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September 21, 2017
Helena ~ Montana
where the predicted high for today is 51*
and the record high for today was 90* in 1922
while the record low was 20* in 1983
Montana State University
Montana Institute on Ecosystems
Dr. Kelsey Jencso ~ State Climatologist
Cathy Whitlock ~ Lead Coordinator
for the
Montana Climate Assessment
as extreme progressive variable climate change is very real for the past 4.6 billion years
for more than a dozen reasons known today ignored by Climate Religion
as this warming period with Little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages
began about 14,000 years ago
at the end of the last Ice Age of the past 20 Ice ages of the past 2 million years
caused by the Variable Sun with many cycles
as Climate Religion is based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
to predict the un-known Climate Future with computer Ouija Board climate prediction
as the other ignored One Half of the same Climate variable is
frozen CO2 = Dry Ice
crashing back to the Poles of this Carbon based Earth
as in Real Physics
All Heated Gases still rise with the void filled by Frozen Gases at the Poles
that more than off-set Heat rising and leaving the lower atmosphere
Heated by the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth and the Variable Sun
off-setting warming by the Variable Sun
while in Real Physics
something the size of a sewing thread
can not trap heat in something the size of a football field
as Climate History has debunk Climate Religion
and as we know today based on NASA Data
the NASA Climate Predictions of the past 20 years are self debunk
as Climate Warming is at a stand still for the past 20 years
and Pause or Not in Billions of years of climate variable and Climate History
it is more than proven it is not caused by Humans
as CO2 levels continue to increase caused by evaporation
the by product warming caused by the variable Sun with many cycles
as the sea level is declining not rising
as the rate of Evaporation by the variable Sun has exceeded the rate the Ice is Melting
making this Carbon based Earth Wetter and Greener
with longer growing seasons
and if Ice did not melt the Sea level would decline about 60 feet every 10 years
as we are told by Political Media Climate Religion who do not follow the Real Science
as they Preach to us the predictions are happening
when they are in Fact Failed Predictions
and are meaningless in the Infinity of Climate Variable by a dozen plus variables
ignored by Climate Religion and state are Irrelevant in ~ their ~ Climate Science
while Climate Assessments are Climate Predictions
based on proven to be flawed incomplete science
based on proven to be Bogus Weather Measurements from Weathers Stations
placed on Tared Roof Tops next to Heating and Air-conditioning outlets
with this Bogus Science used to predict the un-known future
~ known as Ouija Board Science ~
as Climate Prediction can only sell Fear and Paranoia of the un-known future
while Predictions based on proven to be
Flawed Incomplete Bogus Science will never come true
science is: to know
and prediction of the un-known future is not knowledge = science
Prediction is Make Believe selling Fear and Paranoia of the un-known
while there is zero Scientific Reality in Ouija Board Computer Prediction
based on proven to be Garbage Science
so when I want to Predict the un-known Future based on flawed incomplete bogus science
I just flip a Coin
and then I do not have to waist my time programming a computer
to tell me what I program the computer to tell me based on debunk un-proven theory
based on flawed incomplete bogus Garbage science
as we live with Ouija Board Predictions by those who reject fact tested knowledge
for Make Believe to predict the un-known future
to sell their Fear and Paranoia of the un-known future
with their proven to be backwards science doing only test proven Harm
to the Carbon cycle = Nature = Environment costing trillions of dollars to do only harm
as test proven Ignorance Dictates science by rejecting the scientific method
for True Belief in proven to be debunk un-proven theory
by Scientists who can not admit they are proven wrong
or do not comprehend the science they refuse to know or Publicly Debate
as they can not prove with Peer-reviewed science
their debunk un-proven theory is not debunk un-proven theory
and they can not reverse self-debunk Ouija Board Prediction
based on zero scientific method
and I would take any Prediction of the un-known Future with a very Large Grain of Salt
and not allow yourself to live in Fear and Paranoia of the un-known Future
based on test proven Garbage Science
being Preached as Settled Science by Climate Religion
when settled science does not exist in real science
while Extreme Weather with Drought and Wildfires
have been around on this Carbon based Earth long before Carbon based Humans
while it has taken 130 years to be as warm as it was 130 years ago
back when a luxury for most People was a Roof over your head and a Wood Stove
back when CO2 levels were much lower
as we have had Ice ages with much higher CO2 levels than in the air today
while Montana had California Climate 1000 years ago for 200 years
You can inform me of what did happen
but you can not inform me of what is going to happen
based on proven to be very Flawed Incomplete Bogus Garbage Science
as most predictions never ever come true
and if predictions did come true we would not exist today
we would all be long gone many predictions ago
while we could all be long gone at any moment from a
Supper Volcano or Asteroid or Nuclear War
and as we know from our DNA Funnel
there were as few as 15 Breeding Women left on this Carbon based Earth
after a the last Supper Volcano 74,000 years ago while
Mini Ice Ages and Little Ice Ages have killed a lot of People on this Carbon based Earth
as Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years
as Climate Paranoia and Garbage Science continue to dictate how we live our lives
based on zero Question ~ Test ~ Debate
by those who reject knowledge for their True Belief in debunk un-proven theory
in a brand new science where we do not know far more than we do know
while you can choose be Paranoid about 4.6 billion years of Climate Change
but you can not stop
the next 4.6 billion years of Climate Change
as the Variable sun with many cycles continues to be warmer and breighter
until one day the Variable Sun Vaporizes this carbon based Earth
and then the Universe will never know we existed
and when you have an opinion in science you do not comprehend
all you can do is Harm
as those with zero back ground in science Dictate science
based only on their Personal Feelings of True Belief while rejecting tested knowledge
and as a Cub Scout and Boy Scout there is one thing I am sure of in Life and Nature
be Prepared for anything and everything
while one half of one climate variable of a dozen known variables
does not and can not define all of Climate Science
as the Media continues to just ignore test proven fact
and the majority of the scientific community
for the sake of their Political Agenda based on Garbage Science
that is doing test proven Harm to the Carbon cycle = Nature = Environment
as Nature has debunk Climate Religion
as un-Questioned un-Debated Garbage Science dictates Science
as the Media only allows one side of the story to be told and known
as they ignore and reject the scientific method
as the Green Lunatics on this Carbon based Earth
who have Publicly Failed Grade School Science
have us reducing the cause of Green
reducing O2 = oxygen levels in the Air
and turning underground water into an Acid
costing trillions to the poorest of the poor
to do only Harm to the cause of all Carbon based Life
the Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen Cylce
Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw