~ * ~
~ When a Proven to be Fraudulent Political Media Agenda Website ~
must answer Questions on your behalf in Science
~ you can not ~
what does this say about ~ You ~ and your Science ?
Katharine Hayhoe Ph.D.
and the Texas Tech University
Climate Science Center
who are the Leading Pathological Frauds in Political Climate Science Fiction
who Failed Grade School Science by Rejecting the Scientific Method
for their True Belief in debunk un-proven theory based on flawed incomplete science
that is doing test proven Harm to the Carbon cycle = Nature = Environment
costing Trillions of dollars to do only Harm
as Katharine and Scott Pelley and 60 Minutes of CBS News
Preach and Sell their Fear and Paranoia of the un-known future
based on their Garbage Science doing only test proven Harm to the Environment
If you have a Scientific Question for Katharine Hayhoe
Katharine can not answer the Question
nor can Texas Tech University answer the your Questions
if you have a Science Question for Katharine Hayhoe
you are directed to a very proven to be Fraudulent Political Media Website
for your answers and not a Real Science Body
as Neither Katharine Hayhoe or the Politically Motivated Website
can answer my many Questions in real science or provide scientific reference
to support their statements for many years
as they refuse to debate the Real Science
Why does Katharine need a Bogus Fraudulent Political Media Website
to answer Scientific Questions on her behalf
why cant Katherine or Texas Tech University answer the Scientific Questions
or debate the science or provide scientific reference ?
Why do they need proven Frauds in Science to answer their Science Questions ?
Is it to protect themselves from Test Proven Political Fraud in Science
doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
To: Katharine Hayhoe and CBS News
and the Cuckoo Texas Tech Climate Science Fiction Center
I challenge you to an open public debate in Climate Science
with a $100,000.00 Reward the the Peer-reviewed Science
proving Humans cause Climate Warming
Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw
I have contacted Katharine many times over the many years
and she can provide zero science to prove she is not Pathological Fraud in Science
nor will Katharine publicly debate her Fraudulent Garbage Science
proving it is Garbage Science
as real science is
Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated
not Preached Fraudulent Make Believe doing Harm to Nature
costing trillions
Katharine Hayhoe is a Scientifically Test Proven Cuckoo Scientist for Profit
just like her Partner in Cuckoo Science James Hansen of NASA
and his Failed Climate Predictions
as they are Preachers for Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
as they just ignore tested knowledge for debunk make believe
in self-debunk prediction
as James Hansen Predicted 20 years ago Manhattan would be underwater today
as NASA Data shows us the SEA level is declining
as increased levels of water vapor and CO2 is the by product of warming
by Evaporation by the variable Sun
not the cause of warming
as they ignore a dozen climate variables and climate history
and basic Physics for True Belief in ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
as they continue to preach and sell their Lunatic science doing Harm to Nature
as Climate Religion preaches to us the Sea level is rising based on sinking Islands
as the Sea level has not risen around all the Islands just the few that are in fact sinking
When Skepticism becomes a Human Flaw in Science
it is the Science that is Flawed not the Skeptic
who Questions Knowledge to find the Truth in Fact Tested Reality
Science is never Settled in the Scientific Method
as we Learn and Know something new everyday
that will support of debunk what we Learn and Know from yesterday
as Al Gore and his Puppet Scientist for profit Bill Nye Preach to us
the Science is Settled
when settled science does not exist in Real Science
Human Caused Climate Change is an Un-proven Theory
debunk by
Climate History and more than Dozen Climate Variables
ignored by
Climate Religion
ignored by their True Belief based on
~ One Half ~
of one
Climate Variable
Al Gore who can Articulate zero Science
and has Publicly Failed Grade School Science
has Earned Zero right to Scientific Opinion
is making many millions of dollars
from a proven to be Fraudulent World Wide Carbon Credit Scheme
and can provide zero Real Peer-reviewed Scientific Reference
to prove he is not a test proven Fraud in Science
while the Scientific References sent to me on May 18, 2010
by AlGoreism = The Climate Reality Project
are Bogus Lunatic Garbage
and can be reviewed on one of the Pages on the right of this page
while there is zero scientific reference on the Al Gore Bill Nye
“Science Page”
on their Lunatic Website Preaching and Selling Fear of the Un-known
there is only a Sermon for their True Believers
as Real Science is Proven = Questioned Tested Debated
and not Politically Preached and Brainwashed Fear of the un-known Future
by test proven Lunatics and Frauds in Science
as only Lunatic Climate Religion is allowed a voice in the Media
as the Media Rejects the Scientific Method for their Political Media Agenda True Belief
in Garbage Science they do not Comprehend
that is doing test proven Harm to the Environment
as AlGoreism is reducing the cause of Green
lowering Oxygen levels in the Air
and turning underground water into Acid
based on their Settled Science that can not be Questioned and Debated
by Real Science of the Scientific Method
as only True Belief in Proven Ignorance can Dictate and Politically Brainwash Science
scientifically proving
Political Media Fascism in Science
September 22, 2017
Helena ~ Montana
the predicted high for today is 39*
the record high for today was 90* in 1967
the record low was 20* in 1995
Do you Believe ~
the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth is: Pollution ?
Climate Change is very Real for the past 4.6 billion years
as I am called The Denier
as Climate Religion is in Denial of a Dozen plus Climate Variables
and Millions of years of Climate History
that I do not Deny
a dozen plus Climate Varables
providing an Infinity of Climate Variable Climate Religion states are Irreverent
as Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion are the Scientifically proven Deniers not me
while Climate History has more than proven Humans do not cause Climate Warming
as Physics has proven all Heat still rises as frozen air take its place
and something the size of a sewing thread
can not trap heat in something the size of a football field
as Climate Religion refuses to acknowledge Hard Science for True Belief
in debunk un-proven theory Preached as Settled Science
as Climate Religion refuses to allow their so called science
to be Questioned and Debated proving it is not Real Science
as Climate Religion rejects the Scientific Method
and all test proven fact that debunk their True Belief
proving Climate Religion failed Grade School Science
for the sake of their True Belief in debunk un-proven theory
…when you can not Prove or Publicly Debate the Science you are Preaching to the world
~ Fact Tested Reality ~
this is not real science of the scientific method
this is test proven Pathological True Belief
Pathological Fraud in Science
by those who reject knowledge for their true belief in flawed incomplete debunk science
as their debunk science is doing test proven Harm
to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
costing trillions of dollars
I call them the Cuckoo Scientists doing Test Proven Harm to the Environment
for the sake of their True Belief they refuse to Debate and can not Prove with Real Science
as Repetitiveness is the key to Deprogramming
as I continue my Attack on Lunatic Science doing test proven Harm to
the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
the cause of all
Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
above and below Sea level
Preaching Faith in Fear of the Un-known is Brainwashed Paranoid Faith
ans is not Questioned Tested Debated Science of the Scientific Method
and of course Climate Religion will continue to ignore fact for their True Belief
further proving it is a Lunatic Religion just ignoring Real Science
while doing Real Harm to the Environment