Killing the Carbon Cycle with Climate Paranoia


November 22, 2017

Helena ~ Montana

where the predicted high for today is 50*

the record high for today was 61* in 1904

and the record low for today was – 18* below zero in 1946

and as all heat still rises

frozen air take its place at the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

and the faster the air is heated the faster it rises

and the faster the frozen air comes crashing downward

caused by the void left by hot air rising

as in real physics all heat still rises

as increased level of Frozen Water Vapor and Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

is crashing back downward

as in real physics

as Dry Ice cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer than frozen water


Preaching to the Public

debunk un-proven theory is settled science is Lunatic Fraudulent Science

by those who Failed Grade School Science

who reject the scientific method for their personal emotional feelings of true belief in

Political Media True Belief Agenda


Climate Change is Real


The New York Times

a Political Body not a Science Body

are test proven Lairs and Frauds in Science for True Belief in their Political Media Agenda

doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment


Dictating Political Media True Belief is: not ~ Real Science



~ Reward ~

for the peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause Climate Warming

beyond the word of belief

” likely ” = un-proven theory

debunk by real science

as the United Nations a Political Body not a Science Body

Preaches it is ” likely ” Humans cause Climate Warming

based on a proven to be very flawed very incomplete Climate Study

as the New York Times Truly Believe ” likely ” is science

and if I tell you it is likely to rain today does this prove anything in reality

as this is true belief not fact tested reality in real science


Why does the New York Times refuse to know what they do not know ?

why does the New York Times Politically Preach debunk science they can not prove ?

when there is zero Fact Tested Reality in Scientifically test proven Make Believe in

likely = un-proven theory

as the New York Times will not Debate the Science they Politically Dictate to the Public

to be Settled Science

while scientifically proving

Political Media Fraud and Fascism in Science

as they reject the scientific method for their test proven Political Garbage Science Fiction


how did the New York Times a Political Body covering only one side of the story

~ Earn ~

their right to scientific opinion


Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

as they reject test proven fact for make believe in debunked un-proven theory

as they refuse to look at the tested knowledge debunking their true belief

proving their science is not real science

proving they are not real scientists of the scientific method

proving it is a Political Media Agenda doing test proven Harm to Real Nature

because they do not comprehend the real science they refuse to know or publicly debate

as the only thing the New York Times can scientifically Prove in real science is:

Their Political Media Fraud and Fascism in Science

the New York Times is a Political Media Church not a Science Body


Lisa Friedman

is a working Journalist Preaching her True Political Media Belief


a working Scientist with Peer-reviewed Science

who will not Publicly debate the tested knowledge of the scientific method

proving her Political Media True Belief is not real science

as Lisa can not scientifically prove she is not a Political Pathological Fraud in real science

real science she does not comprehend and never will

as Lisa rejects the scientific method for Political Media True Belief

doing test proven Harm to the Evironment

[email protected]

New York Times

…if there is a God

~ then ~

there is a God

and if there is not a God

~ then ~

there is not

~ and ~

when a Journalist allows only one side of the science story to be told

this is not Journalism

this is scientifically test proven fascism in science


~ who do you believe ~

Those who just believe too

or those who know and do not just Believe what they are told to just politically believe

who Question the knowledge to find the Truth

as climate change is real for the past 4.6 billion years

as real science is Questioned Tested and Debated

and not just Politically Preached by the Media and then just Politically Believed

as the political Media refuses to allow the Questioned Tested side of the science

to be told to the public as they decide for the public what is real and what is not

not allowing the public to ~ Know ~ beyond only the NY Times True Political Belief

as those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

Dictate Science

science they do not know or comprehend

as their so called settled science they refuse to debate

is doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

as Climate Science has Debunk Climate Religion

as Climate Religion continues to Preach their Climate Paranoia

based on debunk un-proven theory

as they refuse to look at the real science debunking their un-proven theory

Scientifically proving it is a Political Media Religion

based on test proven Fraudulent Garbage Political Science Fiction doing only Harm

costing Trillions to do only Harm and zero Good

because they do not ~ know ~ and do not want to ~ know ~

as they just make believe in debunk un-proven theory

based on proven to be very Flawed Incomplete Science

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

while ignoring simple Physics and Chemistry

and ignoring an infinity of climate variable and millions of years of climate history

caused by more than a dozen other Climate Variables known today

all debunking their un-proven theory

as they Preach to us their debunk un-proven theory is Settled Science

and can not be Publicly Questioned Tested Debated by the Scientific Method

when settled science does not exist in Real Science

as the truth in all of knowledge must always be in Question

as we learn and know something new everyday

especially in this Brand New Science

Climate Science

where we do not ~ know ~ more than we do ~ know ~


science is: to ~ know ~

as Scientifically ~ test proven ~ Liars and Frauds Dictate Science

but they do not ~ know ~ they are proven Liars and Frauds

because they do not ~ know ~ the science

they just Preach what they truly make believe

as they truly believe their test proven Political Media Lies

they refuses to publicly debate

Scientifically Proving it is not Science

it is Make Believe

doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle

that allows Lisa to sleep better at night

as Lisa is for Green

while Harming the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

as Lisa and the New York Times do not comprehend the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cycle

as they do not comprehend Real Science of the Scientific Method

as they are test proven True Believers and Preachers for Climate Religion

and can not prove in real science otherwise

don’t Preach it Prove it

as your Ouija Board Science you continue to Preach and Refuse to Debate is Self-debunk

as your True belief will not allow you to

~ know ~

proving you are not a Scientist

as you Truly Believe your Test Proven Lies

and have earned zero right to Scientific Opinion

as you reject knowledge for Make Believe

as you just ignore over 30,000 Scientists in the USA

over 9,000 of them PhD’s who disagree with you

as you Ignore 87% of the National Academy of Science who disagree with you

as you Ignore 49 NASA Science t who disagree with you

proving your 97% consensus is a Fabricated Political Media Lie

by Pathological Frauds

as you just Ignore the Scientific Community for your True Belief

in self-debunk Political Garbage Science Fiction you refuse to debate

doing Real Harm to Real Nature

as you are a very proven Political Media Fraud in Science

as you Preach Climate Warming is speeding up when it proven to be slowing down

as you Preach the Sea level is rising when it is proven to be declining

as you Preach all the Ice is Melting when the Arctic Ice has increased by 40%

as you have proven you Failed Grade School Science

as you will continue to Preach your Climate Religion based on zero Question Test Debate

test proving

it is a Lunatic Fraudulent Paranoid Climate Religion

doing only test proven Harm to the Carbon cycle = Nature = Environment

and you do not Care that you are doing test proven harm because all that matters to you is

your personal emotional feelings of true belief

as you just ignore fact tested reality for true belief

as you are a Real Preacher not a Real Scientist

as Lunatic Science Politically Dictates Political Garbage Science Fiction


For Truth in Science


Bruce A. Kershaw

40 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science

with thousands of hours of on going investigation in climate Science

proving Fraud  in Climate Science by Climate Religion





as you are allowed to voice your scientifically debunk opinion

in Lee News Papers of Montana

those who have debunk your Political Garbage Science Fiction

are not allowed their right to Free Speech too

proving political media fascism in science


Beth Taylor Wilson

a Missoula Montana Social Worker Preaching for

with zero working back ground in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

just like Dr. Steve Running the Proven Fraud who was recently removed from Preaching

his Garbage Lunatic Science at the University of Montana

who refused to publicly debate his Lunatic Science

as he Preaches the variable Sun with many Cycles is not a Climate Variable

as Beth continues to Preach the Steve Running Lunatic Science

who can Preach it but can not prove it with real science of the scientific method

as Beth and Bill Mckibben – have earned zero right to scientific opinion

and are Scientifically test proven Lunatics and Pathological Frauds in Climate Science

who refuse to publicly debate the science

who can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove they are not Proven Frauds in science

as Bill Mckibben of is not a Scientist

as is not a Science Body they are a Lunatic Political Body who can prove nothing

Beth and Bill and are very proven Political Media Frauds in Climate Science


I challenge Beth and Bill and to an open public debate in climate science

with a $100,000.00


for the peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause climate warming

so they can prove to the Public

they are not Fascist Lunatics Politically Dictating Science they do not comprehend

that is doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

while reducing the duration period of all Carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth

as they Preach to us the cause of all the Green and all Life is: toxic Pollution

as they Preach to us White Steam is: toxic Pollution

as they Preach the Science is settled based on the word

” likely “

proving they failed grade school science

as they reject the scientific method for Lunatic True Belief doing Harm


I do not need to debunk un-proven theory

while Real Science and Nature has debunk their un-proven theory

but I will send Beth the Peer-reviewed Science proving she and Bill and are Frauds

and then she will just delete all the facts I send her not reviewing the facts

proving she is not scientist of the scientific method

proving it is a Paranoid Climate Religion

by just ignoring scientific fact for her personal feelings of true belief in

Lunatic Fraudulent Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment


The Climate Studies and Climate Assessments

all state it is ” likely ” Humans cause Climate Change


likely = un-proven theory

there is zero consensus in un-proven theory

there is a lunatic consensus in un-proven theory

as the 97% consensus is a very proven Political Media Lie

by the very proven Pathological Lair

then Sen. John Kerry

who when confronted can provide zero real science

to support his many very known test proven lies in science

as Al Gore and John Kerry are very test proven Pathological Frauds in science

who can Articulate zero real science

and when you can not Publicly debate your science its not real science

their science supported only by test proven lies


Political Media Hearsay is not proven fact tested knowledge

and when you reject Peer-reviewed Science

~ before ~

Reviewing ~ Analyzing ~ Questing ~ Testing ~ Rebuttal and Debate ~ the Science

to find the truth in knowledge

this only proves in real science you are not a Real Scientist of the Scientific Method

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion


I have a Sample of Science references on pages 14 & 17

as Hypothetical Conjecture = Un-proven Theory

does not Prove Humans cause Climate Warming

or debunk Scientific Fact debunking the Un-proven Theory

as only Political Fascism = Political Religion can Dictate Science

by rejecting the scientific method for personal feelings of True Belief


When True Belief Dictates Science it is no longer Fact Tested Reality in Science


~ Please Forward ~

to the ~ test proven ~ Political Media Frauds in Climate Science

Al Gore & Mike Bloomberg & Gov. Jerry Brown

~ who can Preach it but can not Prove it ~

with real science

as on May 18, 2010

Al Gore’s Campaign Manager Dave Boundy sent me Al Gore’s Scientific References

only further proving he is a test proven fraud

while there is an outdated incomplete debunk science paper being used today

as Scientific proof Humans cause Climate Warming

proving only fraud

as they Truly Believe in their Test Proven Lies

as their Climate Paranoia is doing test proven Harm

to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

costing trillions of dollars to do only Harm

as they are not Scientists and can not Articulate the Science and can not Debate the Science and do not Comprehend the Science as they have Publicly Failed Grade School Science and have Earned ~ zero right ~ to Scientific Opinion

as they Preach ~ their ~ AlGoreism


~ scientifically test proven ~


Lunatic ~ Fraudulent

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

as Fascist Arrogant Ignorance Dictates Science

~ Thank You ~

Bruce A. Kershaw

40 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science

with thousands of hours of on going Climate Science Investigation since 2007

Proving Fraud by Big Dummy’s Harming the Environment for Profit

as the word ” likely ” = un-proven theory is debunk by Real Nature and Climate History

they just ignore

as words and belief prove nothing in real science

and the Word of Belief ” likely ” does not prove Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth

~ * ~

November 20, 2017

Helena ~ Montana

the predicted high for today is 44*

the record high for today was 69* in 1897

the record low was -15* below zero in 1900


To: the ~

Global Carbon Project & Earth Week

~ you are test proven frauds in science ~

I challenge you to an open public Debate in

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

~ Climate Science ~

with a $100,000.00


for the peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause Climate Warming

as you believe the word of belief ” likely ” as Preached by the United Nations

~ IPCC ~

and their proven to be very Flawed Incomplete Climate Study

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

debunk by the other ~ one half ~ of the same climate variable

while ignoring more than a dozen other climate variables and climate history

and simple physics and chemistry

that this scientifically proves Humans cause all Climate Change

and is Settled Science that can not be Questioned Tested Debated


likely = un-proven theory


I have sent peer-reviewed science

debunking their True Belief in the word of belief “likely” = un-proven theory

as they continue to Preach their Fraudulent Statements in Climate Science

to the Public

as they reject the scientific method for their Fraudulent political agenda

doing test proven harm to the environment

with science you do not comprehend and refuse to know


when we have record heat rising

caused by increased warming by the variable Sun

~ as all heat still rises in real physics ~

with increased levels of evaporated water vapor and CO2 from the Oceans

we then have

record cold air crashing downward toward the Poles of this Carbon based Earth

heating up to about -115* below zero F on the way down

with increased levels of Frozen Water Vapor and Frozen CO2 = Dry Ice

more than off-setting Heat rising causing a cooling effect of the lower atmosphere

off-setting Global Warming by the Variable Sun with many Cycles

as the Variable Sun continues to be Warmer and Brighter

until one day the Variable Sun Vaporizes this Carbon based Earth

as Climate Religion Preaches to us these known facts

in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry are:

~ Irrelevant ~

in ~ their ~ Un-Questioned ~ Un-Tested ~ Un-Debated ~ Climate Science

along with more than a dozen other climate variables they just ignore

providing an Infinity of climate variable debunking their True Belief in

likely = un-proven theory

while known Climate History they ignore has further debunk their True Belief too

as they Preach to us ~ likely ~ is Settled Science

and can not be Publicly Questioned and Debated to find the Truth in Knowledge

scientifically proving it is not Real Science

as settled science does not exist in Real Science

as we Learn and know something new everyday in this Brand New Science

~ with real ~

Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method


Bruce A. Kershaw

Helena ~ Montana


and they will not publicly debate their proven to be

Fraudulent Lunatic Political Garbage Science Fiction

based on the word of belief

” likely “

as they can prove nothing with real science

beyond the word of belief likely = un-proven theory

debunk by real science they continue to just ignore

for their personal feelings of True Belief in political media garbage science fiction


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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