Nancy Seldin
do you support the proven Fraud in Science
Dr. Steve Running
University of Montana
who has been removed from Preaching his Garbage Science
and do you just believe what you are told by the News Papers to just believe ~
with out Question
Do you ~ Just Believe ~ Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change ?
~ based only on one side of the science argument with out knowing the science
on either side of the science argument ~
Nancy Seldin
University of Montana
Mental Health Therapist
in response to your Scientific Opinion in the Helena Independent Record
today September 11, 2017
that the IR will not allow a scientific rebuttal to
with scientific reference
for the the sake of their Political Media Agenda
who fully support Proven Frauds in Science
like Dr. Steve Running
while allowing zero rebuttal to his Proven to be Fraudulent Statements in Science
in their News Paper proving Lee News Papers are Frauds in Science too
just as CBS News and many other Media Organizations
who are very Proven Frauds in Science
who can provide zero science to prove they are not Frauds in science
how did you Earn your right to scientific opinion in Climate Science ?
and don’t Politically Brainwash me
show me the science ~
as I have now sent you enough science to debunk your Public Hearsay Statements in the news paper so send me your science so we may Question the Truth in Knowledge
so we can ~ Test ~ and Debate the Science
by Scientific Method so we may then learn and know and grow forward together
as science is: to know
and not Political Media Preached Make Believe based on Pathological Feelings
doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
costing Trillions of dollars to do only Harm and zero Good
as many Profit from this test proven Harm by Fraud
You can not Scientifically debunk Make Believe = True Belief = Religion
because Make Believe just Ignores all Fact Test Reality for their True Belief
There is zero Faith in Real Science
and when you reject Proven Fact Tested Knowledge for Personal Feelings of True Belief
this is Scientifically test proven Political Media Religion not Science
Everything in this Universe is in a continuous Progressive Variable
as nothing is a constant in this progressive variable expanding Universe
and We can not predict the un-known future of Mother Nature
with or with out a Computer based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
while ignoring a dozen plus climate variables
and millions of years of known Climate History
as we live with an Infinity of Weather and Climate Variable on this Carbon based Earth
as Climate Change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years
and if we could abolish Political Parties and Political Agenda and Special Interest Groups who have publicly failed grade school science because they have zero back ground in the science and have earned zero right to scientific opinion
this Carbon based Earth would be a much Nicer Place to Live and Be ~
with out the Political Media Paranoia of the un-known future dictating how we live our daily Life the Paranoia doing test proven Harm to Nature costing trillions of dollars based on personal feelings of true belief rejecting proven fact tested Reality
as you openly support proven Fraud in Science you do not comprehend
as you have rejected the Scientific method
and have earned zero right to Professional Opinion
making you a test proven Pathological Fraud and Preacher for Climate Religion
just like your Hero in Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion Steve Running
the Proven Fraud in Science who refuses to debate his Garbage Science
proving it is Pathological Garbage Science for Profit doing test proven Harm to Nature
while making Green Lunatics who failed grade school science
feel much better about themselves
as we now reduce the cause of Green and reduce Oxygen levels in the Air
while turning underground water into an Acid
proving there is zero reality in True Belief
proving Lunatics dictate Science
with out Public Question ~ Test ~ Rebuttal or Debate
as you are a True Believer who Truly Believes
who does not ~ Know ~
debunk un-proven theory does not prove Humans cause Climate Warming
while I am told by Climate Religion skepticism is a metal flaw in science
when the scientific method is based on Skepticism
~ to always Question the Truth in all knowledge ~
so do you believe to Question the Truth in Knowledge is a Metal Flaw ?
and we should always just believe what we told to just believe
by a Political Agenda doing test proven Harm to the Environment
who are Politically Brainwashing us to just believe we are doing good
based on debunk un-proven theory and self-debunk prediction
we are told to just believe is settled science
as Climate Change is very Real
and Science and Nature have proven it is not Caused by You and Me
and You and Climate Religion will just ignore this test proven fact
test proving it is a Political Media Religion
that will continue to do test proven Harm to Nature
because you Failed Grade School Science
by just believing what you are told to just Believe with out Question
while ignoring proven fact tested knowledge debunking your True Belief
proving you are apart of a Political Media Religion based on test proven Fraud and Lies
as proven Pathological Frauds dictate Science
Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw
Helena ~ Montana