Yes You can Scientifically debunk Make Believe
but this will not stop True Believers from just Believing what they are told to just believe
….as we all live on this Carbon based Earth where everything has Carbon in it
where Political Idiots who just Ignore Peer-reviewed science now Dictate Science
where we need to Tax Ignorance not the Carbon Cycle
the cause of all Nature all Life and the Environment
where we know in real science the cause of true Ignorance is Un-Questioned True Belief
by those who refuse to learn and know and grow forward
with old and new fact tested knowledge
providing us with very Big Dummy’s in Science
who are doing very real test proven harm to the cause of all the Green
and all carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
caused by their true belief in test proven Ignorance
in science they do not comprehend and have eared zero right to scientific opinion in
We have Carbon based Humans on this Carbon based Earth
who Truly Believe and Preach
white steam = water vapor
coming out of Steam Generated Power Plant Smoke Stakes is: Toxic Pollution
and when you confront these True Believers with real scientific fact
they continue to Preach their Lunatic True Belief
Scientifically proving they are True Believers and Ignorant Idiots and Fools in real science
who can not Learn and Know and Grow Forward with Fact Tested Reality
and so Trust me on this one
~ water vapor is not Toxic Pollution ~
as Politically Preached by Scientifically Test Proven Morons in Science
as Water Vapor and CO2 and Sun Energy cause the Carbon cycle = Nature = Environment
We have Carbon based Humans made by this Carbon based Earth by the Carbon Cycle
who Truly Believe and Preach
CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide
with ~ zero ~ Color Taste or Smell
causing the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
is: Toxic Pollution
and when confronted with Scientific Fact = Peer-reviewed Science
they continue to Preach their Lunatic Science
Scientifically proving they are Political True Believers and Idiots in real science
who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as test proven Ignorance Dictates a False Realty doing only test proven Harm to the
Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
costing Trillions of Dollars
only to end the carbon cycle above sea level sooner because one day sooner or later
the Carbon cycle above sea level will end from a lack of CO2
ending the cause of all the Green and all Carbon based Life above sea level
regardless of the continued to be billions of years
of very extreme progressive variable climate change
caused by an infinity of climate variable
causing continued Ice Ages ~ Little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages
Ice Ages with higher levels of CO2 than today as in past climate history
knowledge ignored by Paranoid Climate Religion based on Self-debunk Un-Proven Theory
based on one half of one climate variable
…can you debunk proven fact tested reality with your Make Believe ?
can you debunk proven fact tested reality in peer-reviewed science
with prediction of the un-knowable un-predictable future based on proven Ignorance
can you debunk the majority of the Atmosphere all around this carbon based Earth is:
-200* below zero F
and can you debunk all heat still rises as -200* below zero frozen Air take its place
as it crashes downward towards the Poles of this Carbon based Earth
causing the Ice Caps at the North and South Poles of this Carbon based Earth ?
Can you debunk more than a dozen known Climate Variables
providing an Infinity of Climate Variable
with Peer-reviewed Science ?
as you truly believe in ~ one half ~ of one climate variable to define all climate science
When someone informs me I am a skeptic and then they inform me this is a metal flaw
they have just scientifically proven to me
they are not a real scientist of the scientific method
as they have very proven they Failed Grade School Science
as they have very proven they have a mental flaw caused by self-Ignorance
caused by their un-questioned True Belief
as real science is based on skepticism = to always Question the Truth in all Knowledge
as the Scientific Method is to Question Test Debate to find the truth in science
as science is: to know
as skepticism is caused by those who make claims or statements
they can not prove with real fact tested knowledge
as words prove nothing in real science
proving only their Ignorance of very available knowledge in Real Science
proven knowledge they just Ignore for ~ their ~ True belief = political religion
Knowing in ~ Real ~ Physics and Chemistry
CO2 causes Warming and Cooling at the very same time
as hot CO2 rises leaving the lower atmosphere forcing heat upward
as very cold very frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is crashing downward
with the cooling effect more than off-setting the warming effect
and knowing in real physics regardless that all heat still rises
something the size of a ~ Sewing Thread = Human generated CO2
can not trap heat in something the size of a ~ Football Field = the Atmosphere
while knowing
20 years ago NASA Predicted Manhattan would be under water today
and knowing
a few years ago 49 NASA scientists sent a signed letter to NASA
disagreeing with their Bogus Catastrophic Predictions
of the unknowable unpredictable future based on very flawed incomplete science
while knowing
30,000 plus Scientists over 9000 of them with PhD’s
signed a Petition disagreeing with the United Nations
while knowing
only 13% of the National Academy of Science agree with the U.N.
as this 13% of the NAS
have zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science physics and chemistry
and can provide zero peer-reviewed science
to support their True Belief in un-proven theory while rejecting peer-reviewed science
further debunking their true belief in self-debunk un-proven theory
as the other 87% of the Scientists of the NAS
do not support the 13% who Preach Humans cause climate warming
the U.N. is a group of proven political Lunatics
who publicly proven they can not be trusted
and can only scientifically prove they failed grade school science
as the U.N. has about 70 scientists
who reject peer-reviewed science for their true belief
some who have committed very proven fraud
who agree with their proven to be very flawed incomplete self-debunk un-proven theory
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
that Humans generate 10% or less of going into the air
as the majority of CO2 going into the air is evaporated by the variable Sun from the Oceans
causing the carbon cycle above Sea level
the CO2 from billions of years of ongoing volcanic activity below sea level
where the majority of un-measurable very variable volcanic activity occurs
from the Variable Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth
as climate warming by the variable Sun increase Water vapor and CO2
as water vapor and CO2 is the by-product of warming not the cause
as the warming occurs first and then water vapor and CO2 levels rise by Evaporation
as the rate of evaporation has now exceeded the rate the Ice is melting
making this carbon based Earth Greener
by increasing water vapor increasing rain and snow and Ice and CO2
as the political media agenda preaches the opposite is true
further proving political pathological fraud in science
while the very Hot Churning Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth
is variably Heating the Earths Crust and Oceans and Lower Atmosphere
with secondary heating by the variable Sun with many cycles
causing a cycle of many Ice Ages and Global Warming periods over many millions of years
while the U.N. continues to just ignore this known climate history
and more than a dozen and one half other Climate variables
and known simple hard physics and chemistry
as they Preach to the Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth
it is ~ likely ~ Humans cause all climate warming
based on their very proven Ignorance in real science
they obviously do not comprehend or refuse to know
proving a flawed incomplete scam study that can prove nothing beyond their True Belief
supported by only their word of true belief
” Likely “
and zero peer-reviewed science
as they ignore fact tested reality for their garbage political science fiction
based on test proven Lies
as the 97% scientific consensus is a Pathological Lie by then U.S. Senator John Kerry
who publicly states Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2
when plants and Trees need 4 times more CO2
and when the working Scientific Community and University’s disagree
this can only further prove their is zero scientific consensus
as there can be no scientific consensus in true belief
or in prediction of the un-knowable future
as real science is: to know
and not true belief
in self-debunk predictions based on flawed incomplete un-proven theory
while knowing in very real Botany science
Plants and Trees do need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to be Healthy
CO2 causing with water vapor and Sun energy the Carbon Cycle above Sea level
causing all of Nature and the Environment
causing all the Carbon based food we eat and all the oxygen we breathe
while knowing
we are Spending Trillions of Dollars to reduce or stop the cause of Green
on this Carbon based Earth
as we have been pumping man made CO2 into the Ground for many years
A ~ lowering what plants and trees need more of to breathe
B ~ reducing existing oxygen levels in the air
as man made CO2 is made with oxygen from the air
and we are not allowing the carbon cycle to recycle oxygen back into the air
C ~ turning underground water into an acid
as energy companies make a fortune pumping CO2 into the Ground
into old oil wells to produce more oil from the ground
knowing this is all Lunatic Science
as we are now turning food into fuel that produces more CO2 not Less CO2
while driving up the cost of food on a Carbon based Earth
that is over Populated with staving Carbon based People
as the Green Lunatics shoot the foot in their mouth as they do only harm and zero good
and Yes we have Religious Freedom in America
but you can not force your Media Preached Political Religion on to everyone else as
Un-Documented Un-Verifiable Political Media Hearsay Make Believe
supported only by Personal Emotional Political Feelings of True Belief
based on zero Question Test Debate is not Real Science of the Scientific Method
this is Political Media Pathological Fraud in Science
doing only very real test proven harm to the Carbon cycle = Nature = Environment
as they refuse to publicly debate their Lunatic Science doing only harm
as the Green Lunatics who have publicly failed grade school science
refuse to look and see and know the Scientifically Test Proven Harm
they are doing to all real Carbon based Nature of this Carbon based Earth
while a carbon tax would have zero effect on climate warming by the Variable Sun
as the Variable Sun with many cycles continues to be brighter and warmer
while causing many Ice Ages and Global Warming Periods over the past 2 million years
~ Now Scientifically prove you are not test proven political pathological frauds in science ~
as you preach climate paranoia based on scientifically proven to be
self-debunk un-proven theory based on proven to be flawed incomplete fraudulent science
that you Just Truly Make Believe is Proven Fact Tested Reality
I Challenge Julia Olson
and the University of Oregon
to an open public debate in
Climate Science
with a $100,000.00
for the peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause Climate Warming
as skepticism = to Question the Truth in all knowledge
is only a Sin in Climate Religion
and just ignoring all fact tested reality does not make it go away
Julia Olson = ourchildrenstrust.org
and using children for the sake of political agenda should be a crime
Julia is a Oregon Environmental Attorney
who has publicly proven she Failed Grade School Science
by rejecting the scientific method for Political Lunatic True Belief
doing test proven harm to the environment
as she is a Green Lunatic Harming the cause of Green
and can prove nothing in real science beyond her make believe
Julia is a scientifically proven Political Pathological Fraud in Science
as she rejects peer-reviewed science for fraudulent Lunatic political science fiction
and now she is trying to prove to the court system of america
her Scientifically test proven fraudulent Lunatic political make believe
is fact tested reality in science
further proving she failed grade school science
as Green Lunatics Politically Dictate a False Reality doing only Harm
because they refuse to learn and know and grow forward
for the sake of their Lunatic Political Agenda
backed by Political Media Hearsay and ~ zero ~ peer-reviewed science
as they reject peer-reviewed science for political make believe
as True Believers who can not Articulate the Science as they Dictate Science
as Proven Political Fools will continue to be Political Fools for Lunatic Political Agenda
rejecting knowledge and doing only harm
as fact tested knowledge is meaningless in Political Science Fiction
and of course you can not Question ~ Test ~ Debate Lunatic Political Science Fiction
because Lunatic Political Science Fiction can not acknowledge
very proven Fact Tested Reality in Science
as we have very Politically Brainwashed Environmental Attorneys
Harming the Environment based on very proven Lunatic Political Hearsay
who Represent Bogus Political Organizations Brainwashing Children with Garbage Science
who can not debunk simple hard science in Physics and Chemistry
who can not debunk the past 2 million years of climate history
who can not debunk an infinity of climate variable
by more than a dozen known climate variables
who can not debunk the other one half of one climate variable they just ignore
all further debunking their self-debunk un-proven theory
used to predict the un-predictable future to preach and sell their Climate Paranoia
while harming the cause of all carbon based Life on this carbon based Earth
as their children can not trust these very proven political frauds in science
as Environmental Attorneys will still make lots of money Win or Lose
regardless of Fact Tested Reality
and how did you earn your right to scientific opinion
in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry ?
as you can Preach it but you can not Prove it ~
as Political Parties continue to Harm this Carbon based Earth and all Carbon based Life
in their efforts to Harm each other for their Political Agenda for Power and Profit
as you Preach test proven Fraud as real science Brainwashing Children
with your Fraudulent self-debunk Political Science Fiction
based on one half of one climate variable of more than a dozen climate variables
to make computer Ouija Board predictions of the un-knowable un-predictable future
to politically sell your fear of the unknown future = your paranoia
based on flawed incomplete hypothetical = un-proven theory
as the only thing you can prove is your Ignorance in real science
while using the Children you Politically Brainwash as Political Pawns and Tools
proving your pathetic low in both Law and Science
using children for political gain in a scientifically proven Fraudulent Political Agenda
and one day these children will grow up and then know you politically scammed them
based on your personal emotional feelings of true belief in political agenda
while just ignoring all real science
as they will learn and then know and grow forward ~
knowing you were Preaching Lunatic Political Science Fiction
doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
that would end all carbon based life above Sea level sooner
because you were Politically Brainwashed by Paranoid Climate Religion
based on test proven political fraud and zero peer-reviewed science
as I have now sent you a sample of real peer-reviewed science
further debunking your true belief in self-debunk very flawed unproven theory
now provide me your peer-reviewed science
proving you are not a proven Political Pathological Fraud
and of course all you can prove is you are not a real scientist of Question Test Debate
to find the Truth in knowledge and you will just ignore me and very proven science
and continue to preach your climate paranoia doing test harm to Nature
as you will continue to reject test proven knowledge for True Belief
and of course you will not debate the science because you do not comprehend the science
as you have earned zero right to scientific opinion
but maybe you can scam a Judge with your Make Believe Political Media Science Fiction
as the Judge may have failed grade school science too
as you just believe what you are told to just believe with out question
and hopefully your Children will ~ know ~ better than to just believe
as there is zero belief in real science
as your argument has been debunk many times before
including the Montana Supreme Court years ago
where it was very proven Ouija Board Science does not prove anything in real science
and just ignored by your Political Religion doing Harm
as political religions always ignore Proven Fact Tested Knowledge for their True Belief
scientifically proving they are a political religion and not real science
as they reject Question Test Debate by the Scientific Method
based on skepticism = to question the truth in knowledge
as True Believers can not admit they are wrong when proven wrong
as only real scientists can admit they are wrong when test proven wrong
and then learn and know and grow forward with Fact Tested Reality
knowing they are doing good not harm
as you are a debunk Political Media Organization not a Science Body
as you just ignore Proven Fact Tested Reality for Lunatic Political Agenda
as you just ignore the very proven fraud by AlGoreism
a very Scientifically proven Political Media Religion based on zero provable scientific fact
~ for the Truth in all of life and all of knowledge for a better life for all ~
Bruce A. Kershaw
Scientist = Skeptic
42 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science
with thousands of hours of on going Climate Science Investigation since 2007
proving Fraud by Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
doing test proven harm to the environment
because they refuse to allow Question Test Debate
and then learn and know and grow forward
~ * ~
this space is for your Lunatic Political Scientific Rebuttal
as your Paranoid Climate Religion does not allow Public scientific rebuttal
or Public Question and Debate
as I have written many Letters to the Editor since 2007
in rebuttal to very proven to be false statements
and not one of my many Letters have ever been printed
as the proven to be Politically Fascist Media
will only allow your Lunatic side of the story to be told to the un-knowing public
while proving real Journalism is Dead
by not providing the Public with all sides to the argument
so the public can decide for them selves what is real and what is not
so please forward you Climate Science Articulation
debunking an infinity of climate variable
debunking climate history
debunking simple hard physics and chemistry
as you must debunk the small sample of peer-reviewed science I sent you
and explain to us how your un-proven theory defines climate science
and how it has debunk all proven fact tested Reality in known science
and explain how your Paranoia based on self-debunk prediction = Ouija Board Science
is now the Truth in Real Science
~ * ~
It is all about Money and Power as very real peer-reviewed science has zero meaning
and is just ignored and stated as Irrelevant
as simple physics and chemistry is Irrelevant
the past 2 million years of climate history is Irrelevant
and more than a dozen climate variable
providing an infinity of climate variable is Irrelevant
in Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
as one very small fragment of all knowledge defines their Lunatic Science
while Irrelevant science does not exist in real science
~ * ~
Preaching un-proven theory as proven fact tested reality in science is: Test Proven Fraud
and then using Outdated Incomplete Debunk Science Papers
as Peer-reviewed Science Reference
and using CO2 measurements from the mouth of an active volcano
as CO2 levels for the entire atmosphere is a bogus Data
CO2 levels should be measured from everywhere
and not just from the source
and using very flawed bogus Weather Data from new Weather Stations
placed on Tared Roof Tops next to Heating and Air Conditioning Outlets
~ Scientific Proof ~
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
with Human Generated Carbon based Oxygen is: Test Proven Fraud
and then Politically stating the Science is Settled
because they just believe there is nothing new to Learn and Know
while ignoring more than they know
rejecting Question ~ Test ~ Debate in this Brand New Climate Science
when settled science does not exist in real science
only scientifically proving they failed Grade School Science
as they then claim to be experts in Climate Science
a brand new science no one has a degree in
as they continue to just ignore far more peer-reviewed science than they do know
further proving they are only Fools and Political Pathological Frauds
doing only very test proven harm to the
Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
costing trillions of dollars while dictating how we can live our lives
while continuing to just Ignore many tens of thousands of real scientists
and their Proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method
for political science fiction doing real test proven harm to the Environment
by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
and so maybe
hearsay belief is Reality in your Politically Brainwashed World and Mind
but not in mine
as Preached Political Paranoia based on proven to be Fraudulent Science
is not Proven Fact Tested Reality
Media Political Brainwashing based on zero Public Question Test Debate
can do only harm to reality and zero good
as the Truth in Reality is Tested
and not politically Brainwashed and then just Truly Believed
as the United Nations is a proven to be Fraudulent Political Body not a Science Body
as you continue to just believe what you are politically told to just believe
you can debunk make believe but this does not stop True Believers from just believing
as True Believers do not acknowledge scientific fact
because they are True Believers and scientific fact is meaningless in make believe reality
while the Political Media will only tell you what they want you to just Believe
while Laws are based on Political Hearsay
there are many very proven Criminals in every Profession including Science
and there is a long history of Proven Scams in Science that will continue to be
and many will continue to just Believe in scam science
as skepticism is how we find and know the truth in Science
skepticism is not a dirty word in science or reality
as Preached by Paranoid Climate Religion doing test proven Harm to the Environment
as we live in a world where politically brainwashed Ignorance and Dishonesty
continues to grow by those who do not question the truth and just believe