After 30 years of very scientifically proven to be very failed climate prediction
the Political Media continues to Preach to us self-debunk predictions
~ based on very proven to be very flawed incomplete science ~
to be fact tested Reality
scientifically proving they are Pathological Frauds in Science
who failed grade school science
….as those who live in fear of the un-known un-predictable future based on a false reality
Politically Dictate what can and can not be
~ based on their very scientifically proven to be Climate Paranoia ~
based on a lack of very real very available knowledge = Proven Ignorance
while anything Politically Dictated that can not be Questioned or Debated
is a form of Fascism and not real Questioned Tested Debated knowledge = science
~ as history continues to prove ~
Social Political True Belief Dictate a False Reality
or as I call it
The Moronic Political Reality
~ doing test proven harm ~
while I can very prove
AlGoreism =
a very scientifically proven to be
Lunatic Fraudulent Fascist Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
is Lying about me ~ and Lying to the Public
as they are very proven to be Political Pathological Frauds
who truly believe in their very scientifically proven Lies
as they just believe what they are told to just Politically believe
based on never proven very debunk Hypothetical Conjecture = un-proven theory
with out Questioning the Truth in Knowledge
as if all Politicians and Journalist
who have zero back ground in atmospheric emission science physics and chemistry
who have publicly proven they failed grade school science
and have earned zero right to scientific opinion
~ can never be wrong in fact tested knowledge ~
when science is proven wrong far more often proven right
as they refuse to allow any public Question or Debate
or prove when requested
their words of true belief with real science of the scientific method
as they continue to reject Questioned Fact Tested Reality
for their political true belief doing test proven harm to the
Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
costing trillions of dollars
while refusing to acknowledge or tell the other side of the story
while Brainwashing People to Truly Believe they are saving this Carbon based Planet
because that is what they Truly just Politically Believe
with out ~ knowing ~ if they are right or wrong
as they need not ~ know = science
because they have ~ their ~ Political True Belief = make believe
while in real science a real scientists admit they are wrong
so they may learn and know and grow forward in real science
~ when ~
science is: to know
as Scientifically Questioned Tested Debated Fact Proven to be ~
Dictated Political Science Fiction is: not Knowledge = proven fact tested reality ~
and those who call themselves Professionals
but do not Question the Truth in Knowledge are not real Professionals
they are Socially Politically Brainwashed to Just Believe what they are told to Just Believe
with out Question
and so to those who continue to Intentionally Harm me and Lie about me
for the sake of their proven to be Lunatic Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
doing very real test proven harm to the Environment
only further proving scientifically they are the real fools of tested reality
~ Please Enlighten Me ~
as I Challenge the True Believers to an Open Public Debate in Fact Tested Reality in
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
with a
from the Equity of my Home
for the
Peer-reviewed Science
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
causing with water vapor evaporated by the variable Sun
the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life and Energy on this Carbon based Earth
for the past 600 million years above sea level
the Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide coming from
the hot liquid core of this carbon based earth for the past 4.6 billion years
the majority of CO2 coming from volcanic activity below sea level
while acidifying the Oceans over billions of years
as we live with proven political fascism in both science and medicine
as only the Moronic Political Reality can be Preached with out Public Question or Debate
as Dictated Stupidity is not Questioned Tested Debated Science = Knowledge = Reality
and I have yet to see living in fear of the un-known = paranoia
based on self-debunk true belief provide a positive outcome
as Repetitiveness is the Key to Deprogramming and Good Education