Why are Jeffrey M. Cory PhD & Dr Richard Sargent MD Committing Fraud for Montana State Fund

When the Attorneys at Montana State Fund

willfully use very proven to be

Fraudulent Medical Reports by very proven to be Fraudulent Doctors and Physicians

Physicians who are Paid for by MSF

in order to Deny Legitimate Medical Claims of Injured Montana Citizens to save Money

this is not a Win for MSF this is a Proven Crime by the State of Montana

as our Public Servants are doing very proven Intentional Harm to We the People

and these Criminals should lose their License to practice Law and Medicine and go to Jail

and Montana State ~ Fraud ~ Fund put of of Business Forever

by the Montana Citizens Elected to Represent the Citizens of Montana

as they are not Elected to Represent Fraudulent Business of the Government

as Governments are to Regulate Business to prevent Harm to We the People

not be in Fraudulent Business doing Harm to We the People


Paying Government Attorneys to Play God and Doctor with the lives of others

and to Protect Fraudulent Doctors is a very bad Business to be in

and a very real Conflict of Interest

as only in Fascist Communist Countries

do Governments Own and Control the Business with out Regulation to protect the People

While Montana State Fund does not save a lot of money

as they spend a lot of money to fraudulently prevent medical care for Injured Workers

while Criminals have more rights and better access to Justice and Health Care

than Work Injured Citizens

as Things today have more rights than We the People

and the more rights we give to Things the fewer Rights remaining for We the People


There is no right or wrong at Montana State Fund Workers Compensation

because the only thing that matters at MSF is Wining

as they spend other peoples money on Attorneys and Fraudulent Doctors

to protect the money

rather than spend the money on Honest Doctors to make Injured People well


When a good Attorney can keep an Ax Murder out of Jail

that’s a Win

and noting else maters

When a good Attorney can keep a Child Sex Slave Trader out of Jail

that’s a Win

and nothing else matters

When a good Attorney can keep a man who Drugs and Rapes Woman out of Jail

that’s a Win

and nothing else matters

When a Public Prosecutor can fill the Jails with Innocent People

that’s a Win

and nothing else matters

and When Attorneys working for the State of Montana at the MSF

can Play God and Doctor with out a License to Practice Medicine

while using falsified medical reports by proven to be fraudulent Doctors paid for by MSF

to deny legitimate medical claims

further destroying the lives of the Work Injured Citizens of Montana to save money

that’s a Win

and nothing else matters

while no one is Lobbying for Injured workers in the Montana Legislature

while the State of Montana is paying Lobbyist to work against wellness for

Injured Montana Citizens

as the last Legislature made it more difficult for Injured Workers to seek Justice

when fraud has been committed against them

making it easier for Montana State Fund to Deny Legitimate Medical Claims

only further allowing more lives of injured workers and family’s to be destroyed

and then the Tax Parer gets to pick up the tab for MSF

while forcing injured workers into poverty for the negligence of others

and then how many of theses Injured Citizens of Montana just give up

and take their own life

and then Montana State Fraud Wins again

because nothing else matters

so they can keep more of the money given to them that is for injured workers

that is not their money to keep

as they spend millions of other peoples money on a new building they did not need

while giving away lots of money to those who are not injured

and spend lots of money on Attorneys for Bogus Ploy Legal Battles

as they are a Dynasty with in the Government of the State of Montana

who don’t give a Damn about the Injured Citizens of Montana

as they get away with Murder

and should be Permanently Dissolved Forever

they are a proven Evil doing very real harm to protect and save money

as they truly believe it is OK to do further harm to save money

so a lot of money can just sit there doing nothing

instead of doing what it is meant to do

as they dictate who can be well and have a life and who can not

as they Play God for the Win

and nothing else matters

When you spend all your money on Attorneys who are only in it for the Win

who spend all their time defending their proven to be fraudulent Doctors

in the Montana State Supreme Court

that is not promoting wellness and recovery for injured citizens

that is hindering and preventing recovery while doing further harm in many ways


If you want to save money at the Montana State Fund

Fire the majority of Attorneys who are only in it for the Fraudulent Win

by defending their Fraudulent Doctors

who are destroying the Lives and Family’s and Community’s of Montana for the Win

and hire some Real Honest Doctors who can help Real Injured People

and let the money help people instead of spending the money to protect the money

while doing only further harm

as the right to recovery and wellness is a Legal Battle

but only in America

as the State of Montana is in the business of Punishing Injured Citizen

rather than helping them

and when the MSF Wins

the Injured Citizen and Family and Community and Tax Payers lose

as MSF has intentionally and fraudulently gotten away from their responsibilities

while they are owned by We the People with the Goal of doing Harm to We the People

for the Win

as Attorneys are Trained not to have a Conscience

they are Trained to Win

regardless of the Proven Harm it will cause

as money has been given to MSF to Help People

and then they use the money to further harm people to protect the money

this is Fraud

while in my Opinion

Montana State Fraud Fund is ~ Legalized ~ Organized Crime

as they pay a lot of Attorneys and a lot of very proven to be Fraudulent Doctors

a lot of money to prevent wellness and cause much further Harm

and only in America is the Legal System used as a Ploy to prevent Wellness

as Evil will always cost more than Love

Bruce A. Kershaw

Student of Constitutional History and Law

since 1980


Tammy, Richard and Jeffrey

why do you refuse to help yourself

so you can be forgiven and learn and know and grow forward from your proven mistakes

and if you are the Governor of the State of Montana

and want to be

President of the Republic of the ~ Un-United ~ States of America

Un-United because of the 17th Amendment

caused by the less than honest Butte Copper Kings

as the now Montana State Fraud Fund will look very bad on your resume

with an Attorney Governor in charge of proven to be

Fraudulent Montana State Government Attorneys

who only acknowledge the proven to be Fraudulent Medical Reports

while ignoring all the medical reports


Jeff Cory committed Fraudulent Malpractice

~ and how did the Attorneys at Montana State Fraud earn their right to medical opinion ?

who do not have a Licence to practice medicine in the state of Montana

as Ploy Legal Battles is one of their methods to their proven madness to save money

while Honest Doctors repair their proven mistakes

and only the Scam Doctors do not  ~

I have ~ Eight ~ Medical Reports very Debunking Jeffrey Cory PhD Bozeman Health

and his very proven to be very Fraudulent Medical Evaluation

knowingly Rubber Stamped by Dr. Richard Sargent who knows this is a bogus Evaluation

being used by Montana State Fund to Deny my Legitimate Medical Claims

for my very real Work Injuries caused by the Negligence of others

while I am Borrowing Money every month for further Medical Care

and to make my House Payment

and finishing projects around my house I started before my work injuries

as I may be forced to sell of my Home

and that is how the Government of the State of Montana Treat their Work Injured Citizens

 by committing Fraud to deny medical claims to save money

as this only happens in America

where Injured Workers are Intentionally Treated like Road Kill

to save money

as Jeff Cory states based on zero physical or neurological medical examination of any kind

my concussion is not real

as Jeff is very proven to be Practicing Scam Medicine

doing very real proven harm to his Patients

and is one of Montana State Fund’s Favorite Doctors

who I was Forced to go to for a proven to be scam medical evaluation

while being denied medical care for many months for my many real injuries

I continue to live with today

Bruce A. Kershaw

Doctor Honor 2011

for my 40 plus years of work in science

as I agree with over 9,000 PhD’s who agree with me

while I have been a Student of Law since 1980

as Jeff Cory states in his bogus Medical Report I can not read past a 3rd Grade level

as Millions have come to this Website to read my words in ~ tested ~ Reality

proving Jeff Cory needs a Shrink

and Dr. Sargent is a Con-artist for his Lady Friend Tammy Gibson @ MSF

as Collusion best describes their conflict of interest relationship

as supported and documented by their proven actions and documents

as Doctor Sargent was more concerned with my opinion of Al Gore

than concerned with my Health and Well Being as noted in his medical report

as he left out some of my statements about my health and injures

while he spent more time with his Computer than he did with me


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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