I new Steve Running was a Fraud in 2007
based on his Public Statements and Quotes in Lee News Papers
as Lee News Papers continue to support these test proven Lies and Fraud in Science
for their Political Agenda
making Lee News Papers very proven Frauds in Science as they have allowed zero scientific rebuttal in their News Papers to Steve’s very proven to be Fraudulent Statements in Science Lee News Papers do not comprehend nor can prove as I have emailed Steve Running many times since 2007 requesting his Science
so he can prove he is not a test Proven Fraud
and he can not prove he is not a Fraud
who claims to have a Nobel Peace Prize along with 12 other so called Climate Scientists
and of course they do not
like Michael Mann and his very proven to be Bogus Hockey Stick
as Lee News Papers continue to Preach and Sell to the Public these test proven Lies
while allowing zero Public Rebuttal to these very proven Lies
as Steve Running and Lee News Papers are an Insult to real Science
and any so called Climate Scientist Publicly stating the
Variable Sun with many Cycles is not a Climate Variable
causing the last 20 Ice Ages over the past 2 million years
is a proven Lunatic in Science
as Steve Running is a proven Lunatic and Pathological Liar in science
who has been removed from Preaching his Lunatic Science at the University of Montana
as we continue to see proven frauds supporting proven frauds in science
based on Hearsay True Belief
based on Flawed Incomplete Garbage Science
that Al Gore and Bill Nye continue to Preach is Settled Science for their Profit
when settled science dose not exist in real science
maybe Al Gore will Hire Steve Running
to help sell their test proven Lunatic Science doing Real Harm to Real Nature
for Real Profit as they can prove nothing with Real Science beyond
~ their ~
Preached Lunatic What If True Belief
and if Al Gore does not want Steve Running
then I am sure CBS News would Hire Steve to help sell their Bogus Climate Science
they can provide zero scientific reference to prove it is not
Bogus Garbage Political Science Fiction
after requesting their science with a Reward for many rears
~ * ~
Mother Nature is to blame for only the good Weather and Mankind is to blame for only the bad Weather as we are told do not to confuse Weather with Climate while there has been very extreme variable Weather and Climate on this Carbon based Earth for Billions of years long before Carbon based Humans on this Carbon based Earth
A Climate Study that Focuses on ~ one half ~ of one Climate Variable
to make a self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction of the un-known future
while ignoring a Dozen plus Climate Variables and Millions years of known Climate History with Ice Core Samples showing us Ice Ages with much higher levels CO2 in the air than today all debunking the ~ un-proven ~ theory of Human caused Climate Warming as Climate Religion Preaches to us the Science is Settled and can not be Questioned or Debated while preventing the Public from knowing the other side of the science argument not allowing the Public to decide for themselves what is real and what is not as we live with Political Media Fascism in Science with Modern Day Bloodletting by Climate Religion doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
Climate Change is very Real for Billions of years while for many years now Green Peace and the Sierra Club continue to send me their request for Donations to help them fight Global Warming that has happened about 20 times over the past 2 million years
thanks the to Variable Sun
for many years
I continue to send them a Request with a $100,000.00 Reward
for their Scientific Proof Humans cause Climate Warming
and many years later I am still waiting for their Scientific Proof
Humans cause Climate Warming
so I can send them the money they continue to request from me
so I can help them fight Global Warming that began 14,000 years ago
with many Little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages along the way
as they can not prove with real science it is caused by Carbon based Humans
of this Carbon based Earth with Man Made Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
the cause of the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
as Human caused Climate Warming is an un-proven theory
based on a very flawed incomplete study debunk by real Science and Nature
as their debunk un-proven theory continues to do test proven harm today
to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment
as I have sent them scientific references debunking their true belief
in self-debunk prediction by a flawed incomplete study
as they continue to just ignore fact for their True Belief
proving their true belief is a test proven Political Media Lunatic Religion and not Science
as they ignore knowledge for their true belief for profit doing Harm
proving money is far more important than Fact Tested Reality or the Environment
with them knowing
if they could prove their True Belief is science I would send them money
Humans are a Fragment in Time
and are less than a Fragment in the Causes of the variable Infinity of all Nature
Proven by Science and Nature
rejected by those who reject grade school science
for their Political Media Agenda based on ~ their ~ True Belief
who refuse to debate the science
proving their True Belief is a Political Media Religion
and not Questioned Tested Knowledge in Fact Tested Reality
….making something out of nothing and then doing test proven Harm to Nature for Profit
while believing you are doing good
is caused only by the proven Political Media Ignorance in all of Science
caused by Political Agenda for very proven Profit for the few