This is not a Political Opinion
this is Questioned
Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method
from thousands of hours of on going Science Investigation since 2007
Albert Einstein was a Dropout and then an Office Clerk
so I guess that means Albert can only know as much as an Office Clerk is to know
as I am just a Master Technician in many Technical Sciences since 1976
I am a Specialist in Trouble Shooting and Diagnostics of many kinds
with only 40 plus years of working back ground
in Computerized Atmospheric Emission Control Science every work day of my life
who received a Doctor Honor in October 2011
and then Invited to Participate in the London Symposium on Climate Change
at the Oxford and Cambridge Club June of 2013
while I have had an on going science debate with Joe Berry Stanford University
since January 1, 2011
and Joe Likes to know what the other side of the Science Argument is up to
as the Media has Blacked Out the other side of the Science Argument
proving political fascism in science by the media
as they continue to only cover the side of the story they truly believe in
as the Media has decided for the public what is real and what is not
based on Political True Belief and ~ zero ~ Peer-reviewed Science
and so the other side of the Science Argument does not exist in the Media
I schooled at Ford ~ Chrysler ~ General Motors ~ Tech Training Centers
in the mid to late 1970’s
my first class in Computer Science was at Chrysler in 1976
while I have continued my Education everyday
and I have Evaluated Education Programs in Automotive Science
as there is more science in the car you drive than any thing else you own
along with more Heat and Energy Transfer Science in your car than anything else you own
while I have spent the majority of my life time fixing other peoples mistakes
while there are many self educated people on this carbon based earth
who do not have to pay someone to educate them in science because they see science
with the help of no one
who are Educating PhD’s today
I am a Scientist = Skeptic
~ skepticism ~
~ the doctrine that the truth in all of knowledge must always be in Question ~
and now I would like to now thank the Big Dummy’s in Science for calling me a Skeptic
as this is a true complement in real science to be called a skeptic
while they believe skepticism is a Negative in Science
as skepticism is only a negative in Climate Religion
while I think it is more than obvious I do not Deny 4.6 Billion years of climate change
but try to understand the minds of those who live in fear everyday
based on self-debunk computer Ouija Board climate prediction of the un-known future
based on a un-proven theory
based on a flawed incomplete climate study
based on one half of one climate variable
while ignoring all the other known science debunking the un-proven theory
before the self-debunk computer Ouija Board climate prediction was made
as most predictions never come true
as we are living today in one of the gentlest periods in climate history
and of course the true believers will continue to ignore these facts for their True Belief
Proving it is a Political Media Religion ignoring Real Science
because that is what Religions do
they ignore real science for True Belief
and that is why we can not Question or Debate their science
because they have no science beyond their true belief in debunk un-proven theory
as they continue to Preach the Scientifically debunk un-proven theory is settled Science
as they continue to Preach their True Belief in self-debunk prediction
causing their fear of the un-known = Paranoia
and that is why it is called
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
and of course you can not stop a Paranoid Religion with fact tested Reality
you can only watch as they do their test proven harm to the environment
while they truly believe they are doing good
and that is why they are called Pathological Frauds too
as Al Gore and Co. have done an excellent job
Brainwashing everyone who failed grade school sciences
as Al Gore and Bill Nye make a fortune
selling Al’s very proven to be fraudulent world wide carbon credit scheme
that will have zero impact on climate change
as Al Gore and Bill Nye continue Publicly State the Science is Settled
proving they are Morons in Science
while Al’s Bogus science references sent to me by his organization
May 18, 2010
only further proving Al Gore is a Fraud for Profit
Bill Nye has more than proven Money is far more important than Truth in Science
I do not belong to any Political Groups
while I did belong to the Cub Scouts and the Boy Scouts in my younger days
and I did belong to the Fully Informed Jury’s Association many years ago for a few years
while I have been a Student of Constitutional Law and History since 1980
and I do always Vote but only for People not Political Parties
and I never Vote for anyone Preaching Lunatic Climate Religion
as all Political Parties are a form of Fascism of some kind
promoting and cloning only their one way of thinking or believing
as they Truly Believe in their test proven Lies proving they are Pathological Liars
who distort the Truth who Misrepresent others and their Facts
for their Political Agenda to promote their one way of political thinking
proving they are Fascist and Frauds of tested reality while doing only harm
for the sake of their Political Agenda True Belief that believes they are doing good
based on their Ignorance of tested reality they ignore for their true belief
as they refuse to look at any knowledge debunking their true belief doing harm
proving the are selling their True Belief
as all real science can be Questioned
as only True Belief can not be Questioned
while those who continue to belittle me and refuse to debate me in real science
can prove nothing in real science but their test proven Stupidity in real science
proving they are the test proven Frauds of Life and Science who reject knowledge
for the sake of their Fascist Political Agenda doing Harm to Life and Science
~ and ~
when Insults and proven Lies are your best scientific rebuttal
this does not say much for your science
as real science does not need to be Politically Brainwashed and Preached
by those who have publicly proven they failed grade school science
as their test proven Political Media Lies can prove only Fraud not Science
by those who refuse to learn and know
for the sake of their un-Questioned Political True Belief
trying to Politically Dictate Science based on zero scientific method
while more then proving their Political Media Fascism in Science
by those who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who ignore the truth for test proven political Media Lies
as their Proven ignorance does not allow them to know the difference
between the truth and lies
as they just believe what their Political Media Religion Preaches to them to just believe
allowing zero Question or Debate
while those who have been Politically Brainwashed no longer have the ability to
Question ~ Test ~ Debate
as their minds are now the Cloned Property of Fascist Make Believe doing Harm
while Pathologically believing they are doing good