CO2 causes Warming and Cooling at the Very Same Time

~ knowing ~

increased levels

-200* below zero frozen CO2 = Dry Ice is continuously crashing downward

as ~ all ~ heat still rises in real Physics

while knowing in real Physics something the size of a sewing thread

can not trap heat in something the size of a football field

as cold CO2 crashing downward cooling the air

more than offset hot CO2 rising removing heat from the lower atmosphere upward

causing a cooling effect not a warming effect

~ while knowing ~

All Life comes from the Oceans

~ knowing ~

SUN Energy and Evaporated Water Vapor and CO2 is the Cause of all the Green

on this Carbon based Earth

known as the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

caused by Photosynthesis

caused by Plants and Trees absorbing Sun Energy Water Vapor and CO2

the CO2 from volcanic activity below sea level on going for billions of years

from the hot liquid core of this carbon based earth

acidifying the Oceans over billions of years

while causing the carbon cycle below and above sea level

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

above sea level for the past 600 million years

~ while knowing ~

reducing CO2 levels will end the carbon cycle above sea level sooner

as variable Nitrogen levels will continue to increase from decomposing soil

as variable CO2 levels will continue to fall

diluted by the increase of Nitrogen over time

one day ending the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life above Sea level

~ while knowing ~

at 210 ppm CO2 in the air all the Green on this carbon based earth will begin to die

and at 160 ppm the Carbon Cycle above sea level will end

~ while knowing ~

Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 than in the Air today to be at their best Health

to make the carbon based food we eat and the oxygen we breathe

for our 20% Carbon based Bodies

~ while knowing ~

No one has a Degree in Climate Science


its a brand new science

where we do not know far more than we do know

as many who call them selves Climate Scientist are Biologist with zero back ground in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

and have earned zero right to opinion

while the Number One cause of continuous

Ice ages and Global Warming Periods

on this Carbon based Earth is


~ SUN ~

while the United Nations states: it is ” likely ” Humans cause ~ all ~ Climate Warming

while it is ” likely ” to rain tomorrow

as likely is a word of belief

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable to predict with a programmed computer

the unknown climate future

known as Ouija Board Science

based on one half of one climate variable

as prediction is not knowledge

while most predictions never ever come true

Prediction made by those with zero back ground in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

Climate Predictions made by those who just ignore more than a dozen Climate Variables

all Climate History and simple Physics and Chemistry

and have not earned the right to scientific opinion

who can not articulate the science or prove their science with peer-reviewed science

as Emotional Political Media Feelings of Hearsay True Belief is not Science = knowledge


Science is: to know

and if you do not Question the truth in knowledge then how can you know

and for many thousands of years Political Bias has dictated Reality

based on True Belief

and if I ask you to prove your words beyond your words of true belief

with proven to be fact tested knowledge of the scientific method

this is known as skepticism

to Question and Debate to find and know the truth in knowledge

as belief is not knowledge

and those who ignore the proven fact tested knowledge of the Scientific Method

for their scientifically debunk Political True Belief

are the scientifically proven Pathological Frauds of Science

who dictate their make believe reality

when the bases for finding the truth in all of knowledge is defined by skepticism

to question knowledge to find the truth in knowledge

and not by the Dictated Words of Political Media True Belief

by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion and refuse to debate the science

as the Skeptics through out history continue to be Punished by the True Believers

as the True Believers continue to do only harm


they do not ~ know ~

because they just believe what they are told to just believe

by those who can not articulate the science and have publicly failed grade school science

and do not Question and Test the Truth in science

as Science today is Politically Dictated by the Media with zero Question or Debate

and this is not real science this is Political Media True Belief doing test proven harm

to the Carbon cycle = Nature = Environment

for the sake of ~ their ~ True Belief in ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

of a proven infinity of climate variable by more than a dozen climate variables


Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion

Peer-reviewed Science

that has yet to be debunk by new tested knowledge

~ vs ~

Preached Political Media Hearsay Make Believe

doing test proven harm to the cause of all the Green and the Environment

costing trillions of dollars


The Majority of Scientists on this Carbon based Earth

do not agree with Al Gore and his Public statement

” The Science is Settled “


Settled Science does not Exist in Real Science


Ending the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen Hydrogen

the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

above Sea level sooner

will not stop billions of years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

and ~ one half ~ of one climate variable does not define all climate science

as Preached by Climate Religion

who reject

Peer-reviewed Science

who reject

more than a dozen known climate variables providing an infinity of climate variable

who reject

millions of years of climate history

who reject

simple physics and chemistry

all proven knowledge they refuse to look at and see and know

with each and all of the above debunking their Politically Preached Feelings of True Belief

in ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

a very small Fragment of all climate knowledge known today

to predict the unknown future with pre-programmed Ouija Board Computers

as Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

is the cause of the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

the cause of all the Green and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

as Climate Religion Preaches to us Carbon and CO2 on this Carbon based Earth

is: Toxic Pollution


A ~ they failed grade school science

B ~ they have earned zero right to scientific opinion

C ~ Political Media Brainwashing based on zero Public Question works very well

D ~ they are for spending trillions of dollars to do test proven harm to the Environment

and end the Carbon cycle sooner

while pumping man made CO2 into the Ground lowers existing Oxygen levels in the air

because Man Made CO2 is made with O2 oxygen from the air

as the O2 oxygen allows the HC = carbon based fuel = Hydrogen and Carbon to vaporize

as the O2 oxygen then bonds to the carbon part of the fuel making CO2

as the carbon cycle ~ recycles ~ oxygen back in to the air

while pumping Man Made CO2 into the ground is

reducing what plants and trees require 4 times more of not less of to breathe

while turning underground water in to an Acid

doing only Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

and ending the Carbon Cycle sooner

for the sake of Political Media True Belief

based on self debunk Hypothetical Conjecture = Un-proven Theory

Preached by Politicians and Journalist as Settled Science that does not exist

who have zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

who have publicly proven they failed grade school science

and believe ~ skepticism = to question the truth in knowledge

is a mental disorder


they have a Political Mental Disorder and zero comprehension of real science

as Proven by their very proven Political Media Pathological Lies

based on zero scientific method

while refusing to publicly debate the science proving it is not real science

as they Preach their “Settled Science” can not be Questioned Tested and Debated

while not allowing the many other sides of the very real science arguments to be known

proving Political Media Fascism in Science

further proving it is a Political Media Religion and not real science


as Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion continues to Preach to us

A ~ Climate Warming is Speeding up

~ when the rate of warming by the variable Sun has stayed the same for about 20 years ~

B ~ All the Ice is Melting as it was predicted by NASA to all be gone by now

~ when Arctic Ice has Increased by 40% since 2012 ~

C ~ The Sea level is rising at an Alarming rate

~ when the Sea level has declined for the past 8 years ~


Proving they just ignore test proven facts for Political Media True Belief

proving is they failed Grade School Science

as we are spending trillions of dollars to do only Harm to the Environment and zero good

trillions that could be well spent doing very positive things in many ways

as they can provide zero peer-reviewed science to support their self-debunk Make Believe

as real peer-reviewed science they just ignore

has further debunk their True Political Media Make Believe Science

while proving they are Pathological Frauds in Science



~ skepticism ~


~ the doctrine that the truth in all knowledge must always be in Question ~

science is: to know

the scientific method is: to Question ~ Test ~ Debate: to know

~ in real science one scientists can be right ~

while over 9,000 PhD’s I agree with agree with me

while a Consensus based on Preached Political Media True Belief is not science

and if you can not Publicly Articulate or Debate your Science

when your science can not be

~ Questioned ~

its not real

as Climate Change is Very Real for the past 4.6 Billion years

Bruce A. Kershaw

40 plus years

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

with thousands of hours on going Climate Science Investigation since 2007

Proving Political Media Fraud in Science

as self-debunk hypothetical conjecture proves nothing

as Climate Religion Preaches ~ skepticism ~ is a Mental Disorder

and so the bases for all Reality in Fact Tested Knowledge is now a Mental Disorder

Scientifically Proving

Fascist Lunatic Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion is not real Science

as political religions do not acknowledge fact tested reality

and you can not stop make believe reality by True Believers

as you can not stop True Believers from just Believing

as true belief is make believe

and you can not stop make believe science

as real science is to know not make believe

as real make believe science is not real

as the Political Media Dictates Climate Religion

~ while ~

 only 13% of the National Academy of Science

signed a Public Letter stating Humans cause Climate Warming

the majority of them Biologists

with no working back ground in atmospheric emission science physics and chemistry

who have not earned the right to Opinion

while not one of them could provide peer-reviewed science to support their statement

Scientifically Proving 13% of the NAS are Pathological Frauds in Science

and would someone please tell me

what happen to more than a dozen other known climate variables

providing an Infinity of climate variable ?

as settled science does not exist in real science

because we learn and know something new everyday

especially in a brand new science no one has a degree in

as Climate Religion is based on ~ one half ~ of one Climate Variable

while they refuse to Publicly Debate their Political Science Fiction

as they Preach the Science is Settled

their science that can not be Questioned or Debated

or Proved beyond their Emotional Feelings of True Belief

as words and belief prove noting in real science nor do their words of True Belief


Why does the media refuse to allow the many voices to be Heard

of the Tens of Thousands of Real Scientists just in the USA

who disagree with Al Gores Settled Science that can not be Publicly Questioned or Debated

Proving the Medias Political Fascism in Science

as they Preach their fear and Paranoia of the unknown future

based on self-debunk Computer Ouija Board Prediction

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

and when it come to real science we no longer have real Journalist in the Media

as they only cover one side of many sides of the story

proving they are Political Media Preachers who Preach their Political Climate Paranoia

who can not Articulate the science

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

who refuse to publicly debate their Preached Climate Paranoia

that is doing test proven harm to the cause of all the green on this carbon based earth

political paranoia that is very debunk by fact tested reality they just ignore

for the sake of their true belief  they can not prove is real science

as they reject Peer-reviewed Science

and reject the Scientific Method

rejecting to question test and debate

? why does Climate Religion refuse to publicly debate the science ?

or allow all the sides of the science argument to be known

proving they are not real scientists of the scientific method

proving they have a political agenda based on Political True Belief

as they refuse to look and see beyond only their words of true belief

and nothing beyond their feelings of True Belief

when there are zero feelings in real science

as real science is proven

not Politically Preached and just Believed with out Question

~ as ~

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

with zero color taste or smell

comes from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

for the past 4.6 billion years

and with water vapor is the cause of the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

causing all of Nature and the Environment

the cause of all the Green and all Carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth


The Cooling effect of Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice crashing downward

toward the poles of this carbon based earth more than offset the hot CO2 rising

as all Heat still rises in real Physics leaving a void forcing very cold air downward

off setting the Warming effect by the variable Sun with many cycles

that continues to be warmer and brighter

until one day the variable Sun vaporizes this Carbon based Earth

as the majority of the atmosphere is -200* below zero F

as the variable Ozone hole caused by variable solar activity

causing the atmosphere to expand and contract like balloon

making the Ozone hole larger and smaller

regulates much of the heat and energy entering and escaping the atmosphere

as the Oceans and Earths Crust and lower Atmosphere

is heated by the Variable hot liquid core of this earth

supplemented by the very variable Sun

as more Heat and Energy has escaped the atmosphere than was predicted

and once again proving most predictions of the unknown future never come true

as Prediction of the unknown is not knowledge while causing only Paranoia

as the distance between the Earth and Sun is a 3 million mile variable

now incorporate a dozen other known climate variables

providing an infinity of Climate Variable

causing very extreme progressive variable climate change for the past 4.6 billion years

while Plants and Trees require much higher levels of CO2 in the air

in order to provide a much Healthier Carbon Cycle above Sea level

to make the Food we Eat and the Oxygen we Breathe

while CO2 is a Natural Variable too

with as much as 15 times the CO2 level than in the air today

with Ice Ages with much higher levels of CO2 than today

while Humans are responsible for generating about 3% or less of the CO2 in the air

the equivalent of a sewing thread down the middle of the 50 yard line of Football field

if the atmosphere was the size of a Football field

and can not trap heat in something the size of a foot ball field

regardless of the fact all heat still rises and cold air take its place at the poles

with the Sea level rising and falling hundreds of feet over millions of years

as Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

while a 2* fluctuation in temperature is very normal and nothing new

and it is not uncommon to see Record lows in one location

when we see record highs in another

or see record highs and lows in one location with in only a few years

as everything is a Variable in this growing Atmosphere

and in this expanding Universe for many billions of years

as we Carbon based Humans made by this Carbon based Earth

are a very small fragment in climate change

as we contribute more to cooling than to warming

as we contribute to ending the Carbon Cycle above sea level sooner rather than later

Ending all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth Sooner

while my concern is with Over Population

and Super Volcanoes and Asteroids

and Nuclear War and the growing Nuclear Pollution

and Terrorist Chemical Attaches or shutting down the electrical grid

causing cannibalism with in a few weeks

while as we know from our DNA Funnel a Supper Volcano 74,000 years ago

reduced the number of Breeding Women on this carbon based earth to about 15


~ Reality beyond True Belief ~

We have Trillions and Trillions of Dollars

sitting in Giant Piles all over this Carbon based Earth

that just sit there continuing to do nothing

and I call this empty wealth created for Entity’s with no conscience

that have more rights than People

with the Giant Piles of Money

made from the real sweat of real people who have little to show for all their sweat

but very large piles of money ~ numbers in computers ~ doing nothing

as we have people everywhere with no water to drink or food to eat

living in Disease with no Health Care

as we do little about the real Pollution

the Nuclear contamination that continues to Grow doing very real long term harm

while the majority of all Carbon based Humans are living in or below the Poverty level

as we are now spending Trillions to end the Carbon Cycle above Sea level sooner

because some Carbon based Humans on this Carbon based Earth

who are 20% carbon believe with out Question Carbon is Pollution

and Carbon and Oxygen together is making this Carbon based Earth Warmer

when the opposite was proven to be very true long before Al Gore came along

who is committing fraud

who has publicly proven he failed grade school science

as the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle is why there is Green and all Life

on this Carbon based Earth where everything has Carbon in it

as Preached Political Media Paranoia continues to dictate a very false Reality

as those who have closed their minds and can not see beyond their True Belief

who can not be honest with them selves

and can not be honest with the world they live in or in the Life they Live

as they are doing very real Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

as I Question True Belief to find and know the truth in fact tested reality

as Questioned Tested Knowledge = Science


Are you a True Thinker

or a True Believer

who pushes away very proven old and new knowledge with out looking at it first

who just believes what you are told to just believe with out Question

as this is UN-Tested Faith based on Feelings and not Tested Science

as your Reality is based on True Belief with zero Question ~ Test ~ Debate

or is your Reality based on Fact Tested Knowledge = Science

by the Scientific Method based on to Question Test Debate

as we live in a world where many refuse to accept new and old test proven knowledge

for the sake of their True Belief doing Harm

and when you Preach to the world with out Public Question Test and open Debate

that only Carbon based Humans cause ~ all ~ Climate Warming

after 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

caused by more than a dozen climate variables known today

causing an infinity of known climate variable

this scientifically proves you Failed Grade School Science

and you have not earned the right to scientific opinion

as you reject fact for your personal emotional feelings of True Belief

and when you reject fact for true belief this called Religion not Science

as Religion comes in many forms


Spiritual Religion

Social Religion

Clinical Religion

Political Religion

Media Religion

any True Belief rejecting proven fact debunking your true belief is a form of Religion


In real science ~

nothing is written in Stone

and if you truly believe in settled science then you are not a real scientist

because you reject new knowledge for your personal emotional feelings of true belief

~ while ~

Politically Preached

Climate and Carbon Paranoia

is doing very test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

as this proven Political Social Paranoia based on scientifically debunk unproven theory

is Politically Preached as Settled Science

when settled science does not exist in real science

as those with zero back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion continue to Politically Dictate Science

based on very Debunk un proven theory they refuse to allow Public Question and Debate

proving it is not Real Science beyond their personal emotional feelings of true belief

Scientifically Proving Pathological Frauds Politically Dictate Science

Scientifically Proving Political Media Fascism Dictate Science


Over 30,000 Scientists over 9,000 of them PhD’s have signed a Petition

disagreeing with the United Nations a Political Body not a Science Body

who state based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

it is ” likely ” Humans cause Climate Warming

while it is likely to rain tomorrow

and this word of belief does not prove it will rain tomorrow

or prove we Carbon based Humans cause all or any Climate Warming

as this statement proves nothing beyond un-proven theory

while 87% of the National Academy of Science

do not agree with Al Gore and his Settled Science who can provide

zero peer-reviewed science to support his scientifically debunk statements

as the scientific consensus Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth


Climate Warming

with Man Made Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

is a very proven Political Media Lie


 AlGoreism is test proven Snake Oil Science

based on self-debunk Computer Ouija Board Climate Prediction

based on on half of one climate variable and is a fragment of all climate knowledge

of more than a dozen Climate Variables ignored by Political Media Climate Religion

as very extreme progressive variable Climate Change is very Real for billions of years

as only AlGoreism can be Preached by the Media

when there are many sides to the science argument in this Brand New Science

as there is far more to learn and know than we do know today in this new science

as Al Gore Preaches his Science is Settled and can not be Publicly Questioned and Debated

as he rejects all new knowledge debunking old knowledge


Reducing the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

will not stop the past 14,000 to 18,000 plus years of Climate Warming

caused by the Variable Sun with many cycles that continues to be Warmer and Brighter

causing as many as 20 Ice Ages over just the past 2 millions years

as Increased Warming by the variable Sun Increases the evaporation of Water and CO2

causing the Sea level to fall for the past 8 plus years

while the Arctic Ice has increased by 40 % since 2012

and when water is frozen it expands and when it melts it contracts

and when you warm the water it expands again and evaporates making the Earth Greener

as Climate Religion continue to Preach to us the opposite is True

as the warming occurs first and then water vapor and CO2 levels rise

making the this Carbon based Earth very Wetter and very Greener

causing more water vapor for Plants and Trees to absorb from the air

and more Rain and more Snow

as Water Vapor and CO2 is the by product of warming not the cause of warming

while causing the carbon cycle above sea level the cause of all the Green and all Life

as most of the CO2 going into the Air everyday is from Volcanic activity below Sea level

Acidifying the Oceans over billions of years

and reducing the Cause of all the Green will only reduce the Duration of the Carbon Cycle

ending the Carbon Cycle above Sea Level Sooner

as Nitrogen levels from decomposing soil will continue to increase

and one day will dilute CO2 to nothing

while the greatest harm to all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

beyond Nature for many Thousands of Years is Political Religion


Living with Social Climate and Carbon Paranoia

based on the Fear of the UN-known Climate Future

based on self-debunk climate prediction

based on Scientifically debunk un-proven theory

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

while ignoring an Infinity of known of Climate Variable

caused by more than a dozen known Variables

while ignoring millions of years of known Climate History

while ignoring simple Physics and Chemistry

all further debunking the Political True Belief in unproven theory

is: Climate Religion


Political Media Brainwashed Climate Paranoia

based on the fear of the unknown

providing us Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth

with proven to be Fraudulent Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

based on the Preached Paranoia and Fear that Carbon is Pollution

and the Preached fear that when carbon is bonded to oxygen

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

this will cause all Climate Warming

as this Political Media Preached True Belief is based on zero Question Test Debate

by those who do not comprehend the science and have earned zero right to opinion

on this Carbon based Planet where everything has Carbon in it

where the Human body is 20% Carbon made by the Carbon Cycle caused by CO2

as we add CO2 to everything we drink

as we add CO2 to Greenhouses

as Plants and Trees would like 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to breathe

as we use frozen CO2 = Dry Ice to make things colder faster for a longer time

as all the Oxygen we Breathe today was made by the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

as this Climate Religion

based only on true belief in Fear and Paranoia in self-debunk un-proven theory

and self-debunk computer Ouija Board Prediction

and many very test proven Hearsay Political Media Lies

is doing very test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

costing Trillions of Dollars to do only Harm

by those who refuse to ~ know ~ for the sake of their Political True Belief

who Politically Dictate Science to the Scientific Community

as they commit very proven Fraud in Science


Settled Science

~ does not exist ~

Especially in a Brand New Science no one has a Degree in

as we learn and know something new in all sciences everyday

that will debunk or support what we know from yesterday

so we may ~ know ~ and Grow Forward in Fact Tested Reality

and when you Politically Preach your Science is Settled

and you refuse to allow your so called science to be Question Tested and Debated

or prove it is real with peer-reviewed science beyond only one half of one climate variable

its not Real


In Real Science we do not Politically Preach it

~ We Prove It ~

with Questioned Tested Debated Peer-reviewed Science

~ and ~

Debunking the ~ test proven ~ Fraudulent Lies

of the

New York Times

is very simple to do

as the NY Times is a Scientifically Proven Political Body a Political Church

as they have very proven they are not real Journalism

as a Real Journalist will provide you with all the facts on the subject matter

allowing the Reader to decide for them self what is real and what is not

and not just preach to only one side of the story they Truly Believe with out facts

and can not prove their so called science is real

as the political Preachers for the New York times can not Articulate the Science

and when repeatedly requested for many rears

can provide zero provide peer-reviewed science

to support their words of True Belief they continue to Preach

proving they are not a Science Body

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they reject peer-reviewed science for their Hearsay Political Media True Belief

as they reject the scientific method

as they reject to Question Test and Debate the Science to prove it is real

to find and know the truth in all knowledge

beyond their Personal Emotional Feelings of Political Media True Belief

as they only thing they have scientifically proven is

Political Lunatics can Brainwash and Dictate Political Media Garbage Science Fiction

as fact tested reality to the unknowing Public they are Politically Brainwashing

as real science is to ~ know ~ and not Preached Political Media Make Believe

True Belief based on scientifically debunk unproven theory

as Climate Change is very Real for Billions of Years

and rejecting very proven fact tested knowledge of Politically Preached True Belief

is Political Religion and not fact tested reality in real science

~ as ~

increased levels of

-200 * below zero CO2 = Dry Ice

continues to crash downward toward the poles of this Carbon based Earth

cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the increased levels frozen water vapor

as all Heat still rises in Real Physics including Heated CO2

as all gases absorb and radiate heat and energy while expanding and rising

and the faster all the gases are heated the faster they all rise

and the faster very frozen air take its place off-setting Warming by the Variable Sun

~ Very Proven Physics ~

Stated by Climate Religion to be Irrelevant in their unquestioned Climate Religion

and if we could substitute 1% of the Nitrogen in the air with CO2

Your Car would not Start and Idle

because the 1% CO2 lowers the Explosion Temperature in the Combustion Chamber

~ 500 degrees ~

and this too is very proven physics and chemistry in atmospheric science

Rejected by Climate Religion

now incorporate more than a dozen other known climate variables

providing an infinity of climate variable

and million of years of climate history further debunking the unproven theory

along with the simple physics and chemistry

other wise

how does something the size of a sewing thread trap heat

in something the size of a football field

~ ? ~

as we are wasting trillions of dollars doing very test proven harm to the

Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

the cause of all life and all nature and the environment

the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

that will one day end from a lack of CO2


real science debunking their true belief

real science they reject before reviewing it and knowing it


There will always be Those

who can not see or refuse to see beyond their True Political Belief

as those who refuse to see and refuse know have proven they are not Real Scientist

and because I do not just Truly Believe Al Gore is the Climate God

this does not make me a Bad Person

but if you do not believe in climate religion

they have many followers ~ Bad People ~ out their hurting non believers

as Climate Religion has tried to Secretly Prosecute non Believers

as this was Attempted by a Group of State Attorney Generals of Many States

and of course failed


Debunk unproven theories prove nothing in Science or Law

Debunk by Real Science Climate Religion refuses to see and know

for the sake of their Preached UN Questioned and UN Debated Political True Belief

they Preach is Settled Science

based on zero peer-reviewed Science beyond one half of one climate variable

to define all climate science

in this brand new science we learn and know something new everyday

and rejected everyday by Climate Religion for their Political Media True Belief

while doing Test Proven Harm to the Environment

science they refuse to know

for their proven to be Politically Brainwashed Make Believe

Refusing to ~ know ~ for True Belief is not Real Science



~ Reward ~

from the Equity of my Home

for the Peer-reviewed Science


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth


Man Made Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

contributing to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

increasing the cause of all the Green on this carbon based earth

increasing the duration period of the Carbon Cycle on this Carbon based Earth

that will one day end by the dilution of CO2 by Nitrogen from decomposing soil

~ * ~

science is: to know


Question ~ Test ~ Debate

skepticism is:

the doctrine that the truth in all knowledge must always be in Question

the scientific method is based on skepticism

to always question knowledge to find and know the truth in knowledge

as real science is: skepticism = to know the truth in science

to know fact tested reality beyond True Belief

as the religion of science is skepticism

~ * ~

The Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

is very real knowledge Climate Religion refuses to know

as there would be zero Greenhouse if there were zero

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 carbon atom

as CO2 caused the Greenhouse the Carbon Cycle above and below Sea level


The first atmosphere causing the Carbon Cycle was Water vapor and CO2

with the help of the variable Sun

and one day

Nitrogen levels that have gone from nothing to over 78% of the air today

caused by decomposing soil will one day end the Carbon Cycle above Sea level

and when Nitrogen dilutes CO2 to 210 ppm the Carbon Cycle will begin to die

at 160 ppm all of the Plants and Trees will have suffocated

ending the Carbon Cycle above Sea level

ending all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth above Sea level

ending the cause of all the Green

as Plants and Trees would like 4 times the CO2 level than in the air today to Breathe

and how would you feel about far less oxygen in the air than you need to breathe ?

and when you pump man made CO2 into the Ground

you are removing oxygen from the air

because man made CO2 is made with oxygen from the air

increasing Nitrogen levels faster

while the Carbon Cycle would ~ Recycle ~ the oxygen back into the air

while providing more of what plants and trees would like more of to breathe

while pumping CO2 into the ground turns underground water into an Acid


When a Lunatic who has publicly proven they failed Grade School Science tells you

the variable Sun with many cycles is not a Climate Variable

and you just believe what you are told to just believe

with out Questioning or Testing the Truth

does this make you a Climate Scientist or just a Lunatic too

as we live with more than a dozen known climate variables today

providing an Infinity of climate variable

as they Preach to us only one half of one climate variable defines all climate science

based on zero Question Test Debate

with a climate study based on only one half of one climate variable

as the missing one half more than off set the other one half

as frozen CO2 Dry Ice is crashing downward at the Poles as ~ all ~ heat still rises

while ignoring more than a dozen known climate variables

while ignoring millions of years of climate history

while ignoring simple Physics and Chemistry

all further debunking the un-proven theory

as the study states it is “likely” humans cause climate warming

as it is likely to rain tomorrow but this does not prove it will rain

proving it is not a real Scientific Study

it is a Scientifically Proven Lunatic Political Media Religion by a Political Body

that has proven they Failed Grade School Science

as they are doing very test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle

to the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

and this will end the carbon cycle sooner

as they preach this is settled science that can not be Quested Tested Debated


…only Stupidity can politically dictate reality  based only on True Belief ~

knowing skepticism is the Key to all the Doors of Scientific Reality

as Climate Religion Preaches to us skepticism is a Mental Flaw and a Flaw in Science

as Climate Religion rejects the Scientific Method

rejecting to Question Test and Debate to find and know the Truth in Science

so we may learn and know and grow forward beyond True Belief

as the Religion of Science is skepticism of True Belief dictating science

while knowing Repetitiveness is the Key to Deprogramming

knowing Political Media Fascism Dictates True Belief as Science

as they Preach to us the Science is Settled with out Question Test Debate

when knowing Settled Science does not Exist in fact tested reality

while knowing

you can not stop 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

by stopping the cause of all the Green

the cause of all the food we eat and all the oxygen we breathe

and just believing what other people tell you to just make believe

does not earn you the right to Scientific opinion

as Climate Religion refuses to debate the science proving their science is not real

as simple Physics and Chemistry debunk Climate Religion

as Climate History has debunk Climate Religion

as Climate Religion is using proven to be

outdated incomplete debunk science papers as scientific proof

proving Fraud by Climate Religion

while the word “likely” proves nothing in real science

and after more than 40,000 requests with a reward since 2007

Climate Religion can prove nothing with real Peer-reviewed science

as they can Preach it but they can not debate it or prove it

proving it is a Political Media Religion

that is doing real test proven Harm to the Environment

because they do not comprehend the real science

as we live with

Real Climate Science ~ vs ~ Debunk Climate Religion

as they Preach to us their Dooms Day Paranoia

based on predictions of the unknown future that never come true

based on Scientifically Test Proven Political Garbage Science Fiction

they can not prove and refuse to debate

scientifically proving

it is a Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

doing test proven Harm to the environment


science is: to know

but it is not real science until you know too

For Truth in Science

[email protected]


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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