CO2 causes Warming and Cooling at the Very Same Time


We Carbon based Humans are 20% Carbon

and mostly Water = Hydrogen and Oxygen


We are made from Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

with water vapor and Sun energy the cause of the carbon oxygen hydrogen cycle

above sea level

causing all carbon based life and energy on this carbon based earth

where there is an infinity of known Climate variable

and billions of years of very extreme progressive variable climate change

Ignored by Climate Religion

~ * ~

Is there political media science beyond hearsay true belief ?

and as we say in real science

Don’t Preach it to me

Prove it ~

as political media words prove nothing in real science

as True Faith in True Belief is Religion not Science

as there is zero knowledge in true belief

and those who just believe are not scientists

as science is to know

and what is accepted as Fact Tested Reality in Science by the Scientific Community

is not fact tested reality in social political media true belief

by those who do not comprehend the science = knowledge

as they reject the proven fact tested knowledge for their true faith in their true belief

scientifically proving their un-questioned True Faith is not real science


as the vast majority of predictions of the un-known future never come true

and do you continue to just Make Believe

in preached political media


programmed computer Ouija Board climate predictions of the un-known future

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

of more than a dozen climate variables known today

~ ? ~

as the self-debunk predictions continue to be preached to us

by the climate religion media

~ the climate predictions are happening ~

when very scientifically proven to be not happening

proving they are Pathological Fraud


As We live with the very Variable Star we call the

~ SUN ~

with many cycles

that continues to be Warmer and Brighter over time

and will one day vaporize this

Carbon based Earth

and one of these many Sun cycles is an eleven year cycle

and about every eleven years it floods in Montana

caused by the increase of evaporation of water and CO2 from the Oceans

by the variable Sun

causing the increase of Rain and Snow making this Carbon based Earth Greener

as the Rate of evaporation by this very variable Sun

has now exceeded the Rate the Ice is Melting

causing the decline of the sea level for the past 8 years

making this carbon based earth greener caused by increased warming by the variable Sun

causing the increased levels of Water vapor and CO2

as this is the test proven by product of warming by the variable Sun

and if Ice did not Melt the Sea level would decline about 60 feet every ten years

while Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

as the Sea level is a variable of hundreds of feet not a constant caused by ignored variables

~ * ~

…we are no longer Educated by Journalism and the Media

we are now Socially Politically Programmed by the Political Media

as they Preach only their true belief side of the many sides of every story

rejecting anything and everything they do not just believe in

as this is a form of Social Political Media Fascism

as they allow only their true belief to be social reality

~  *  ~

Real Scientists ~ know ~

while True Believers just Believe what they are told to just Believe

~ as ~

Climate Science is a Brand New Science

and no one today has a Degree in this brand new Science

while the majority of those who call them selves Climate Scientists

are Biologist and Ecologist with zero back ground in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

who continue to ignore very available proven fact tested climate knowledge

and simple physics and chemistry and known climate science history

for the sake of their True Belief

their True Faith in very self-debunk Hypothetical Conjecture

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable that Carbon based Humans

are responsible for only 3% or less of in the air today

while the majority of those who continue to Preach Humans cause all climate change

have Scientifically proven

they have not earned the right to Scientific opinion

~ as ~

Very Extreme Progressive Variable Climate Change

is very real for the past 4.6 billion years

caused by more than a dozen Climate Variables known today

providing an infinity of Climate Variable

while Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 level than in the air today to be Healthy

causing the carbon cycle = nature = environment

causing all the green on this carbon based earth

where everything has carbon in it

causing all the carbon based food we eat and all the oxygen we breathe

causing all carbon based life and energy on this carbon based earth ~

as we need more not less

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

to extend the duration period of the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle above sea level

because as this atmosphere continues to grow

one day nitrogen made by decomposing soil will dilute CO2 to nothing

ending all Carbon based Life above Sea level on this Carbon based Earth

as Political Lunatics Preach to us Carbon based Oxygen

the cause of all the Green and all Life

made by and from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth is Toxic Pollution


My continued Progressive Work in Progress

based on my 40 plus years of Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

with on going Climate and other Related Science Investigations since the spring of 2007

I received a Doctor Honor in 2011

I was then invited to Participate at the London Symposium on Climate Change

at the Oxford and Cambridge Club London June of  2013

and no one who

~ Believes = Religion ~

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth

will Publicly Debate the Science

after more than 40,000 requests with a Reward for the Scientific proof since 2007


Have you been Politically Brainwashed

by the

Very Proven to be Fraudulent

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

~ ? ~

The Political Media Hearsay Perception of the Truth is not Fact Tested Reality

as the Vast Majority of Carbon based Humans Preaching Humans cause Climate Warming

are not Scientists and have Earned ~ Zero ~ Right to Scientific Opinion

as their Political Media Climate Paranoia will be responsible for ending the Carbon Cycle

and All Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth above Sea level

~ Sooner ~

while Costing Trillions and Trillions of Dollars to do only Harm and zero Good

and this will not stop

the Variable Sun with many Cycles from becoming Warmer and Brighter

and this will not stop

the Variable Distance between the Variable Earth and the Variable Sun

and this will not stop

more than a dozen plus Climate Variables known today


Change Climate History

and has not Debunk very known very proven Physics and Chemistry

as all the above only further debunk

the very self-debunk computer climate prediction of the unknown future

known in the scientific community as Ouija Board Science

based on a very proven to be very Flawed Incomplete Study

based on a proven to be very backwards very unproven Hypothetical Conjecture

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

and is only a very small fragment of all known climate knowledge

while all based on very proven to be False Data

and very proven to be

Out Dated ~ Incomplete ~ Debunk ~ Fraudulent ~ Science Papers

by a Political Bodies not Science Bodies

~ and ~

is not science of the scientific method

regardless of your True Belief

in your Perception of the Political Media Hearsay Truth

by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

and have publicly proven they failed grade school science

by rejecting the scientific method for their true faith in their belief


Those who own the Media

will not allow “Free Press” to the others they disagree with

like 87% of the National Academy of Science

along with over 30,000 other scientists just in the USA

over 9,000 of them with PhD’s

who disagree with Al Gore and his Settled Science

because Settled Science dose not Exist in Real Science

as these Real Scientists are not aloud a voice in the Free Press

that only allow their side of the story to be told proving they are not real Journalist

with their science supported by zero Peer-reviewed Scientific Reference

as this Clearly Defines and Proves Political Fascism in Science

by the Free Press who have a political agenda

as Preached Un-Questioned Un-Debated Political Science Fiction is not ~

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge in Scientific Reality

~ as ~

science is: to know

Knowing Political Parties have Politically Brainwashed and Destroyed America

based on their Political True Belief Agenda they refuse to publicly scientifically debate

as reality is now once again Politically Preached make believe doing harm

while Socially Punishing those who disagree with their political true belief

as very negative history continues to repeat it self again and again

as those who own the Media and dictate their make believe reality

by not allowing the many other sides of the story to be told

as fascism in science dictates reality to those who do not know

~ * ~

…and like everything in life ~

There is Good Science and Bad Science

while more science is scientifically proven bad than proven good

while Bad Science can do only Harm

as those who do not comprehend the science and can not articulate the science

and refuse to debate the science

politically dictate the science based on ~ their ~ True Belief


true belief is: not science = knowledge

as very proven Pathological Frauds in Science

Preach their Make Believe as Fact Tested Reality


~ The Truth in all Knowledge must always be in Question ~

Science is never settled in the Scientific Method = to Question ~ Test ~ Debate

so we may find and know a common tested Truth in Science Reality

as we look and see and learn and know something new everyday

always growing forward with new knowledge supporting or debunking old knowledge

~ knowing ~

Everything is a Variable and Changes

as nothing stays the same in this known expanding Universe

or on this Carbon based Earth

where everything not living and everything living with the exception of a few Microbes

has Carbon in it on this Carbon based Earth causing all Carbon based Life and Energy

caused by a Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen

where very extreme progressive variable Climate Change is very real

in this Growing Variable Atmosphere for the past 4.6 billion years

on this variable Carbon based Earth

with more than a dozen climate variables known today

as Climate Science and known Climate History along with simple Physics and Chemistry

further debunk the self-debunk Climate Predictions by Climate Religion

and is very real science just ignored by Climate Religion

as Climate Religion Truly Believes and Preaches

with out Public Question or Debate or Peer-reviewed Science


~ one half ~

of one Climate Variable

that Carbon based Humans generate only 3% or less of going into the air

Defines all Climate Science

as Climate Religion Preaches only Humans cause Climate Change

as they reject all scientific fact by the scientific method for

~ their ~

un-questioned un-debated true belief

as Real Science is Questioned Tested and Debated

Proven not Believed

and those who reject available knowledge for ~ their ~ true belief are not Scientists

they are True Believers and Preachers of their True Belief


Change is Continuous on this Carbon based Earth


93 million years ago the majority of Montana was below Sea level

and after the formation of the Rocky Mountains

we now have Sea Shells at 8000 Feet above Sea level

14 Million years ago the Sea Level was 100 feet higher than today

135,000 years ago the Sea level was 60 feet higher than today

26,000 years ago the Sea level was 350 feet lower than today

as Carbon based Humans made from this Carbon based Earth by the Carbon Cycle

caused by Sun Energy Water Vapor and CO2

we have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,00 years

as this Climate Warming period began 18,000 years ago not 100 years ago

while 1000 years ago Montana had California Climate for 200 years

with 20 Ice ages and 20 Global Warming periods over the past 2 Million years

with some Ice ages with much higher levels of CO2 in the air than today

while Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 level than in the Air today to Breathe

to be at their best health

to make the oxygen we breathe and all the carbon based food we eat

and as the Earths Atmosphere continue to expand and grow

one day Nitrogen from decomposing Soil will dilute CO2 to nothing

ending the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment above Sea level

~ knowing ~

just ignoring or rejecting the history of any subject matter

is the first very big mistake in all science and knowledge

and those who do not provide all the available knowledge on a subject matter

and provide only their true belief while rejecting very available fact tested knowledge

because it does not agree with their True Belief

are not Teachers they are Preachers

~ knowing ~

Increased Variable Climate Warming by the Variable Sun

Increases Water Vapor and CO2 levels into the Atmosphere through Variable Evaporation

as the majority of CO2 going into the air everyday is from

Continuous Variable Un-measurable Volcanic Activity below Sea level

as the Oceans contain many times the CO2 level than in the atmosphere

causing the Carbon Cycle above and below Sea level

while Oxygenating and Acidifying the Oceans over billions of years

and if all Volcanic Activity below sea level was above sea level

this Carbon based Earth would be covered with Ask miles Thick

as the Variable Warming by the Variable Sun with many cycles Occurs First

then Variable Water Vapor and CO2 levels rise making this Carbon based Earth Green

caused by the Carbon Cycle caused by Sun energy Water vapor and CO2

and in Real Physics ~ all ~ Heat ~ still ~ Rises

as CO2 transfers Heat upward removing heat from the lower atmosphere

leaving a very large continuous void for Frozen Air

with increased levels of frozen CO2 = Dry Ice and frozen water vapor

crashing downward towards the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

off-setting warming by the variable Sun

as the -200 degree below zero very Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than the frozen water

with the frozen CO2 warming up to about -115 Degrees F Below Zero on the way down

more than off-setting hot CO2 rising

~ knowing ~

CO2 can not Trap Heat as CO2 Transfers both Hot and Cold at the very same time

while knowing something the size of a ~ Sewing Thread ~

can not Trap Heat in something the size of a ~ Football Field ~ in Real Physics

while the Earth is not in a Box or Greenhouse trapping heat

as more heat and energy has escaped the atmosphere than predicted

while both Oxygen and Nitrogen are the by-product of this so called Greenhouse

making Oxygen and Nitrogen Greenhouse Gases too

while Water vapor and CO2 from the hot liquid core of this Carbon based Earth

with Sun Energy

~ caused ~

this Variable Greenhouse we live in today

as Climate Religion refuses to look at or debate the Real Science

beyond their Preached True Belief

in self-debunk computer Ouija Board climate prediction of the un-known future

based on a very proven to be Backwards Hypothetical = unproven and never proven theory

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

while ignoring more than a dozen known climate variables

and millions of years of climate history and simple physics and chemistry

further debunking their self-debunk computer Ouija Board climate predictions

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

as Humans are responsible for generating only 3% or less of the CO2 going into the air

for plants and trees to breathe to make all the food and oxygen we need

~ knowing ~

Self-debunk Prediction based on a lack of very available knowledge is not science

while Preaching failed Predictions as Reality is Lunatic Political Science Fiction

as Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively while doing no harm

while Those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

Politically Dictate Science they do not comprehend and can not articulate


You can not stop a Social Political Media True Belief = Political Religion

with Real Peer-reviewed Science

they just ignore

as Those who Publicly State


~ Science is Settled ~

have Publicly Scientifically Proven they Failed Grade School Science

as they Reject the proven facts by Scientific Method

for their True Belief they refuse to Debate

as they can not Debate real knowledge they do not comprehend and never will

as they can not Prove their self-debunk True Belief is knowledge

as they reject more than a dozen climate variables and millions of years of climate history

and simple Physics and Chemistry all further debunking their self-debunk True Belief

as Climate Change is very real but not caused by You and Me

while Carbon based Humans made from CO2 contribute to the Carbon Cycle

the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

as Carbon is not Pollution on this Carbon based Earth

causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle and all of Nature and all Carbon based Life

as the Human body is 20% Carbon made from

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

with zero color taste or smell

that Plants and Trees would like 4 times more CO2 than in the air to Breathe

to make the Oxygen we Breathe and the Carbon based Food we Eat

as debunk Political Media True Belief  by those who refuse to look see and know

for their debunk True Belief  that is test proven Make Believe

as they reject fact tested reality

Scientifically Proving

Political Media Fools dictate Political Garbage Science Fiction

doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

costing only Trillions of Dollars to do only Harm

for their Make Believe Science they refuse to publicly debate

because their science is settled when settled science does not exist in real science

proving they failed grade school science

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they reject the scientific method for their true belief

~ knowing ~

CO2 is the ~ by product ~ of warming causing the carbon cycle and all carbon based life

on this carbon based Earth

CO2 is not the cause of warming as Truly Believed by Climate Religion

as this is a Political Media Brainwashed Fixation by proven fools in science

a Paranoid Obsession based on debunk prediction of the un-known future

and is not Science of the scientific method

as Climate Science has proven Climate Religion is a Proven Political Media Lie

 they refuse to Publicly Debate

because it is Settled Political Media Paranoid Make Believe and not knowledge = science

doing very test proven Harm to Nature and the Environment in many ways

and will end the Carbon cycle and all carbon based life sooner on this Carbon based Earth

as they continue to Preach to us their self-debunk predictions are happening

when very real science has very proven they are not happening

further proving it is a Political Media Religion doing real Harm to all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth

True Belief in self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction of the un-known future

based on ~ one half ~ of more than a dozen known climate variables

further debunk by climate history and simple physics and chemistry

is not science = knowledge

~ knowing ~

Paranoid True Belief in Self-debunk Prediction is Religion not Science

and rejecting proven fact tested knowledge for un-Questioned Political Media True Belief

that is doing test proven harm to the cause of all nature costing trillions of dollars is

Lunatic Religion

as Climate Religion has been debunk by Climate Science

but you can not stop with real science what is proven to be

Political Media Fascist Paranoid Climate Religion

that is doing test proven harm to Real Nature for the sake of ~ their ~ True Belief

~ knowing ~

True Belief rejects knowledge for True Belief

~ knowing ~

Reducing CO2 levels from going into the Air

will not stop the variable Sun with many cycles from becoming warmer and brighter

while reducing CO2 levels by pumping man made CO2 into the ground

will end the duration of the carbon cycle above sea level sooner

while reducing oxygen levels in the air

while turning underground water into an Acid


Those who can not Articulate the Science

who can not Debate the Science

who do not Comprehend the Science

who have Earned zero right to Scientific Opinion

Dictate the Science

based only on Preached Political Media True Belief

with out knowing the Questioned Tested Debated Truth

~ one is make believe reality the other is is proven fact tested reality ~

while some of us just believe what they are told to just believe with out knowing

while some of us are real Scientist who Question Test Debate to know the Truth

as science is to know not true belief in words of true belief

as words prove nothing in real science

and just believing in science is not knowledge

and can anyone tell me how much CO2 was pumped into the atmosphere today

from the largest daily source of CO2 the Volcanic activity below sea level

on this carbon based earth where lungs produce more CO2 than Cars

where no one has a degree in Climate Science

where we do not know more than we do know

and Reality for many is Make Believe

in self-debunk pre-programmed Ouija Board computer prediction of the un-known future

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

of more than a dozen known ~ Ignored ~ climate variables

as the majority of Climate Science is missing from Climate Religion

who Politically Dictate Climate Science

real science they do not know and reject for true belief

while there is zero peer-reviewed science


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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