~ Science is the continues input of Knowledge ~
~ Excluding Knowledge ~
~ is not Science ~
Nature is not Mind and Soul.
Nature is before Mind and Soul,
if your living on this Planet and Breathing.
We are not clones, we are all different, in Mind and Soul,
every day in every way.
An Open Mind will Educate all of Knowledge,
a Closed Mind will only Dictate Belief.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HYDROGEN ~ and ~ CARBON ~ and ~ OXYGEN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Human Body is:
( for the most part )
Water with a Carbon Base, and we breathe O2
~~~~~~ WATER ~ and ~ CARBON ~ and ~ OXYGEN ~~~~~~
H2O and C and O2
The first Atmosphere was:
( For the most part )
Water Vapor, and Carbon Dioxide
~~~~~~~ WATER ~ and ~ CARBON-DIOXIDE ~~~~~~~
H2O and CO2
Hydrogen and Oxygen:
H2 and O
Hydrogen can only burn if there is Oxygen to allow the Hydrogen to burn,
Causing Hydrogen to bond to oxygen.
When you bond Hydrogen and Oxygen together, you have Water that can not burn, will put out a Fire, and you can drink the Water, so you can continue to breathe Dioxide.
Carbon and Oxygen:
C and O2
Hydrocarbons can only burn if there is Oxygen to allow the Hydrocarbons to burn,
Causing the carbon to bond to oxygen.
When you bond Carbon and Oxygen together, you have Carbon based Oxygen, that will not allow Hydrocarbons to burn, will put out a Fire, remove the heat from the fire, and is the cause of the carbon based Life and Energy cycle.
If you remove only one of the three,
Hydrogen, ~ Carbon ~ or ~ Oxygen,
You End All ~ Carbon ~ Based Life
When you remove CO2 from the Air, you are also removing the oxygen in the Air that allows the fuel to burn,
then bonded to the carbon.
When removing CO2 from the Air, you are decreasing the oxygen level in the Air that we all need to breathe, causing the percentage of nitrogen to increase at a faster rate, that will one day be, (for the most part), all of the atmosphere.
The Carbon /Oxygen/Hydrogen life and energy Cycle:
The Carbon part of CO2 is absorbed by carbon based Plants and Trees, to be carbon based food for carbon based life to eat, leaving (O2) ~Dioxide~ for carbon based life to breathe, then we exhale CO2 for carbon based Plants and Trees to absorb again.
We and the Plants and Trees are Life and Energy,
We are carbon based life and energy,
caused by carbon based life and energy,
causing carbon based Life and energy.
We are walking talking hydrocarbons, drinking water, eating carbon and breathing O2.
Hydrocarbon is hydrogen and carbon.
Crude oil is made of Acids, Alcohol, Hydrogen, Carbon, and some oxygen.
Just like the Human Body.
When pumping CO2 into the ground, you are removing the carbon for the carbon based life and energy cycle, and you are removing the oxygen from the air, that allowed the fuel (inside and outside the human body) to burn, not allowing the oxygen to be recycled back into the Air, for you and I to breathe again, and so fuel can burn again.
Pump CO2 in to the ground for trillions of dollars of energy cost,
and turn under ground water into Acid,
when you can pump it in to greenhouses to grow healthier food,
then recycle the oxygen (Dioxide) back in to the Atmosphere,
where it came from.
The Earth and Life and Energy above sea level, has been recycling the same Oxygen and Fuel, for carbon based Life and Energy, for about 600 million years.
Now take a Kite String, stretch it down the middle of the fifty yard line of your favorite Football Field.
Now go up into the of the Grandstands and look at the Football Field, can you see the Kite String on the fifty yard line?
The Kite String is CO2, the Football Field is the Atmosphere.
1 /37th to 1/10th of the CO2 is caused by mankind,
( that is ~ 000.001 % to 000.004 % of the air before you add water vapor, and 26 other things in the Atmosphere not measured as part of the air, that if measured as part of the Atmosphere would make man caused CO2 less than 000.000% of the Atmosphere) and the Kite string becomes smaller than a thread.
The Kite String can not affect the Temperature of the Football Field, but the Sun and Hot Liquid Core of the Planet does.
Now add the weather caused by the evaporation of ocean by the Sun for the last 4.6 Billion years, containing 70 times the CO2 level than the Atmosphere, causing the Atmosphere and carbon based life, now add the rest of the dozen known causes of Climate Change. (missing from the global warming/climate change studies)
CO2 is why we have O2 to breathe, that is where the O2 you and I breathe comes from for the last 5oo million years.
For the last 4.6 billion years this Planet has produced CO2 into the Ocean and the Air, over the last 500 million years plants and trees have absorbed the carbon from the Oxygen, causing 20.95 % dioxide for you and I to breathe.
The first Atmosphere was all Carbon based Oxygen and Water vapor, causing all Carbon based Life. Now Carbon based Oxygen is little to nothing in the Atmosphere, and if you add the level of Water vapor which is five times the level of CO2, not included in the measurements of the Atmosphere, (water vapor causes all the weather on this Planet), then CO2 is less than 00.00% of the Air, for all the plants and trees on this Planet to breathe to exist.
You and I have 20.95% of the air to breathe to exist, caused by carbon dioxide, and plants and trees.
Plants and trees have only 00.00% of the Air to breathe to exist, if you include everything in the Air.
There are far more plants and trees breathing carbon from the Air, than us creatures breathing O2 from the Air.
In Physics, Chemistry and Common Sense, the Football Field will Determine the Temperature of the Kite String on the fifty yard line, the Kite String can not effect the temperature of the Football Field, no differently than your house with no roof on it, being warmer from an unlit candle.
~ a warmed candle (a solid) will store heat longer than CO2 (when a gas) ~
Nitrogen is (~ 78.09% ~) of the Atmosphere, caused by decomposing soil, making nitrogen a greenhouse Gas, a proven refrigerant, that will not allow fuel to burn, an Inert gas, that will one day be all of the atmosphere.
Argon is ( ~ 00.93% ~ ) of the Atmosphere, caused by cosmic rays, that will not allow fuel to burn, an Inert gas.
Carbon Oxygen (CO2) is (~ 00.03% ~) of the Atmosphere, caused by the hydrocarbons in the core of this carbon based planet for the last 4.6 billion years, a proven Refrigerant that will not allow fuel to burn, and removes the heat from fire, while extinguishing the fire, an Inert gas, and is responsible for the carbon based life and energy cycle, for the last 500 to 600 million years above sea level.
Carbon based oxygen (CO2) ~ caused ~ the Greenhouse, causing oxygen and decomposing soil, causing nitrogen, causing the atmosphere we have today.
~ Carbon based oxygen ~ caused ~ the environment ~
Carbon based Oxygen is the by-product of energy, the aftermath, the opposite of energy.
Since 1972, Because of the Clean Air Act, CO2 is used as an automotive emission control device, as a refrigerant in the combustion chamber, to cause cleaner air at ground level, by reducing NOx levels in the lower atmosphere, reducing respiratory illness.
CO2 is the cause of the carbon based life and energy cycle,
all the Dioxide we breathe, and carbon based food we eat.
CO2 has been a ~Proven Refrigerant ~ since 1835,
and a ~ Patented Refrigerant ~ since 1924.
The Purest form of CO2 ~ Frozen ~ is called ~ Dry Ice ~ for past 85 plus years.
CO2 Fire extinguishers not only stop Fire,
CO2 Fire extinguisher are the only Fire extinguisher that also ~ Removes ~ the ~ Heat ~
of the Fire, making the Air Cold, for the last 100 plus years.
If you heat a cylinder of CO2 used to Carbonate Drinks (since 1897) to 100 plus degrees, then place place your hand in front of the outlet, then open the valve releasing the CO2, your hand would experience frostbite with in one second, for the last 113 plus years.
CO2 in 3000 to 4000 plus degree car exhaust, Recycled through an E.G.R Valve,
back in to the cars engine, on most cars on the road, as a Refrigerant,
lowers the explosion Temperature in the combustion chamber 500 degrees,
causing lower NOx emissions, causing lower O3 emissions, causing cleaner Air since 1972,
(mandated by the EPA) to reduce severe respiratory illness at ground level,
~ The E.G.R. Valve (Exhaust Gas Recycle) Valve, is 39 years of proven science,
~ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year ~
~ on most Cars and Trucks on the road today ~
~ still mandated by the E.P.A. today ~
The EPA is not a science body.
The EPA is not run by scientists.
Today the EPA is run by Politicians, appointed by Politicians to enforce the Law, and then make new law, without laws being passed by the government, without the input of common science knowledge, I have requested The E.P.A. send me their proof ~ Man ~ caused ~ CO2 ~ causes Climate Change, over 100 Times and ~ nothing ~
( It is unconstitutional for the E.P.A. to make Law )
I have requested from all 100 U.S. Senators the data /proof,
once by US mail and once by e-mail, and no credible data.
I have requested many times from President Obama the science data to support man caused Warming, and nothing.
I have requested the proof (Test and Data) from everyone and everything many times, and there in no credible data of any kind, to support ~ man ~ caused Global warming or Climate Change.
I have asked all the news media to explain the science they believe, and preach,
and still nothing,
as they block and hide from the public, any apposing factual science knowledge.
Every person I have asked in person, who believes mankind is responsible for climate change or global warming, can not explain the science,
and those I have spoken too, who do not agree with the science of man caused warming before talking to them, are wondering why we would want to remove the cause of all the plants and trees, food we eat, and all the oxygen we all breath, from the Air, and pump it in to the ground and turn under ground water in to acid.
As of 4/24/2011
~ I have made ~ 8,448 ~ Requests,
for the proof mankind is responsible for climate change,
in the last three years, so far.
There are more than a dozen causes of climate Change.
CO2 is a proven refrigerant at any temperature and pressure today, and in the industrial science world for the last 100 plus years, and the science world for 175 years.
One day the Atmosphere will be all Nitrogen, and there will be no carbon based Life and energy, but not for about 200 million years.
~ We need less nitrogen and more CO2 ~
In one Billion years the average temperature will be 160 degrees, but no one will be here to complain about it, unless we have been living in biospheres for about 900 million years, and wearing space suits to go outside, of coarse there will still be climate Change, the Sun will be much warmer, the moon will be further away, so a day will be longer and hotter, and there will be less gravity saving our body energy, (needing less energy to move), the core of the planet will be cooler making the nights, that are longer, much cooler.
We have only been on this planet for about 1.2 million years, of the 4.6 billion years, of the life of this planet, we are running out of carbon based oxygen, for the carbon based life and energy cycle, we have been adding CO2 to greenhouses for many years.
~ All thee above missing from the U.N. study ~
? so why spend billions if not trillions of dollars world wide to pump CO2 into the ground and turn under ground drinking water into Acid, to remove the cause of all carbon based life and energy on this carbon based planet?
~ when we could be helping and improving life, and the planet~
One day We may be Taxed for exhaling the cause of carbon based life.
CO2 is our source of carbon based food to eat and dioxide to breathe.
~ Yes ~ we have Climate Change, ~ No ~ it is not caused by ~ CO2 ~ caused by ~ Man ~
32,000 United States (~Peer-Reviewed~) Scientists have signed a Petition stating the U.N. study on Climate Change is Flawed.
And Thank You to All the Attack Web Sites, none of the Attack Web Sites can provide any Scientific Data to support their statements, the fact that Attack Web Sites exist, Preaching carbon based oxygen is Poison and Pollution, giving instructions on how to deal with and talk to deniers and skeptics, completely ignoring many years of proven science, then attacking many of the best scientists in the United States, can only prove:
~ There is no Scientific Consensus ~
And If the science is already proven and settled, then why is the U.S. Government still spending and sending Billions of our tax dollars to Collages and University’s for continued research by students with no working science back ground or experience,
~ of a primary education system ranked 17th and 24th in the world, in science and math ~
The Byproduct of carbon based energy from the core of this carbon based planet for the last 4.6 billion years, is the cause of all carbon based life and energy for the last 600 million years above sea level.
Overpopulation starvation, disease and Religious wars, are the causes of most death on this planet, until a volcano, asteroid, ice age, methane burp, or nuclear war, Kills everything again, causing the sixth mass extinction that we know of today.
When two stars collide in our Galaxy, causing trillions of times the energy of a star going super nova, it will vaporize the surface of the earth, maybe causing another 100 million year ice Age ?
I think neutrinos are the aftermath of stars colliding, hundreds of millions of years ago.
If the Suns Energy dropped only 003.%, it would cause an instant Ice Age.
We are a very small part of the history of this planet, it is not our earth, we are made from it.
~ If ~
~ Carbon based (Life) caused by carbon based oxygen ~ could ~ cause Climate Change ~
~ Should we spend Trillions of dollars to ~ end ~ Carbon based Life ~ sooner ~
~ By removing the cause of carbon based Life ~
~ to stop 4 billion years of Climate Change ~
~ on this carbon based planet ~
As the core of this planet continues to cool everyday, the Sun continues to be warmer everyday, causing more climate extremes, until one day the sun vaporizes this planet.
~ Bruce A. Kershaw ~
For the last 40 plus years it has been my job to figure how something works, then determine if it is working properly.
~ Trouble Shooter ~
~ Diagnostic Specialist every work day of my Life ~
Specialist in Computerized Emission Controls,
CO2 Science, Atmosphere and Emission Law.
Licensed and Certified by and for The State of California in 1976, at age 19,
To – Inspect, Install, Adjust, Service, Repair, and Certify Emission control systems,
with 35 years to think about it.
I have evaluated education programs in Automotive Emission science, and after investigating for more than four years, I have yet to see any proof (credible Data) , or hear a (credible explanation) of, (How) Human caused CO2 causes Climate Change, with over 7000 requests, with continued requesting, with a reward for the proof, to all the Governments, Media, Schools, Teachers, Students and Scientists, and Nothing.
Those who call themselves Scientists and refuse to debate the science, are not Scientists, they are in complete and total denial of the Scientific Method.
Preaching something you can not explain, debate, or prove, is not science, that is Belief and Religion.
Every time I am confronted by someone or something on the side of man caused global warming or climate change, it is a new argument, there are no two arguments alike, and they can not explain their science, along with the many proven lies they continue to Preach, after being confronted with their lies.
That is way there is no credibility in man caused global warming or climate change, which are two different things, they can not make up their minds what to call it, let alone agree on the science, they are all on a different page.
When a group of scientist become the ~ Paid For ~ cheering section for political entity’s, and at the same time can not explain their science to the science community, is not science, that is political religion.
Why is it when a Stanford University science Professor confronts me on Global Warming/Climate Change science, he can not explain to me the same science he is teaching our children, and regardless of his science being right or wrong, or good or bad, his science reference is only one of many secondary reactions to warming, not the primary cause.
The 1896 Svante Arrhenius research paper does not prove 000.001% to 000.004% of the CO2 produced by mankind causes Global Warming or climate change.
Warming causes CO2 levels to rise, CO2 can not cause primary warming,
One Heat wave can increase the density of the air 10 to 20% from evaporation of ocean, the ocean has a CO2 level 70 times the level of the air.
Man caused CO2 levels during the increased density, are then less than 000.000% of the air.
If you can prove a secondary warming effect, caused by secondary warming effect, it is still a natural cycle, and nothing you can do about it.
You can not control how much water vapor and CO2 is evaporated during primary warming.
Now add the dozen other causes of Climate Change missing from the studies.
((( If ))) the ( UN IPCC ) science can be proven, it can only be an after thought of a secondary reaction to a secondary reaction of a Primary warming,
CO2 is not the cause of primary warming or the first secondary reaction to warming.
So what are we to believe ?
There is no ~ Believe ~ in science.
I am not writing to or for Scientists,
I am writing to and for non-Scientists.
We drink Hydrogen bonded to Oxygen – (O1) – monoxide)
Eat Carbohydrates and breathe O2
Making you and I walking Hydrocarbons exhaling carbon based oxygen,
For Plants and Trees to Breathe again,
Making Carbohydrates and Oxygen for you and I to eat and Breathe again.
CO2 is an needle in a Hay stake,
and the Hay stake will determine the temperature of the needle.
There is 37 times more CO2 in the Air produced by this planet, than caused by Mankind.
Mankind is responsible for:
000.001% to 000.004% of the 000.038% to 000.039% of the CO2 in the Atmosphere today,
if you removed man caused CO2,
CO2 levels would be 000.036% to 000.037% of the Atmosphere.
CO2 is a drop in the bucket in the Atmosphere, and mankind is a drop in the bucket of carbon based oxygen, the cause of carbon based life and energy.
Reality is everyone growing forward together, exposing what is real and what is not.
Sometimes what you think you know, can hurt you.
Hypothetical Conjecture is not proven science.
We can not prove there is a God,
we can not prove Carbon based Oxygen by Mankind is the cause of Climate change,
~ But ~
We can prove Carbon based Oxygen is the cause of all Carbon Based Life and energy,
Just like we can prove Hydrogen Based Oxygen is the cause of all Life and energy.
Different Variations of:
Hydrogen ” Carbon ” Oxygen,
Is The Cause:
of all Life and Energy.
The consequence of Energy is Life,
The consequence of Life is new energy,
The consequence of new energy is new Life.
There is no one Theory to explain everything, Everything Changes Everything.
There is far more to learn, than we already know.
Show me a Journalist with no background in science, writing about science,
and I will show you a scientific moron.
The number one source of misinformation on this planet in science,
is Journalist and Politicians and Lobbyist.
Journalist who are Politician Lobbyist, are the largest group of financial contributors to our elected Representatives, either and neither with no working science back ground or science comprehension, are denying the scientific method and attacking proven science and scientists, and are blocking any kind of open public debate in science.
That is not science.
To only allow one way of thinking in Politics is Fascism,
to only allow one way of Political thinking in science, is far worse than Fascism.
How does a Journalist know if they are writing good or bad science ?
They don’t
The Media, Journalist, Politicians and lobbyist
should not be taking sides in science,
they are not a scientist.
~ Example ~
Stephen Leahy is a Environmental Journalist working for his cause,
pretending to know science.
He called me a fraud.
I have worked in all sciences for forty years, I am not pretending.
After going to his web site and interacting with him, it was very obvious he would fail a High School level science test.
Stephen is concerned there is not enough attention being given by the media to his side of the argument on climate change,
while no attention has ever been given by the media to the other side of the argument.
Stephen is not a scientist, he is a journalist who doesn’t know what he is talking about,
based on his writing, he does not comprehend the carbon cycle or atmospheric science.
The man calling me a fraud, Mr. Leahy,
who does not know me or my science, is going to lie about me and my science,
he is not a scientist, he has no working science back ground, he is not qualified to have a scientific opinion, and has no credibility in the science community, who probably has never performed a single experiment in his life,
Mr. Leahy is the real fraud.
Stephen claims there is no debating in science,
that is what he wrote to me on his web site, where he called me a fraud,
where he dictates his science belief.
If there was no debate in science, we would still be Bloodletting.
He is a Believer and Preacher of the science he does not comprehend.
I can explain the science he is selling and he can not.
His science does not prove mankind is responsible for climate change,
but he will continue to believe and preach his religion.
Stephen has committed what we call in the Legal world ~ Slander ~
I can prove I am not a fraud, and I can prove Stephen is the fraud,
and not a scientist, even if he thinks he is.
Mr. Stephen Leahy, International Environmental Journalist
I challenge you to an open public science debate.
~ cowboy up ~
The only difference between your science and mine,
I can prove mine.
I call your writing ~ science fiction ~
There is a rule in Journalism, that would apply to all of life.
~ If you can not prove it, do not say it, write it, or print it ~
Environmental Journalist have thrown that rule out the window.
They write about Hearsay, and are political not factual.
They are not qualified to have a first hand opinion in science or other subjects,
and should not take sides in anything they write about.
I write from first hand knowledge from forty years of working education and experience.
If you do not Believe in the Religion provided by the associated groups of Environmental Journalist, then they call you are a fraud.
The Journalist offer free lessons on how to deal with deniers and Skeptics on the websites,
and are not qualified to give lessons in science.
Their science is based on a Lack of Proven Knowledge,
Journalist base their science on their Belief.
~ Real Science is Based on Skeptical thought ~
~ not ~
Journalist Belief
~The Sun Warming the Air causes Water Vapor and CO2 levels to rise ~
( The U.N. ) to use their words stated,
(they are more than 90% certain mankind is responsible for Climate Change)
If proven the U.N. science can only be a Secondary Reaction to Secondary Reaction,
of a Primary Action of warming,
not the primary cause of warming.
The warming occurs First, then water vapor containing 70 times the CO2 level rises, causing the Atmosphere, weather, environment, and carbon based life and energy,
for the Last 600 Million Years above sea level.
The U.N. science has yet to be proven to me, and to tens of thousands of other scientists.
The ( U.N. IPCC ) science can only be one of ~ many ~ after effects of warming,
~ not ~ the Primary cause of warming.
You can not control a secondary reaction, if you can not control the primary cause.
we can not control the primary cause of warming by the Sun,
We can not control the secondary reaction to warming,
the increased evaporation of water and carbon dioxide by the Sun,
increased water vapor, causing increased weather, with the increased carbon dioxide level, causing life and energy.
CO2 is ~ not ~ a primary cause, it is a secondary reaction to a secondary reaction to a primary action of warming,
((( IF )))
there is a third reaction caused by evaporated CO2, caused by the primary action, then it can only be a secondary reaction, to a secondary reaction, to a primary action, that you can not control, and is not caused by mankind.
~ Warming causes CO2 levels to rise, causing carbon based Life ~
I am a scientist,
not a Political Preacher.
I am not Paid indirectly or directly by the government, government sponsored school
or energy corporation, Religion or Media or entity of any kind.
On the top of Hog Back Mountain, here in Helena, there are Seashells.
93 million years ago most of Montana was under water.
14 million years ago the ocean was 100 feet higher.
135,000 years ago the ocean was 20 feet higher.
26,000 years ago the ocean was 300 feet lower.
The Glaciers began to melt ~ again ~ 14,000 years ago.
You can see where water has been on this planet,
we know Water has been 150 feet and higher than it is today,
there are seashells at 8000 Feet above sea level.
We are in a un-civil-war over Global Warming and Climate Change, and of course the other side wants to win, the only problem is, this not a war, it is science turned into a war, now it is about politics, power and money, and nothing to do with science.
~ so who will win the political war of science, proven science or politics, power and greed ~
Many of our politicians would like to see the people of the world spend up-words of ten to twenty trillion dollars on a carbon credit scheme and a needles,
and ~ harmful ~ carbon sequestration.
In my testing of CO2:
Prue CO2 will heat and cool at the same rate as Pure oxygen and the air we breath.
The Air we all breathe is:
078.09% nitrogen, from decomposing soil, making nitrogen a greenhouse gas.
020.95% O2, from the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide,
for carbon based life to breathe.
000.93% Argon, from outer space.
~ Water Vapor ~
five times the level of:
Carbon based oxygen,
not included in the measurements of gases in the air.
~ Water vapor is a gas in the atmosphere ~
last and least of all,
the cause of all carbon based life and energy,
and all the oxygen we all breathe,
Food we all eat,
above sea level, for the last 600 million years,
000.038% carbon dioxide.
A heatwave will increase the density of the air by 10 to 20 %
caused by the increase of water vapor and CO2 from the ocean,
Causing All Carbon Based Life and Energy,
for the last 600 million years above sea level.
CO2 is a Heat Sponge, causing the surrounding Air to be cooler,
CO2 can prevent combustion, allowing no heat to occur at all.
The purest form of carbon is:
Made from Coal
Science is : skepticism
~ Negligence of knowledge is not science ~
Can we Grow beyond hearsay ?
Global Warming
By The Sun
~ causing ~
Water Vapor and CO2 levels to rise,
is the cause of all weather and life and energy
Climate Change Too.
40,000 people die ~ every day ~ from hunger.
Let us spend trillions of dollars to make life on this planet better, instead of worse.
It is Time, once again, to Stop the Bloodletting.
Let the cause of all carbon based energy,
causing carbon based life,
~ Only ~ open minds ~ grow forward ~