I hope Marguerite & Josh do not just believe me as they just believe Al Gore the Politician
I hope they will Question the Truth in Knowledge
so they may learn and know and grow forward in tested reality
I hope they do not Refuse to know beyond his true belief
I hope they will Question Test and Debate the very available tested facts
just ignored by their true belief
I hope they can grow forward from True Believers to Real Scientists
but they must always Question the Truth to Find the Tested Truth in all of Knowledge
~* ~
This Space is for Marguerite Holloway & Josh Haner for their Scientific Rebuttal
Marguerite & Josh can forward their Articulation of Human Caused Climate Warming
based on their working back ground in
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
along with their peer-reviewed science to support their Scientific statements
~ There is zero belief in real science ~
Climate Change is Real for Billions of Years
and just Believing Humans cause Climate Warming
based on unproven theory Preached as Reality
does not prove Humans cause Climate Warming
and Preaching and Selling Paranoia based on Prediction
based on Bogus Fraudulent Science is Bogus Make Believe doing Harm
very Bogus Science by very Bogus Scientists
~ My Prediction of the unknowable future based on Earth History ~
One Day
Yellowstone will Erupt and end all life as we know it on this carbon based Earth
while a 2 degree Climate Variable on this Carbon based Earth is very Normal
and if you need something to be Paranoid about
the very normal Warming Period Cycle before the next Ice Age
would be at the bottom of my list
I will take living on this carbon based Earth during a warming period
rather than during an Ice Age
while I live in Montana not far from Yellowstone where we see -40* below zero
without the windchill factor
and many of the statements in the New York Times Article by Marguerite and Josh
about Yellowstone are False = Bogus
Marguerite Holloway
Journalist for the New Times
~ not a scientist ~
Josh Haner
Photographer for the New York Times
~ not a scientist ~
they are True Believers in the Church of Climate Paranoia
and who Politically Brainwashed them ?
November 15, 2018
~ you state in your new science paper = Article ~
” Your children’s Yellowstone will be radically different “
Marguerite and Josh,
the ground in Yellowstone is always warmer
melting Ice faster from the bottom side
while the air on the top side is as cold as-40 degrees below zero
as Yellowstone is sitting on an ~ over due ~ Supper Volcano
and I will have to check again as I believe Yellowstone Erupts
about every 500,000 to 600,000 years
and when Yellowstone Erupts again this would not be considered Radically Different
as this is just one of many parts of the normal cycles by and on this carbon based earth
while the next Yellowstone Eruption could end all life as we now it
and as we know from our DNA Funnel
the last Supper Volcano on this Carbon based Earth 74,000 years ago
reduced the number of Breeding Woman to about 15
as Yellowstone was different 16,000 years ago during the last Ice Age
as this Warming Period began about 14,000 years ago not yesterday
and after many Ice Ages
some Ice Ages with much higher levels of CO2 in the air than today
and many Global Warming Periods over the last 2 million years
with Little Ice ages and Mini Ice Ages during warming periods all along the way
while 1000 years ago Yellowstone had California Climate for 200 years
caused by the Variable ~ SUN ~ with many Cycles
as the very variable Sun continues to be Warmer and Brighter
as this very real very tested knowledge is just ignored by Climate Paranoia
as the number one climate variable of more than dozen known climate variables
the variable SUN ~ is: Irrelevant in Climate Paranoia
in their very proven to be Lunatic Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Garbage Science Fiction
just as more than a dozen other climate variables are Irrelevant in their Climate Paranoia
Marguerite Holloway Journalist & Josh Haner ~ Photographer
how did you earn your right to scientific opinion in
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
as Green Lunatics Truly just Believe and Preach the cause of all the Green is Pollution
as the New York Times continues to prove they are test proven Morons in Science
Journalist and Photographers Pretending to be Scientists
selling their Paranoia based prediction
as they preach the past 30 years of prediction based on Garbage Bogus science
are happening
when scientifically proven they are not
as many tens of thousands of real scientists who disagree with the NY Times
have zero voice in the
New York Proven to be Political Pathological Frauds in Science Times
as they do not allow scientific rebuttal to their proven to be Lunatic Science Fiction
doing only very test proven harm to Real Nature
as the next 20 Ice Ages over the next 2 million years in Yellowstone
will not be radically different than the last 20 Ice ages
as we must live with the Paranoid Ignorance of Fools
who do not comprehend the Progressive Natural Cycles of Climate History
by more than a dozen climate variables just ignored by Paranoid Climate Religion
as we live in one of the gentlest climate periods of this carbon based Earths history
as political media climate Paranoia dictates Garbage Political Science Fiction
doing very Real Harm to the Environment
because they do not ~ know ~ as they just believe
as Marguerite and Josh will continue to Preach his Climate Paranoia
while just ignoring the real scientific fact
and he will never Review and Question or Debate the available facts
as Marguerite and Josh can not prove with real science Humans cause climate warming
as the only thing Marguerite and Josh can prove in real science is
they are the Fools Fool and not a Real Scientist
as Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice crashing downward
cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water
and Everything in this known universe is a Variable
as we spend Trillions to End the Carbon Cycle above Sea level sooner
on this CO2 Starved Carbon based Earth
The Carbon Cycle above Sea level
caused by
Evaporated CO2 and Water Vapor and Sun Energy
and contributing to the Carbon Cycle
CO2 and Water Vapor from the Tail Pipe of your Car
as CO2 is not the by-product of a Greenhouse CO2 is the cause of the Greenhouse
while this Carbon based Earth is not in a Greenhouse where gases can not escape
as far more heat has escaped the Earth atmosphere than Predicated
as most Predictions very rarely ever come true
especially when based on very proven to be flawed incomplete fraudulent science
as CO2 causes all the Green and all Carbon based Life and Energy
on this Carbon based Earth
as Plants and Trees need 4 – times the CO2 than in the Air today to be at best Health
as all the Lungs on this Carbon based Earth Produce more CO2 than all the Cars
and in very real very well established simple Hard Physics and Chemistry for many Moons
CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide
from the very hot liquid core of this carbon based Earth
causing not just the carbon cycle above and below sea level
CO2 is causing very real warming and cooling in the lower atmosphere
~ all at the very same time ~
with the cooling effect of very frozen -200 degree below zero CO2 = Dry Ice
crashing downward toward the poles of this carbon based Earth
more than off-setting the Hot CO2 rising removing heat from the lower atmosphere
~ as all heat still rises in real physics ~
as CO2 does not trap heat it Transfers heat upward
while transferring very cold downward
while something the size of a sewing thread can not trap heat
in something the size of a football field
as Climate Paranoia refuses to acknowledge this very well established hard science
for their Un-Questioned ~ Un-Debated
Dictated Lunatic Brainwashed Political Science Fiction = AlGoreism
their test proven Make Believe based on self-debunk unproven theory
and like all Brainwashed Religions they will continue to just ignore
very proven fact tested knowledge by the scientific method
for their lunatic political make believe doing only test proven harm
to the cause of all Nature the cause of all the Green
on this Carbon based Earth
as the Political Green Lunatics continue to preach CO2 is Toxic Pollution
as they continue to Preach White Steam coming out of Power Plants is Toxic Pollution
scientifically further proving they failed grade school science
and further proving they have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as they continue to politically dictate a very proven false reality in science
costing Trillions to do only Harm and zero Good
when we should be spending Trillions on
Ending Starvation ~ Ending Child Slavery ~ Proving Health Care to All
as many Woman on this carbon based Earth walk up to five hours a day for clean water
Cleaning up Nuclear Contamination that is doing very real long term harm to all of Nature
and all Carbon based Life all over this Carbon based Earth
World Peace saving Trillions of Dollars
you can not force True Believers to Think and Learn and Know and Grow Forward in
Fact Tested Reality
when Politically Brainwashed by the proven Ignorance of proven Criminals in Politics
as True Believers just believe the very Brainwashed Political Lie by John Kerry
who preaches a Scientific Consensus
scientifically to be a very proven fraudulent political statement
by John Kerry the very scientifically proven Political Pathological Fraud in Science
as True Believers just believe with out Question Test Debate
as True Believers just need something to just believe in even if it is proven Wrong
further proving it is a Political Religion
as they can not see beyond their Blind Faith in True Belief in True Belief
…and what do you ~ know ~ and what do you just Believe as you are told to just believe ?
science is: to know
and Living and Preaching in Fear of the Unknown is: Paranoia
Living and Preaching Fear of the unknowable predicted future
based on self-debunk Prediction is:
Scientifically test proven Paranoid Lunatic Self-Ignorance
as outdated flawed incomplete self-debunk science papers are being used today as
Scientific Proof Humans cause all Climate Warming proving Fraud in Climate Science
while very Bogus Data from Weather Stations placed on Tared Roof Tops
over the past 30 years
next to Heating and Air Conditioning Outlets
along with many other very proven to be very Fudged Flawed and Bogus Science Data
is being used today to support Humans cause climate warming
as we continue to be preached to by a Politically Bias Media
that all the Arctic Ice is Melting
when Real Data shows us a 40% increase in Arctic Ice
as they continue to tell us the Sea level is rising
as the Sea level has been rising for the past 26,000 years
while the very Real Data shows us
on the Atlantic East Cost of the U.S. the Sea level has declined for the past 8 years
caused by the rate of evaporation by the variable Sun exceeding the rate the Ice is Melting
making this carbon based earth Greener
and if ice did not melt the Sea level would decline about 60 feet every 10 years
as Ice Melting from the top and bottom side while moving
is a very important part of this Carbon based Earths many natural cycles
causing a carbon cycle causing all of nature the environment and all carbon based life
as you can ignore fact tested reality but it will not go away
as very proven Scientific Fraud is Preached to us by a very proven to Political Bias Media
as they allow zero real Scientific Rebuttal in their Media preaching political science fiction
as they have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as they reject the scientific method for their true belief
as very Scientifically Proven and just ignored by the True Believes
and anyone preaching the cause of the Carbon Cycle = CO2 and Water vapor
the cause of all the Green the cause of all Carbon based Life and Energy
is Toxic Pollution is a test proven Lunatic in real science
as the True Believers continue to just believe the proven Lunatics
Stephen W. Pacala PhD
Princeton University & Climate Central
and Pathological Fraud in Climate Science
~ climate change is real ~
and do you Believe in Science ?
~ as there is zero belief in real science ~
and when you can not provide peer-reviewed science when requested
to support your public statements in science this only proves your science is not real
and when you refuse to debate your science this only proves your science is not real
as settled science does not exist in real science
proving Climate Central are Frauds in Climate Science
who reject the Scientific Method and peer-reviewed science for their Political True Belief
as I have more than a dozen Climate Science Questions for Climate Central
and their best answer is to block my emails
only further proving their science is not real
as I have the answers to the questions they Block and just ignore proving their Ignorance
while proving they are Frauds in Science
and Stephen will just ignore me and the real science just like all the other True Believers
only proving Stephen is not a Real Scientist of Real Science
as he will just ignore the questions he can not answer
proving he and his science are not real
Scientifically proving he is a Pathological Fraud in Science too
based on very scientifically proven to be Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Scam Science
that Scam Scientists refuse to Publicly Debate
who can not debunk the tested facts further debunking their true belief
in self-debunk un-proven theory
as their bogus science is do very real test proven harm to this Carbon based Earths
Carbon based Nature and Carbon based Environment
for Power and Greed
~ * ~
My many Real Science Arguments to the scientifically very proven to be
Political Media Religion of Climate Paranoia based on test proven Fraud
as I Learn and Know something new everyday growing forward with Science
and those who just believe there is nothing new to learn in science
are the proven fools of reality living in test proven make believe
as their best scientific rebuttal by Climate Religion
are Insults with Name Calling and Belittling
while they can provide zero peer-reviewed science to support their Preached True Belief
in self-debunk un-proven theory
and again
after more than 40,000 requests since 2007
to everyone Preaching Climate Paranoia
who I have sent this to many times over many years since 2007
Climate Central and the Daily Climate
as the Daily Climate is nothing more than a Political Pathological Lairs Club
based on their Publicly proven Ignorance in real science
who’s writers have earned zero right to scientific opinion
and can Articulate zero real science
while they allow zero scientific rebuttal to their proven Ignorance
providing the public only their true belief side of the story
withholding real science facts from the public proving they are not real Journalist
with a political agenda based on test proven political science fiction
and Climate Central
who over many years
when I have requested their science references to support the words they Preach
and their very best science debate to real scientific question is to block my emails
as they Preach to the Public
Skepticism = to Question the Truth in Knowledge
the bases for the scientific method = to question ~ test ~ debate to find the truth in science
they Preach this is a Mental Disorder
Scientifically Proving
they are Politically Self-Brainwashed Pathological Lunatics in Science
as these proven frauds in science are only two of the many Churches of Climate Paranoia
who can not prove with Real Science Humans cause Climate Warming
who preach self-debunk un-proven theory is reality in science
who reject peer-reviewed science for what is proven to be political garbage science friction
that is doing very real test proven Harm to this Carbon based Earths
Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
science they do not comprehend and have earned zero right to opinion in
as they continue to provide words of True Belief supported by zero scientific facts
as they preach their proven Paranoia based on Computer Ouija Board Predictions
of the un-knowable un-predictable Future
Prediction based on very proven to be very flawed incomplete fraudulent Science
based on 10% of one half of one climate variable
while just ignoring more than a dozen known climate variables
and millions of years of known climate history
and very proven Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
when making their computer pre-programmed paranoid Ouija Board climate predictions
as catastrophic predictions based on proven to be flawed incomplete fraudulent science
~ never come true ~
as it was Predicted 20 years ago Manhattan would be underwater today
and this true belief in many failed predictions preached as reality today
is not proven fact tested reality in science
like using Sinking Islands as proof of Sea level rise is Lunatic Fraudulent Science
while knowing Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years
about 350 feet as we could walk across the Gulf of Mexico many moons ago
with out getting our feet wet
as change is continuous in reality
and test proven Political Pathological Fraud Dictating Science is still Fraud
and to Question the Truth in Knowledge =
is the reality of science not a mental flaw
if you are not a skeptic you are not a real scientist
you are a True Believer Rejecting Fact Tested Reality in Science
and once again to
Climate Central and the Daily Climate
and everyone who continues to Preach Climate Paranoia
who refuse to publicly debate the real science
who are scientifically test proven to be Pathological Frauds in Science
who continue to reject scientific fact
for their Preached Lunatic Make Believe doing test proven Harm to real Nature
who are very test proven Lairs
caused by their test proven Ignorance in real science they do not comprehend
and they can not debunk
as they continue to reject the scientific method for Paranoid Political True Belief
as their true belief in self-debunk prediction based on un-proven theory
does not prove Humans cause climate warming
as climate change is real
for the peer-reviewed science
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide
causing the
Carbon cycle = Nature = Environment
causing all
Carbon based Life on this CO2 starved Carbon based Earth
making all the Oxygen we Breathe
and all the carbon based food we eat for our 20% carbon based body’s
and of course they have continued to just ignore any request for peer-reviewed science
and will continue just ignore real peer-reviewed science and the scientific method
for the their true belief
further scientifically proving it is a Lunatic Political Religion and not real science
doing only test proven Harm for their true belief in test proven Garbage science
as the only thing they have proven in real science is their Fascist Political Ignorance
Real Test Proven Science
Based on Real Peer-Reviewed Science
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
and more than a dozen known climate variables
and millions of years of known climate history
and very real well established proven simple Hard Physics and Chemistry
~ vs ~
Lunatic Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
Based on Political Media True Belief
based on very proven to be
Self-Debunk Un-Proven Theory
based on a very proven to be
Fraudulent Flawed Incomplete Study
based on 10% of ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
while ignoring more than a dozen climate variables
and millions of years of known climate history and simple hard Physics and Chemistry
while ignoring very real Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
by those who have committed proven Fraud in this Brand New Climate Science
~ no one has a Degree in ~
and is Preached and Brainwashed to the Public as Settled Fact Tested Reality
by Lunatic Journalist and Politicians
who have zero working back ground in real climate science
who have Publicly very proven to the Scientific Community
they Failed Grade School Science
and have earned ~ zero ~ right to any scientific opinion
as this Preached Settled Lunatic Paranoid Political True Belief
based on ~ zero ~ Scientific Question Test Rebuttal or Debate
that is doing very real Test Proven Harm
to the
Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
Costing Trillions of Dollars to the Poorest of the Poor
their Lunatic Science that will only End the Carbon Cycle above Sea level sooner
and will have ~ zero effect ~ on Climate Change
and after 30 years of self-debunk programmed computer Ouija Board climate prediction
based on one half of one climate variable
a very small tiny fraction Fragment of all climate science
they continue to Preach is fact test reality
as they still refuse to review very real peer-reviewed science
further debunking their True Political Belief in self-debunk un-proven theory
as Al Gore and his Political True Belief Followers
who are very very test proven Frauds in Science
who can Articulate zero real science
and were kind enough to provide with their very proven to be Scam Scientific References
continue to make millions Preaching and Selling their very scam science
to the un-knowing Public who just believe what they are told to just believe
because they just Trust Al Gore the Politician
who is doing very real test proven Harm
to the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
to the Cause of the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
as he Preaches his Lunatic un-proven Paranoid Science Fiction is Settled
and is not open for Public scientific Question or Rebuttal or Debate
scientifically test proving
Lunatic Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion = AlGoreism
based on zero scientific method
while Al Gore is not a Scientist and has earned zero right to Scientific opinion
Have you been Politically Brainwashed and Scammed by AlGoreism ?
because you Just Believe what Al Gore the test proven fraud tells you to Just Believe
with out Question with out Debate with out Scientific Proof
only proving you are Scientifically test proven to be a Fools Fool
and do you always just believe what very proven Political Lairs tell you to just Believe ?
~ as ~
The United Nations
a very proven to be less than honest
Politically Body
~ it is ” likely ” Humans cause all Climate Warming ~
likely is: