Why are Jeffrey M. Cory PhD & Dr Richard Sargent MD Committing Fraud for Montana State Fund

Wisdom is the Ability to use Knowledge Constructively while doing no Harm

and I am Betting on the Proven Wisdom and the Peer-reviewed Test Proven Knowledge

of the Mayo Clinic online Medical information for post concussion syndrome

and of Dr. Clark and of St. Peters Hospital and their Physical Theory Specialist

to help me with my many Injuries

and I am not betting on the very lack of wisdom of

Dr. Jeffrey Cory and Dr. Richard Sargent

who Falsified my Medical Statements and Falsified 37 years my of Medical History

very proven by my Medical History Documented by St. Peters Hospital

and by many other Honest Doctors and their Honest Medical Reports

as Jeff and Richard Falsified their Medical Reports about my Medical Condition

with out doing ~ any ~ Physical or Neurological Evaluation

~ for ~

Tammy Gibson at Montana State Fund

who has now Destroyed my Life to save money for Montana State Fund

as Tammy and Richard are Admitted Friends

while Richard is Tammy’s Physician too

as this is known in the real Professional world as un-professional collusion

as they refuse to admit and repair their very real very proven mistakes

only further Proving they are Frauds

who are Purposely doing Intentional Medical Harm to me and all of my life in every way

seemingly with joy and predigest

as they have both rejected me and rejected helping me with my many very proven injuries

at the very same time

very documented with their letters and emails

as I continue to deal with my invisible wounds

and when requested many times

I was Denied proven to be Fraudulent Medical Reports

that were used against me for more than 12 months

to deny my legitimate medical claims

as documented by their communications to me from Montana State Fraud

where the Right Hand Obviously and very Proven

does not know what the Left Hand is doing

as I continue to be a prisoner of my invisible wounds

as this medically proven brain and other body injuries has caused me to age 40 years

as I was as healthy as a 40 year old at age 60

and now I move and work like an 80 year old man in pain

as I continue to live with daily Head Aches

as I have never lived with any Head Aches in my life before

and Equilibrium = poor balance along with many other Post Concussion Symptoms

and a Neck Injury that has never been Evaluated since January of 2017

as noted on the injury report and never acknowledged by Montana State Fund

or by their Scientifically very proven to be Lunatic Doctors

as I continue to be Punished for my wounds by very proven to be

fraudulent fools who have no soul

who can not prove or disprove anything Medically beyond their Lunatic Make Believe

as very proven with the help of my Diagnosed Mental Disorder = My Skepticism

as I am a Scientist = Science Investigator = Skeptic


  ~ Warning ~

To all my co-workers of the Helena School District

and to all other workers in the State of Montana

if you should become Injured while working

~ do to no fault of your own ~

Do not Trust Montana State Fund owned by the State of Montana Government

to Help you if you should become Injured

count on MSF to further Harm you and further destroy your Life in every way possible

so they can save money that is not theirs to save

proving their Lunatic Mentality

as they give a lot of other peoples money away to those who are not injured

and a lot of money to Attorneys who Practice Medicine with out a Licence

to save money

as they waste a lot of money not save money while doing very real harm


I am Guessing

I am not the First Brain Injured Person Montana State Fund has committed Fraud against

to save money


Only in America

where wellness is not a Legal Human Right

it is a Legal Human Battle

and when I opened my eyes ~ woke up ~ from a very hard fall

and I was a different person in a different world and in a Daze for many months

I could not drive for over three months

while I am still a different person today

and hopefully one day I will have my life back caused by many Injuries

as today I am the Direct Result of the Montana State Fund

Road Kill Insurance Plan

and I would describe their wellness program and Doctors as Inhumane and Cruelty

to the Work Injured Citizens of Montana as they Punish the Injured Workers

Injuries caused by the Negligence of others

as they believe two wrongs make it right

Bruce A. Kershaw

Doctor Honor


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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