Killing the Carbon Cycle with Climate Paranoia


October 29, 2017

Helena ~ Montana

the predicted high for today is 40*

the record high for today was 76* in 1937

the record low was 3* in 1991

~ as ~

many of the record highs and lows we are breaking today

were set before power plants and automobiles 130 years ago

back when a luxury was a roof over your head and wood stove

and so it took 130 years to as warm as it was 130 years ago

while Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years


13% of the National Academy of Science

signed a public letter stating Humans cause climate warming

while the other 87% of the ~ NAS ~ did not sign this letter

and those who signed this letter when requested could provide zero peer-reviewed science

to support their Public statements

while having no working back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science

having earned zero right to opinion

as the title for this public letter is called

~ Responsible Scientists ~

as they are proven to be responsible for fraudulent statements in Real Science



~ Reward ~

for the peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause climate warming


I have been sending this reward offer to anyone and everyone since 2007

preaching Humans cause climate warming

including all the Universitys

~ and ~

to Al Gore and Company for many years

and in 2010 Al Gore sent me some very bogus science references

further proving he is a Fraud

as Al Gore can Articulate zero Science

as he continues to preach proven to be false statements in science

as He Preaches the Science is Settled

when settled science dose not exist in real science

as we learn and know something new everyday

that will support or debunk what we know from yesterday

while Al Gore can provide zero peer-reviewed science to support his settled science

as he rejects peer-reviewed science debunking his settled science

while his settled science can not be ~

Questioned ~ Tested or Debated by the Scientific Method

as Al Gore Preaches to us

the Cause of the Carbon Cycle causing all Carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth

with zero color taste or smell


Toxic Pollution

as Al Gore Profits from his Lunatic Science

that is doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment


…we can not adapt to Supper Volcanoes or Asteroids

ending all  Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth again and again

over hundreds of millions of years

 and as we know today from our DNA Funnel

there were as few as 15 breeding women left on this carbon based Earth

after a Super Volcano 74,00 years ago


We can adapt to climate change

as we have survived the last 20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming periods

of the past 2 million years

with Little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages

all along the way of this Global Warming Period of the past 14,000 years

caused by an Infinity of Climate Variable by a dozen plus climate variables known today

in this brand new climate science


Belief Reality is not Scientific Reality

as True Belief Reality Preaches to us

~ their ~

Self-debunk Predictions are Settled Science

as they Preach to us Climate Warming is speeding up when it is slowing down

as they preach to us the Sea level is rising when it is declining

as they preach to us all the Arctic Ice is all melting away

when it has increased by about 40% since 2012

as Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

as they preach to us the cause of the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

causing all the Green

causing all the Food we Eat

causing all the Oxygen we Breathe

causing all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

that Plants and Trees would like 4 times more of to Breathe


Toxic Pollution

as they preach to us this is Settled Science

and their true belief can not be Questioned or Debated by the Scientific Method

as we spend Trillions on Climate Paranoia doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle

that will end all carbon based life on this carbon based earth

by Nitrogen levels from decomposing soil taking over the atmosphere

 sooner rather than later

when we have many very important real problems to deal with on this carbon based earth


Starvation and Wellness of Billions of Carbon based Humans

who are 20% carbon

made by the Carbon cycle of this Carbon based Earth


 long term Nuclear Pollution lasting tens thousands of years

causing new Cancers and Deformed Dead Births


 Political Religious Wars

that have been happening for Thousands of years

caused by the personal feelings of true belief

~ my God is better than your God ~

when it is the same God just different Politics

as Political Party’s are the Demise = Death of Humanity and Tested Reality

to benefit the few

as only Political Fascism and True Belief = Political Religion can Dictate Science


we can not stop 4.6 billion years of climate change

caused by an infinity of climate variable

as real science is ignored by Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion


Climate Religion based on debunk un-proven theory

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

while ignoring more than a dozen climate variables and millions of years of climate history

along with simple physics and chemistry

all Preached to be Irrelevant by Climate Religion

all debunking Climate Religion


The Green Lunatics are Killing the Carbon Cycle ~ the cause of all the Green ~ for Profit

but are to Ignorant to know they are killing the cause of all the Green

as they publicly state the cause of all the Green is toxic Pollution

Scientifically Proving they are Ignorant Lunatics in Science dictaing science

who refuse to allow Scientific ~ Question ~ by the Scientific Method

Scientifically Proving

the Political Media Fact Checkers are Pathological Frauds in Climate Science

as they can not articulate the science or prove their self-debunk science is real

while proving

they have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they sell and promote the Killing of the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

~ as ~

Climate Change is Real

and when you refuse to review scientific fact and data for the sake of your True Belief

you are not a Scientist

and when your Science can not be Questioned then your Science is not Real Science

as ~ so called ~ Mainstream Climate Science

is only one of many Scientifically Proven Political Media Lies

just as the 97% consensus is a very Proven Political Media Lie

by those who can Prove Nothing with Peer-reviewed Science

who are Scientifically test proven to be

Politically Brainwashed by the Media and are Pathological Frauds in Science

who refuse to ~ learn and know ~ beyond their True Belief

in Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Science Fiction

as Test Proven Political Media Paranoia Dictates Science

with zero scientific ~ question ~ test ~ debate

because it is settled science as Preached by Lunatics in Science

who reject knowledge for their personal feelings of true belief

when there are zero feelings in real science


October 27, 2017

Helena ~ Montana

where the predicted high for today is 54*

and the record high was 76*1922

the record low for today was 6* in 1919


has zero working back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry

and have Earned zero Right to Scientific Opinion in this brand new Climate Science

and when requested can provide zero Peer-reviewed Science to support their

Political Media Garbage Science Fiction

that is doing test proven Harm to the Environment


Real Science they do not Comprehend



Climate Change is Real

and you are Test Proven Lairs and Frauds in Climate Science

as you can prove ~ Nothing ~ with Real Science

and I Challenge you to an Open Public Debate in Real Science




for the Peer-reviewed Scientific Proof

Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

as I continue to request your Scientific Proof as you continue to provide zero Proof


you can prove nothing

as your True Belief continues to Harm the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

~ as ~

science is: to know

and you know nothing


Science is Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated to find the Truth in all of Knowledge

and not Dictated by Politicians and Journalist

who have Publicly Proven they Failed Grade School Science

who Reject knowledge for their Political Agenda doing proven Harm to the Environment

because they do not comprehend the science they reject for their True Belief

as Carbon based Humans are a Fragment of a Fragment in the Infinity of Climate Variable

on this Carbon based Earth

by a Dozen plus known Climate Variables in this Brand New Climate Science

as Climate History and simple Physics have debunk your true belief in un-proven theory

Science you ignore

in this new science where we have far more to learn than we know today

Ignored by Climate Religion who are doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle

based on proven to be very flawed incomplete science and test proven Fraud

for the sake of Political Agenda by those who have earned zero right to Scientific Opinion


Skepticism is not a Flaw or Disorder

skepticism is:

the Doctrine that the Truth in all of Knowledge must always be in Question

the Scientific Method is to Question ~ Test ~ Debate ~

to know beyond Personal Feelings of True Belief


Politically Dictating True Belief is settled science

based on debunk un-proven theory is: not real science

this is proven Fraud in science

as settled science does not exist in real science of the scientific method

and those Dictating the Science is Settled who can provide zero scientific reference

while refusing to allow their science to be Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated

by the scientific method are not Teachers of knowledge

they are Preachers of ~ their ~ True Belief

doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

based on proven to be

flawed incomplete debunk science they do not comprehend and refuse to know

and continue to reject for their True Belief doing only Harm costing Trillions of dollars

as they dictate how we can and can not live our daily lives

to support their test proven Harm to Nature

by those who refuse to know

as they do not care what is ~ proven ~ right or wrong

as they just truly believe what they are told to just truly believe

for the sake of true belief with out Questioning the knowledge


to find the test proven Truth in fact tested Reality beyond their True Belief


Political Media Garbage Science Fiction Harming the Carbon Cycle

as they refuse to know they are doing Harm for the sake their

Political Media Brainwashed True Belief

by those who have Publicly proven they Failed Grade School Science

as in real science when proven wrong we learn from it and Grow Forward

to prevent Harm


Climate Change is very Real for Billions of Years caused by an Infinity of Climate Variable

by a Dozen plus Variables known today

as this Warming Period

with many Little and Mini Ice Ages began 14,000 plus years ago not yesterday

as Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years


Climate Paranoia is Killing the Carbon Cycle

for the sake of

~ Un-Questioned ~ Un-Tested ~ Un-Debated ~

Politically Dictated True Belief

based on

Scientifically Debunk Un-Proven Theory


Climate Change is Real but not caused by You and Me

Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw

40 plus years

Atmospheric Emission Science

with thousands of hours of on going Climate Science investigation since 2007

proving overwhelming Political Media Fraud in Climate Science

as the Media have taken sides in science they do not comprehend

as they do not allow the other side of the story to be told

deciding for the Public what is real and what is not

based on un-earned opinion

as they will continue to Preach their Climate Religion doing Harm

Regardless of the Test Proven Facts


it is a Political Media Religion and not Proven Fact Tested Knowledge = Science

and their test proven Political Media Religion is settled science



About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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