…there is no beginning or ending to knowledge ~
Learning new Knowledge is ongoing
and I can now further prove what I already knew and know
~ Climate Change is Real ~
but when minds can not come together for the sake of Reality
~ there can be no reality in science ~
and then Universities become Churches of Political Science Fiction
Preaching and Selling a False Reality doing Harm
as they then refuse to allow Question Test Debate of their True Belief
they have based on proven to be Flawed Incomplete Science
and after more than 40,000 Requests with a Reward since 2007
NASA & NOAA and all the Universities Preaching Humans cause climate warming
can provide zero Real Peer-reviewed Science
to Scientifically Prove Humans cause all or any Climate Warming
of this Carbon based Earth
This Carbon based Earth causing a Carbon Cycle
with Water Vapor CO2 and Sun Energy
as they provide only Paranoid Predictions of the un-knowable future
based on Scientifically un-proven theory they refuse to Publicly Debate
as they continue to Preach their Un-Questioned Un-Debated Make Believe doing Harm
as I have many Questions they can not Answer
scientifically proving there is far more to learn and know
in this Brand New Science they state is Settled
~ Question One ~
of more than a dozen Questions they now know they can not Answer
and should have already asked themselves if they are real scientists
as science is to know
while knowing
all heat in real physics ~ still ~ rises
How dose something the size of a sewing Thread
Trap Heat in Something the size of a Football Field ?
and no one in Climate Religion can answer this Question or the many other Questions
and of course the answer in real physics is:
~ It is not scientifically possible ~
for something the size of a Sewing Thread
to Trap Heat in something the size of a Football Field
while knowing all heat in real physics still rises
as they refuse to acknowledge the Question proving they are not real scientists
A ~ they refuse to acknowledge all heat still rises
while -200* below zero frozen air still take the place of hot air rising
with increased level of frozen water vapor and frozen CO2 = Dry Ice
crashing downward toward the Poles of this carbon based earth
warming up to about -115* below zero while crashing downward
more than off-setting heat rising
B ~ they refuse to acknowledge something the size of a Sewing Thread
can not Trap Heat in something the size of a Football Field
very simple very hard science they reject for political science fiction = un-proven theory
that they continue to preach is test proven fact proving fraud in real science
now add another dozen plus Climate Science Questions they refuse to acknowledge
and more than a dozen more climate variables they just ignore
and of course they can not Answer the Questions or Debunk with real science
as they Politically Preach their Garbage Science Fiction
they refuse to debate because it is Settled Science
when settled science does not exist as we learn and know something new everyday
Can you answer the scientific Questions NASA and all the Universities can not Answer
and refuse to Publicly Debate
~ enlighten me ~
for the peer-reviewed science
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
The Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
caused by variable evaporated Water vapor and CO2 and variable Sun energy
the cause of all the Green all the oxygen we breathe and all the carbon based food we eat
and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
above and below Sea level
as all life still comes from the Oceans by evaporation
the CO2 from billions of years of on going Volcanic activity below sea level
acidifying the Oceans over billions of years
Paranoid Climate Religion
~ is ~
Based on Pure Ignorance = Ignored very available knowledge
and is
The Biggest Scientifically Test Proven Political Media Scam in all of Modern History
doing very real test proven harm to the
Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
of this
Carbon based Earth
~ * ~
~ Skepticism ~
the doctrine that the truth in all know must always be in Question
the bases for
~ The Scientific Method ~
to Question ~ Test ~ Debate
to find the truth in science
to learn and know and grow forward with new knowledge
that will support or debunk what we know from yesterday
~ * ~
science is: to know
I do not need Scientific reference to debunk un-proven theory
but I have Scientific reference further debunking self-debunk un-proven theory
based on your public statements ~
obviously you failed grade school science as you reject the scientific method
and have very proven you have earned zero right to scientific opinion
while only your opinion can be Heard by the Public
as you have made Un-Questioned Political Media Hearsay Make Believe
the new Public normal in science as only your Political True Belief can be heard
and I have forward again to 60 Minutes a sample of real Peer-reviewed Science
further debunking your true belief in self-debunk un-proven theory
that you Preach as fact tested reality
and I forwarded to you a Petition signed by over 30,000 scientists 9000 with PhD’s
who disagree with your political True Belief doing harm to nature and the environment
and hopefully you will learn and know and grow forward with real knowledge
other wise you can not scientifically Prove Humans cause climate warming
no one else can
as scientifically proven with science you do not comprehend
and reject before you Question ~ Test ~ Debate
as you are a scientifically test proven Pathological Fraud in Science
just like Al Gore ~ who is not a Scientist
and can Articulate ~ zero ~ Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
I am called The Denier
when I do not deny billions of years extreme progressive variable climate change
I have 42 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science under my belt
and on going Climate Science Investigation since 2007
Proving Fraud by Al Gore and Paranoid Climate Religion
as they continue to do test proven harm to the carbon cycle for profit
doing harm to all carbon based Life and this carbon based Earth
costing and wasting trillions of dollars to do only harm
as very proven to be Fraudulent Political Organization now dictate how we live our lives
and when you refuse to look and see beyond your true belief
you are not a Scientist of the scientific method
you are a Preacher harming Reality
for the sake of your Political Agenda for Power and Profit
based only on your personal emotional feelings of true belief
~ as ~
the only constant is Evolving Progressive Variable Change
as Change is Continuous and nothing is a constant with out change in this known Universe
and the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth is not Toxic Pollution
as Preached by Paranoid Climate Religion
while a 2* temperature variable is normal for this carbon based Earth
and not Catastrophic Change
while no two scientists think alike and this is why we have a scientific method
to Question Test Debate to find the truth is knowledge
as Albert Einstein an Office Clerk would agree
along with many tens of thousands of Real Working Scientists
while CBS and many other Political Media Organizations
The Climate Reality Project ~ The Sierra Club ~ 350.org ~ The New York Times
just Pretend we do not Exist as they Preach their Fraudulent Science for Profit
as they are not Science Bodies and have earned zero right to scientific opinion
and can provide zero Peer-reviewed Science when requested for many years
with the exception of Al Gores Climate Reality Project
who sent me very Bogus Scam Science References
Scientifically proving they are Frauds in Science
caused by their test proven Ignorance in real science
as the only thing they can prove is they are Big Dummy’s in science
as they refuse to Debate the Science and learn and know and grow forward
as they promote test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment for Profit
as they refuse to look at the real science debunking their Political Paranoid True Belief
science they obviously do not and can not comprehend
as they only comprehend the words of True Belief by Test Proven Fools
as extreme progressive variable Climate Change is very real for Billions of Years
caused by more than a dozen Climate Variables known today in this Brand New Science
~ No One has a Degree in ~
as we learn and know and grow forward with something new everyday
with a dozen known Climate variables providing an Infinity of Climate Variable
not caused by Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth
making Pre-programmed Computer Ouija Board Climate Prediction
of the unknowable future based on 10% of ~ one half ~ of one climate variable impossible
as predictions never come true as history has repetitively proven
as History continues to Repeat itself caused by test proven Ignorance in Science
and the last time I checked they were still driving around in Cars not Boats
in Manhattan New York
self-debunking the NASA Predictions of 20 years ago
as we are now using sinking Islands as proof of Sea level rise
as we are told all the Arctic Ice is melting
but if you cheek the available facts there is a 40% increase of Arctic Ice since 2012
as the rate of evaporation caused by warming by the Variable Sun
has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting
while increasing water vapor and CO2 into the air causing more Rain and Snow and Ice
and much more Green on this Carbon based Earth
further proving there are many Political Media Liars and Frauds in science
as they do not cheek the facts as they just believe what they are told to just believe
by those who just believe too
who can provide zero peer-reviewed science when requested many times over many years
Human Generated Climate Warming is a Scientifically Test Proven Political Media Lie
~ and when you do not Question the truth in knowledge there can be no truth ~
as science is proven wrong more often than proven right by Question ~ Test ~ Debate
and if you do not allow Question Test Debate by the scientific method
and you can not admit you are wrong when test proven wrong
so you may learn and know and grow forward with new knowledge
then you are not a real scientist
while one scientist can be right
and scientifically proven fraud is proven fraud
~ Pathological or not ~
as those who do not comprehend the science
and have not earned the right to scientific opinion
who just truly believe in their political media hearsay science fiction lies
can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove otherwise
as we live in a world of un-proven hypotheticals preached as reality
as those who have publicly failed grade school science dictate science
as scientifically test proven Ignorance Dictates a False Reality
doing Test Proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
as they refuse to look and see or wonder if they are doing any Harm
as they refuse to allow Public Question Test Debate of their Settled Lunatic Science
as Settled Science does not exist in real science
as those who do not know and can not articulate the science or prove the science
dictate science with out scientific investigation
as they Blindly just Believe what they are told to just Believe
as words and belief prove nothing in real science
as only True Belief lives in Fear of Question Test Debate
as True Belief is Religion not Science
and Preached Politically Dictated True Belief can do only Harm
because they do not ~ know ~ as they just make believe
as science is: to know
and living in fear of the un-known is Paranoia not Science
and as we say in real science
don’t Preach it Prove it
Dear Lesley,
~ science is: to know ~
Carbon based Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years
approximately 350 feet of Sea level rise
and Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years
while Humans have lived through many Ice Ages and Global Warming periods
over the past 2 million years with Little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages all along the way
while we have had Ice Ages with higher levels of CO2 in the Air than today
while increased climate warming by the variable Sun with many cycles
increases the evaporation of water vapor and CO2 from the Oceans
the CO2 from volcanic activity below Sea level Acidify the Oceans over billions of years
while causing the Carbon cycle below Sea level and all the Carbon based Fish in the Sea
and causing the carbon cycle above sea level making this Carbon based Earth Green
where everything living Breathing and not Breathing is carbon based
as you are 20% carbon made from Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
as Water Vapor and CO2 is the by product of warming not the cause of warming
as CO2 causes Warming and Cooling at the very same time
as the cooling effect of CO2 more than offset the warming effect
as all heat in real physics still rises as very frozen -200* air takes its place
with increased levels of frozen CO2 = Dry Ice
cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water
while crashing downward toward the poles of this carbon based Earth
while knowing in real physics
something the size of a Sewing Thread
can not trap heat in something the size of a Football Field
as you do not acknowledge both halves of one climate variable
as you ignore more than a dozen other climate variables
for 10% of ~ one half ~ of one climate variable based on a flawed incomplete study
to predict the un-knowable future while Preaching Paranoia of the un-predictable future
while I have requested your peer-reviewed science
proving Humans cause all or any climate warming
over and over again for many years and you can provide nothing
just as the U.N. IPCC can provide nothing beyond their true belief
in ~ one half ~ of one climate variable that nature produces over 90% of in the air
while preaching Humans cause ~ all ~ climate warming
and why do you interview politicians who have failed grade school science
and not the ten of thousands of real scientists who disagree with your Climate Belief
why do you not interview the 49 NASA Scientists who disagree with NASA Prediction
or the 87% of the National Academy of Science
who disagree with the other 13% of the NAS who agree with you
who are Biologists with zero back ground in
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
and have not earned the right to scientific opinion
and can provide zero peer-reviewed science to support their public statements
who refuse to publicly debate the science
who refer all questions in Climate Science to a Political organization
and not to their own science body the NAS
as the National Academy of Science when requested
can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove Humans cause Climate Warming
or any University Preaching Humans cause Climate Warming
based on their true belief ~ un-proven theory ~ based on ” Likely “
while over 30,000 scientists
over 9,000 of them with PhD’s’
all signed a Petition disagreeing with the United Nations IPCC and your True Belief
while further proving the scientific consensus is a Political Media Lie
as the U.N. a Political Body state: it is ” likely ” Humans cause Climate Warming
based on 10% of ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
as all the Climate Assessments state it is ” likely ” Humans cause climate warming
as it is ~ likely ~ to rain tomorrow
all further debunking ” likely ” un-proven theory
supported by a very flawed incomplete proven to be fraudulent study my a political body
that has publicly failed grade school science by rejecting the scientific method
who are doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
as they reject the scientific method for political science fiction
as they reject Question ~ Test ~ Debate for Computer Ouija Board Prediction
and Lesley
why are you not a real Journalist
and allow the public to here all sides of the climate argument
so the public can decide for them selves what is real and what is not
why have you decided for the public what is real and what is not
as you are hiding very test proven facts from the public in very real peer-reviewed science
that has debunk your true belief in what is a very self-debunk un-proven theory
why are you deceiving the public
and so once again
I challenge CBS to an open public debate in Climate Science
for the peer-reviewed science proving humans cause all or any climate warming
as Simple Hard Physics and Chemistry debunk your true belief in unproven theory
as Climate History has debunk your true belief in unproven theory
as more than a dozen climate variables you just ignore
providing an infinity of climate variable
further debunk your personal emotional feeling of true belief in unproven theory
you continue to preach as settled science
when their are no feelings in real science while settled science does not exist in real science
as very extreme progressive variable Climate Change is very real for billions of years
but not caused by you and me
as climate religion is now doing very test proven harm and zero good to the
Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
costing trillions of dollars to the poorest of the poor
as you believe the cause of all life with zero color taste and smell is toxic pollution
as Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to be at best health
to make the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe
as you are for harming the cause of all the Green on this carbon based Earth
as you have publicly scientifically proven you do not comprehend the science
and have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as you Preach your test proven climate religion doing test proven harm to the environment
as you reject proven fact tested knowledge for political science fiction
scientifically publicly proving your Ignorance in real science
as you can prove nothing beyond your Political True Belief = Political Religion
~ For the Truth in all of Life and and all of Knowledge for a better Life for all ~
Bruce A. Kershaw
Invited to Participate at the London Symposium on Climate Change
at the Oxford and Cambridge Club June of 2013
with now 42 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science
with thousands of hours of on going Climate Science Investigation since 2007
Proving Political Media Fraud in Climate Science
as CBS News can prove nothing beyond their Un-Questioned Un-Debated
True Belief in Scientifically Test Proven
Fraudulent Lunatic Paranoid Political Media Hearsay Make Believe
as True Belief is Religion not proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method
CBS News are very test proven Political Frauds in Science
who will continue to ignore tens of thousands of real scientists
and scientific fact for Political Science Fiction doing harm
and why will CBS only allow the public to hear
only their political True Belief side of the argument
in this brand new science no one has a degree in
scientifically proving Political Media Fascism in Science
why do they fear proven facts debunking their political agenda doing harm to nature
why do they reject the scientific method for true belief doing harm to the environment
as they will not allow their true belief to be Questioned by Real Science
as we are to just believe what they tell us to just believe
with out Public Question Test Debate
as only their debunk opinion based on zero scientific method can be told
Scientifically Test Proving Political Fascism in Science
as they will continue to ignore fact tested reality
and not learn and know and grow forward
for the sake of their political agenda doing harm
as science is: to know
and their True Belief in Hearsay Political Ignorance will not allow them to know
~ and we will just end the carbon cycle above sea level sooner ~
as they continue to Shoot the Foot in their Mouth
Preaching their Climate Paranoia that is doing harm to the cause of all Nature and all Life
on this Carbon based Earth
because of their own ignorance = lack of very available knowledge = science
they refuse to know and comprehend
as they Politically Dictate a False Reality doing only harm to this carbon based Earth
as they put politics before available tested facts
as proven by the scientific method they continue to reject
for Scientifically proven Political Make Believe
based on their Scientifically test proven Ignorance in real science