Climate Change is not a Hoax
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion is a test proven Hoax
~ CBS News ~
and ~ their ~ one side of the story is a Hoax
as real science is
Question ~ Tested ~ Rebutted ~ Debated
and not Preached and Dictated by political media agenda
~ why ~
is CBS News Hiding the other side of the story from the Public
why is CBS News afraid to Publicly debate the other side of the story
why does CBS News refuse to tell the public the other side of the story
so the Public can decide for them self what is real and what is not in tested reality
as CBS News has decided for the Public what is real and what is not in science
science they do not comprehend
Big Dummy’s in Science dictate Science
while very extreme progressive variable Climate Change is very Real for billions of years
and CBS News are not just Big Dummy’s in science
they are Test Proven Frauds in Climate Science
who can not articulate or debate the real science of the scientific method
who Preach only one side of many sides of the Story
and can provide zero Real Peer-reviewed scientific reference proving Humans cause Climate Warming proving they are not just Fake News they have very clearly proven to the science community they ignore they are test proven Fraudulent News for the sake of their Political Agenda that is doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle the cause of all the Green on this carbon based Earth costing trillions of dollars to do only harm to the cause of all the green by their Political Minds rejecting the scientific method and all test proven
real science they do not comprehend beyond Political Media True Belief proving they are Politically Motivated Pathological Frauds in science proven by their complete and total rejection of the scientific method and complete and total rejection of very proven fact tested knowledge scientifically test proving they are Political Media Frauds in Science
Rejecting Real Science for ~ their ~ True Belief
based on
very flawed incomplete science
and very self-debunk computer Ouija Board climate prediction
and very Bogus Fraudulent weather measurements by Government Scientists
outdated incomplete debunk science papers
being used by many as scientific fact proving only Fraud
as CBS News refuses to allow public debate on the subject mater
intentionally misleading and lying to the Public with their test proven to be Bogus
Political Science Fiction
doing real test proven harm to real nature
~ while knowing ~
Based on known Physics today
Severe Weather and Climate Change would have been far more extreme
before Carbon based Life above Sea level 600 million years ago
as we are living in one of the gentlest weather and climate periods
in the History of this carbon based Earth
as climate history has debunk Humans cause climate warming
now add a dozen known climate variables ignored by the flawed incomplete climate study
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable the bases for the now self-debunk
computer Ouija Board prediction the un-known climate future of this carbon based Earth
as Human activity is responsible for only 3% or less of the
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide in the Atmosphere today
while there have been Ice Ages with many times the CO2 level than in the Air than today
further debunking the un-proven theory Humans cause climate warming
~ knowing ~
one very small fragment of all climate knowledge does not define all climate science
or prove
Carbon based Humans cause climate warming of this Carbon based Earth
with the cause of the carbon cycle and all carbon based life
that Plants and Trees want 4 times more of in the air to Breathe to be healthy and strong
to be the carbon based food we eat while making all the oxygen we breathe today
as the cause of all the Green causing all carbon based life on this Carbon based Earth
is Politically Preached to be Pollution by The Big Dummy’s in Science
who have earned zero right to scientific opinion who refuse to debate the real science
of the scientific method
Refusing to Learn and Know and Grow Forward
because of your personal feelings of True Belief
is Religion not Science
~ knowing ~
Political Media Paranoia
based on
computer Ouija Board Prediction of the un-known future
based on proven to be
a Very Flawed Incomplete Climate Study
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
of a dozen known climate variables and millions of years of climate history
that debunk the hypothetical conjecture = un-proven theory
that Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming
of this Carbon based Earth
is scientifically test proven
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
doing test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle and all of Nature
costing Trillions of Dollars to do only harm and zero good
and is not
proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method
~ knowing ~
the variable Sun with many cycles continues to be warmer and brighter
~ knowing ~
increased levels of evaporated and water vapor and CO2 is the by-product of warming
~ knowing ~
this scientifically test proven fact
is very ignored by Climate Religion as they continue to just ignore
a dozen known climate variables and millions or years of climate history
missing from their flawed incomplete climate study
used to predict the un-known climate future with their computer Ouija Boards
~ knowing ~
science is to know based on skepticism
~ knowing ~
if you are not a skeptic you are not a real scientist of the scientific method
~ knowing ~
when un-proven theory is Politically Preached today as test proven Settled Science
when settled science does not exist
in Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method
~ knowing ~
this Political Statement is scientifically ~ test proven ~ to be
Political Media Pathological Fraud in Real Science
because they do not ~ know ~ they just Believe what they are told to just believe
and want to Truly Believe based on zero scientific method
with out Question or Debate
while rejecting all fact tested knowledge for personal feelings of True Belief
in self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction
~ knowing ~
true belief in self-debunk prediction Preached as test proven fact is
Lunatic Religion
~ * ~
Do you Truly Believe Humans cause Climate Change with out Question ?
~ because ~
True Belief is Religion not Science of the scientific method
~ * ~
~ skepticism ~
the doctrine that the truth in all of knowledge must always be in Question
science is: to know
by scientific method = skepticism
Real Science is Questioned ~ Tested ~ Rebutted ~ Debated
and not True Belief in words of true belief by Political Media Agenda Hearsay
Skeptics do not just Believe in un-proven theory as test proven fact
Skeptics Know
Question ~ Test ~ Rebuttal ~ Debate
then knowing
what is tested to be real and what is tested to not be real
in fact tested reality
I am a skeptic
for some very strange unknown reason
I need far more than just
Political Media
~ True Belief ~
computer Ouija Board prediction of the un-known future based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable as Scientific proof Carbon based Humans cause all Climate Change of this Carbon based Earth
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
causing of the first atmosphere with water vapor
the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen
all the Plants and Trees
all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
that Climate Religion Publicly states is: Pollution
based on zero scientific reference
while ignoring a dozen known climate variables and million of years of climate history
all further debunking their true belief in
un-proven theory
computer Ouija Board climate prediction of the un-known future
as true believers do not follow the science and do not ~ know ~
there are a dozen known climate variables
or know the predictions
based on one half of one climate variable are self-debunk
as they continue to truly believe the predictions are happening
as the Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
continues to Preach to the world their debunk true belief is fact tested reality
proving they are Pathological Frauds in science
they do not
~ know ~
they just believe what they are told to just believe by the Political Media
who refuse to allow any Public Question ~ Test ~ Rebuttal or Debate
as they continue to reject the scientific method and all test proven fact
debunking their Paranoid True Belief in self-debunk prediction
while doing very test proven harm to the environment
costing trillions of dollars
to do only harm to cause all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
as they continue to Preach the cause of all the Green is: pollution
by those who refuse to ~ know ~
who reject tested knowledge for their personal feelings of True Belief
skepticism defines science
as skepticism is good for science and only bad for
Political Media Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion
who refuse to debate the real science
who can provide zero scientific reference to support their True Belief
as true believers believe skeptics are sick and mentally ill
because they do not just truly believe as they truly believe with out
Question or Debate or real scientific reference
as the religion of science is skepticism of true belief dictating science
and wisdom is the ability to use knowledge constructively while doing no harm
while personal feelings of True Belief do not allow you to admit you are wrong
and then learn and know and grow forward in real science = knowledge
My continued repetitive attack on test proven stupidity
Politically Brainwashed to us as Real Science
with zero scientific reference
and zero scientific method
rejecting all Public Question and Debate
as political media Fascism dictates science today
Climate Change is very real for the past 4 billion plus years
caused by a dozen plus climate variables known today
providing an ~ Infinity ~ of Climate Variable
and the very small fragment of Human effect on Climate is Cooling not Warming
while we do contribute the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
and much more so
if we stop pumping Man Made CO2 into the Ground
as this is in fact doing real test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle
the cause of all Nature and all carbon based Life
while climate history all alone has debunk the un-proven theory
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this Carbon based Earth
with Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
the cause of the carbon cycle and all carbon based life on this carbon based Earth
Human activity is responsible for 3% of the CO2 in the air = 00.004 % of the air
and is to blame for all climate change
~ Question ~
How does something the size of a sewing thread = Man made CO2
Trap heat in something the size of a football field = the atmosphere
~ ? ~
you are welcome to send me your answers
while knowing in real physics
Heat ~ still ~ Rises
with the void caused by ~ all ~ heat still rising filled by Frozen air
while knowing most of the air is -200* below zero
and when you can comprehend there is more than just ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
to cause all climate change
that will be your very important first step toward
~ knowing ~
Fact Tested Reality in Real Science
I hate to Write
I only do it because it feels so good when I stop
while I do not try to write poetically
it just comes out that way with zero effort
maybe because I am ~ lysdexic ~
and maybe that is why I hate to write
who knows ?
so if you hate unintentional accidental Poetry then please do not read this
~ as repetitiveness is the key to deprogramming ~
Words prove nothing in real science
and when fact checkers are political frauds too
~ like Snopes.com ~
then what do we do ?
as some so called fact checkers are the true cowards of tested reality
as they have zero peer-reviewed science
~ real scientific reference ~
to support their public statements
so its just
Hearsay ~ vs ~ Hearsay
by so called fact checkers who do not ~ know ~ what is real and what is not
who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
as they state the Real Scientists are Cheery Picking Data
as the so called Political Media Fact Checkers
are ignoring a dozen known climate variables and millions of years of climate history
proving they are Pathological Frauds in real science they do not comprehend
~ while I do know ~
un-proven theory based on flawed incomplete science
does not Prove Humans cause Climate Warming
and anyone Publicly Preaching Humans cause Climate Warming
and Preaching the Science is Settled
is a test proven Nut Case and Pathological Fraud in real science
probably Brainwashed by a Political Media website that can provide zero scientific reference to support their Bogus public statements as I continue to request with a reward from theses very bogus Political Media websites for their scientific references to support their public statements and they can not provide scientific reference to support their test Proven Political Media Lies based only on their True Belief in
Garbage Hearsay Political Science Fiction
and then they wonder why so many people are skeptics when real science and the scientific method is based on skepticism because if you are not a skeptic you are not a real scientist
~ as ~
Political Media Lunatics continue to preach to us
the rate of warming is speeding up and the sea level is rising
when in very proven fact tested knowledge in real science of the scientific method
warming is at a stand still for the past 20 years
the seal level has been declining for the past 7 years
as Manhattan is not now underwater as predicted by Jim Hansen and NASA
20 years ago
as all the predictions are very self-debunk
scientifically proving we have a Lunatic Paranoid Political Media Climate Religion
Preaching Selling Brainwashing Dictating to us their Paranoid Political Agenda Snake Oil
based on self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
of a dozen known climate variables they just ignore
while they refuse to publicly debate their Garbage Science
further proving we are living with a
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
rejecting the scientific method
rejecting test proven fact
with zero Public Question ~ Rebuttal or Debate
by those who are in fact
Politically Dictating Science through the Media
I am not a clone to a Political Party
as all Political Party’s are a Cancer to this Republic they call a Democracy
I am a scientist of the scientific method
and there is nothing beyond hypothetical conjecture = un-proven theory
to prove we carbon based humans cause climate warming of this carbon based earth
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
the cause of the first atmosphere with water vapor causing the Carbon cycle
caused by the hot liquid core of this Carbon based Earth
~ and ~
I will never ever vote a for Lunatic Preaching their Paranoid Climate Religion
as their Lunatic Political Religion is doing real test proven harm to the Carbon cycle
the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
as we are pumping man made CO2 in to the ground as this lowers oxygen levels in the air
not allowing the O2 part of CO2 that came from the air we breathe
that allows the fuel to burn = vaporize
causing the O2 = oxygen to bond to the carbon part of the fuel
as the vaporized hydrogen goes into the atmosphere
looking for O = oxygen to bond with making water vapor
as we are not allowing the O2 = oxygen from the air
to be recycled back in to the air where it came with the carbon cycle
while pumping CO2 into the ground can and will and does
turn under ground water into an Acid
as we are spending trillions of dollars
to reduce the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
~ so we are reducing the cause of all the Green ~
while lowering oxygen levels in the air
and turning underground water into an Acid
costing trillions of dollars to do only harm
proving Lunatic Science by Lunatics in Science
~ there is zero Logic or Common Sense in Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion ~
This is my continued Attack on the very test proven Big Dummy’s in Science
as Real Science is Test Proven
and not
Political Hearsay Make Believe doing Test Proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle
as we live in a world where those who have publicly failed grade school science
by rejecting the scientific method for political agenda
now dictate science to the Public
who can provide zero scientific reference for their so called science
based on 100% Political Media Hearsay True Belief and nothing more
as Politicians and Journalist who have earned zero right to scientific opinion
do in fact dictate science to the scientific community
while the so called scientific consensus is a very proven Political Media Lie
by the proven Pathological Fraud John Kerry
as there is zero scientific consensus in debunk un-proven theory
as John Kerry preaches to us Plants and Trees can not absorb any more CO2
when in fact in tested knowledge plants and Trees want 4 times more CO2
proving John Kerry is Preaching Lunatic Science
I can prove scientifically since 2007 Al Gore is a test proven Fraud
Al Gore is very Pathological not Factual
as he preaches his predictions as test proven fact
as the opposite of self-debunk predictions come true
Al Gore a few years ago was publicly stating
“do not confuse Weather with Climate”
as that is two different things
and now today Al Gore states the Opposite is now True
as Al Gore’s definitions are Changing much faster than the climate
from global Warming to climate change to climate disruption to ~
as I do not remember off the top of my head what Al now calls his belief today
but he had to change from Global Warming to something else
because NASA Data shows us global warming stopped 20 years ago
as we are in a climate pause for the past 20 years as CO2 levels continue to increase
because evaporated CO2 and water vapor are the by product of increased warming
by the variable Sun
off-setting warming by the variable Sun while making this Carbon based Earth Greener
as Al Gore preaches the Science is Settled
when settled science does not exist in the scientific method
because there is always something new to learn and know everyday
especially in a brand new science
especially if your band new science just ignores
a dozen climate variables and millions of years of climate history
that further debunk Al’s un-proven theory self-debunk prediction
that Al states is settled science
with proven to be Fraudulent Garbage scientific references
as his scientific proof
while today there are zero scientific references on Al Gores
~ Climate Science 101 webpage ~
where Al states the science is settled
while the only thing Bill Nye
Al Gore’s puppet scientist sees are dollar signs
while preaching Al Gore’s proven to be Fraudulent ~ settled ~ Garbage Science
as they refuse to publicly debate their Garbage science
further proving it is Garbage Science for Profit
in Al Gore’s proven to be fraudulent world wide Carbon Credit Scheme
while Al Gore’s website continues send me emails begging for money
so he can continue to save this carbon based Earth
from the cause of all carbon based Life
Al Gore publicly states is toxic pollution
just as he states water vapor coming from smoke stakes is toxic pollution
as water vapor and CO2 together cause to carbon cycle
the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
as Al gore states Carbon is Pollution too
as Al Gore is 20% carbon made from CO2
breathing oxygen made from CO2
eating carbon based food made from CO2
as Al and Bill and Co.
become more very wealthy souls based on zero Truth and test proven lies everyday
as their Paranoid climate religion is doing very test proven harm to real nature
as they preach they are for Green when causing only harm to the cause of all the Green
as this more than proves Political Lunatics in science dictate science
with zero Public Question ~ Test ~ Rebuttal or Debate allowed by the Politicians and Journalist who just believe what they are told to just believe and can prove nothing more with real science when requested with a $100,000.00 reward
Montana State Senators
Dick Barrett & Mike Phillips
who will not read this and just delete this
when I email this to them
proving they are not real scientists
and they will just continue to Preach their Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion
Climate Science ~ vs ~ Climate Religion
I have 40 plus years of Atmospheric Emission Science
with an ongoing climate science investigation since 2007
with an ongoing science debate with Joe Berry Stanford University
as we have been sharing
~ Knowledge ~
since January 1, 2011
while I have over 40,000 requests with a Reward
for the scientific references proving carbon based humans
climate warming
while knowing there are no scientific references
knowing there is nothing beyond un-proven theory
and self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction
based a very flawed incomplete climate study
based on one half of one climate variable
the climate study ignoring a dozen climate variables and climate history
that only further debunk the un=proven theory
while knowing not one University in the U.S.A.
can provide real scientific reference to prove differently
while knowing the science can not be settled
because settled science does not exist in real science
so called settled science
that ignores real science for Personal Feelings True Belief in Political Agenda
~ and so ~
Dick and Mike
prove you are smarter than the over 9,000 PhD’s who disagree with you
while proving you are not Political Pathological Frauds in science
~ as ~
I challenge you Dick and Mike to an open Public Debate in Real Climate Science
with a
~ Reward ~
for the scientific references
Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
~ knowing ~
evaporated Water Vapor and CO2 by the variable Sun
causing the first atmosphere causing the carbon cycle with oxygen and hydrogen
causing all carbon based Life and energy
on this Carbon based Earth
~ causes atmospheric cooling too ~
because what goes up hot
as all heat ~ still ~ rises in real physics
very cold air comes crashing back downward
at -200* below zero towards the poles of this carbon based Earth
warming up to about -110* below zero on the way down
caused by cooling the air on the way down
as the increased levels of frozen CO2 = Dry Ice
cools the air 10 times faster and 20 times longer
than the increased levels of frozen water vapor
now add a dozen other climate variables missing from your Paranoid Climate Religion
and millions of years of climate history
all further debunking your ~ still ~ un-proven theory
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable of a dozen climate variables
proving your un-proven theory is based on very flawed incomplete science
and does not prove Humans cause climate warming
as you Dick and Mike will continue to preach your Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion
because it is a Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion
based on zero test proven fact
and you will continue to ignore real test proven science
further proving you are selling Snake Oil not real science
and of course you will refuse to debate your Snake Oil Science
because Lunatic Paranoid Political Religions do not debate real science
for the sake of their True Belief in debunk un-proven theory
and true belief in self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction
based on flawed incomplete so called science
further proving it is not real science
the only thing Sen. Mike Phillips has proven to me in real science
his test proven Stupidity
as over 9,000 PhD’s that I know of and I agree
~ debunk un-proven theory does not prove Humans cause climate warming ~
while a few years ago
the Supreme Court of the State of Montana
rejected the Political Lunatic so called science as test proven fact
that is being preached today by Mike
as Mike just ignores the court decision while rejecting the scientific method
for his Hearsay Political Science Fiction Agenda
based on debunk un-proven theory
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
of more than a dozen climate variables Mike just ignores for his True Belief
The first time I requested from Mike Phillips his Scientific References with a Reward
proving Humans cause climate warming
was in 2007
and he could prove nothing
as Mike continues to Preach his Political Paranoid Climate Religion for the past 10 years
and still can not prove his Hearsay Political Religion
is not just a Lunatic Paranoid Climate Religion
with real science he of course would not comprehend
as Dick and Mike
can provide zero scientific reference to support their test proven Lies
who have more than proven they are true Morons and Idiots in real science
who can not Articulate or Debate or Prove their True Belief is Fact Tested Reality
who are self-Brainwashed as they reject test proven fact
for the personal feelings of True Belief in very Debunk un-proven theory
by tested science they do not follow or comprehend
while the News Papers will allow zero rebuttal to their test proven lies
being Preached to the Public in the News Papers
proving Political Media Fascism in science by a Lunatic Political Agenda
that is doing real test proven Harm to real Nature because they do not
~ know ~
as they just believe in their hearsay make believe
as they reject and ignore tested knowledge for their Lunatic True Belief
as they are not just Political Lunatics in Science
who can prove nothing with real science
they are test proven Pathological Frauds
doing harm to the carbon cycle they do not comprehend and refuse to debate
proving it is a
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
based on a debunk Hypothetical = un-proven theory
as Mike has had 10 years to prove to me
with a Reward
his Political Religion is not just a Political Religion
as Mike does not follow the real science as I do everyday
and so Mike does not know the Computer Ouija Board Climate Prediction
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable of a dozen known climate variables
is self-debunk
Mike does not know
Climate Warming has been at a stand still for 20 years now
or the Sea level has been falling for the past 7 years not rising
as Mike is not aware of the very test proven Fraud by Climate Religion
that he truly supports because the proven fraud supports his True Belief
Fraud very proven from my ongoing Climate Science investigation since 2007
while Mike is not a Real Scientists as he is a Biologist who wants to stop the cause of Green
who has obviously done zero investigation of the real science
who has Publicly failed grade school science
by rejecting the scientific method
as he has earned ~ zero ~ right to scientific opinion in climate science
who just believes what the Political Media Preaches to him to just believe
Mike is a Preacher for
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
a Biologist doing test proven Harm to the carbon cycle
for the sake of his political Agenda religion
proving he is a proven Pathological Fraud in real science of the scientific method
who ignores test proven knowledge for his Make Believe True Belief
in debunk science
as Mike can not prove otherwise
as test proven Political Lunatics and Fools Dictate Science
based on zero scientific method