Dr Michio Kaku & Dr Steve Running Cuckoo Scientists for Sale


~ Repetitiveness is the Key to Deprogramming ~


Al Gore and Bill Nye

are saving this Carbon based Earth from Carbon based Humans

~ who are Polluting the Air ~

with Man Made

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth

while becoming Billionaires


Al Gore and Bill Nye with their backward Science

continue to Preach to us the cause of all Carbon based Life

on this Carbon based Earth is: Toxic Pollution

and their proven to be debunk un-proven theory is settled science

as they continue to reject test proven fact for their True Belief in Garbage Science


Al Gore and Bill Nye

Truly Believe their test proven Lies

making them Pathological Lairs and Frauds


The Church of AlGoreism

is based on proven fraud and deception by Al Gore and Bill Nye

as they can provide zero peer-reviewed science to prove they are not a Church of Fraud

and the Members of the Church of AlGoreism are Proven Morons in Science

who have failed grade school science

as they do not comprehend the Scientific Method

and can Articulate zero science

and do not know peer-reviewed science is required in real science

as they just Truly Believe what they are Brainwashed to just Truly Believe

with out


of the proven Frauds in Science they truly Praise and Honor as the Gods of Green

as they reduce the cause of all the Green and Oxygen on this Carbon based Earth

as they belong to a Political Church that can prove nothing with real science

and when I have requested peer-reviewed science

they provide me with very Bogus Garbage not scientific reference

that they try to pass off as peer-reviewed science

proving only their deception and fraud in science

along with their sermon on their science page

that provides zero peer-reviewed Science

further proving they are Lunatics in Science who can prove nothing with real science

as the Church of AlGoreism does not know what real science is

they just Believe what they are Politically Brainwashed to just Believe with out Question

~ as ~

self-debunk hypothetical conjecture

does not prove Humans cause Climate Warming


Paranoid True Belief in debunk un-proven theory is: not science

as this True Belief is Preached as Settled Science by test proven Morons in Science

who are doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

based on 100% True Belief rejecting Real Science for Political Agenda

as Carbon based Humans made by the Carbon cycle of this Carbon based Earth

with the cause of the first atmosphere causing the carbon cycle

Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

have zero control over an Infinity of Climate Variable they ignore

and zero control of the many cycles of Mother Nature they ignore

as we are doing Test Proven Harm to Mother Nature

they ignore because they do not comprehend the science

with their True Belief with out Question

based on True Belief rejecting proven fact tested knowledge of the Scientific Method

as proven Religion always reject fact tested knowledge for true belief

knowledge put in front of their faces and they refuse to look at and see

as they do not want to know they want to just believe

as they are Brainwashed to just believe with out Question

test proving they are Morons in science

as Al Gore and Bill Nye have scientifically proven

their Art of Fraud and Deception is very Obvious and very Flawed

fraud the Members of the Church of AlGoreism can not see beyond their True Belief

as the Church of AlGoreism Morons in science is doing well

as the Al Gore and Bill Nye Proven Scam Profits

from their Proven Scam Science continue to be very Strong

as they refuse to debate the real science

as they can prove nothing with real science

proving it is not real science

as they continue to Preach to us the Science is Settled with out Question

based on zero proven science of the Scientific Method

and of course all that matters is Power and Profit

from a very proven Fraudulent world wide carbon credit scheme

as AlGoreism

continues to lower the cause of Green

continues to lower Oxygen Levels in the Air

and turn underground water in to an Acid

as they can not stop 4.6 billion years of extreme progressive variable climate change

for a dozen plus known reasons today and ignored by AlGoreism

but who cares

it is a Political Media Religion for Power and Profit not Reality in Science

as Real Science is Publicly Questioned Tested and Debated


Politically Fascist Brainwashed True Belief for Power and Profit

based on zero peer-reviewed science

based on a flawed incomplete study

based on one half of one climate variable

to make a self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction of the un-known future

while selling true belief in fear of the un-known future is Paranoia not science

and true belief in self-debunk prediction is Lunatic Religion


the Carbon based Humans made by the Carbon cycle of this Carbon based Earth


Fraudulent Lunatic

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion = AlGoreism

doing test proven Harm to the

Carbon cycle = Nature = Environment

costing only Trillions of Dollars

thanks to

Political Media Fascism by Big Dummy’s in Science Dictating Science

as AlGoreism is not saving this Carbon based Earth

it is Harming this Carbon based Earth

and they are just to Stupid to know it


Climate Change is Real

and if there was zero CO2 there would be zero Greenhouse

as CO2 caused the Greenhouse we live in today

while the Earth is not in a Greenhouse where Gases can not escape

as more heat has escaped the atmosphere than predicted would escape

as all the Prediction are failed predictions

as the True Believers continue to preach their paranoia of the un-known future

as they truly believe the failed predictions are happening

as Carbon based Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

as this warming period began 14,000 years ago

after 20 Ice Ages over the past 2 million years

while Montana had California climate 1000 years ago for 200 years

as Climate History has debunk Humans cause Climate Warming

and is further debunk by more than a dozen climate variables

Providing an Infinity of Climate Variable

and is further debunk by simple Physics

Ignored by Climate Religion

because they do not comprehend the scientific method

who Preach their un-proven theory as settled science

and preach their self-debunk failed predictions are happening

by proven to be Lunatic Paranoid Morons in Science

who refuse to publicly debate the science

or allow their science to be publicly Questioned

nor can they provide peer-reviewed science to support the words they Preach

as the vast majority of those Preaching their Climate Religion

have publicly failed grade school science and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as this Climate Religion is doing test proven Harm

to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

costing Trillions of dollars to do only Harm

thanks to

the test proven Political Media Fascism and their hearsay Fraud and Lies in Science

for the sake of their political agenda regardless of the Fact Tested Truth in Knowledge

as True Belief ignores Knowledge for True Belief


science is: to know


Question ~ Test ~ Debate


The Scientific Method



the doctrine that the truth in all of knowledge must always by in Question

and when skepticism is a flaw in science

it is the science that is flawed not the skeptic who Questions the truth in knowledge

as wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively while doing no harm

and debunk un-proven theory based on a flawed incomplete study

is: Garbage science doing only Harm to the Environment

as those who do not comprehend the science dictate the science


Question Test Debate

rejecting the truth in knowledge

as Political Media Agenda allows zero Questioned Tested Debated Knowledge to be known

scientifically proving to the Scientific community

Political Media Paranoid Lunatics and Morons in Science

who reject the scientific method

can and do

Politically Brainwash and Dictate Science with out Question or Debate

scientifically proving

Political Media Lunatic Paranoid Fascism in Science

doing Harm

based on

Scientifically ~ debunk ~ Un-proven Theory and ~ self-debunk ~ Prediction

as CO2 levels continue to increase the rate of warming continues to slow down

for the past 20 years

as Sea levels continue to decline

for the past 8 years

while Arctic Ice has increased close to 40% since 2012

as Paranoid Climate Religion continues to Preach to us the opposite is True

proving they are Morons in Science

while not allowing real science to be known


This is My Attack on Paranoid Lunatic Moron Science

test proven

Ignorance by Morons

who can not stop 4.6 billion years of extreme progressive variable climate change

by reducing the cause of Green

by reducing O2 = oxygen levels in the air

by turning underground water into an Acid

as I am belittled by those who can prove nothing

who refuse to Publicly debate the science

as real science is

Questioned Tested Debated

as they can provide zero test for their proven Lunatic Political Media Science Fiction

while allowing zero question or debate of their test proven Garbage science

they preach today is settled science

as settled science does not exist in fact tested reality


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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