dollars trying to end the cause of Green


True Belief is: not Science

Science is: Questioned Tested Debated Knowledge


There are zero personal feelings of convinced true belief in real science

as True Belief is Religion not proven fact tested knowledge

and the un-questioned convinced programmed Pathological Truth

is not the Questioned Truth in Tested Debated Knowledge = science


We can not make this Carbon based Earth a better place to live and be

by spending many Trillions of dollars reducing the cause of all the Green

CO2 + Water vapor + Sun energy = Green

the CO2 and Water vapor is evaporated by the variable Sun

causing the carbon cycle above sea level for the past 600 million years

and far less than 10% of the CO2 is Generated by Humans

and as warming by the variable Sun increases

the evaporation of CO2 and water vapor increases causing more Green

as CO2 in Tested Reality is causing both warming and cooling at the very same time

as Warm CO2 rises

frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is crashing back down

more than off-setting warm CO2 rising

as Climate Paranoia is based only on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

~ and warm CO2 not rising ~

when all heat still rises in real Physics and frozen air still take its place

causing the Ice Caps on this Carbon based Earth


science is: to know

and Convinced Political Feelings of True Belief is not Knowledge  = Science

convinced political belief is: political science fiction

as science reality is tested not convinced and just believed


Climate Science

~ for ~

Political Pathological Big Dummy’s in Climate Science

as the proven Lies are Preached as the Truth because the tested Truth is not Known by the

True Believers

because they do not comprehend the science

as they just believe the convinced proven Lies are the Truth

because they do not question the Truth in Knowledge

because they just believe what they have been convinced to just believe with out Question


Is your Reality Politically Convinced and just Believed

or have you Questioned and Tested Reality to Know the Truth in Reality

beyond convinced True Belief

as the Truth in Reality is not Politically Convinced and just Believed

unless your reality is make believe proving you are a fools fool and not a scientist


I was Licensed by the State of California in March of 1976

to Inspect Test Repair and Certify Emission Control Systems

I am an Expert in Atmospheric Emission Science for the past 42 plus Years

and when someone who Claims to be an Expert in Climate Science

who has zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

tells me the variable Sun with many cycles that continues to be warmer and brighter

is not a Climate variable and Humans cause ~ all ~ Climate Change

and Humans are responsible for all the bad weather on this carbon based Earth

and it is their job to Predict the Climate Future with their computer

~ based on one half of one climate variable ~

while ignoring more than a dozen climate variables that I know of

they have just Scientifically proven to me they are a Lunatic not a Scientist

who is being paid a lot of money to Preach his

un-Questioned un-Tested un-Debated proven to be Lunatic Science Fiction to Students

but the students are not provided the peer-reviewed rebuttal science side of the argument

that does debunk the Preached Lunatic Science Fiction

proving our Kids and Grand Kids are being convinced to just believe in Garbage Science

and not Educated with Questioned Tested Debated Knowledge

scientifically proving Political Fascism in Science Education

by those who reject the scientific method for convinced Political True Belief


science is: to know

~ knowing ~

Climate Change is Real


~ knowing ~

all heat in Real Physics still rises

while I am still waiting for the Church of Climate Paranoia to provide with a science paper


all heat in real physics still rises

~ while knowing ~

-200 * below zero Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is Crashing downward toward the poles of this carbon based Earth more than off-setting the warm CO2 rising

as I am still waiting for a science paper debunking frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is crashing downward and cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water

as Climate Paranoia is based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

to define all climate science

as Frozen CO2 crashing downward is Irrelevant in their un-proven theory

along with many other very real climate variables missing from their un-proven theory

they Pathologically Preach is Settled Science

Question ?

~ while knowing all gases absorb and radiate heat while expanding and rising ~

How does something the size of a sewing thread = Humans Generated CO2

Trap Heat in something the size of  a football field = the Atmosphere

Question ?

why are there more than a dozen Climate Variables missing from the climate study

along with many millions of years of known climate history

and very real Physics and Chemistry

all further debunking the un-proven theory and so called climate study

Preached as Settled Science


Can you Answer the very real Climate Questions that Climate Paranoia can not ?

as they refuse to acknowledge any real scientific questions

or debate the science

as they reject testing reality for convinced political true belief doing harm


True Believers just ignore the many Questions they can not Answer

~ further debunking their Pathological true belief un-proven theory is proven theory ~

as they Ignore all peer-reviewed science debunking their true belief

as they continue to Preach un-proven theory is settled science

proving they are Political Pathological Lunatics not Scientists

as scientifically proven Fraud for Power and Greed dictate science doing Harm


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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