AlGoreism = The New Religion

Very extreme progressive variable climate change is very real

since the year 4.6 Billion B.C. on this carbon based Earth

while expanding progressive variable change has been continuous in this known Universe

since the known measured year 14 Billion B.C.

as all of time is measured from this moment

while I have come to the very logical conclusion

you and the majority of Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

have failed Grade School Science and have earned zero right to opinion

as the United Nations a political body and all the Climate Assessments State:

it is ” likely ” Humans cause ~ all ~ climate change

~ just as it is likely to rain tomorrow ~

while Manhattan New York is not under water today as predicted 20 years ago

and of course this would have slowed down underground mass-transit and car sales

but would be great for Boat Business

as parking and transportation will always be a very big challenge in very  big cities

where People continue to live like Sardines

as this will always be a very unhealthy way to live for many reasons and mass emergencies

especially if you build your mass transient below sea level

while 99.9999 % of all predictions never come true

especially when predictions of the un-known future are based on very proven Ignorance

by rejecting all proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

because you do not comprehend and reject the fact tested knowledge = science


4.6 billion years ago when this Carbon based Earth was new

and Nitrogen levels from decomposing soil

would have been little to nothing in the first atmosphere

and today Nitrogen levels are over 78% of the atmosphere

and before Nitrogen is 80% of the atmosphere

this will reduce the level of Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide to nothing

Ending the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen above Sea level

Ending the cause of all the Green to nothing

Ending the cause of all the Carbon based Food to Eat and Oxygen to Breathe

for our 20% Carbon based Bodies to nothing

while in Bounty science

Plants and Trees would like 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to breathe


Hot CO2 rising is then replaced with Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice crashing downward

more than off-setting the Hot CO2 rising

as ~ all ~ heat still rises in real physics

and is replaced with -200 * below zero F air crashing downward

warming up to about -100* below zero F on the way down

preventing all the Ice from melting

while Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

about 350 feet

as today the rate of evaporation has exceeded the rate the Ice is melting

causing the sea level to decline while increasing Arctic Ice by 40% since 2012

and if Ice did not melt the seal level would decline about 60 feet every 10 years

as the rate of variable warming by the variable Sun has not increased

and has stayed the same for the past 20 years

while the variable Sun is not incorporated into the Climate Predictions

along with an infinity of climate variable by more than a dozen known variables

when predicting the un-known un-predictable climate future

while all the climate predictions are now self-debunk

as most predictions never ever come true

as the media continues to preach to us the opposite is true

scientifically proving they are lairs

who will not allow the other side of the story to be told

as you are allowed only to just believe as they just believe

with out Public Question or Debate or peer-reviewed science

by the scientific method = to Question ~ Test ~ Debate

so we my find and know a common Truth in fact tested knowledge = Reality

as Climate Religion continues to sell and preach to us their climate paranoia

based on zero proven scientific fact

proving it is a Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

doing only very real harm to Nature = Environment

as we waste trillions of dollars only to end the carbon cycle above sea level sooner


… please do not vote for anyone Preaching ~

Carbon Cycle Suicide

costing trillions of dollars to the poorest of the poor to profit the very few

Thank You


The National Academy of Science

~ the best of the best scientists ~

disagree with Al Gore’s Public statement

” the science is settled “

because they ~ know ~ in real science that settled science does not exist

and rejecting new knowledge is not real science

rejecting new proven fact tested knowledge for make believe is not fact tested reality

while only 13% of the NAS

 who are Biologist

and have zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

and just make believe it is ” likely ” Humans cause climate warming

as they refuse to publicly debate the science

proving they can prove nothing beyond words of true belief

while the other 87% of the NAS do not make believe anything

while over 30,000 other Scientists

over 9,000 of them with PhD’s

Signed a Public Petition disagreeing with the United Nations

a Political Body not a Science Body

who preach the cause of the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

on this carbon based earth

is toxic pollution

who have provided this carbon based world with a very proven to be

Flawed Incomplete Fraudulent Climate Study

back by zero peer-reviewed science beyond ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

to predict the un-known climate future

of more than a dozen climate variables known today

providing an infinity of climate variable

further debunking the word of belief

” likely “

now based on self-debunk

computer Ouija Board climate prediction of the un-known future

as they reject proven fact tested knowledge for their un-questioned political true belief

doing very real test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

while one scientist can be right in tested knowledge

the so called Consensus is a very scientifically proven to be political media pathological lie

with then Sen. John Kerry the first to state this proven lie

as John Kerry who is not a scientist and has earned zero right to scientific opinion

has publicly stated many other very proven lies

and when requested John the Preacher

can provide zero peer-reviewed science to support his proven lies


~ No one has a Degree in this Brand New Climate Science ~

as we have far more to learn than we know

in this politically ~ settled ~ science


Killing the Carbon Cycle for Profit

as we live with the very fact proven political media Lies by the New York Times

where no one has any working back ground

in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

as this is a must to know in climate science and is real science they do not comprehend

along with many other politically based organizations

like CBS News and the majority of other political media belief outlets

who have zero working back ground

in atmospheric emission science physics and chemistry

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they have yet to provide any peer-reviewed science to support their very proven to be

Bogus Fraudulent Scientific Statements

their statements debunk by real peer-reviewed science they just continue to ignore

as I have only 40 plus years of working back ground in atmospheric emission science

they will never comprehend

real science where we learn and know something new everyday

as test proven Political Media Ignorance continues dictate reality

by Political Media Pathological Frauds in science

who just politically believe what they are told to just politically believe with out question

as those who refuse to debate their political media reality

have only proven they do not comprehend the reality of tested knowledge = science

by the scientific method

as climate change is very real for Billions of years

and there is nothing beyond self-debunk make believe in the word

” likely “

as stated by the United Nations and the Climate Assessments

to prove Carbon based Humans cause climate warming of this Carbon based Earth

as they do their very test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

costing Trillions to do only harm

because they reject very proven fact tested knowledge = science

for their hearsay political media paranoid true belief in self-debunk climate prediction

of the un-known un-predictable future based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

that Humans are only responsible for less than 3% of going into the air

while ignoring an infinity of climate variable

as the Politically Bias Media will only allow their side of the story to be told

proving they are not real Journalist

proving they are just fascist paranoid political fools who have failed grade school science

who can articulate zero real science

as they preach their true belief in self debunk prediction

while doing only very real proven harm to the carbon cycle = nature = environment

and all carbon based life on this carbon based earth


The truth in all of life and all of  knowledge must always be in Question

as the Philosophers of Reality are the Fathers of skepticism

as Political Media Lunatics Dictate Reality based only on their True Belief

and zero Public Question ~ Test ~ Debate


I am not a Democrat or a Republican I am a Scientist of the Scientific Method

as Politics continue to dictate science

by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

and I know Political Parties are a very bad thing for Humanity

as proven though out Political History

as they distroy everything in their efforts to destroy each other

and I know you can not win a scientific debate

with politically dictated self-debunk hypothetical make believe

when they refuse to allow public Question and Debate

~ so please ~

do not vote for those Preaching

Carbon Cycle Suicide

by those who refuse to debate their politically settled science

when settled science does not exist in the scientific method = to question test debate

as we learn and know something new everyday

based on skepticism = to always question the truth in all of knowledge


Living with Political Media Paranoid Science Fiction

based on self-debunk hypothetical conjecture doing test proven harm to Nature


The very worst thing we can do to the Environment of this Carbon based Earth

is to pump Man Made CO2 into the ground

as we are now spending Trillions of Dollars to commit Carbon Cycle Suicide

~ because one day ~

Nitrogen levels from Decomposing Soil will reduce CO2 levels to nothing


the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen


all Carbon based Life and Energy

above Sea level

while knowing Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to be Healthy

knowing at 210 ppm CO2 in the air the Plants and Trees begin to Die

and at 160 ppm CO2 all Green carbon based life above sea level will have died

followed by all living things that require Green for their food and oxygen to survive


science is: to know

~ * ~

Protecting the Environment

is not by reducing the cause of Green

or by reducing existing O2 = Oxygen levels in the air

or by turning underground water into an Acid

or by reducing the Duration of the Carbon Cycle above sea level

on this Carbon based Earth

costing trillions of dollars to do only Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

to End the cause of all the Green and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth



…if you do not Question the Truth in Knowledge

then you are a True Believer not a True Scientist

as you just believe what you are told to just believe with out knowing

as you just Preach what you are told to just believe with out Question

while earning zero right to scientific opinion


If you do not Question the Truth

then how do you ~ know ~ it is the Truth in proven fact tested reality

as only Political Religion can politically debunk

proven fact tested reality with political science fiction

as only political media money can dictate a false Reality

proving Political Fascism in science

while doing test proven harm to the cause of all the Green = Environment = Nature

and when Reality can no longer be Publicly Debated it is no longer Reality

as political agenda based on the rejection of real science

is ~ test proven ~ political science fiction doing real test proven harm and zero good

as true belief in the word likely and failed prediction does not debunk

more than a dozen climate variables or millions of years of climate history

or simple physics and chemistry

all ignored by climate religion

while further debunking climate religion

and only political fools can politically dictate scientific reality

as Bias Political Science Fiction is a Demon not tested knowledge = science


scientists = skeptic


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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