Killing the Carbon Cycle with Climate Paranoia


…ending all Carbon based Life ~

on this Carbon based Earth caused by the Carbon Cycle of this Carbon based Earth

for the past 600 million years above Sea level

caused by Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

~ sooner rather than later ~

will not stop 4.6 Billion years of Very Extreme Progressive Variable Climate Change

caused by more than a Dozen Climate Variables known today

causing an Infinity of Climate Variable

nor will it stop scientifically proven

Lunatic ~ Fraudulent

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

from Ending the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle Sooner

Ending all of Nature the Environment and all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth


~ as ~

We have Carbon based Humans all over this Carbon based Earth

starving to Death from a lack of Green on this Carbon based Earth

with all the Green caused by the Carbon Cycle of this Carbon based Earth

caused by Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide

from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

as we now spend Trillions to stop the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

instead of spending trillions to feed the starving sick Carbon based People

of this Carbon based Earth

because some of us live in Fear of the un-known climate future = Climate Paranoia

based on debunk un-proven theory

based on proven to be very flawed incomplete science

providing the now very self-debunk climate predictions

by those who failed grade school science who Preach to us the Science is Settled

as they Preach to us their self-debunk predictions are happening when they are not

as their settled science based on ” likely ” un-proven theory can not be

Publicly ~ Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated by the Scientific Method

while they are doing very test proven Harm

to the cause of all the Green = Nature = Environment

~ The Carbon Cycle ~

that will one day end

sooner or later

from a lack of CO2 = Carbon based Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide

the cause of the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen = Nature = Environment

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

above and below Sea level


When you comprehend the Science then you ~ know ~

when you do not comprehend the science then you do not ~ know ~

and have then earned zero right to Scientific Opinion

as Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively while doing no Harm


This is my Scientific Attack on

proven to be Fraudulent Lunatic Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

Dictating Debunk Fraudulent Garbage Science Fiction to the Scientific Community

as they do test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

for the sake of their Political Agenda

as they Preach to us they are for ~ Green ~ while trying to ~ Kill ~ the cause of all Green

on this Carbon based Earth


Rejecting the Scientific Method and Refusing to Debate the Science

scientifically ~ test ~ proving

Ignorance can Dictate Science

while doing test proven harm to the environment

for the sake of Political Media True Belief

by just ignoring all Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method

as Political Organizations like Green Peace and thew Sierra Club

who do not comprehend the real science

and continue their efforts to do only Harm to Nature the Environment

while truly believing they are doing good

like bloodletting long ago

as they just ignore fact tested reality for political media make believe

they refuse to look and see and know

they refuse to Question the truth in knowledge for sake of their True Belief

they reject the Scientific Method

proving it is a Political Media Religion doing only Harm


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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