The United Nations
is a Political Body not a Science Body
and can Provide zero Scientific Reference to prove Humans cause Climate Warming
as the U.N. states to the world that it is
” likely “
We Carbon based Humans cause Climate Change
~ Preaching ~
True Belief in self-debunk Prediction based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
as they just Ignore a dozen known climate variables
and millions of years of climate history
further debunking their self-debunk computer Ouija Board Predictions
all further proving their climate study is very flawed and very incomplete
and does not prove Humans cause Climate Warming
When your Science can not be
~ Publicly ~
Questioned ~ Tested ~ Rebutted ~ Debated
it is not Real Science
….should Science be Publicly Questioned and Debated based on the Scientific Method
~ or ~
should Science be Dictated to the Public by a Political Agenda
that has Publicly proven they failed grade school science
by rejecting the Scientific Method
while doing real test proven Harm to the Carbon cycle of this Carbon based Earth
costing Trillions of dollars to do only Harm
because they do not comprehend the real science
~ kinda like Bloodletting many Moons ago ~
when over 9,000 PhD’s disagree with your Hearsay Political Media True Belief
~ and you do not know why they disagree with you ~
this proves you are a very Big Dummy in Real Science
as Political Media Morons with zero back ground in the Science
who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who refuse to Publicly Debate the Science
while they Dictate Science to the Scientific Community
as they reject proven fact tested knowledge and the scientific method
for their Political Agenda doing only Harm
proving only their Political Fascism in Science