2018 U.S. Government ~ Debunked ~ Climate Report


science is: to know

and only knowledge can be questioned ~ tested and debated

and only True Belief can not be questioned

as knowledge is questioned to find the truth in knowledge

as there can be no questioned truth in True Belief

and politically convinced true belief is not science

politically convinced true belief is Political Religion

as those who refuse to allow Question ~ Test ~ Debate by the scientific method

have scientifically test proven

their Politically con-vinced True Belief is not knowledge = science

and those who reject the scientific method for politically convinced true belief

are not Real Scientist

they are True Believers who have been convinced to just truly believe with out question

as they reject questioned knowledge for politically Brainwashed true belief

as they have been politically convinced to be Paranoid

based on Prediction of the unknowable future

based on scientifically proven to be political garbage science fiction

based on a scientifically proven to be very flawed incomplete political climate study

by those who continue to refuse to allow Question ~ Test ~ Debate

and continue to just ignore Real Peer-reviewed Science

debunking their politically convinced True Belief

~ as they truly just believe un-proven theory is proven theory ~

and true belief in prediction of the unknowable future

based on the True Belief an un-proven theory is proven theory

is not tested reality in science

and living in fear on the unknown is Paranoia not science

and those Preaching their proven Paranoia will continue to Preach their Paranoia

because they refuse to ~ know ~ for the sake of their convinced True Belief

and this Scientifically Proven to be Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

 will always be

the true belief in science based on zero proven fact tested knowledge = science

when there is zero true belief in real science

as climate change is real

and being Socially Politically con-vinced Humans cause all Climate Change

does not prove in real science Humans do cause all Climate Change

and the true belief un-proven theory is proven theory is test proven Ignorance

and are you politically convinced to just believe

and programmed to reject Question Test Debate

and to just ignore tested knowledge for true belief

and refuse to learn and know and grow forward

as you have been convinced

by those who have publicly proven they failed grade school science

who can only prove they have not earned zero right to scientific opinion


Do you just believe what you are politically programmed to just believe ?

and do not scientifically Know

you are doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment


The Religion of Science is skepticism of True Belief in Science

as the truth in all knowledge must always be in question

as skepticism = to always question the truth in all knowledge

is the bases for the scientific method = to Question Test Debate to find the truth in science

and is only a Sin in Climate Religion

scientifically proving test proven knowledge = real science is a Sin in Climate Religion

as True Believers will always be True Believers

who will continue to just ignore all proven fact tested reality in Science

and they will never know they are scientifically test proven

Pathological Frauds in Real Science

as AlGoreism continues to politically dictate a false reality in science

as Blind Faith is not knowledge = science


Debunking Climate Paranoia

~ and ~

The Scientific Method To My Madness


I do not Deny Climate Change as ~ they = the True Believers call me

The Denier

who lie about me

because I Question the Truth in Knowledge

while they can not answer the very real Questions of real science

because they just ignore the many very real Questions in real science

as they continue to refuse to debate the science proving their science is not real

proving they are not real scientists

as True Belief Ignores Knowledge for True Belief


Ignoring real peer-reviewed science for true belief

will not make the very real fact tested peer-reviewed science go away

and those who have real peer-reviewed science do not need a Shrink

it is only those who pretend they have peer-reviewed science

who need a Mentally Healthy Shrink

a Healthy Shrink who does not just politically make believe


to Question the Truth in Knowledge is a Mental Flaw

as some do


To: The United States Government Climate Report

by the Government Church of Climate Paranoia

Dear NOAA and NASA,

after requesting your peer-reviewed science for many years

where is your Peer-reviewed Science proving Humans cause all Climate Warming ?

and on behalf of the tens of thousands of working scientists

that I know of that you just ignore

who have real names and faces and real science and real scientific questions

who I agree with

I challenge you to an open public scientific debate in

~ the ~

Brand New Climate Science

no one has a degree in

with a


~ Reward ~

for your peer-reviewed science

you have yet to provide to the working scientific community

proving humans cause all climate warming

so we may Review Analyze Question Test and Rebuttal before we Debate the Science

as I continue to make this request to many of you

many times over many years since 2007 with zero response

and why do you just ignore more than a dozen climate variables

and why do you just ignore millions of years of climate history

and why do you just ignore simple physics and chemistry

and why do you just ignore

many Tens of Thousands of real working scientists and their peer-reviewed science

you just pretend do not exist

all further scientifically debunking

your true belief in un-proven theory you preach is fact tested reality

as those you have convinced to Truly Believe continue to just believe what you Preach

with out Question

as only Religion is True Belief with out Question

and preaching paranoia based on prediction based on flawed incomplete science

is Lunatic Make Believe

because True Belief in proven to be Garbage science you can not prove

and refuse to debate is not fact tested reality

don’t Preach it Prove it

as it is very simple to prove you are wrong because you can not prove you are right


Bruce A. Kershaw

42 plus Years Atmospheric Emission Science

with on going Climate Science investigation since 2007

Proving Fraud in Climate Science by Paranoid Climate Religion

~ * ~

Carol Davenport ~ New York Times


please forward you peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause all climate warming

as I continue to make this request many times over many years

as I have sent you and many others at the New York Times

samples of real Peer-reviewed science

further debunking your true belief in un-proven theory

you continue to Preach to the Public is fact tested reality in science

~ as ~

The Majority of the Scientific Community

do not just believe un-proven theory is proven theory

as Preached by the Media who do not comprehend the science

and are not intelligent enough to know

they are Preaching an Un-proven Theory as Test Proven Theory

while believing they are experts in science based on zero scientific method

and zero working back ground and zero investigation in to the science

proving they are political true believers not scientists

Preaching what they are told to just Believe and Preach with out Question

while allowing zero Public Scientific Rebuttal to the words they Preach

proving they are not Real Journalist by their proven Bias and Political Agenda

Politically promoting and selling test proven harm

to the Carbon Cycle they do not comprehend

as they Preach in Blindness to fact tested reality in science

caused by their Political Arrogant Ignorance in Real Science

as they reject knowledge for their political true belief

as they Preach to us they are for Green on this Carbon based Earth

while Preaching to us the cause of all the Green is Toxic Pollution

as they continue to shoot the foot in their mouth

as very simple science is just ignored for Political True Belief doing only Harm

as you provide the Public with only your test proven Ignorance in real Science

as you refuse to look and see and know and grow forward

for the sake of your True Belief debunk by the real science you just ignore



~ * ~

My repeated science arguments in many forms to many proven fools in science

who just believe what they are told to just believe with out Question

who can not admit they are proven wrong because they do not comprehend the science

as they continue to just Pathologically Politically truly believe they are right

while Politically Bloodletting Nature

and refusing to scientifically debate the Harm they are dong to the Environment

as they tell only their political true belief side of the story

proving they failed grade school science and have earned zero right to scientific opinion


when debunking political make believe

this does not stop Political Make Believe from doing harm in reality

as they continue to just politically believe

while Politically Convincing People to just Believe Humans cause all Climate Change

does not Scientifically Prove Humans cause all Climate Warming

after 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

by more than dozen climate variables known today

missing from the politically based very flawed incomplete climate study

based on zero scientific method = to Question Test Debate

supported by proven to be False Data and incomplete self-debunk Science Papers

being used today as real scientific proof humans cause climate change

Proving only Fraud in Science

as the Scientific Consensus preached by the Media is a scientifically proven Political Lie

as a Political Pathological Consensus Dictates a Climate Religion Rejecting Science

as they believe their convincing words of belief are all you need as proof in real science

only proving they are the real fools in real science

as they make believe they are experts in real science


Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion


Tens of Thousands of Working Scientists


with the U.S. Government Climate Report

real working scientists who are never allowed a voice for Scientific Rebuttal in the Media

as only one side of many sides of the Story can be told by the Media

with Peer-reviewed science withheld from the Public by the Media

for the sake of Media Political Agenda

doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

real science they do not comprehend and refuse to know

as they reject the scientific method for political true belief

as their Blind Faith dictates political science fiction to the un-knowing Public

when real science is: to know

Beyond Political Agenda True Belief

as all the very proven available facts must be allowed to be seen and known by all

so the Public can then decide for themselves what is real and what is not

as the political media has decided for the public what is real and what is not for the public

saving the Public from having to think for themselves

based on Political Agenda doing test proven harm to nature for Power and Greed

as the Scientifically Proven Political Media Brainwashing Continues

based on very test proven political science fiction they do not comprehend

as they are not Scientists they are Political Pathological True Believers

as they do not know they are lying to the public as they truly believe their very proven Lies

as they try to convince the Public to just believe as they just believe with out Question

when real science is not convinced it is proven

as they refuse to allow all the facts to be known and to be Publicly Questioned and Debated

this is proven Political Fascism in science not reality in science

as scientifically proven Fascism Dictates their Political Science Fiction

doing only Harm to the Environment as they Preach to us they are doing good

and you can not stop true belief with tested knowledge

as they truly believe their politically dictated science is real

as Dictated Climate Paranoia is Political Insanity not Tested Reality in Science

~ * ~

…and as the saying goes ~

” Good Enough for Government Work “

as science is proven wrong more often than proven right

and when your science is real you can debate the science

and when your science is proven to be not real and you refuse to debate the science

as you continue to Politically Preach your Climate Paranoia

based on Computer Ouija Board Climate Prediction of the un-knowable future

based on proven to be False Data and a proven to be Flawed Incomplete Study

based on 10% of ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

while ignoring of more than a dozen known climate variables

providing an infinity of climate variable

while ignoring millions of years of climate history

of this ever changing and growing atmosphere over billions of years

while ignoring very real very proven physics and chemistry

all missing from a Climate Study that States it is

 ” likely “

Humans cause climate warming

~ this is not proven fact tested reality in science ~

and those who Preach this is settled science have only proven their Ignorance

and have not earned the right to scientific opinion


Paranoid Political Prediction is not Science

as Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

and withholding knowledge from those you are trying to politically convince is not science

Socially Politically Programming People to just believe as you just believe

without providing all the very real very available facts that you just ignore is not science

I do not deny climate change and you can not prove

carbon based humans cause climate warming of this carbon based earth

with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide


~ Question ~

where do the Polar Bears go during Ice Ages

when they can no longer break through the Ice to get to their food

because the Ice is miles thick ?

~ the Polar Bear roams back to Montana where they came from ~

The Polar Bear is a Montana Grizzly Bear that roamed north

that can swim up to 70 miles at a time

and the thinner the Ice the easier it is to find and kill their food

the Polar Bears are Snow Birds who go south for the Ice Ages

back home to where they came from

and of the seven types of Polar Bears today five types have increased in population

so I would be far more concerned about saving myself from a Polar Bear

than saving all the Polar Bears as they do not need saving

but is a very good ploy to rise money

if you are a Political Organization Preaching Climate Paranoia

just as Photos of White Steam ~ water vapor ~ coming out of Power Plant smoke stakes

and then Preaching the water vapor is toxic pollution

this too is a great political ploy to rise money for your paranoid cause

because giving money to Green Peace or the to Sierra Club or 350.org

will not stop billions of years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

and it will not stop next 20 Ice ages

and the next Global Warming periods over the next 2 million years

it will not stop the Sea level from rising and falling hundreds of feet

in Natures very normal cycles of this carbon based Earth

very real very available knowledge just ignored by Political Climate Paranoia

as very proven Political Ignorance Dictates Stupidity

and if you just truly believe without question what is

Politically Preached Paranoid Prediction

based on scientifically debunk political True Belief

you are a proven Political Fool not a Scientist

as you have been Politically Programmed by proven fools in science

who refuse to publicly debate their Political Science Fiction

or answer the many very real Scientific Questions

or when requested many times over the many years

can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove they are not Political Lunatics in science

as ” Likely ” based only on debunk true belief proves nothing in real science

and if you believe this is science then you are are proven fool in tested reality

doing very real harm to real nature

Scientifically Proving

Political Science Fiction is Lunatic Paranoid Make Believe

as they refuse to look and see and know tested reality in science

as no two scientists think alike

and every scientist has a different story to tell in this brand new climate science

and in Real Science all the theories must be told and Questioned Tested and Debated

to find the Truth in Knowledge = Science

Science is not based on one Convinced Political True Belief

supported by only Political consensus in test proven Political Lies

as the Political Climate Report is not a scientific climate report by the scientific community

as the Political Climate Report

has rejected the Working Scientific Community

rejecting the peer-reviewed science debunking their Political Climate Report

supported only by True Believes who just believe as they are told to just believe

with out Questioning the Truth in Knowledge


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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