When you truly Believe and Preach Humans cause Climate Warming and you can not Prove it with real Science this is then a Scientifically test proven Religion
To the Cuckoo’s Nest
all of the Faculty Members
of the
Physics Department
of the
City College of New York
and the Qusetion
? do you Truly Believe Humans cause Climate Warming ?
Yes or No
I will put your response here
I have emailed the Faculty before in the past with no response
as they could not provide real science proving Humans cause climate warming
who I am now emailing again
and I am guessing they will not respond again
proving they can prove nothing beyond their True Belief
so to all 36 of them that I know of
and to all the Carbon based Humans on this Carbon based Earth
~ Reward ~
for the Peer-reviewed Science
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
2 oxygen atoms ~ based to ~ 1 carbon atom
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
causing the First Atmosphere
causing the Carbon Cycle
causing all of Nature the Environment
and all Carbon based Life
known as Toxic Pollution by Climate Religion
when science is no longer debatable it is no longer science
when your science can not be Publicly ~ Questioned ~ Tested ~ Rebutted ~ Debated
and can only Politically Preached and Believed
it is then a Fascist Political Religion not Science
as this Political Media Religion is doing test proven harm to the
Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
Physicist Michio Kaku = Cuckoo for Profit
who stated for years “maybe ” Humans cause Climate Warming
and is now a True Believer who can not Prove Humans cause Climate Warming
with Peer-reviewed Science
proving Michio must be in it for the Money just like Bill Nye
who works for the Biggest Political Media Frauds in Climate Science
Al Gore and CBS News the Leaders in Bogus Political Media Climate Religion
very extreme progressive variable climate change is very real for billions of years
Does Dr. Kaku
Truly Believe = Religion
Humans cause Climate Warming ?
is he a Fraud for Profit or a Pathological Fraud for Profit ?
I have now forwarded a sample of science references to Michio
along with Al Gores Bogus Science References
along with this Question
Do Humans Cause Climate Warming ?
Yes or No
I am guessing the answer will be Yes if he answers
and then we will add Michio to the list of Proven Lunatics in Climate Science
while I have about a dozen Questions for Dr. Kaku if he would like an open public debate
Climate Questions that not one Climate Religion Preacher can answer
as real Science is Questioned to find the Truth
and when your science is not allowed to be Questioned its not Real
while one scientist can be right
I have the Names of over 30,000 Scientists
who would like to here the Answer to many of these Questions in Climate Science
how does something the size of a sewing thread = Human made CO2 = 00.004 % of the air
trap heat in something the size of a football field = the Atmosphere = 99.996 % of the air
while knowing all heat still rises
as Frozen air still take its place at the poles of this carbon based earth
with increased levels of Dry Ice = frozen CO2
why did only 13% of the National Academy of Science
sign a letter stating Humans cause Climate Warming
while the other 87% of the NAS did not sign the letter
while those who did sign the letter
the majority of them have no Climate Science back ground
and could provide zero peer-reviewed science to support their statements
and why did 49 NASA Scientists send a letter to NASA
disagreeing with NASA Public statements and their now self-debunk climate Predictions
and why did over 30,000 Scientists
over 9,000 of them PhD’s
sign a Petition disagreeing with the United Nations
~ a Political Body not a Science Body ~
and their IPCC very flawed incomplete climate study
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
ignoring a dozen plus climate variables
and millions of years of climate history
all debunking their un-proven theory
before making their
computer Ouija Board climate prediction of the un-known future
based on one half of one climate variable
and why is a debunk un-proven theory being preached as Settled Science by the Media
and in our Schools and University’s
who can provide zero science reference when requested
Dr. Kaku is now a Preacher for Al Gores Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
as Michio has decided Al Gore a very proven Fraud in science
who can articulate zero science is right and he is wrong
based on a debunk un-proven theory
There has to be a lot of money involved to support debunk un-proven theory as
Michio is now paid by CBS News to Support their Test Proven Lies in Climate Science
while CBS will allow zero Public rebuttal to their Proven Lies
~ one Example of many ~
CBS News bases Sea Level rise on sinking Islands
and now all the bad Weather on this Carbon based Earth and all the sinking Islands
is now blamed on Humans
because we have never had bad weather before or sinking Islands
in the last 4.6 billions years
as Humans generate 3% or less of the CO2 in the Air
00.004 % of the air = 40 parts of every million parts of air
smaller than the thickness of a sewing thread
down the middle of the fifty yard line of a football field
if the atmosphere was the size of a football field
to trap all of the heat of the football field as all heat still rises
and Frozen Air still take its place
with increased levels of frozen CO2 Dry Ice
crashing down towards the Poles of this Carbon based Earth
and for many years now I have requested from CBS News their Science References
to support their Public statements
and they have not and can not support the statements with real science
nor will they allow the other side of the science argument to be told to the Public
deciding for the Public what is real and what is not real
based only on their True Belief
proving they are Political Media Preachers not Teachers
who refuse to publicly debate the science they Preach is Settled Science
when settled science does not exist
their Settled science with zero scientific reference when requested
as we live with Scientists for Sale who can not prove Humans cause Climate Warming
who are Preaching
~ Algoreism ~
Political Media Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion
for Profit
~ and ~
Politicians and Journalist with zero back ground in science
who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
~ can not always be right in Science they do not comprehend ~
based on Political Media Hearsay and zero Peer-reviewed scientific reference
who refuse to publicly debate the science they Preach is Settled Science
who have zero scientific reference when requested
~ as ~
the United Nations states it is “likely ” Humans cause Climate Warming
and is
un-proven theory not settled science
while settled science does not exist in real science
as the Scientific Method is Based on Skepticism
“the Doctrine that the Truth in all of Knowledge must always be Question”
as the Scientific Method is to Question with a continuous input of new knowledge
that will support or debunk the pre-existing knowledge
as Climate Religion rejects skepticism and the scientific method
preaching skepticism is a Human flaw by non-true Believers
when their is zero belief in real science
as the Religion of Science is skepticism of true belief dictating science
with out Qoustion
Yes there is Real Life beyond Climate Paranoia
based on Fear of the un-known and un-proven theory
Prediction based on un-proven theory to sell only Fear