Killing the Carbon Cycle with Climate Paranoia


Climate Change is Real

caused by more than a dozen climate variables known today

providing an infinity of Climate variable

as Climate Science is a Brand New Science

where we have something new to learn and know everyday

while not one Scientist Preaching Humans cause Climate Warming

with their science based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

will Publicly debate their Science

as they Preach to us it is ~ likely ~ humans cause all climate warming

as they Preach to us ~ likely ~ proves humans cause all climate warming

as they Preach to us ” likely ” is settled science

and can not be Publicly Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated by the scientific method

while in fact tested reality their science is

~ test proven to be ~

Garbage Science Fiction based on debunk un-proven theory

as they Preach to us their Climate Paranoia based on their fear of the un-known future

based on self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

based on a very proven to be Flawed Incomplete Study

that is missing more fact tested knowledge than is in the so called study

 as their Garbage Science Fiction is doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle

while costing trillions of dollars to do only harm

as it is long past time to publicly debate this Lunatic Science

but the Lunatics in science will not allow this to happen

because it is ~ settled ~ Political Media Paranoid Lunatic Science

and can not be Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated by the scientific method

~ * ~

I Challenge Robert Kopp of Rutgers University

and Katharine Hayhoe of Texas Tech

who preach to us it is “likely” Humans cause all Climate Warming

as you preach to us this proves humans cause all climate warming

and is Preached to us is Settled Science by AlGoreism = Climate Religion

as they refuse to debate their Lunatic Settled Science

scientifically proving they are Lunatics in Real Science

as I challenge them to an open public debate

~ in ~

Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry


Climate Science

with a $100,000.00 Reward

for the Peer-reviewed Science proving Humans cause Climate Warming

as “likely” is un-proven theory and proves nothing in real science

as Real Nature they ignore

with an infinity of climate variable by more than a dozen climate variables

and climate history and simple physics

they ignore

 more than debunk their un-proven theory and their true belief in the word of belief

~ “likely” ~

as they Preach to us this is Settled science

as they preach to us their fear and paranoia based on proven to be self-debunk predictions

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

as they continue to refuse to Publicly Debate their test proven Garbage Science Fiction

as they continue to reject the Scientific Method for their True Belief in proven to be

Garbage Science

as they have proven to over 9,000 PhD’s and to the majority of the scientific community

they are test proven Lunatics in Science

as I have sent them a sample of real science more than once

debunking their un-proven theory

real science they continue to ignore

as they continue to preach their climate paranoia and reject the scientific method

as their Lunatic Settled Science continues to do test proven harm to

the Carbon Cycle = all of  Nature = the Environment

~ as ~

The United Nations


it is “likely” Humans cause Climate Warming too

and again

“likely” is: un-proven theory

debunk by Climate Science and Climate History and Simple Physics and Chemistry

ignored by their so called climate study based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable


the Biggest ~ test proven ~ Climate Science Frauds in the News today is

CBS News & & New York Times

along with numerous others

who have earned zero right to scientific opinion

and refuse to Publicly debate their Lunatic Science

as they truly believe the word “likely” proves we cause all climate warming

and is accepted main stream climate science

and is settled science

as they reject test proven knowledge sent to them for their Political Agenda True Belief

as they reject the proven facts of Nature

as they reject Warming is slowing down and not speeding up

as they reject the sea level is declining and not rising

as they reject there is 40% more Arctic Ice today since 2012

as they Preach and Brainwash the Public to believe the opposite is true

as they reject an infinity of climate variable by a dozen plus climate variables

as they reject millions of years of climate history

as they reject hard science in simple physics and chemistry

all debunking the word ” likely ” = un-proven theory

as they Preach to us their test proven Lies debunk by real science

while refusing to tell the public the other side of the science argument

the test proven facts

that debunk their True Belief in “likely” = un-proven theory

as only their true belief can be Preached to the Public

as they have decided for the Public what is real and what is not

and when requested many times

can provide ~ zero ~ peer-reviewed science to prove they are not Frauds

as they reject the scientific method = refusing to allow their so called science to be publicly

Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated

as they Preach their Paranoia to the Public based on debunk un-proven theory

as they Preach to us this is Settled Science

while they can Scientifically prove nothing beyond their True Make Believe in likely

a word of belief proving they are fools in science promoting and selling harm to Nature

as they have taken sides in science they do not comprehend

and can not articulate or debate or prove in any way

telling the public only their true belief side of the story

for the sake of their true belief in their Paranoid Political Agenda

rejecting knowledge for their personal feelings of true belief

when there are zero feelings in Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated Science

to find the Tested Truth in Tested Knowledge = Real Science

as they Preach to us their paranoid true belief in self-debunk prediction

as Reality in Science

while doing test proven harm they do not comprehend in Real Science

as they refuse to allow the public to know what they do not comprehend in Real Science

as only their personal feelings of true belief can be known

regardless of the Questioned Tested Debated Truth in Real Science

they do not comprehend and just ignore and do not want to know

as we live with

true belief reality ~ vs ~ scientific reality

as true belief reality dictates science

as they Preach skepticism is a Human flaw

as the religion of science is skepticism of true belief dictating science

as skepticism is the method of finding the truth in all of knowledge

by Questioning the knowledge to find the truth

as climate history debunking climate religion has been forgotten

and as history repeats it self again and again

it is now time to go back to bloodletting and burning witches at the stake

as we are now spending Trillions to Kill the Carbon Cycle of this Carbon based Earth

for the sake of Political Preached ~ un-questioned ~ personal feelings of true belief

as true believers dictate science


CBS News & & New York Times

is not Fake News it is test proven Fraudulent News Preached as Settled Science

based on zero Scientific Method

as only Frauds in Science can Politically Dictate Science

their science proven to be Lunatic Political Science Fiction known as

Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion

and is doing test proven Harm the the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

for the sake of Political Agenda by those who have publicly failed grade school science

and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

proving they are Pathological Frauds selling their garbage science they do not comprehend

as they are Scientifically test proven Snake Oil Salesman

who do not know what is in the Bottle they are selling you

as they do not know they are selling Poison doing test proven Harm to Nature


science is: to know

~ knowing ~

Climate Change is: Real

~ knowing ~

The Green Lunatics Politically Dictate having us spend Trillions

to stop the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

while lowering oxygen levels in the air and turning underground water into an Acid

Scientifically proving they are Lunatics in Science


~ there is zero peer-reviewed science proving Humans cause climate warming ~

as the political media fact checkers

are proven political Pathological Fascist frauds in science

as they truly believe their proven lies

and will only allow their true belief side of the story to be told

as likely is political garbage science fiction and proves nothing in real science

as only Lunatics and Fools can Preach to us ~ likely = unproven theory ~ is Settled Science

as only Lunatics and Fools will believe them

as Al Gore Preaches this Settled Science

and can not be Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated by the Scientific Method

proving Al Gore failed grade school science

earning zero right to scientific opinion

as Al Gore can not allow his Lunatic Science Harming the Carbon Cycle to be Questioned

because Al Gore can Provide ~ zero ~ Answers to the many Questions

nor can CBS News or or the New York Times

as the word of belief “likely” is settled science

as they Preach their word of belief  likely has a 97% scientific consensus

as they Preach the cause of the Carbon Cycle and all of Nature and the Environment

with zero color taste or smell

is toxic Pollution

just as the Photos they show us of white steam = water vapor coming out of smoke stacks

they preach to us is toxic pollution too

while the first atmosphere was Water Vapor and CO2 causing the Carbon Cycle


so do you truly believe

water vapor and CO2 causing the first atmosphere

causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all life and energy on this carbon based Earth is Toxic Pollution

and we need to pump it in to the ground as fast as we can

preventing and reducing the cause of all and more green

and preventing and reducing O2 oxygen levels in the air

and turning underground water into an Acid

while causing the end of the carbon cycle sooner rather than later

as Nitrogen levels from decomposing soil take over the atmosphere

sooner or later

as the Green Lunatics

are going to Save this Carbon based Earth from the Cause of all Carbon based Life


as this scientifically defines your settled Lunatic science

that can not be Publicly Questioned  ~ Tested ~ Debated

settled science based on true belief in the word likely = un-proven theory

un-proven theory debunk by real science

as true belief in one half of one climate variable

while ignoring more than a dozen climate variables

does not define climate Science


we can prove Lunatic political media paranoid climate religion is a real religion

but we can not stop proven Lunatic religion from doing harm

as this Lunatic Religion will continue to just ignore fact for their true belief doing harm

and will continue to refuse to debate the science

further Scientifically Proving it is a Paranoid Climate Religion and not Real Science

as likely is not based on knowledge

likely is based on Scientifically test proven Ignorance doing test proven harm


~ * ~


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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