Why are Jeffrey M. Cory PhD & Dr Richard Sargent MD Committing Fraud for Montana State Fund

I have now reviewed all my Medical Records going back to 1981

and some Doctors can Articulate better in their Medical Reports than others

and some medical reports are good and some are very poor misinforming garbage

and some are Fraudulent Malpractice

and their are many inaccuracies for many reasons

some from the Doctors misunderstanding or misinterpreting of my statements

and or from poor communication from both directions

causing the improper recording of my statements

providing false statements

or they did not listen to the patient

or in some cases putting words in my mouth

and falsifying my statements in their bogus medical report

making for very flawed and fraudulent Medical Report

that then misinform other Doctors

while making the Patient seem inconsistent and contradicting

because of poorly recorded and falsely recorded medical reports

that in some cases provide meaningless trivial statements I have made

having nothing to do with my health and wellness

while leaving out very important medical statements I have made

while some Doctors provide you with their opinion based on un-provable hypotheticals

based on their lack of very available knowledge =  Ignorance

and then again Labeling you for life

based on their Gut Feelings not Medical Fact

because they did not review your factual medical history

and in some cases falsify your medical history they did not review

making you into something you are not and they can not prove you are

and I now know

some Doctors are very good at defending the very proven Crimes and Mistakes

of other Doctors

and of course there will always be good and bad Doctors

and Thank You to the many very Good Physicians who have helped me in my life

like Dr. David Jordan MD

my Physician of almost 30 years and now retired

a Real Man of True Integrity of Truth and Trust

a True Professional

a very fine Doctor who listens to the Patients

as David very much Cared about his Patients

while the bad so called Physicians continue to do their very real harm to others


I have always tried to treat People the way I would like to be treated

and when that does not work

I then treat them the way they have treated me

with out Breaking the Law as some of them have done to harm me

while I have Professionally Preformed many thousands of Evaluations

since 1976 in my life time of 62 plus years

Evaluations of Persons Places and Things on many levels

I have Evaluated Education Programs and Educators in Technical Sciences

I have Investigated and Proven Fraud in many Sciences for many years

and I very much know all Evaluations are based on Known Facts

Evaluations are not based on make believe while ignoring and rejecting

all the very available known facts


Evaluations based on Hypotheticals while ignoring the facts are Science Fiction

and very bad medicine

and Physicians Intentionally Harming their Patients must be Criminally Insane

and what is MSF = Montana State Fund

paying their Criminally Crazy Doctors to commit Fraud

and as my Investigation continues since December of 2017

I have Documented the Criminal Medical Fraud and Malpractice

and Those who have committed the very proven Fraud know this fact

while only criminals refuse to repair their very proven mistakes

as these Doctors and MSF know they are doing further Harm

to the Work Injured Citizens of Montana

and is there a lower form of Life than Doctors doing further harm to Injured Workers

because they want to ~

regardless of their Lunatic Justifications for doing their proven intentional harm

as we have Quacks Dictating Reality based on their fraudulent make believe

and beyond proving they need a Shrink and committed their intentional Medical Fraud

what do Doctors Accomplish in their minds

by Falsifying Medical Reports for Insurance Companies

while doing further intentional harm to their Patients

and why do these Doctors put the Insurance Companies First and their Patients Last

and does it all come down to the root of all evil = Money and or Predigest

as we all know there are proven Criminals and Phonies in every Profession

while some just take longer than others to get caught

and it is easy to know who they are

as they are the ones who refuse to fix their very proven mistakes

as both Jeff Cory and Richard Sargent continue to destroy my Life

and in the process they then continue to destroy their own Lives too

while further proving they need a Shrink

as Dr. Jeffrey M. Cory PhD

of Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital

and Dr. Richard P. Sargent MD PC

of St Peters Hospital Health and Medical Group

and Sage Medical Clinic Helena Montana

both need to be stopped from doing any further harm to their Patients

and it is my Duty as a Citizen to warn the Public of their Crimes

to prevent harm and or further harm to others

and because they are not Intelligent Enough at Montana State Fund

a Judge will have to repair their very obvious proven mistakes for them

where Attorneys not Doctors decide what is real in Medicine and what is not

as they practice their Ploy Law to save money

proving the State of Montana has Created a Monster it can not Control

as MSF is doing further harm to the Work Injured Citizens of Montana

Bruce A. Kershaw

~ * ~

And as they say

don’t get mad get even

well yes I am very angry but I will ~ Legally ~ get even

I will not lower myself to their criminal level and commit a crime

and this is why I am against the Death Penalty

as this only lowers us to the same level as the Lunatic mind

making us no better than the Lunatic Criminals

while some criminals can be shamed into doing the right thing and some can not

it just depends on how Criminally Insane they are

as Hard Core Criminals never admit their very proven Crimes

as Law Makers continue to make life easier for the Medical Criminals

only making Life much harder for the Work Injured Citizens of Montana

while it is the Taxpayers who then get to pick-up the Tab for the Medical Criminals


If you have an Invisible wound caused by a Head Injury

you are treated like Roadkill in the State of Montana


you can go to three different Doctors and end up with three different opinions

with all of them wrong

as Doctors can be wrong up to 50% of the time

and the worst doctors are those who can not admit they are prove wrong

with facts they did not bother to review


Jeff has proven many things to me

one of them I am better informed in Concussion science than he

as Jeff’s practice is based on a lack of very available knowledge

otherwise known as Ignorance

 Jeff Cory can not admit his hypothetical make believe is not perfect reality

as reality is questioned and tested not hypothetical make believe

as Jeff can not admit he is not perfect in reality

while proving his very lack of Professional Credibility in tested reality

as Jeff has proven he has zero Integrity

just like his Partners in Crime

Dr. Richard P. Sargent MD & Tammy Gibson of Montana State ~ Fraud ~ Fund


Jeff did not seek and review all of my very available medical records

and do in fact  debunk his make believe

as Jeff reviewed only 4 months of very incomplete medical records

and as I stated my Medical History to Jeff

he then Rejected my Statements for his proven to be

Bogus Hypothetical Fraudulent Evaluation

with out reviewing the Medical Records to prove or disprove my statements

for his guess = belief = hypothetical conjecture

based on zero medical fact

while rejecting very proven medical facts debunking his Guess

as I know the very proven Facts

and I know what I stated to Jeff is supported 100% by my very real medical records

that Jeff did not review

and If I was going to be Stupid enough to falsify 37 years of someones Medical History

hopefully I would be smart enough to first review all the very available Medical History

and then I would know what I could get away with and not Hang myself in the process

as we have many PhD’s today who know how to pass the medical exam

but did not learn and know their science

as Jeff’s un-provable hypotheticals do not debunk the fact tested reality he just ignores

and Based on my Evaluation of Dr. Jeffrey Cory PhD Neuropsychologist

Jeff Cory is:

a Social Lunatic and Pathological Fraud committing Malpractice

who believes his un-provable hypotheticals debunk fact

and anyone who agrees with Jeff Cory is a proven Fools Fool

as we have Doctors who just rubber stamp garbage medical evaluation

with out reviewing and analyzing the other Doctors evaluation

or doing their own evaluation

as Jeff has more than proven he is a Big Dummy Playing God with the lives of others

while Jeff did zero Real Concussion Evaluation of me

giving Jeff zero right to medical opinion of my Concussion

and what Jeff did

was a very Flawed Incomplete and very proven to be Fraudulent Malpractice Evaluation

that Jeff refuses to fix

because Jeff can not admit to himself or to anyone

he has been medically proven to be very wrong

and proven to have committed Fraud and Malpractice in Medicine

as proven Pathological Frauds and Lunatics do not repair their proven mistakes

further proving they are Lunatics very much in need a Shrink

as Jeff Cory has stated I have threaten him Physically

when I have not

as he lives in fear of the unknown

as Jeff believes that I want to stock him and Sexually Abuse him

while I have only threaten Jeff Legally

and sent him facts debunking his proven to be falsified medical report

proving Jeff is very Paranoid

while maybe it is just a Psychogenic Reverse Psychology on Jeff’s part

and Jeff wants to have Sex with me

but I can not


I am the President of the He Man Lesbian Club

while I only say this because

I am told it is always very import to put some Humor in your writing

while there nothing humors about Jeff’s Paranoia

as Legal documents from Jeff’s Attorneys do state Jeff is living in fear

of the unknown possibility in the un-known future

I may Stock him and Sexually Abuse him

while I have zero interest in Sex with other men

and I deplore all and any kind of violence in any way

as the Shrink has Scientifically test proven he needs a Shrink

as his Lunatic Evaluation of my medical condition based on zero physical evaluation

and the rejection of all the very available medical history debunking his Lunatic Evaluation

is being used against me by Montana State Fund

to deny Medical Care for my Medical Injuries

to save money


should the Government of the State of Montana be in the Scam Insurance Business

and then passing new laws further supporting the Scam

doing further harm to Work Injured Citizens of Montana

Injuries caused by the Negligence of others


what was simplicity in my life before my injuries is now very much a daily challenge today


My Goal is to be well again and have my Life Back

and go back to doing all the many things I like and want and need to do

like build my Grandson a Tree House

and return to work with the Helena School District

where I had just I started out as a Custodian to get my Foot in the Door

and the plan was to move me to the Automotive Fleet Maintenance

as I had once maintained a fleet of 271 vehicles in my early days

for a very large Security Corporation

as I have over 40 plus years of work experience in this Field as a Master Technician

with a Doctor Honor for my 40 plus years of working back ground

in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

while I have twice turned down job offers from the Montana Department of Justice

to provide Computer Tech Support

as my first class in Artificial Intelligence was in 1976

as I turned down a job offer to Open and Manage a new Auto Parts Store

with a very nice Bonus

while I have received many offers from Farmers and State Farm Insurance

to Open and Manage a new Insurance Sales Office full of Employees

with a guaranteed income

because I have Business Management experience going back to 1971

and I was licensed to sell Legal Insurance here in Montana years ago

and I have 30 plus years of Business Ownership experience since 1983

and I turned down a very good very excellent paying Technical Job

to drive all around the State of Montana

in a Brand New Service Truck to make Technical Repairs in Large Box Stores

and one of the more resent offers was from a local Car Dealership

as an Automotive Science Technician with $10,000 signing bonus

and this is a sample of the very good job offers that I continue to receive

a few times a week from my online Resume

Good paying jobs I must continue to turn down

as I continue to go deeper into poverty everyday

Thanks to Montana State Fund and the Negligence of others

as I am now being punished by MSF for the negligence of others

while my goal is still to return to the Helena School District if Possible

and Build a very fast Race Car if I ever have a Garage/Shop to build it in

while the Tree House will come first

regardless if and when I am well enough to have my Life Back

as before my Head and other Injuries

as this is very frustrating for me but I will never give up

as my justified Anger and Love for Life and Family and Friends keeps me alive



…and why does Dr. Jeff Cory PhD Neuropsychology

believe my skepticism is a Psychological Disorder a Mental Flaw

~ as Diagnosed my Jeff after only one hour of our lives together ~

and Jeff is right as I am a very proud skeptic = scientist

and I am guessing Dr. Sargent passed that on to Jeff

as Dr. Sargent has noted in his Medical Report my feelings about Al Gore

who is very much a very Proven Fraud in Science

while Dr. Sargent seems to have a problem with skeptics = scientists too

and that is probably why he sent me to see Jeff

as Jeff believes this is a Mental Condition in need of clinical treatment of some kind

as it is the Philosophers through out history

who have provided us with the Truth in Knowledge through skepticism


~ skepticism ~

“the doctrine that the truth in all knowledge must always be in Question”

as today we have the scientific method based on skepticism

to Question Test Debate to find the truth in knowledge

as real science is based on skepticism

while today skepticism is very much a political Issue by true believers

who just believe what they told to just believe

and those who ~ believe ~ skepticism is a Physiological Psychological Flaw

have only proven they are Politically Socially Psychologically Flawed

~ proving ~

Dr. Jeffrey M. Cory PhD

dose not comprehend the Philosophy or the History of Skepticism

to find the truth in knowledge

Jeff is a Politically Brainwashed Lunatic

who has trashed his Medical Oath for his Political Bias

who has proven he is very much in need of a Real Shrink

while Jeff Cory’s Attorneys stopped their Legal Action against me

~ for publicly stating Jeff is a Politically Brainwashed Lunatic

Committing Fraud and Malpractice ~

after Jeff’s Attorneys received my Real Medical Records

~ proving ~

Jeff Cory is a Lunatic Committing Fraud and Malpractice

and why does Dr. Richard P. Sargent MD PC ~ Sage Medical Clinic Helena Montana

agree with this proven Lunatic in Science he sent me to 100 miles away

rather than to someone here in Helena

who could have done this evaluation sooner and Honestly

as Dr. Sargent

~ knows ~

Jeff Cory Falsified 37 years of my medical history

with the Medical records I sent him he then just ignored

as Dr. Sargent Rubber Stamped Jeff Cory’s Bogus Concussion Evaluation

that did zero Physical Neurological Evaluation of any kind

that states I do not have a Concussion based on zero medical facts

as real medical facts based on real evaluations state that I do have a real concussion

as Jeff Cory lied for Dr. Sargent and Dr. Sargent’s Friend and Patient

Tammy Gibson at Montana State Fund

so Tammy could then further Deny my Legitimate Medical Claims

with the help of her Friend and Personal Physician Dr. Sargent

as they make a great professorial conflict of interest team

doing intentional further harm to work injured citizens of Montana

~ while the only thing MSF cares about is saving money ~

by using very proven to be Falsified Medical Reports

that conflict with the other medical reports they have in their hands

with only the bogus medical reports being used

and very supported by the Medical Opinion of their Attorneys who are not Doctors

who have earned zero right to medical opinion

who support proven Medical Fraud and Malpractice

that is being used against the Work Injured Citizens of Montana

to save money

and when MSF and their Criminal Doctors are confronted with their very Proven Fraud

they will not repair their very Proven Fraud

because they are Criminals doing Harm to Injured workers in need of further Medical Care

as only the Honest Physicians and Government Entities will do what is right

and a Judge will have to force them to repair their very proven Intentional mistakes

and how much money does MSF have to Pay these Dishonest Doctors to Falsify

~ my words ~

and then falsify 37 years of my medical history

very Falsified Medical Records

very Debunk

by my very real medical history by Honest Physicians

the very real medical history never reviewed by the Fraudulent Doctors

and how much of this has been falsified by MSF

while Medical Frauds through out history can and do get away with Murder

to save money


When the Defined Test Proven Truth can not Set You Free

then there can be no Freedom in Fact Tested Reality


To All the Law Makers of the State of Montana

I have made zero threats of any kind beyond Legal Actions

to anyone at Montana State Fund or their Fraudulent Doctors

and I have Broken no Laws

while Brad Cozzie of Montana State Fund continues to inform me

that I am Trespassing if I Email or Call on the Phone or Enter the MSF Building

while emailing a computer Owned by We the People on a Desk Owned by We the People

in a Building Owned by We the People to a Public Servant Paid by We the People

to make any Legal request for documents they had continued to fail to provide me

since march of 2017

or my right to send Legal Statements to or to send Legal Facts to

with zero threats of any kind

is not a Crime

and if Brad Cozzie would like to Press Charges for Email Trespass against me

for Emailing the Governor and then forwarding the Email

to the Chairman of the Board of MSF and then forwarded to Brad Cozzie

Please Do

otherwise if Steve or Lance do not wish to read my Public Statements

I have sent to the Computers they use and are Owned by We the People

they can Delete them

emails from this Work Injured Citizen of Montana

who is the proven Victim of Fraud

by Montana State Fund

as I am doing Zero Harm to anyone

beyond Legal Requests and Factual Statements to those committing Fraud against myself

and if they would have responded to my Legal requests when I made them

they would then receive far fewer Email Requests

for the now proven to be Fraudulent Medical Documents

they should have sent me in March of 2017

with out having to make a request

Fraudulent Falsified Documents used against me to Deny my Legitimate Medical Claims

by a Doctor who did zero Physical Neurological Evaluation

a Doctor removed from practicing his malpractice medicine

 removed by St Peters Hospital in September of 2017

as MSF has continued to Deny my Legal Rights

as I am committing no crimes as they willfully commit crimes against me

willfully destroying my Wellness and my Life in every way possible

to save money

so have me Arrested for Email Trespass to a computer Owned by We the People

and then we will discuss with the Judge their very proven crimes against me

and I will bring the Proof they Committed Fraud against me

with falsified medical records

otherwise maybe Brad should further discuss his Email Communication Paranoia

with his partner in Crime Mark Meyer Attorney at Law for Montana State ~ Fraud ~

as Montana State Fund is not Broken it is Legalized Disorganized Crime

and of course Criminal Organizations never admit their fact proven crimes


Bruce A. Kershaw

Montana Citizen at Law

and Student of Constitutional History and Law since 1980

and in my teens I wanted to be a Highway Patrolman

and still do today

but now I am to Old and to Broken

while some Dreams in Life can and do come True

as I am still Breathing and the Rest is the Icing on the Cake

but only if you like Cake

as just Icing is not good for you or to much just cake


To: Lance Zanto


~ for ~


~ of ~


~ owned by ~



~ it seems the Right Hand at MSF does not know what the Left Hand is doing ~

there is a very obvious lack of Communication and Legal Policy

with in your Branch = Agency of the Montana State Government

as there is obviously a lack of Comprehension of over sight of this Business

Owned by We the People

that should not be a Branch of any Government

as the Montana State Fund Should be Dissolved not Privatized

as you believe it is OK to Commit Fraud against the Work Injured Citizens of Montana

to Deny very Legitimate Medical Claims so you can Save Money

where Attorneys not Physicians

who have earned zero right to professional medical opinion

Practice Medical Fraud to Save Money for MSF

doing further Harm to the Work Injured Citizens of Montana

where Law not Medicine decide who can be well and who can not

but only in America

as only in America Health and Wellness is a Legal Battle and not a Human Right ~

 In America where Medicine is based on Profit and not on Social Reality

and since December of 2017 Your Montana State Fund

had Denied My Right to the Documents You are using against me

to Deny My Right to Medical Care for My Head and other Injuries

as the Work Injured Citizens of Montana are further Punished for the Negligence of others

Work Injured Montanans who just want their Life Back

without having to Deal with Your Ploy Legal Battles

and your very proven to be Scam Doctors in order to Get Well


Bruce A. Kershaw

Doctor Honor 2011


To: Jenny Eck

My Montana State House Representative

and Terry Gauthier

My Montana State Senate Representative

I hope the both of you and everyone and everything in your life is well

as I smell collusion by the Entities of the Montana State Government against me

as I fight for the Rights of the Work Injured Citizens of Montana

who have no Lobbyist as many Lobbyist work against us

as we are Treated like Roadkill by Montana State Fund = The State of Montana

to save money


I am making an Effort every day since my injuries to become more Well

as the State of Montana is making a Criminal Effort every day to make me less well

and I am not alone

~ while ~

Insurance Companies have a long History of Denying and Falsifying Documents

and forcing their responsibility on to the Tax Payers

as they force Injured Montana Citizens deeper into poverty with no health care

~ as ~

Montana State Fund

after several Requests had continued to Deny me a copy of a Malpractice Medical Report

by Dr. Thomas D. Mulgrew MD

who committed Malpractice against me

and was then removed from Practicing Medicine by St Peters Hospital Helena Montana

as Dr. Mulgrew had a 60 % Dissatisfaction Rating with his Patients

who was less informed than myself in Concussion Medicine

and did zero follow up Medical Evaluation of my Post Concussion Syndrome

following my Physical Therapy at St Peters Hospital

for my Diagnosed Post Concussion Syndrome

because in Dr. Mulgrew’s thinking ~

or should I say lack there of thinking was ~

 a follow up Medical Neurological Evaluation was not necessary because

it had been over 90 days since the Head Injury

there for my Brain must be completely healed by now

and I must be ready to go back to my Life as before the Head Injury

with out doing a real evaluation to see if my Brain was medically all healed or not

as Dr. Mulgrew ~ guessed ~ I was OK

when he should have Medically Tested and Evaluated my real Neurological condition

as Dr. Mulgrew would not even listen to what had to say about my Medical Condition

and did not care in any way as I am still having Brain Issues and this is why

Dr. Mulgrew is no longer practicing his Guess Malpractice Medicine in Helena Montana

based on my report to St Peters Hospital

as Dr. Mulgrew’s Medical Specialty or lack there of was for Sleep Disorders

not Post Concussion Syndrome as Dr. Mulgrew was anything but Professional

as no two Body’s are alike

no two Injuries are alike

and no two Healing Processes are alike

as Montana State Fund had refused to provide me with this Malpractice Medical Report

they are now using against me 9 months after the fact

and why did MSF not use this medical report against me in March of 2017

when this Bogus Medical report was made

and why did this Bogus Medical report just sit in their files

from March of 2017 to the end of December 2017 before being used against me

and why did it take MSF from March of 2017 to May of 2018

to provide me a copy of this Falsified Medical Report

~ why ~

was this bogus medical Report not good enough to use against me 9 months ago

as other Fraudulent Medical Reports are being used against me by Montana Sate Fund

by Doctors of their choosing 100 miles away who did zero physical evaluation

to Deny my Legitimate Medical Claims for my very real Work Injuries

while the evaluation could have been done here in Helena Montana

by a Physician who would have done a real evaluation of my Post Concussion Syndrome

much sooner

and not Falsify my Medical History

and in fact there was an appointment with Dr. English to do an Evaluation here in Helena

and this Appointment was canceled my Dr. Sargent who was treating my other Injuries

as Dr. Sargent stabbed me in the back and committed proven fraud against me

for his Friend Tammy Gibson at Montana State Fund

as they both stopped helping me with my Injuries in March of 2017

and refused to allow any medical care for my many injuries

and then why was Dr. Mulgrew’s Bogus Fraudulent Medical Report

not reviewed and apart of the following concussion evaluation by Jeffrey Cory

~ update ~

May 10, 2018

I have now Received a copy’s of Dr. Mulgrew’s Medical Reports

from Montana Sate Fund

and my statements to Dr. Mulgrew have been Falsified in his Medical Reports

as I am now waiting for a copy of the same Medical Reports

from Dr. Mulgrew’s medical records source

as Dr. Mulgrew states in his report that I stated I was all ready to go back to work

along with many other falsely recorded statements

and if my statements were true you would not be reading this

because I would have my Life Back and I would be haply back to work

and living haply ever after

and in fact after I completed the Physical Therapy at st Peters Hospital

one of the Therapist recommended I go see the local Concussion Expert MD

Dr. Steele at Performance Injury Care and this was then rejected by Dr. Sargent

who then stopped helping me with all of my Work Injuries

that today still Hender my ability to normal physical function

as his office staff would no longer allow me to make an Appointment to see Dr. Sargent

who did not allow me to see a new Neurologist to further help me

with my on going Post Concussion Syndrome

and so my next unanswered Question in my Investigation is ~

who Falsified Dr. Mulgrew’s Medical Reports ?

was it Dr. Mulgrew ?

or was it Dr. Sargent the Doctor in charge of this Medical Case for MSF ?

or was it Dr. Sargent’s Friend and Patient Tammy Gibson of Montana State Fund

who is in charge of my Medical Claims at MSF

and in the real world of real Professionals

this relationship between Dr. Sargent and Tammy Gibson

is known as a conflict of interest but not so at MSF

while Insurance Company’s have been caught Falsifying Documents for the past 500 years

to save money

while I am still waiting Dr. Sargent’s Rubber Stamp of Approval

of Dr Mulgrew’s Falsified Fraudulent Medical Report


I was Diagnosed with Post Concussion Syndrome by Donna Shull PA – C

at Cost Care Family Practice

as they are recommended by my Employer the Helena School District for Medical Care

I was then sent to Dr. Mulgrew

who sent me to St Peters Hospital for further Evaluation and Physical Therapy

and after the Hospital Evaluation

that concluded I had post concussion symptoms

I did 8 weeks of Physical Therapy for my Medically Diagnosed Post Concussion Syndrome

that Dr. Jeff Cory states was not a real Concussion

after not reviewing the majority of very available medical records for my Concussion

and not doing his own Neurological Evaluation

providing Jeff Cory earned zero right to any medical opinion of my Diagnosed Concussion


No One is Perfect

~ and I have not filed a Fraud and Malpractice Complaint yet ~

against Dr. Jeffrey Cory PhD and Dr. Richard P. Sargent

while Physicians who refuse to admit they are not Perfect

and refuse to admit their very proven mistakes and repair their very proven mistakes are

as from my prospective

~ Mentally Flawed and Socially Predigest ~

and of course Committing Medical Fraud by Falsifying all of my Medical History

with out reviewing my medical history or doing any Physical Evaluation of any kind

while Committing Malpractice is a Crime


Doctors committing Medical Crimes

should lose their License to Practice Medicine and go to Jail

and why do Doctors become Criminals doing Harm to their Patients

befitting only Montana State Fund while further harming me in every way possible

and why is the State of Montana = Montana State Fund

further destroying the Wellness and Lives and Communities of Injured Montana Citizens

~ to save money that is doing nothing ~

while giving a lot of other Peoples money away to those who are not Injured

and who decides where all this money goes

while Fraudulently Depriving the Work Injured Citizen of Montana their Medical Care

to save Montana State Fund Money

as they are Fraudulently Stealing Money from the Work Injured Citizens

to give more Money to those who are not Injured

as there are many unanswered Questions that will have to be answered to a Judge

as I continue my Investigation

while I will be seeing Dr. Clark at the end of May who has reviewed all the Medical Records

debunking Jeffrey Cory and his falsified Medical Report

with the exception of Dr. Mulgrew’s Fraudulent Medical Reports

as this Bogus Medical Report is not in my Medical File at St Peters Hospital

as St Peters hospital removed Dr. Mulgrew from his Medical Malpractice

but Dr. Mulgrew’s Bogus Medical Reports are available

and Dr. Clark will have one to review

to complement the other proven to be fraudulent Medical Reports

all approved by Dr. Richard P. Sargent MD Sage Medical Clinic

and his Friend and Patient Tammy Gibson of Montana State Fund

and then approved by the Attorneys at Montana State Fund

who have zero right to medical opinion

and Play God with the Lives of Injured Montana Citizen to save money

and turn injured Montanans into Roadkill

as Cattle and Dirt are treated better in Montana

where proven Fraud Dictate Reality


 I will forward this to Matt Rosendale and we will see if he has time to do his Job

while Running for the U.S. Senate

as I can now prove and say ~ I got Screwed by Montana State Fraud too

while Honest People repair their proven mistakes

and only the proven Crooks and Frauds have to be Sued in Court

while my Constitutional Rights have now already been denied in this now Legal Process

Bruce A. Kershaw

Helena Montana

Lobbyist for the Truth in all of Life and all of Knowledge for a Better Life for All

Student of Constitutional History and Law since 1980

Scientist of the Scientific Method since Birth 1956

Doctor Honor 2011

with 40 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

with Business Management Experience since 1971

with Business Ownership Experience since 1983

while helping those in need my entire life sacrificing my needs for others

while I am very Guilty at times of my Cruel Honesty

for the sake of proven fact tested Reality

and for the sake of full disclose for any investigators of the State of Montana

I was a Member of the fully Informed Jury’s Association

Educating We the People of their Authority their Responsibilities their Duties

and their Constitutional Rights when setting on a Jury

in this Republic of the United States of America

legal knowledge not Educated in Public Schools on any level or in a Court of Law

and in the past I was a Licensed by the State of Montana to sell Legal Insurance

I am self educated in many subject areas

and a Master Technician since 1976

and I was a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout and grew up in the First Christen Church

and I received Good Citizenship Awards and Presidential Gold Physical Fitness Awards

in Grade School

and I have no Criminal Back Ground or Criminal Record

and I do not belong to any Political Party

as I live for Truth in all of Life for a Better Life for All

~ * ~

Do my Friends at Montana State Fund

have Friends at the Montana Department of Revenue

and do I smell Collusion

between Montana State Fund and the Montana Department of Revenue

with a Surprise Unannounced Unscheduled Knock on by Front Door

by the Montana Department of Revenue

and what if I was not Home for this Surprise visit ?

as I find the timing for this Unannounced Visit very very remarkable

while I very much enjoyed my visit with Philip or (PK) as he goes by

and I emailed and thanked PK for his very Friendly visit

as PK was just doing his job as instructed by his supervisor

and I found the Helicopter with in spiting distance hovering in front of my Home recently

very interesting too


The Biggest Frauds in Montana

~ is the Montana State Government ~

Governments can not be in the Insurance Industry or any Industry

It is the Job of Government to Regulate Commerce for We the People

to Protect We the People from the Crooks of Commerce

and not be the Crooks of Commerce Dictating to We the People

and Montana State Fraud Fund should be Dissolved not Privatized

as they are a proven Criminal Organization doing very proven Harm to We the People

and make them give all their remaining funds back to those who gave it to them

and then the Government can go back to doing their real job for We the People and end

Montana State Fund Dictating their perception of reality to We the People of Montana

as We the People now Live with a very broken system that Rewards Montana State Fund

for committing Fraud against the Injured Montana Citizens so they can save money

as they have provided the very worst example

of what an Insurance Company should do and be

with the help of Jeffrey Cory PhD Bozeman and Richard Sargent MD Helena

who are Medically Proven Scam Artist committing Fraud for Montana State Fund ~

and I can safely say Montana State Fund is now Legalized Organized Crime

who have probably gotten away with Murder by Denying Legitimate Medical Claims

with the blessings of the government they dictate to

as the Government of We the People is now the Servant of Montana State Fraud

as they do not serve us ~ we now serve them


Jeff Cory and Richard Sargent are not real Physicians

as they have betrayed their Medical Oath and their Patients

and they will not Sue Me for Publicly Stating they are Frauds committing Malpractice

as Jeff Cory has now attempted to do so

but this will not happen because Jeff’s Attorneys know this would be Legal Suicide


Jeff is not Intelligent enough to know this fact in his lack of reality

or Intelligent enough to admit and repair his very proven mistakes

and then learn and know and grow forward from his very proven mistakes

and what is the Suicide Rate of those Evaluated and Diagnose by Jeff Cory

and who peer-reviews Jeff Cory and his very proven to be Lunatic Medicine?

~ Jeff Cory is:

a proven to be Social Political Media Brainwashed Lunatic Quack

a Pathological Fraud

as Jeff believes he is right when proven wrong

as he believes everyone else is wrong and only he is right

based on zero review of the proven medical facts

as Jeff rejects the facts for his very proven to be Lunatic make believe

and has Jeff ever admitted he is wrong ?

~ knowing Doctors can be wrong up to 50% of the time

does Jeff truly believe he is always right ?

~ example ~

from Websters Dictionary and Thesaurus

copy right 1996

“The Doctrine that the Truth in all Knowledge must always be in Question”

Jeff believes this is a Personality Flaw a Psychological Disorder of some kind

as Jeff has Diagnose I have this Mental Flaw and Disorder known as

~ Skepticism ~

as skepticism is bases to find and know the truth in all Science and Medicine

while Jeff believes this is a Mental Flaw

while this is a Social Flaw in the eyes of the Political Media Fools of tested knowledge

as skepticism it is not a Medical Flaw of any kind

proving Jeff Failed Grade School Science and Medical Science Reality

as Jeff does not know calling a real scientists a skeptic is a compliment

because if you are not a skeptic then you are not a real scientist of the scientific method

as the scientific method is based on skepticism = to question ~ test ~ debate

to find the truth in knowledge = science

and so I am a very proud of my now diagnosed mental disorder

that Jeff tells me I need to see a Shrink for

while Scientifically proving the Shrink needs a Shrink

as Jeff’s entire Medically Debunked Evaluation of me

~ as my skepticism of Jeff has more than proven ~

Jeff needs a Shrink

because to Question the Truth in knowledge is not a Disorder

and if you believe skepticism is a Mental Disorder

then you have a Mental Disorder

because  you reject the Questioned Truth in Proven Fact Tested Reality


~ as I still wonder ~

what is Jeff’s Prescribed Medical Treatment for my Mental Illness

my Skepticism = allowing myself to know the Questioned Truth in Knowledge


only Social Politically Brainwashed Lunatics believe skepticism is a Psychological Disorder

proving Jeff has allowed himself to Politically Brainwashed by proven Political Lunatics

while Jeff also believes I should be Medicated for conditions proven I do not have

and is further proof of Jeff’s Malpractice

as Jeff’s Lunatic Evaluation has been debunk by fact tested reality

and why will Jeff not confront reality and repair his very proven mistakes

because he is a Lunatic = fool as he continues to prove


~ Would You Trust your Life and Well Being to Proven Criminals ~

Montana State Fund is a Proven Scam Criminal Organization

where Attorneys not Doctors decide what is real in Medicine and what is not

and because my Employer the Helena School District has an Insurance Company

Who are proven Crooks

I am the one who is now being Punished for the Negligence of Others


Montana State Fraud Fund


Workers Compensation Insurance

their motto

Work Hard ~ Head Home ~ Be Safe Montana

Montana State Fund with the help of their Paid for Scam Criminal Doctors


Dr. Jeffrey M. Cory PhD


Dr. Richard P. Sargent MD – Sage Medical Clinic – Family Medicine Doctor in Helena MT

who are very proven Frauds doing very real harm to this Work Injured Citizen of Montana


…and how Stupid can you be ~

because no one in the right mind can possibly believe they can get away with

Falsifying someones Medical History going back to 1981

37 years of my Medical History

with out reviewing my very available very well documented Medical History

proving Jeff is a very bad Scam Artist

while Jeff did zero Physical Examination and zero Physical Neurological Evaluation

allowing Jeff zero medical opinion of my physical medical condition and or of my

Post Concussion Syndrome from a Head Injury

as Jeff has only further Harm my wellness and my life in every way possible

with the Blessings of Dr. Richard P. Sargent and Tammy Gibson Montana State Fraud

who sent me to Jeff Cory for an Evaluation of my Post Concussion Syndrome

for a very proven to be Lunatic Evaluation by a very proven to be Lunatic Doctor

who is very debunk by Proven Fact Tested Reality

while only Lunatic Frauds defend proven Lunatic Frauds


I allow my controlled Anger to Prevent me from being Depressed

and doing further harm to my wellness and life

~ because ~

In the State of Montana the Work Injured Citizens are treated like Roadkill

by Montana State Fund who commit Fraud to Save Money

with the Blessings of the Montana State Government

thanks to new Laws further Protecting Insurance Companies who commit Fraud

with the help of their very well paid and proven to be Scam Doctors

~ while ~

The Attorneys for Dr. Jeff Cory were sending me threatening Legal Letters and Documents

for my Public Statements on this Web Site

for publicly stating Jeff Cory is a Medical Fraud in need of a Shrink

and then I sent Jeff’s Attorneys the Lunatic Fraudulent Evaluation by Jeff

and enough of my 37 years of Medical Records

 very proving

Jeffrey M. Cory PhD

Provider at Bozeman Health Deaconess Hospital

Neurosciences Center


and for Rocky Mountain Neuropsychology

is a Lunatic Fraud committing Malpractice

and then Jeff’s Attorneys stopped sending me threatening Legal Letters and Documents

as Dr. Richard P. Sargent and the Attorneys at Montana State Fund

now have enough my Medical Records debunking the proven to be Fraudulent Evaluation

by the very proven Lunatic and proven fraud Jeff Cory

who did zero Physical Evaluation of any kind

for Montana State Fraud

so they could then Deny my Legitimate Medical Claims

with Jeff’s very proven to be bogus evaluation

to Save Money

as I now have many more Medical Records further debunking Jeff’s Lunatic Evaluation

while Jeff’s attempt at Legal Acton against me for publishing the Truth in Reality and

to warn the Public of Jeff’s Lunatic Medicine and that Jeff is not playing with a Full Deck

who still will not repair his very proven mistakes proving he is not real

as he is doing very real harm to myself

 while doing further harm to himself

further proving Jeff is not all there

as only a Sick Fool would continue to destroy their own Life for a very proven Lie

as Jeff’s Attorneys now know Jeff is a proven Fraud

knowing any continued Legal Action against me would be Legal Suicide

and that is why Dr. Richard P. Sargent and Montana State Fund will not Sue Me

for publicly stating they too are very proven Frauds


My Stress and Anger is caused by the very proven Fraudulent Actions against me

by Montana State Fraud & Richard Sargent & Jeff Cory

while I continue to live with Post Concussion Syndrome from a Head Injury

as I continue to live with Headaches caused by Concentration

while I have Memory Issues

and continue to have Sleep Disorders

while I go to Bed with sore Mussels and Fatigue

 I get out of Bed with sore Mussels and Fatigue

with Balance and Coordination problems along many other Neurological Symptoms

while I am still dealing with other Body Injuries from a Hard Fall

as my Neck that has never been Medically evaluated is still bothering me

my right Elbow is very painful when doing things like swinging a Hammer or Racking

while trying to use my left arm to hammer is not working

while my right side is still painful when Shoveling Snow or Dirt

as my right Knee and Ankle continue to be painful when working and when not working

and I have yet to go for a Hike in the Mountains as I have done so every year of my life

since being a Cub Scout and Boy Scout in the 1960’s

and yes I would like very much to have my life back

while my Wife will tell you I am a different person than before my Head Injury

and so yes I can return to work

with weakness and very low endurance with balance coordination problems while in pain

for about 2-3 hours a day at half speed while taking a 10 min. break every 20 min.

while at Montana State Fraud

it is the Attorneys

~ who have earned zero right to Medical Opinion ~

not Doctors who decide what is real and what is not in Medicine

as only Proven ~ Con Artist ~ Scam Artist ~ and Frauds

when confronted with the Medical Proof their Medical Opinions are wrong

will still refuse to repair their intentional proven mistakes

and when Montana State Fund Commits Fraud to save money

it is the Tax Payers who then Pick up the Tab for Montana State Fraud

and what happens in the minds of these Obviously now Sick Criminal Doctors

that allow themselves to go from Helping Injured People to be Well

to intentionally further Harming People who need someone to help them to be well

while only benefiting Montana State Fraud so they can save money


What makes a Man go from Good to Evil

why is Jeff Cory and Richard Sargent Committing Medical Fraud and Malpractice

for Montana State Fund ?

Further Harming the Wellness and the Lives of the Citizens of Montana

and the community’s they live and work in

and then when confronted with this very proven Fraud and Malpractice

they refuse to repair their very proven Intentional Mistakes further proving they are

~ Frauds ~

and why does Deaconess Hospital Bozeman Montana continue to allow

Jeff Cory a very proven to be Fraud in Medicine

to further commit very proven Fraud and Malpractice

who is doing only very real further Harm to their Patients ?

could it be for

~ Money ~

and is this how Jeff Medically Treats

Children and Minors and Police Officers and Fire Fighters

and all others in my Condition too ?

and why is Montana State Fund committing Fraud to save Money ?

with the Help of Dr. Richard P. Sargent Sage Medical Clinic Helena Montana

as only Real Professionals acknowledge and repair their proven mistakes

and stop doing further proven harm to their Patients

allowing the Doctors to learn and know and grow forward from their proven Mistakes

making them better at their Profession

as only Frauds doing proven Harm to their Patients do not repair their proven Mistakes

while continuing to be Frauds committing Malpractice doing Harm

 to save money for fraudulent organizations like Montana State Fraud

who already have more money than they know what to do with

but still prefer to cause further harm and suffering to injured workers

and of course all their money is just given to them for zero effort on their part

for safe keeping

and when it comes time to just give a little back for its intended proposes

to help very Injured People to be well again

they commit fraud to keep more of what is other peoples money for them selves

so the money for wellness can just sit there doing nothing

doing only further harm to the Work Injured Citizens of Montana and their Familys

while forcing them into poverty and allowing the Tax Payers to now pick up the Tab

Bruce A. Kershaw

Doctor Honor 2011

Lobbyist for Truth in Science and Medicine

Honorary Member of the Doctors of Disaster Preparedness

Honorary Member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Inc.

our Motto is the Patient Comes First

as they Publish Peer-reviewed Science and Medicine since 1943

I have been Investigating and proving Fraud in Science for about 20 years

I have Evaluated Education Programs

I have Performed Technical Evaluations since 1976

and I am Recovering from a Hard Fall

causing a Head Injury along with many other Body Injuries

caused by the Negligence of Others

as Fraud is being Committed against me to save money

by Montana State ~ Fraud ~ Fund

where wellness for injured workers always comes last

to save a lot of money that will continue to do nothing

with the exception of many things it was not intended to do

as they give a lot of other peoples money away to none injured workers


Knowing some Doctors can be wrong up to 50% of the time

only the Mentally Healthy Honest Doctors will admit and repair their proven mistakes


Is Jeff Cory a Paranoid Nut Case ?

as His proven to be Crazy Actions speak louder than his very proven to be Crazy Words as

Jeff’s road to wellness can only begin by admitting and repairing his very proven mistakes

and only then can Jeff learn and know and grow forward in to fact tested Reality

as Dr. Sargent and Montana State Fraud

continue to fully support and defend this very proven to be very Fraudulent Evaluation

as only Frauds require a Judge in a Court of Law

to fix their very proven Intentional mistakes

as Montana State Fraud can not Prove their Doctors for Hire are not Frauds

further proving

Montana State Fraud are Frauds to Save Money


Montana State Fraud are Criminals

who Probably sometimes get away with Murder when denying Legitimate Injury Claims

to Save Money

because at Montana State Fraud saving money is far more important than saving lives

with the help of their very proven to be Fraudulent Malpractice Doctors

proven with 36 years of very ~ Real ~ Medical Reports

they should have reviewed but just Ignored further proving they are Frauds

while Jeff Cory did ~ zero ~ Physical Evaluation of me of any kind

and then stated in his Evaluation Report that I was Physically Well

further proving he is a Fraud for Dr. Sargent and Montana State Fraud

and I can only Guess for the many others who have been in my shoes

who have been injured caused by the negligence of others

who do not have the strength or the strong support of others that I have

and do not have the will to go forward in a Ploy Legal Battle

while trying to deal with their injuries with no income

to fight the many wrongs of this fraudulent system

and they just give up and end their Life

and then the Frauds Win

and so it would be no surprise me at all

if Montana State Fraud is responsible for many Suicides

by Denying Legitimate Claims of very real Work Injured Citizens of Montana

they force into poverty because they can not work

so they can Save a Money

costing the Tax Payers more money

and then Montana State Fraud will have more money to give to those who are not injured

as the Work Injured Citizens of Montana are just Roadkill at Montana State Fraud

to Save Money


The Montana State Fund

~ is: a Government Entity a Thing with no Conscience

a Department a Division an Agency a Branch of the Government of the State of Montana



We the People of the State of Montana

as they intentionally Screw

We the People

for money they do not own and do not need

 Made by the Sweat of ~ We the People ~ they Intentionally Screw

as they may now own the Law Makers

but they will never own

We the People

they Intentionally Screw

to save money that will do nothing but Harm

while making the Attorney at Montana State Fund

who are making Bogus Medical Designs doing Intentional Harm

to the Work Injured Citizen of Montana

Very Proud to Save Money

~ Peace ~

and Live long and Prosper


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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