November 3, 2017
Helena Montana
where the predicted high for today is 26*
the record high for today was 69* in 1924
and the record low was -13 in 1991
I challenge Bill Baum to an open public debate
in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
with a $100,000.00 Reward
for the Peer-reviewed Science proving Humans cause Climate Warming
with the cause of the First Atmosphere
causing the Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen
causing all the Green
causing all the oxygen we Breathe
causing all the food we Eat
causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon Dioxide
that Plants and Trees would like 4 times more of to Breathe to be Healthy and Strong
as Nitrogen levels will continue to increase over time from decomposing soil
one day diluting CO2 to 160 ppm ending the Carbon cycle above sea level
as Nitrogen is over 78% of the air today
and before Nitrogen levels reach 80% of the air
all Life above Sea level will end from a lack of CO2 in the air
as we are contributing to ending all life above sea level sooner rather than later
costing only trillions of dollars to do only harm and zero good
as very extreme progressive variable Climate Change is very Real for billions of years
but not caused by You and Me
as debunk un-proven theory is Preached as Settled Science
To: Bill Baum
Retired Aerospace Worker
living near Glacier Montana
Bill, in rebuttal to your debunked science opinion in Lee News papers today
who do not allow real scientific rebuttal to their test proven to be
Fraudulent Garbage Political Science Fiction they can not prove is real science
and as I have now sent you a sample of scientific references debunking your True Belief
and the reason U.S. Senator Jon Tester knows you are Proven Environmental Lunatic
is because People like me have been sending Jon and all the U.S. Senators
Real Peer-reviewed Science for the past 10 years
that the Media will not allow the Public to know
proving you and Al Gore are Lunatics and Pathological Frauds in Climate Science
who reject all real peer-reviewed science debunking your un-proven theory
as Climate Religion is doing test proven Harm the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
as you can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove you are not a Lunatic in Science
~ as ~
I do not just Believe what I am told to just Believe in Science
because there is zero belief in science
I Investigate and Question the knowledge to find the Truth in Fact Tested Reality
by the scientific method = to question then test and debate to know = science
~ and ~
How did you earn your right to Opinion
Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
~ ? ~
as you are just like your Hero in science
the University of Montana Proven Fraud in Science
Steve Running
now removed from Preaching his Lunatic Political Media Science Fiction
that is doing test Proven Harm to the Environment for Profit
based on his test proven Ignorance supported by Big Dummy’s in science like you
as for the past ten years Steve has refused to publicly debate or prove his Garbage Science
just like you will refuse to prove debate your Garbage Science fiction too
scientifically proving its not real
and as we say in Real Science ~ don’t Preach it Prove it
just as the proven Frauds of Frauds in Science
Lee News Papers who can Prove nothing with real Science
who reject real Science while continuing to Preach their Fraudulent Make Believe
doing test proven Harm to the cause of all Nature
as they do not comprehend the science and never will
further proving it is a Fascist Political Media Religion
based on debunk un-proven theory
while the majority of CO2 going into the Air everyday is caused by Evaporation
by the variable Sun
the CO2 from un-measurable variable volcanic activity below sea level
from the hot Liquid core of this Carbon based Earth
causing the carbon cycle above sea level
and if the volcanic activity below sea level was above sea level
this Carbon based Earth would always be covered in Ash miles thick
and so to everyone
if you are for Prolonging the Carbon Cycle
and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
do not vote for Paranoid Lunatics Preaching their Climate Religion
who are doing test proven harm to the carbon cycle
who Preach to us everyday
the cause of the Carbon Cycle causing all Carbon based Life is: Toxic Pollution
as we are all going to die soon from billions of years of variable climate change
if we do not stop the cause of all Carbon based Life sooner
Lunatic Science by Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion
who refuse to publicly debate their Lunatic Science
or allow their Lunatic Science to be Questioned
as Scientifically debunk un-proven theory is not science
as Carbon Paranoia Dictates Science
Have you been Brainwashed by Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
~ as ~
Nature has debunk all the Lunatic Predictions by Climate Religion
as Climate Religion continues to Preach the Science is Settled
when settled science does not exist