Preaching un-proven theory is settled science is Lunatic Religion
Al Gore Preaches one thing Snopes.com Preaches another
so who is lying
the ~ Fact Checkers ~ or Al Gore ?
as the Fact Checkers who are defending Al Gore and his True Belief
but did not know Al Gore changed his True Belief
because for years Al Gore stated ~
“do not confuse Climate with Weather”
and now today Al Gore is now Preaching the opposite is true
as both are test proven Lairs in Climate Science
and have earned zero right to scientific opinion
~ who claim to be fact checkers of the Truth ~
are a scientifically proven Insult to Real Science and the Scientific Community
who are in ~ fact ~ test proven Lairs in Science
who can prove nothing beyond Hearsay Political Media True Belief
and History will know this ~ Fact ~
as the Scientific Community knows this test proven ~ Fact ~ today
as Snpoes is stating skeptics are Cheery Picking Science
and this is a very proven lie
as Real Cheery Picking
true belief in one half of one climate variable to define all climate science
ignoring a dozen climate variables and millions of years of climate history
that debunk the un-proven theory Humans cause Climate Warming
while Believing and Preaching the un-proven theory is settled science
when settled science does not exist in real science
science is: to know
The Scientific Method ~ is ~ Skepticism
~ skepticism ~
the doctrine that the truth in all of knowledge must always be in Question
the scientific method is: to Question
and when you reject skepticism to Question knowledge to find the true in knowledge
you reject the test proven truth in all of knowledge
Ignoring Test Proven Fact for Preached Political Media True Belief is Political Religion
not science of the scientific method
and only Pathological Frauds in science believe skepticism in science
is a mental illness or disorder or personal flaw
as real science of the scientific method is defined by skepticism
and if you are not a skeptic then you are not a real scientist
while publicly stating the science is settled only Proves scientifically you failed grade school science as there is something new to learn and know everyday especially in a brand new science where we do not know far more than we do know
Rejecting new knowledge for the sake of political true belief
that is doing test proven Harm to the Carbon cycle
is Stupidity not Science