You can not have an Intelligent Scientific discussion with a True Believer
who knows nothing in real science and does not want to know
by rejecting scientific fact before reviewing the tested knowledge
~ while ~
There is something required in both Law and Science called Proof
so we can see the Tested Truth in Tested Knowledge
and if you can provide zero proof beyond only your words for your feelings of true belief
~ then ~
it is not Real in Law or Science
then it is only political media make believe
by true believers lost in their political true belief
To: Matthew Neuman
of the Helena Independent Record
Real Science is Questioned ~ Tested ~ Rebutted ~ Debated
and not Political Media Hearsay make believe
so do not just believe what you are told to just believe
from only one side of many sides of the story while ignoring test proven fact
as a real Journalist will investigate all sides of the story
beyond only feelings of true belief
and will ask for the scientific references to support the words beyond only the feelings
True Belief
as you are working for a very ~ scientifically proven ~ politically fraudulent news paper
who allow zero scientific rebuttal to the test proven false statements on their opinion page
by those who failed grade school science who then reject real scientific reference
Andres Haladay
City Commissioner for Helena Montana
I have sent you scientific references debunking your public statements and
I requested your scientific references to support your bogus public statements
and you could provide zero science to support your fraudulent public statements
as you then continued to preach your fraudulent statements to the Public you represent
so I want to thank you for scientifically proving to me you are a Fascist Dictator in Science
as you are a ~ Test Proven ~ Political Pathological Fraud in Science
who rejects scientific reference and the scientific method for your feelings of True Belief
as I Challenge you to an open public debate in real science
so you can prove you are not a Fraud in science to the people of Helena Montana
and if you can not debate or prove your science
then it is not real
as you are a test proven Preacher for Political Media Paranoid Climate Religion
as your Religion is doing test proven harm to Nature costing trillions of dollars
further proving you are a test proven Moron in science dictating science
as you do not represent the will of
We The People
you represent your Moron Political Climate Religion agenda
based on true belief in self-debunk computer Ouija Board Prediction
while one scientist can be right
I gave you the Names of over 9,000 PhD’s of over 30,000 Scientists who agree with me
and disagree with you
while 49 NASA Scientist that I know of disagree with you too
now add the 87% of the National Academy of Science who disagree with you
while a majority of Meteorologist disagree with you
and a Legal Decision by the Montana Supreme Court is in disagreement with you too
as you ignore these facts for your true belief
and then you continue to Preach your political garbage science fiction to the public
only 50% of those who failed grade school science
who have been Politically Brainwashed by your political religion do agree with you as they are only allowed to hear only one side of many sides the story by the Media
so who Brainwashed you Andres Haladay to just believe with zero test proven fact
as you can prove nothing beyond your make believe
as you are committing ~ test proven ~ political media fraud in science
as you ignore tested reality for scientifically debunk political media make believe
and just because you believe
as other political fools who failed grade school science just believe too
does not make it test proven reality in real science you do not comprehend
just as a majority of people once believed Bloodletting was Good for all illness
as you Preach your modern day Bloodletting
as we continue to live with test proven political fools
dictating science to the scientific community as they refuse to debate the real science
and refuse to acknowledge test proven fact
and if you can not debate the real science then your science is not real
just as you are not real
as you are doing test proven harm to Nature the Carbon cycle
the cause of all Green on this carbon based earth where everything has carbon in it
as you are 20% carbon made from CO2
as you eat carbon based food made from CO2
as you exhale CO2 made from the oxygen you breathe made from CO2
as you have publicly proven you have earned zero right to scientific opinion
~ we should be spending trillions to do test proven good and not test proven harm ~
but of course you are a true believer so why would test proven fact matter to you
as you will continue to ignore fact tested reality for your true belief
as you refuse to confront tested reality for your make believe
proving you are a Pathological Fraud in fact tested reality
tested knowledge you do not comprehend and refuse to publicly debate
as you practice Law the same way you practice Science
with zero test proven fact
as Political Morons in Law and Science dictate their political religion by Law
Andres Haladay
$100,000.00 reward for the scientific proof
proving you are not a test proven Fraud in science
Dr. Bruce A. Kershaw
Truth in Science of the Scientific Method
To: the Commissioners of the City of Helena Montana
Dan Ellison
Rob Farris-Olsen
Andres Haladay
Ed Noonan
~ Prove you are not Frauds in Science ~
since 2007 the Helena Independent Record will print every word you have to say in science that you do not comprehend while the IR refuses to print one word I have to say on the subject matter with 40 plus years of back ground in this science with scientific reference
~ as ~
the IR has decided for their readers what is real and what is not while they can provide zero scientific reference to support the words they are preaching to the public
words based only on their feelings of true belief
~ as ~
You the Commissioners of the City of Helena Montana
~ Are Test Proven Morons in Science ~
who have Publicly Failed Grade School Science
who have zero back ground in this science
and have earned zero right to scientific opinion
science you refuse to publicly debate
and can provided zero scientific reference to support your proven political fraudulent lies
as you are Dictating Science to the Public
when real science is Questioned ~ Tested ~ Rebutted and Debated
and not make believe in very test proven to be very flawed incomplete
~ debunk ~
political hearsay garbage science fiction
doing test proven harm to all of nature costing Tax Payers trillions of dollars
to do only harm to the carbon cycle the cause of all the green on this carbon based earth
as you refuse to look at and see real test proven knowledge for the sake of your feelings of
~ true belief ~
in Computer Ouija Board Prediction of the un-known future
that is now self-debunk prediction
based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable while ignoring a dozen climate variables
and climate history all further debunking the now self-debunk prediction
as prediction is not real science of the scientific method
~ Reward ~
for the Scientific References Proving Carbon based Humans cause Climate Warming of this
Carbon based Earth with Man Made Carbon based Oxygen
many times over many years since 2007
as you can prove nothing with real science
as only Fascist Political Morons in Science can dictate science
based on zero real science beyond ~ debunk ~ political media hearsay make believe
as you Helena City Commissioners are test proven Pathological frauds in science
who Preach and Believe the cause of all carbon based Life
the cause of all the Green on this carbon based Earth
with zero color taste or smell is: Toxic Pollution
When you allow only one way of thinking to be known
you are then a proven Fascist not a Scientist of the scientific method