and will we survive the ongoing Nuclear Contamination of soil and water and air
doing very real long term damage to all life this Carbon based Earth
and if something took out the Power Grid in the U.S.
the majority of Americans would be dead in under 30 days
and so I would not tear down all the old Coal Plants
I would save them for a rainy day
and of course the Coal Plants can be switched over to natural Gas or Wood
while the Humans of today will not be around for the end of the Carbon Cycle
but one day the Carbon cycle above Sea level will end from a lack of CO2
as Nitrogen from Decomposing soil has gone from little to nothing
to over 78.09 % of the air
and will one day dilute CO2 at 00.04 % of the air today to nothing
while knowing plants need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to be at best health
and at 210 ppm CO2 in the Air Plants will begin suffocate
and at 160 ppm the carbon cycle will end
ending the cause of all the Green all of Nature and the Environment
as we spend trillions to end the carbon cycle above sea level sooner
proving is Insanity not science
and pumping man made CO2 into the ground
lowers O2 = oxygen levels in the air
because man made CO2 is made from Oxygen from the air
and this would not allow the carbon cycle to recycle oxygen back in to the air
while reducing what plants need 4 times more of to breathe
while turning underground water into an Acid
as some of the CO2 is pumped into Old Oil Wells to remove more oil from the ground
~ as ~
Climate Science is a Brand New Science
and no one has a degree in Climate Science
as those who call themselves Experts in Climate Science state the Science is Settled
only proving they Failed Grade School Science by rejecting the Scientific Method
as un-proven theory is not settled science
while settled science does not exist in real science
as we learn and know something new everyday growing forward
with new knowledge in this brand new science
and a 2 degree climate variable is very normal for this carbon based Earth
as many today who failed grade school science
are very paranoid about this 2 degree variable
as everything in this known Universe is a variable
as Proven Lunatics are a Variable too
James Hansen
Steve Running
Bill Nye
Katharine Hayhoe
along with 13 % of the National Academy of Science
as the other 87% of the NSA do not agree with 13% who have zero back ground in
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
and are a sample of very proven Lunatics in Science
making proven to be Bogus Climate Predictions
based on very un-proven theory
based on proven to be bogus data
and a very proven to be Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Study
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
while just ignoring more than dozen climate variables
and climate history and very proven physics and chemistry
all further debunking their True Belief in self-debunk un-proven theory
as the U.N. IPCC are very proven Frauds in Climate Science
as the U.N. a Political Body states it is ” likely ” Humans cause all climate warming
as it is likely to rain tomorrow
as likely is very un-proven theory make believe
based on very proven to be a flawed incomplete fraudulent Bogus science
to predict the un-knowable climate future
with pre-programmed Ouija Board computers
to sell ~ their ~ Climate Paranoia to the World
as we live with 30 years of self-debunk prediction being Preached today as reality
and that is:
your climate science in a Nut Shell by proven Nut Cases
who are just believed with out question by the proven fools of the Media True Believers
who can Prove nothing beyond their paranoid true belief they Preach to us as reality
as the Green Lunatics are trying Kill the cause of Green
as they make believe the cause of all the Green the
Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
causes all climate warming
when it is climate warming by the variable Sun that is causing the Green
as their science is proven to be backwards
as water vapor and CO2 is the byproduct of warming not the cause
as they refuse to publicly Debate the science they can not prove
and they state is settled science
as they Preach the cause of Green is toxic pollution
~ and ~
John Schwartz
~ Journalist ~
John’s new Article
” Will We Survive Climate Change “
John who is not a working scientist
who does not provide all the fact for his readers
so the readers can decide for themselves what is real and what is not
as John has decided for his readers what is real and what is not
with out investigating and reviewing all the available facts
as John is a Preacher not a Teacher
Preaching Political Media Climate Paranoia for the New York Times
as John is a proven Pathological Fraud in Climate Science
as he rejects peer-review science for his True Belief in
self-debunk unproven theory
and because of his proven Ignorance in the real science
John does not know this is a self-debunk un-proven theory
because John is a True Believer who can prove nothing beyond his true belief
as John has not investigated all the very available facts
proving he failed grade school science
and has earned zero right to scientific opinion
as John has proven he does not comprehend the real science
and can not articulate or debate the real science
John is a proven Pathological Fraud in Climate Science
as he Pretends to be a Scientist
who rejects fact tested reality for his Political Lunatic Make believe
and how did John the Political Journalists Preaching only one side of the story
while just ignoring and withholding peer-reviewed science from the public
~ Earn his Right to Scientific Opinion ~
in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry ?
as John tells me in one of his emails I am just playing a Game
and there is nothing he can do to convince me
as real science is not convinced it is proven by Question Test Debate
and a real scientist will look at all the available fact not just ignore them for Belief
as John just believes he is right and I am wrong based only on his Political True Belief
~ vs ~
My 42 plus years of Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
with ongoing climate science investigation since 2007
proving fraud in climate science
as my first hand knowledge in real science does not hold up to John’s True Belief
and John’s zero working background in science
as John forwarded a NASA Science Page to me
and I guess he just believes it proves Humans cause Climate Warming
but this NASA Science Page does not Prove Humans cause Climate Warming
further proving he does not comprehend the real science
as John belittles me with his arrogant Ignorance
as he make believes he is the expert in climate science
based on proven to be Garbage Political Hearsay
for the scientific proof = peer-reviewed science
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming
of this Carbon based Earth
with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
the cause of the carbon cycle and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth
causing both warming and cooling at the very same time
as True Belief = Religion is Convinced as knowledge = Science is Proven
and trying to Politically Brainwash = convince People to just Believe is not real science
and John will just ignore me proving he is a Preacher not a real scientist
while continuing to preach his Climate Paranoia doing only harm to nature
as the only thing John can test prove in real science is his Political Ignorance
doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
as I am not trying to convince John
I want John to Question the Truth in Knowledge to Find the Truth in Science
beyond his true political belief
as I live for the truth in science and have nothing to gain
and is Al Gore the scientifically proven Pathological Fraud in Science a Billionaire yet ?
as Al Gore can not Prove there is a God or Prove Humans cause Climate Warming
~ this space is for John ~
to articulate his scientific rebuttal
on how Humans cause all climate warming
as I have forwarded a small sample of peer-reviewed science John will have to debunk
as John believes climate warming will make this carbon based Earth Dryer and Browner
and will produce less food
when it is very proven climate warming in between Ice Ages
has made this carbon based Earth much Greener
over millions of years of known climate history
as Increased Warming by the variable Sun with many cycles
increases the evaporation of water vapor and CO2
the very cause of the carbon cycle by this carbon based Earth
causing all the Green and all of Nature and all Carbon based Life
as the rate of evaporation has now exceeded the rate the Ice is Melting
causing the Sea Level to Decline for the past 9 years while increasing rain and snow
while increasing Arctic Ice by 40% since 2012
and if Ice did not melt the Sea level would decline about 60 feet every 10 years
while humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years about 350 feet
as all the Climate Predictions based on proven to be Garbage Science are self-debunk
as the proven Ignorance of Lunatics Preach to us these Bogus Predictions are happening
Proving they are Lunatics who reject the Scientific Method for their Lunatic Make Believe
as this Carbon based Earth continues to be Greener everyday
as warming increases water vapor and CO2 the cause of Green
as over population is the real problem
as John just believes what he is Brainwashed to just believe
as John is not a real Journalist investigating and reporting all the facts
from all sides of the Science Argument
as he rejects to Question the truth in knowledge
because John is a True Believer not a Scientist
as he just Preaches for and to the proven Lunatics of science
and everything John is Preaching is based on flawed incomplete fraudulent science
but he does not know this because he does not Question the truth in knowledge
John is not a Knower he is a proven True Believer of Garbage Science Fiction
and John will continue to ignore hard science he does not comprehend for his True Belief
and continue to be a Pathological Fraud in science
doing test proven harm to the cause of Green
as Prediction is not knowledge
Prediction is make believe
as most Predictions never ever come true
as Predictions based on test proven Bogus Lunatic un-proven theory will never come true
and true belief in self-debunk Prediction is Lunatic political Science Fiction
and Preaching Paranoia based on Garbage Science doing Harm
is Fraudulent Political Religion
and John
Will We Survive The Next Super Volcano
above sea level
as there are many below sea level
as the New York Times does not allow scientific rebuttal by Real Scientists
Real Scientists who have peer-reviewed science in hand
debunking the test proven Political Lies by the New York Times
…if all the Volcanic Activity below Sea level was above Sea level
Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth above Sea level would not exist ~
I am a Scientist = Skeptic
I Question the Truth in Knowledge to find the Truth in Knowledge
I live for the Truth in all of Life and all of Knowledge for a Better Life for all
and Reality in Science is Knowledge based on what you can Prove
by the Scientific Method by Question ~ Test ~ Debate
Science is not what you Make Believe or are told to just Believe
as most all Political Argument and New Laws are based on
Hearsay Political Science Fiction and not based on Peer-reviewed Science
as the Media then Rubber Stamps this Hearsay for Political Agenda
deciding for the public what is real and what is not based on their Political Belief
rather than do a real Investigation of all the very available tested facts
as they now do the very opposite of real Journalism
by just Ignoring and withholding all the very real available facts
while allowing zero scientific rebuttal of proven to be debunk statements in the media
as Real Journalism is by providing all the available fact tested knowledge
and letting the Public decide for themselves what is real and what is not
as the 97% scientific consensus is very proven political media lie by John Kerry
as Political Science Fiction Dictates a False Reality doing only Test Proven Harm
~ * ~