Dr Michio Kaku & Dr Steve Running Cuckoo Scientists for Sale


~ and again to the ~

Montana Cowgirl Blog and Bloggers

and the

Daily Climate


Political Media Moronic Science Dictates Science

with out Question or Debate

who can prove nothing with real science

where their best scientific rebuttal are insults and deception of the Truth

while proving they can prove nothing with real science

after requesting their proof years ago they still can prove nothing today

as they continue to Preach and truly believe in their test proven lies in science

proving they are Pathological Political Media Frauds in Science for their

Fascist Political Agenda in Science

who can not have an intelligent debate in real science

proving they failed grade school science

proving they have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as their Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion is doing test proven Harm to the Environment

and zero Good

costing Trillions of Dollars

because they do not comprehend the Real Science

as the Paranoid Green Lunatics are Harming the Cause of all Green

as they can not prove otherwise because it is a Political Media Religion

based on zero test proven fact

as they reject the scientific method and real fact tested knowledge

for the sake of their personal feelings of True Belief in debunk un-proven theory

they continue to Preach is Settled Science

Proving their Ignorance in Science and Reality

Helena ~ Montana


Carbon based Earth

where everything has Carbon in it

where Anonymous Pamphleteering is an Art

as most of the Pamphlets in History were used for Fascist Political Brainwashing

and not to Educate Fact Tested Knowledge or Fact Tested Reality

and as in Anonymous Law you can not confront your Accusers who Publicly lie about you

as they hide from reality while preaching their Political Agenda Lies

based on zero test proven truth while distorting the truth for their Political Agenda

with Hearsay Gossip and Rumor based on zero fact


 Political Media Garbage Science Fiction with zero Reality

doing only Harm to Life and Nature

as Moronic Political Media Agenda continues to destroy America

by those who are afraid to be known

who are the Cowards of Tested Reality as they live and hide in test proven Make Believe

as test proven Political Media Paranoid Religion dictates Reality while Hiding from Reality

as they refuse to Publicly debate Reality


I do not Hide from tested Reality

as I Live for the Questioned Tested Truth in all of Life for a better Life for all

while the Propose of the Montana Cowgirl Blog and Bloggers and the Daily Climate

along with many other Political Media Organizations

is to Belittle Me and others for the sake of their Fascist Political Agenda

Regardless of the Truth

because the Questioned Truth does not matter in Paranoid True Belief

as they do not Question Knowledge

they just believe what they are told to just believe

by the

Political Media Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion

as their best science argument is Childish Insults

and that is what I expect from those who have publicly failed grade school science

but of course they don’t know this

as their science is based on Politically Brainwashed Feelings of True Belief

and not on Proven Questioned Fact Tested Reality they do not comprehend


they are Big Dummy’s in Science who refuse to Question to Learn and Know

to Grow Forward in Life

as they do not want to know and refuse to know

as their True Belief doing Harm is far more important than the Fact Tested Truth

in Fact Tested Reality

as it is Reality they Belittle not me


and as we say in real science do not Preach it Prove it

and when True Believers try to Brainwash you to Truly Believe

in their True Belief

ask them to prove it with Peer-reviewed Science

and then ask them the Real Questions of the Real Science they can not Answer

proving they are test proven Fools and Frauds in Science


and here is some of the science they refuse to know and continue to just ignore

for their Political True Belief doing only harm to the cause of all the Green

on this Carbon based Earth proving they a Lunatics in science

who do not ~ know ~ and just Make Believe


This Climate Warming Period

of the past 20 Ice ages of the past 2 million years

began 14,000 years ago

with Little and Mini Ice ages all along the way

as Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years

as very extreme ~ progressive ~ variable Climate Change is very real for billions of years

as the Ocean heated by the hot liquid core of this carbon based Earth

has risen 350 feet over the past 26,000 years

and if Ice did not melt the seal level would decline about 60 feet every 10 years

by evaporation by the variable Sun

as Ice Melts from the top and bottom side and move during Ice ages too


The United Nations a Political Body not a Science Body


“it is likely Humans cause all Climate Change”

making Human caused Climate Change an un-proven theory in real science

based on their IPCC Climate Study based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

that Carbon based Humans only generate 3% or less of going into the air

as the majority of CO2 going into the air everyday is caused by evaporation

by the Variable Sun causing the Carbon cycle

causing all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

as there is many times the CO2 level in the Oceans than in the air

as the majority of Volcanic activity on this Carbon based Earth is below Sea level

with billions of years of ongoing volcanic activity  below Sea level

Acidifying the Oceans over billions of years

while causing the Carbon Cycle above and below Sea level

as CO2 and water vapor is the by-product of warming not the cause

as -200 * frozen CO2 Dry Ice and water vapor is crashing back toward the poles of this

carbon based Earth 24/7 off-setting the hot air rising

as the UN and their proven to be very flawed incomplete climate study

continues to just Ignore a dozen plus known climate variables

and millions of years of known climate history

and very established Hard Science in Physics and Chemistry

all debunking their un-proven theory

that continues to be Preached by Politicians and Journalist and the Media


Settled Science

~ while ~

World Famous Physicist

Michio Kaku

who is often a guest scientist for the Media

States to the Media


we cause climate change and then changed his mind for profit

as Michio can not provide peer-reviewed science to prove we cause climate warming

but he can make a lot of money selling Fear = Paranoia

of the un-know future for the Political Media

and of course “maybe” proves nothing in Real Peer-Reviewed Science

~ while ~

CBS News = Sensationalized Paranoia based on Proven Lies

Preaches to the Public

~ Humans do in Fact cause Climate Change ~

proving they are Frauds in science Preaching and Selling their Fear and Paranoia

based on Weather that has been happening for millions of years

as we are told do not confuse weather with Climate Change

as CBS News Preaches their Fraud in Science

with out Question or Debate with out test proven science

based only on their Personal Feelings of True Belief and Zero Peer-Reviewed Science

as CBS News can provide Zero Peer-Reviewed Science when Requested

to support Bill Nye = proven fraud ~ one of their Guest scientists

who is Al Gore’s Puppet Scientist

who can provide zero peer-reviewed science when requested

as they continue to reject the scientific method and very proven fact tested knowledge

as they continue to Preach the Sea Level is Rising

when NASA Data has proven the Sea Level is Declining

as they continue to Preach Climate Warming is speeding up

when NASA Data has proven Warming is at Stand Still for the past 20 years

as more Heat and Energy is escaping the atmosphere then Predicted

as all the Climate Predictions are in fact Self-debunk

as Prediction is not knowledge and used to Sell Fear and Paranoia of the un-known future

~ and ~

why did take 130 years to be as warm as it was 130 years

as it was this warm 130 years ago before Power Plants and Automobiles

back when a Luxury for many People was a Roof over Head and a Wood Stove

while we are expected to believe the proven to be bogus weather measurements

from Weathers Stations placed on Tared Roof Tops

next to Heating and Air Conditioning outlets

proving Fraud in science

as Outdated Incomplete Debunk Science Papers are being used today

as Scientific Proof Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change

proving only Fraud in science

all supported by those who failed grade school science

who just believe what the Political Media Preachers to them to just Believe

with out Question or Debate or Scientific Proof

and I will say it again and again

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

continues to Preach to the Public the Science is Settled

when settled science does not exist in the scientific method

as we Learn and Know something new in science everyday

especially in this band new Climate Science where we do not know far more then we do

proving Climate Religion Failed Grade School Science

and proving they have earned zero right to scientific opinion

as they can not articulate the science or answer real Questions in real science

because they do not comprehend the science

and just Believe what they are told to just Believe by True Believers

who are Preaching their Hearsay Make Believe

with zero real scientific reference


we are spending trillions of dollars to reduce the cause of Green

while lowering oxygen levels in the air

and turning underground water into an Acid

test proving

Climate Religion is doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle

Harming all of Nature and the Environment

and All Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

for the sake of their personal feelings of true belief

based on a very proven to be debunk un-proven theory

as Climate Religion continues to Preach to the Public

this Scientifically debunk un-proven theory is Settled Science

~ Scientifically Proving ~

Political Media Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion

is very much Alive and not Well

and doing very test proven Harm to the Environment

costing Trillions


and again



for the peer-reviewed science proving Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

with water vapor the cause of the first atmosphere

causing the Carbon Cycle with oxygen and hydrogen

causing all of the Environment

causing all the Green all the Plants and Trees

causing all the Oxygen we Breathe and all the Carbon based food we Eat

causing all Carbon based Life and Energy

with zero color taste or smell

and is Brainwashed and Preached as Toxic Pollution by Climate Religion


as 49 NASA Scientists disagree with NASA statements

and  NASA predictions that are now self-debunk

while only 13% of the National Academy of Science signed a letter of their

~ True Belief ~

Humans cause Climate Warming

most of whom are not climate scientist

and when requested

could provide zero science to support their True Belief in debunk un-proven theory


87% of the NAS did not sign this Letter of True Belief


over 30,000 Scientists over 9,000 of them PhD’s

signed a Petition stating their disagreement the the United Nations


John Kerry = proven fraud ~ states there is a 97% scientific consensus

~ in what is a un-proven theory in the scientific community ~

John Kerry Preaches is Settled Science

as the U.N. and Politicians and the Media

continue to ignore the Real Scientific Community

because the scientific community does not believe in their Paranoid Climate Religion

based on self-debunk prediction

based on a scientifically debunk un-proven theory

based on a flawed incomplete climate study

based on ~ one half ~ of one Climate Variable

while ignoring all other known science and climate science history


the Scientific consensus is a scientifically proven Political Media Lie


Political Media Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion

doing only Harm to the Carbon cycle of and by this Carbon based Earth

costing only trillions of dollars to do only Harm


those who failed grade school science and have earned zero right to scientific opinion

Dictate Science


refusing  to allow any and all Public Question ~ Rebuttal ~ Debate

by the Scientific Method by the Real Scientific Community

and again

~ skepticism ~


“the doctrine that the truth in all of knowledge must always be in Question”

as science is: to know

Real Science is Skepticism by Question

as Real Nature has debunk the un-proven theory Humans cause Climate Warming


Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw

Scientist = Skeptic

40 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science

with thousands of hours of ongoing Climate Science Investigation since the spring of 2007

~ proving ~

Political Media Fraud in Science doing Harm


To Question is the Scientific Method

as skepticism is not a Human Flaw as Preached by Climate Religion

who reject the scientific method

who reject all Question and Debate

for their personal feelings of true belief in debunk un-proven theory

they continue to Preach is Settled Science proving it is a Political Media Religion


Questioned ~ Tested ~ Knowledge

~ the ~

Questioned Truth in Fact Tested Reality


~ their ~

True Belief

when there is zero Belief in Real Science

and after more than 40,000 requests with a reward since 2007

to ~ PhD’s ~ Politicians ~ Journalist and the Media

~ who refuse to Publicly debate the science ~

for the scientific proof humans cause climate warming

I’m still waiting

proving debunk un-proven theory is not fact tested reality in the Scientific Method

while only Insults can prove nothing in science

as Climate Religion is test proven Lunatic Garbage called Science

and those who Preach the cause of the Carbon Cycle on this carbon based Earth

with zero color taste or smell

is Toxic Pollution

are Test Proven Morons in Science

Dictating Science

as Skepticism is only a Flaw in Climate Religion

and if you want to save this Carbon based Earth

do not vote for those Preaching ~ their ~ Climate Paranoia

who have ~ scientifically proven ~ they need a good Shrink



About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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