Dr Michio Kaku & Dr Steve Running Cuckoo Scientists for Sale



Cathy Whitlock ~ Montana State University


Kelsey Jencso ~ University of Montata


Nick Silverman ~ University of Montana

[email protected]

when your science can not be

Quested ~ Tested ~ Debated

its not Real

and in response to your public statements in Lee News Papers today

that Lee News Papers will not allow a scientific rebuttal to

for the sake of their political agenda

allowing the public to only know one side of the science argument

the side they Truly Believe In

deciding for the public what is real and what is not in science

in science they do not comprehend and can not articulate

or prove with scientific reference when requested

while proving only Political Media Fascism in Science

I challenge you to an open public debate in Climate Science

with a



for the Peer-reviewed Science


Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this

Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide


the First Atmosphere

causing the Carbon Cycle


all of the Green = Nature = Environment


all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw

Helena ~ Montana

40 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science

with on going Climate Science Investigation since 2007

Proving Fraud in Climate Science by Climate Religion

~ * ~

science is: to know

and to state the science is settled is always a Moronic statement in science


we Grow Forward from something new we learn in science everyday

as the Church of AlGoreism continues to state


“science is settled”

while continuing to reject and ignore test proven fact

that goes against their True Belief

in their debunk Hearsay Political Garbage Science Fiction

doing test proven Harm to Nature

their science they do not comprehend and can not articulate


Climate Change is Real

for billions of years

and most of the Atmosphere from the Ozone Layer to this Carbon based Earth

is -200 * below zero

with increased levels of

– 200* below zero frozen CO2 = Dry Ice crashing back downward

toward the Poles of this Carbon based Earth 24/7

cooling the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer

than the increased levels of frozen water vapor

and more than off-set

the Hot CO2 Rising

as all Gases and all Heat in Real Physics still rise

as all Gases absorb and radiate Heat while expanding and rising

as CO2 can not make new energy or trap heat

because it is not possible in Real Physics

for something the size of a Sewing Thread = Human generated CO2 = 00.004% of the air

to trap heat as all heat still rises

in something the size of a Football Field = the Atmosphere = 99.996 % of the air

and the faster all gases are heated the faster they rise

and the faster cold air take its place

Cooling the Atmosphere

as the Crust and Oceans and lower Atmosphere of this Carbon based Earth

are Heated by the variable Hot Churning Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth

supplemented by the Variable Sun with many cycles

causing 20 Ice ages and 20 Global Warming periods over the past 2 million years


CO2 can only Transfer both Hot and Cold at the very same time

while causing a cooling Effect by removing heat from the lower atmosphere

causing Frozen CO2 along with all the other Gases crashing back downward

as Climate Religion states Frozen CO2 and all Gases crashing downward cooling the air

is: Irrelevant

along with a dozen plus other Climate Variables providing an Infinity of climate variable

they state is: Irrelevant

and millions of years of Climate History and Ice Core samples they state is: Irrelevant

because this Real Science has debunk their un-proven theory

un-proven theory they Preach is Settled Science they refuse to Debate

as ~ one half ~ of one climate variable does not define Climate Science

when there is an Infinity of Climate Variable further debunking

a very flawed incomplete study

based only on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable

to make a now self-debunk

computer Ouija Board climate prediction of the un-known future

as Fascist Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion dictates Science


Real Science ~ vs ~ Paranoid Make Believe

Not one of Jim Hansen and NASA Predictions

made 20 years ago and since then have come True

as they are still Driving around in Cars and not in Boats in Manhattan as Predicted

as Perdition is not knowledge while most Predictions never come true

especially when based on a very flawed incomplete study

based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable while ignoring a dozen climate variables

an Infinity of Climate Variable

and millions of years of known Climate History and Ice Core Samples all debunking

the predictions before the predictions were made based only on Ignorance

as NASA Data shows us the Sea level is declining not rising

as the Rate of Evaporation by the Variable Sun has exceed the rate the Ice is Melting

making this Carbon based Earth Greener

as Climate Religion = CBS News = the Media

Preach to us the Sea level is rising based on sinking Islands

as NASA Data shows us Warming has been at a standstill for the past 20 years

as Climate Religion continues to Preach to us Climate Warming is speeding up

while we are expected to believe in Bogus Weather information from Weather Stations

placed on Tared Roof Tops next to Heating and Air-conditioning outlets

and with 20 Ice ages and 20 global Warming periods over the past 2 million years

the Ice has Melted many times before

as Ice melts from the top and bottom side and move during Ice Ages too

with this warming period beginning 14,000 years ago

with weather measurements only going back 130 years

while Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years

while Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years

as Climate Religion is doing test proven Harm

to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment

as Climate Religion continues to reject proven fact tested knowledge for their true belief

as they refuse to allow their debunk un-proven theory they Preach is Settled Science

to be Questioned or Debated or provide Scientific Reference for their Garbage Science

proving they are Preaching and Selling Garbage Science

proving it is a Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion doing test proven Harm to Nature

while Politically Brainwashing those who failed Grade Science

to just Believe what they are told to just Believe with out Question

to just believe we are doing something good

when we are doing something very wrong and very harmful to the Environment

as Lunatics in Science who reject the scientific method Dictate Science

and of course you can not stop a Political Religion with Test Proven Facts they just ignore

as those who do not know just make believe what they are told to just make believe

who provide us with their scientific opinion

when they have not earned the right to scientific opinion


To: Jim Hansen & John Hoffland & the Citizens Climate Lobby

as you Preach and Sell and Promote your Test Proven Fraud in Science

while Truly Believing you are doing Good with out Questioning the Truth in Knowledge

by just Believing what you are told to just believe

while you can prove nothing with Real Science

while only proving

You are Test Proven Fools doing Harm to the Carbon Cycle = Nature = Environment


You are Test Proven Pathological Frauds and Lairs misinforming the Public in Science

I challenge you to an open pubic Debate in Real Science with a


~ Reward ~

for the Peer-reviewed Science Proving Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming

of this Carbon based Earth


Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide

causing the First Atmosphere causing the Carbon Cycle and all Carbon based Life

as your Fraudulent science is lowering the cause of all the Green

lowering Oxygen Levels in the air while turning underground water into an Acid

costing Trillions of Dollars to do only Harm to the Carbon cycle and zero good because of

your Ignorance in science that you have earned zero right to Scientific Opinion in

as you reject tested knowledge for Political Media Agenda True Belief

because you failed Grade School Science by rejecting the Scientific Method

Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw

40 plus years Atmospheric Emission Science

with on going Climate Science investigation since 2007

proving Fraud in Science by

Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion

as Religions always refuse to debate real science

as they can prove nothing with real science after more than 40,000 Request for the Proof

since 2007

and if you Preach it and can not Prove it its not Real Science

now prove you are not Politically Brainwashed Pathological Frauds in Science

as Jim Hansen continues to just believe in his Self-debunk Predictions

based on Bogus Garbage Science

and like Steve Running

Jim Hansen is a Lunatic in science who can prove nothing

who refuses to debate the real science of the scientific method

who rejects knowledge for True Belief in debunk un-proven theory for profit

as only Lunatics in Science reject Science for their Paranoid Make Believe

doing test proven Harm to the cause of all Green

the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth

as they want to tax the cause of all the Green

the cause of all the Oxygen we Breathe and all the Food we Eat

to Tax the cause of all Life while doing only Harm to the cause of all Life

Costing Trillions of Dollars

as this is test proven Lunatic Science by test proven Lunatics in Science

who reject science for their Paranoid True Belief

who Preach to us the cause of the Carbon Cycle causing all Carbon based Life is: Pollution

and as Real Science is Questioned ~ Tested and Debated

Lunatics in Science never ever Publicly debate their Lunatic Science

proving it is Lunatic Science

and when you ignore proven fact tested knowledge

for Political Media Paranoid Make Believe

you can only do Harm

and of course Pathological Frauds can not acknowledge they are Pathological Frauds

they just continue to commit their Lunatic Fraud doing Harm

because they reject the scientific method for their personal feelings of True Belief

with out Questioning the Truth in Knowledge

and just believe what they are Politically Brainwashed to just Believe


About Bruce A. Kershaw

Born ~ March 27, 1956 at 11:10 pm Long Beach California other wise I'm still breathing O2 made from CO2 and eating food made from CO2 ~ the rest is Icing on the cake ~
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