Why are Jeffrey M. Cory PhD & Dr Richard Sargent MD Committing Fraud for Montana State Fund


On December 21, 2016

I suffered many Body Injures from a slip and very hard fall on Ice

as I am now still living with some of the Body Injuries

and the long term effects of a Head Injury

with many Neurological Symptoms

I have what is known as Long Term Post Concussion Syndrome

a condition some Football Players and War Injured Soldiers live with

Preventing me from doing many of the things I very much enjoyed doing

through out my Life as nobody knows my body better than me


Thank You

Steve Bullock

Governor of the State of Montana

for your continued support to the Criminals who work for you at Montana State Fund

as you Hand Pick the Leadership of this State Owned Criminal Organization

doing further Harm to the Injured Citizens of Montana

and you Hand Pick the Judges for the Department of Labor State Courts

as you pass new laws making it even harder for injured workers to seek Justice

making it much easier for proven to be Criminal Doctors

who disgrace their Profession and their Medical Oath

to commit Fraud for Montana State Fund

against the Injured Citizens of Montana

in what is a very proven to be fraudulent system protecting the Frauds of Montana

as this is an over whelming Abuse of Power by a Government Agency

who have made themselves a Dynasty with in the Montana State Government



as Montana State Fund can buy Doctors as Proven

and can get away with it under your Leadership

Proven to be criminal Doctors who put the wellness of Montana State Fund first

long before the wellness of the Injured Patient

as the buck stops with you

as I supported you in the past but never again

because we do not need a President who willfully Stabs Injured Workers in the Back

as the Injured Citizens of Montana are treated like Road Kill by You

as Dirt is treated better than the Injured Citizens of Montana

proving your concern over Health Care is Bogus

along with the Legal Rights of the Injured Montana Citizens

as you have proven you are for Legalized Organized Crime by the State of Montana

against We the People of Montana

as the Montana Legislature continues to make life harder for People and better for Things


Bruce A. Kershaw

Doctor Honor


Steve, if you would like me to bring all the Evidence to your office

and review all the facts with you

as I would be more than happy to prove my case to you ~


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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