This Nat-Geo
One Strange Rock
is very proven to be very scientifically debunk Political Garbage Science Fiction
and is a Complete and Total Insult to Real Science and the Scientific Community
this must be written by Political Media Morons in Science
to further Politically Brainwash Morons in Science
based on un-questioned un-debated ~ scientifically debunk ~ Hypothetical Conjecture
this is very Unproven Theory backed by zero Peer-reviewed Science
this is a Political Media Sermon based on very proven Political Media Lies
Proving Political Media Fraud in Science
by those who just Ignore Real Peer-reviewed Science
and have earned zero right to scientific opinion
~ in ~
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
Heat Transfer Science
Photosynthesis and Botany Science
caused by Sun Energy
and Evaporated Water vapor and Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
causing the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen
causing all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
causing all of Nature the Environment and all Carbon based Life
as they ignore all of Climate History Further Debunking their Political Sermon
while ignoring more than a dozen known Climate Variables
further Debunking their Political Garbage Science Fiction
Obviously the Astronauts on this Lunatic Fraudulent Political Science Fiction Sermon
were not paid to think
and Obviously Will Smith Failed Grade School Science
and has zero comprehension of the Scientific Method
and obviously reviewed zero Real Science before Preaching his Political Media Sermon
and does not ~ know ~ he is a Pathological Fraud in Science
as Will Smith can only scientifically prove
Un-Question Un-Debate Political Media Brainwashing Works
using Political Media ~ scientifically debunk ~ Fairy Tail Science Fiction
as very proven Political Media Frauds in Science who Refuse to Debate the Science
Dictate Science to the Un-knowing in Science
as they continue to do their very test proven Harm
to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
costing Trillions of dollars to do only harm and zero good
because they do not ~ know ~
as they just believe what they are told to just believe
with out Question Test Debate
as science is: to know
and is not Politically Brainwashed Make Believe
by True Believers who do not comprehend the real science
who can not articulate the real science who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as this is very scientifically proven Political Media Scam Science Fiction
doing very real test harm to the Environment
and is not fact tested reality in real science = to Question Test Debate
so we may find the truth in all knowledge
as they refuse to allow the Public to know anything beyond their True Belief
proving they are not Real Scientists
as they will not allow the Public to decide for them selves what is real and what is not
by allowing the Public to see and know all the many sides of the Science argument
in this brand new science that no one has a degree in
as we learn and know something new everyday
as they just Preach to us what they want us to just believe
while rejecting all peer-reviewed science debunking their True Belief
their debunk science based on one half of one climate variable
that Humans are responsible for 3% or less of going into the air
the Equivalent of a sewing thread down the middle of the 50 yard line of a football field
to trap all the Heat in something the size of a football field
while knowing ~ all heat ~ in real Physics still rises and frozen air still take its place
at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth
with increased levels of frozen -200* CO2 = Dry Ice
cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer
than the increased levels of frozen -200* water vapor
crashing downward as all heat rises
offsetting Warming by the variable Sun with many Cycles
as warming occurs first and then water vapor and CO2 levels rise by evaporation
as the majority of volcanic activity is below sea level
and when more is evaporated
making this Carbon based Earth Greener by the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen
caused by
CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide
and Water Vapor
with Sun Energy
~ Oxygen ~
O= Oxygen = 1 oxygen atom
is caused by direct Sun energy separating frozen H2O = frozen water
the O= Oxygen evaporates
as the dirty Hydrogen flows in to Lakes Streams and the Oceans
O2 = Oxygen = 2 oxygen atoms
is caused by Photosynthesis
made from CO2 and Water vapor and Sun energy
causing the Carbon Cycle and all of Nature and all Carbon based Life
O3 = Oxygen = 3 oxygen atoms
is Ozone = Heavy Oxygen = O3 Oxygen = 3 oxygen atoms together
and is made from NOx
NOx is nitrogen and oxygen bonded together by Lighting
and by temperatures above 2500 degrees bonding Nitrogen and Oxygen together
then separated by Sun Energy
separating the Nitrogen from the Oxygen making O3 = Heavy Oxygen = Ozone
causing the Ozone Layer
as they refuse to publicly debate their so called science
or acknowledge peer-reviewed science
proving their True Belief is not Real Science
as they Preach to us their Paranoia based on their self-debunk Garbage science
doing very test proven Harm to the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
Bruce A. Kershaw
Scientist of the Scientific Method = Skeptic = to Question the Truth in all Knowledge
40 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science
they do not comprehend and never will
as they Politically Dictate Science
known as Political Fascism in Science
doing Harm to the Environment = Nature = Carbon Cycle
doing Harm to all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth above Sea level
for the sake of Political Media True Belief = Climate Religion
as National Geographic is no longer a Science Body
they are now a Political Body a Political Church
providing Political Sermons for their Followers of their True Belief
who do not Question knowledge to find and know the Truth in fact tested Reality
as Climate Change is very Real for the past 4.6 Billion years
and is not caused by Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth
who are made from Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
as Plants and Trees would like 4 times the CO2 than in the Air today
to be Healthy and Strong while making Food and Oxygen
CO2 can not Harm the Environment because CO2 caused the Environment
Nat-Geo must get their Science references from the New York Times
as they base Seal level rise on sinking Islands
when the Sea level is declining while Arctic Ice has increased 40% since 2012
~ peace ~