Increased levels of Water Vapor and CO2 is the by product of Warming not the cause
while making this Carbon based Earth Greener
as frozen CO2 crashing downward is more than off-setting hot CO2 rising
and When I am wrong I admit it and learn and know and Grow Forward
Am I Ethical ?
Is Test Proven Fraud and Deception for Profit doing only Harm to Nature Ethical ?
Meet the New Pope
Climate Paranoia
Algoreism = Political Media Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion
This Auto Mechanic
Enjoys Educating PhD’s who Failed Grade School Science
because they Reject the Scientific Method and all Proven Fact Tested Knowledge
for their
True Belief
Debunk un-proven Lunatic Theory
based on a very flawed incomplete study based on one half of one climate variable
of a dozen known climate variables
so they may Profit
Dr. Kaku,
I challenge you to an open public debate in Climate Science
so you can prove you are not a Political Fraud in Climate Science for Profit
just like Al Gore and Bill Nye
the Proven Lunatics and Cowards of tested reality
the insult and shame of real science
responsible for the Biggest Political Media Scam in Science in all of known History
who refuse to publicly debate their scam Science
and can provide zero Peer-reviewed science to prove their Scam is not a Scam
just like CBS News
where they will not allow the other side of the science argument to be told
for the sake of their Political Media Agenda
where only their Political Media True Belief side of the story can be Preached to the Public
Political Media Fascism in Science
as they can not allow real science to be known
because their scam science can not stand on its own two feet in a real scientific debate
as they live in fear of a real scientific debate with the real science they just ignore
as you are now the new Cheer Leader for the Proven Scum of Science
now prove your Lunatic Paranoid Political Media Religion is not a Lunatic Religion
Dr. Kershaw
I am guessing all that will matter to Dr. Kaku
is the CBS Check Good
and he will continue to just ignore the facts of science for Profit
For Years Al Gore has Preached to us
~ do not blame the bad weather on climate change ~
and now Al has changed his mind again as he has done so many times before
but not because the science has changed because his True Belief has changed
to sell more fear and paranoia
based on weather that has been happening for millions of years
and now all the bad weather is caused by Carbon based Humans
who are made by the Carbon Cycle of this Carbon based Earth
while others continue to Preach to us
do not confuse Weather with Climate
but of course Al Gore could change his mind again
as Al Gore who can Articulate zero Science
who has Publicly failed grade school science
and has earned zero right to scientific opinion
while making a killing on his proven to be Fraudulent world wide Carbon Credit Scheme
proven it will have zero effect on climate change
proving it is all about money and zero science
as Real Science does not matter in Real Profit
not even when the Bogus Science is doing Test Proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle
the cause of all Nature and the Environment
and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
as Greed debunks tested Reality
~ Question ~
Why did it take 130 years to be as warm as it was 130 years ago
back when there were no power plants and automobiles
with lower CO2 levels
as we are now seeing Record Temperatures again from Bogus Weather Measurements
from Weather Stations place on Tared Roof Tops
next to Heating and Air-Conditioning outlets
after a very large number of Weather Stations
out in the middle of nowhere have been turned off
Proving Fraud
I am for Truth is Science
and True Belief can not debunk Ignored Scientific Fact
and when there are far more Questions than Answers in Science
there is Much we need to Learn to know in this brand new Climate Science
as Climate Religion continues to reject knowledge in this brand new science
for their Paranoid Make Believe for Profit doing only Harm to the Environment
~ like ~
why did Montana have California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years
and why have there been Ice Ages with higher levels of CO2 in the air than today
as much as 700% higher than today
and why have there been 20 Ice ages over the past 2 million years
and during the Global Warming Periods
many Little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages all along the way
~ ? ~