All Life comes from the Oceans
The Oceans and Lower Atmosphere and Crust of this Carbon based Earth
are heated by the very hot variable Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth
and with out a very Hot Liquid Core there would be zero Volcanic Activity
the Oceans would be Frozen
and there be no First Atmosphere of CO2 and Water Vapor from Volcanic Activity
to cause the Carbon Cycle = Plants and Trees absorbing CO2
making Oxygen from the CO2 made by the hot Liquid Core
and there would be little Nitrogen from Decomposing Soil
and there would be no Carbon based Life as we know it today and
the atmosphere would be made from direct Sun Energy on the Frozen Oceans
causing some water on top of the Ice near the Equator
that would freeze solid at night
and some water vapor = H2O and O = Oxygen for an Atmosphere
O = 1 oxygen from direct Sun energy separating the frozen water
as the dirty hydrogen flows in the Sea floating on top of the Ice
while some of the H2 will evaporate and find the O = oxygen to bond with
making more water vapor in the very limited Atmosphere if any
with out a Hot Liquid Core in this Carbon based Earth
as most of the atmosphere today is -200* below zero
while the atmosphere that stared out as CO2 and Water vapor
has gone from very little Nitrogen to almost 80% Nitrogen today
and will one day be closer 90% Nitrogen and this will drop the O2 = Oxygen level in half
with no measurable CO2 levels and there will no longer be a Carbon cycle above Sea level
ending all life above Sea level
while Argon is less than 1% of the atmosphere today and comes from outer space
and could be the majority of the atmosphere if this carbon based Earth produced zero CO2
from a very hot churning variable liquid core
so the more CO2 we Produce the longer we will prolong the carbon cycle above Sea level
and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
as we spend trillions to reduce the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
while lowering oxygen levels in the air and turning underground water into an Acid
as the Ocean currants are caused by the Earth spinning at 1000 Miles per hour
at the Earths Equator while only spinning at 1 inch per hour at the Earth Poles
causing a lot of turbulence in the atmosphere
and as Hot air is rising at the Equator
Frozen air is crashing downward toward to the Poles of this carbon based Earth
causing more Turbulence
as Global Warming Began 14,000 Years ago
and has happened 20 times in the past 2 million years
as the Ice Melts from the top and bottom side and moves during Ice Ages too
and if Ice did not Melt
the Sea level would decline 60 feet every 10 years
from evaporation by the variable Sun
as most of the CO2 going into the air everyday is from evaporation
the CO2 from ~ Variable Un-Measurable ~ Volcanic activity below Sea level
a very Ignored Climate Variable
Acidifying the Oceans over billions of years
while causing the Carbon Cycle with O2 = Oxygen and H2 = Hydrogen above sea level
as the Sea level has risen 350 over the past 26,000 years
and was 60 higher 135,000 years ago
and will continue to go up and down weather we are here or not
and sinking Islands do not prove the Sea level is rising
as the Sea level has been declining for the past 7 years
as the rate of evaporation has exceed the rate the Ice is Melting
making this Carbon based Earth Greener
as warming has been at a stand still for the past 20 years
as we live with the Political Media Paranoia of Ice Melting
as Ice has been melting off and on for billions of years
as Plants and Trees need 4 times the CO2 level than today to be at their best health
as Energy Company’s now make their new fortune
by pumping the cause of all the Green into the ground lowering the cause of Green
while lowering oxygen levels in the air and turning underground water into an Acid
as Man Made CO2 is made from O2 = Oxygen from the air
because pumping the Man Made CO2 into the Ground does not allow the carbon cycle
to recycle the Oxygen back in to the Air where it came from
costing trillions to do only harm to the Environment and zero good
when we could be spending trillions to do something positive
for this Carbon based Earth where everything has Carbon in it
as it is Preached to us Carbon is Pollution on this carbon based earth
by Carbon based Humans who are 20% Carbon made from CO2
who failed grade school science
Ignorance and Greed debunk tested Reality
by Ignoring Tested Reality for True Belief