When I make a professional mistake I will admit my mistake and repair my mistake
and then learn and know and grow forward from all my mistakes
making me much better at my profession
rather than repeating the same mistakes over and over while doing only harm
and those who can not admit and repair their professional very proven mistakes
are not real professionals
they are the Arrogant Ignorance preventing the realities of life from being known
while I find it interesting how some Doctors based only on a First Appointment together
or as I call it a First Date
they have made up their mind and have decided who and what you are
with out knowing at all who and what you are
and are going to be wrong far more often than right
as first impressions are wrong more often than right
as first dates do not reveal who someone really is until they get to know you
as many people are not them selves on First Dates or First Appointments
as trust is earned not given
as the Ice has not yet melted or broken
especially when someone is forming an opinion of you
prior to reviewing all the available facts
and in some cases do not review any of the available medical facts
and this of course is very bad medicine causing blind medical decisions
while sadly it is those who we have learn to trust
who are to often the ones who then deceive us and do the most harm in our lives
while those who have known me for the past 40 plus years of my adult life
do know me far better than someone who has only just met me for one hour of my life
and does not know me at all but has Labeled me
as many Judge the Cover of the Book with out reading or knowing what is in the Book
providing only a Misdiagnoses and then Medicating or Treating a Misdiagnoses
while turning their Patients into something they are not
and not helping their Patients with their real issues and real problems
as they can not see past the Book Cover they invented in their mind
while playing God with your real life
because they can not see your reality for the sake of their make believe
and because of a lack of perception based on misconstrued statements
statements taken out of context and reworded to better suite the imagination of the Doctor
turning something minor that happened once in your life
into a major negative and once again being mislabeled forever
in some Doctors poorly written medical report based on a very lack of real knowledge