The First Atmosphere all around this Carbon based Earth
was Water Vapor and CO2 causing the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen
causing all of Nature = Environment
causing All of the Carbon based Green on this Carbon based Earth
while there would have been very little Nitrogen in the Air caused by Decomposing Soil
billions of years ago as Nitrogen is now over 78% of the air today
while CO2 is now only about 00.04% of the air today if you are measuring CO2 levels for the entire Atmosphere next to an Active Volcano rather than measuring CO2 from as far away from an Active Volcano or the Ocean as possible
as the largest majority of CO2 increase of CO2 in to the Atmosphere
come from the Oceans by Evaporation by the variable Sun
as there is many times the CO2 in the Oceans than in the air
the CO2 in the Oceans from on going Volcanic activity below Sea level for billions of years
causing the Carbon Cycle = all of the Green = Nature = Environment
while Acidifying the Oceans over billions of years
while Plants and Trees would like 4 times the CO2 than in the air today to Breathe
sooner or later
Nitrogen levels will dilute CO2 levels to nothing in the air Ending the Carbon Cycle above Sea level as we are now spending trillions to end the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth sooner as this is test proven Ignorance not science as those who do not know or comprehend the science and have earned zero right to Scientific Opinion
Politically Dictate the Science
based on Political Media Hearsay and very test proven Lies and Fraud
Political Media Stupidity and Fascism in Science
by those who have publicly proven they failed grade school science
by rejecting proven fact tested knowledge and the Scientific Method
for their personal feelings of true belief in a Political Agenda = Political Religion
When I cut down a dead Tree and Burn the dead Tree to keep from freezing to death
here in Helena Montana when it is -40* F below zero with 3 feet of snow on the ground
the Dead Tree I am Burning is ~ producing ~ generating CO2
for Plants and Trees to Breathe
as Trees living or dead are a Hydrocarbon
Hydrogen and Carbon together just as Coal ~ Gasoline and Natural Gas is a Hydrocarbon
and anything that requires oxygen from the air to burn produces CO2
if you burn the Human Body it produces CO2 for Plants and Trees to Breathe too
and as O2 = oxygen from the air allows the Hydrogen to vaporize producing Heat = Energy
the Carbon part of the Hydro-carbon then bonds to the oxygen from the air
making what Plants and Trees need to Breathe
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
and when the the Plants and Trees Breathe the CO2
while absorbing Sun energy
they absorb the carbon from the oxygen
and put the oxygen back in the air where it came from
as this is called the Carbon Cycle by Photosynthesis
causing all carbon based life and energy on this carbon based earth
for the past 600 million years above sea level
producing all the oxygen in the air today from above and below Sea level
by the Carbon ~ Oxygen ~ Hydrogen ~ Cycle
but I was not here 600 million years ago to ~ know ~ if this began 600 million years ago
above Sea level as all life comes from the Oceans
as the Carbon Cycle would began in the Oceans hundreds of millions
if not billions of years before life above Sea level
but what I do know is:
if there was zero Carbon on this Carbon based Earth
this Carbon based Earth would not Exist
as everything has Carbon in it
and if there was zero Carbon or Oxygen or Hydrogen
causing the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle
their would be zero life on this Carbon based Earth as we know it today
while the vaporized H2 Hydrogen Molecules vaporized by the O2 oxygen from the air
are looking for O = Oxygen atoms in the air to bond with
to make H2O = water
with the help of Sun energy
as Sun energy is a very critical factor in Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry
as the O = Oxygen atoms in the air are made by direct Sun energy separating Frozen Water
as the dirty H2 = Hydrogen flows in to the Ocean Rivers and Streams
as the O = Oxygen atoms are evaporated into the air by the variable Sun
looking for a H2 = Hydrogen Molecules to bond with making water vapor H2O
as this explains why there is very little Pure H2 = Hydrogen = Rocket Fuel in the air today
after Hydrocarbons have been burning for hundreds of million of years
on this Carbon based Earth
this Carbon based Earth causing the Carbon Cycle
with CO2 from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth
The Human body is mostly Hydrogen and Oxygen = H2O = Water
and 20% Carbon Breathing O2 = Oxygen then Exhaling CO2
as all the Lungs on this Carbon based Earth produce more CO2 than all the Cars
as the majority of new CO2 going into the air everyday is from evaporation
by the variable Sun
the CO2 from volcanic activity below sea level on going for billions of years
causing the carbon cycle above and below Sea level