~ and ~
Who Politically Brainwashed Clifton C. Youmans PhD
if you do not ~ just believe ~ what Clifton just believes
then their must be something very wrong with you
while this sounds just like a Religion and not real science to me
as Clifton articulated his true belief with zero fact
as Clifton Preaches un-proven theory as test proven fact
and that is Pathological not Factual
as Clifton rejects tested knowledge for his Political True Belief
proving it is the True Believers and not the Skeptics who need a good Shrink
because real science is skepticism of True Belief dictating Make Believe as real science
~ as ~
hypothetical conjecture = un-proven theory is:
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
Man Made
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
as the Climate Study is based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
while ignoring a dozen plus known climate variables
and millions of years of known climate history
knowledge that has debunk the Hypothetical = un-proven theory
as Climate Religion continues to Preach to the Public the Science is Settled
based on un=proven theory
proving they failed grade school science
Settled Science does not exist in the Scientific Method
and True Belief in ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
that Human Activity is only reasonable for 3% or less of in the air
proves nothing in real science
as debunk Hypothetical = un-proven theory
does not prove Humans cause climate warming
with the cause of all the Green and all of Nature and all Carbon based Life
on this
Carbon based Earth
Climate Religion Preaches to us
the the cause of the Carbon cycle
causing all of the Green
causing all the oxygen we breathe and all the food we eat
and all Carbon based Life
is: Toxic Pollution
further proving they failed grade school science
as Pathological Frauds dictate science they refuse to publicly Debate
further proving it is not real science
as there is zero scientific consensus in debunk Hypothetical = un-proven theory
there is only a True Belief consensus based on Garbage Science
used to predict the un-known future with a computer Ouija Board prediction
as most predictions never come true
not even when using all the available knowledge
as one half of one climate variable causing all climate change is a Political true belief
and not Fact Tested Reality
and ignoring knowledge for a true belief that is doing test proven harm and zero good
while test proven fraud is being committed by
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
To: Clifton C. Youmans Ph.D
Helena ~ Montana
I read your Opinion in the Helena IR today
and that was a very good Political Media Sermon to the non believers of your
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
and if I do not just believe what you just believe
I must be flawed or sick or mentally unstable
NASA Data has debunk NASA Prediction and your Public Statements
as Manhattan was predicted 20 years ago to now be deep underwater
while in real science the Oceans have declined for the past 7 years
as Humans have been moving to higher ground for the past 26,000 years
about 350 feet
NASA Data the Helena Independent Record refuses to acknowledge
I Challenge you to an Open Public Debate in Real Climate Science
with a $100,000.00
for the scientific references
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
because you believe there must something wrong with those who do not believe
in your scientifically proven Paranoid Political Religion
as your words of true belief prove nothing in real science
while you are proven to be Lying to the Public
on the Opinion Page of the Helena Independent Record
and for the sake of their Political Agenda
the IR will not allow my rebuttal to your proven Lies in their news paper
with real scientific reference in hand
as they only allow one side of the story to be told to the public
as they have decided for the public what is real and what is not
with zero public Question zero public Rebuttal and zero public Debate
as they preach only the side of the story they believe in
and can not support or prove with real scientific reference when requested
as the Independent Record are the biggest proven frauds in science in Helena Montana
as you and the IR are Preachers for Climate Religion
Preaching Political Media Paranoia
based on your true belief in self-debunk computer Ouija Board perdition
while Climate Change is very real for billions of years
and you can not prove with real science it is caused by
Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth
Man Made
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
as your Climate Religion is doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle
the cause of all Nature and all Carbon based Life
costing Trillions of Dollars to do only Harm to the cause of all the Green
while lowering Oxygen levels in the air and turning underground water into an Acid
as you ignore these test proven facts for your Political Media True Belief
Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw
Helena ~ Montana
~ Clifton will not be debating his Climate Religion ~
as Climate Religion does not Publicly debate real science
because it goes against their true belief proving it is a Religion
based on test proven self-debunk prediction
as Clifton will continue to Preach his test proven Political Religion
and once again prove it is a Religion based on zero fact
as there is zero fact tested reality in Political Media Hearsay True Belief
they refuse to publicly Debate proving it is not real science of the scientific method
~ I believe in ~
Truth in All of Life for a Better Life for All
as I agree with George Harrison
” here comes the Sun “
~ as ~
Climate Religion rejects tested knowledge for their Paranoid True Belief
in test proven to be self-debunk prediction based on flawed un-proven theory
based on a very proven to be very flawed very incomplete Climate Study
as there is more test proven knowledge missing from the climate study
than in the so called climate study
as it ignores fact for Political Agenda
1,000 years ago
Montana had California Climate for 200 years
while we have lived through 20 Ice Ages and 20 Global Warming periods
over the past 2 million years
with many Little Ice Ages and Mini Ice Ages during the Global Warming periods
while Humans continue to move to higher ground
as the Oceans have risen over 350 feet over the past 26,000 years
as the Sea level has been rising and falling for billions of years
as it has taken 130 years to be as warm as it was 130 years ago
back when a luxury was a Roof over your Head and a Wood Stove
before Power Plants and Automobiles
as we now live with proven to be Bogus weather measurements
from new weather stations
place on tared roof tops next to heating and air-conditioning outlets
by proven to be Bogus Government Scientists
as the Variable SUN with many cycles continues to be warmer and brighter
until one day the Variable SUN vaporizes this Carbon based Earth
this Carbon based Earth causing a Carbon cycle
for the past 600 million years above Sea level
caused by Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
from the Hot Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth
causing all Carbon based Life and Energy
Carbon based Earth
with 4.6 billion years of very extreme progressive variable Climate Change
caused by a dozen plus Climate Variables known today
ignored by
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
Climate Religion based on ~ their ~ True Belief
in self-debunk Computer Ouija Board Prediction of the un-known future
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
that Carbon based Humans of this Carbon based Earth
are responsible for less than 3% of ~
and is 00.004 % of the Air
N2 = nitrogen from decomposing soil is 78.09% of the air
O2 = oxygen made from CO2 by the carbon cycle is 21.95 % of the air
as all gases absorb and radiate heat and energy while expanding and rising
causing a void in the lower atmosphere
filled by -200* air crashing toward the the poles of this Carbon based Earth
frozen air containing frozen CO2 = Dry Ice
more than off-setting hot CO2 leaving the lower atmosphere
as CO2 can not trap heat as all heat still rises
as Climate Change is very Real
~ but ~
not caused by You and Me
while something the size of a sewing thread = Human caused CO2
can not trap heat in something the size of a football field = the Atmosphere
in real Physics
all heat still rises as cold air ~ still ~ take its place
off-setting warming by the variable SUN
~ but ~
you can not stop a Political Media Religion with
proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method
as Religion ignores tested knowledge for the sake of their True Belief
in test proven self-debunk prediction
Climate Religion believes I am Mentally Ill
because I am a Skeptic of True Belief Dictating Science
True Belief
based on self-debunk prediction
True Belief
based on zero scientific method and zero scientific reference
~ as ~
science ~ is ~ to know
~ while ~
~ is ~
the doctrine that the truth in all of knowledge must always be in Question
~ as ~
the scientific method
~ is ~
the continuous Question ~ Test ~ Rebuttal ~ Debate
of all knowledge old and new to find the Truth in all of knowledge
while finding new knowledge that will support or debunk the old knowledge
learning and growing forward in science
by admitting we are wrong when we are wrong
In Real Science we do not Preach it
~ we Prove it ~
and then let the real science speak for itself
but if you do not follow or comprehend the real science
then you do not ~ know ~
and have earned ~ zero ~ right to scientific opinion
as your Opinion is based only on Political Media Hearsay True Belief
as you just believe what you are told to just believe with out Question
and nothing more
Hearsay by those who have Publicly Failed Grade School Science
who reject all real scientific reference they do not comprehend
and then can provide zero scientific reference when requested
to support their proven to be Bogus Public Statements
based on their Political Agenda rejecting test proven fact
Political Science Fiction
requires Political Media Preaching and Brainwashing to succeed in False Reality
as religions truly believe they are always right
even when test proven to be wrong by the scientific method
as they always ignore tested knowledge for their True Belief
and when you Preach it and you can not Debate it or Prove it with scientific reference
its not science
and un-proven theory debunk or not is still un-proven theory
regardless of the political Media Brainwashing with only words of true belief
by Political Media Fools
who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
because just believing it is real is not reality
because there is zero belief or faith in real science
as there is only True Belief and Faith in Religion