April 22, 2017
Helena ~ Montana
the expected predicted high for today is 61*
the record high was 82* in 1942
the record low was 6* in 2008
….if there was zero Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
causing the first atmosphere with water vapor
there would be zero Carbon Cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen
there would be zero plants and trees
there would be zero oxygen to breathe
there would be zero food to eat
there would be zero carbon based life on this carbon based Earth
this carbon based Earth is moving at 18 miles per-second
in a variable orbit around the the variable Sun with many cycles
causing a continuous cycle of Ice Ages and Global Warming periods
and when the air is moving at 1000 miles per hour at the Equator
in the same direction the Earth is rotating at 1000 mph at the Equator
there is zero wind at the Equator
and if the air did not move with the rotation of the earth
the wind would be 1000 miles per hour at the Equator
as the Earth is rotating at one inch per hour at the north and south Poles
the wind would be at one inch per hour at the poles
if the air did not move with the rotation of this carbon based earth
but there would still be wind
even if the air was always moving at the same speed as the Earth is Rotating
because Heat still rises
causing – 200 * below zero air containing increased levels of Dry Ice
and increased levels of frozen water vapor
to come crashing back downward to the Poles
making wind going upward and downward above this Carbon based Earth
as thousands starve to death everyday
where we have many Children Eating Dirt Cookies today to stay alive
as Nuclear Pollution continues to grow doing real harm while ignored by Climate Religion
as we spend trillions to do real test proven harm to nature
trying to stop the cause of all the Green and all carbon based life
on this carbon based Earth
as we are now lowering oxygen levels in the air and turning underground water into Acid
by pumping Man made CO2 into the ground
when plants and trees want more CO2 to breathe not less
as we do this test proven harm to Nature
all for the sake of true belief in debunk political science fiction
by those who failed grade school science
who just believe what they are told to just believe
by those who’s predictions of the unknown future did not happen
because they ignored all the known variables that debunk the Prediction
long before they made their prediction
causing their prediction to be self-debunk
as we must now live with their Paranoia
based on their continued true belief in their self-debunk prediction
caused by them ignoring fact tested knowledge of the scientific method
knowledge ignored for the sake of political true belief
…some of us can see science
while others must learn science
and then I hope they will then learn to ~ Question and Test and Debate ~ the science
and not just believe what they were told to just believe
as belief is Religion not Science
I am a Scientist
for truth in Science
and I do not belong to any political party
prediction of the un-know future is not science
that is what Ouija Boards are for
and true belief in self-debunk prediction is not science
and is justification for a psychotherapy
Self-debunk Computer Models ~ Ouija Board Science ~ based on un-proven Theory
is not
Proven Fact Tested Knowledge of the Scientific Method
Consensus is Opinion not Fact
while one scientist can be right
is it possible ~ politically motivated Politicians ~ with zero back ground in science
could Lie to the Public based on their true belief
is it possible ~ politically motivated Journalist ~ with zero back ground in science
could Lie to the Public based on their true belief
is it possible ~ politically motivated Scientists ~ could Lie to the Public
based on their true belief in debunk un-proven theory
to make their self-debunk predictions
Steve Newman does not follow the real science
Steve just follows his True Belief
Why ?
does Earthweek by Steve Newman published in the my newspaper every week
continue to state the Oceans are rising
when the Oceans are very proven to be declining every week for the past 7 plus years ?
and why do the News Papers continue to print theses very proven Lies
by Steve Newman
Why ?
Steve Newman why are you knowingly intentionally Lying to the Public every week ?
as many Political Media Preachers are intentionally Lying to the Public in Climate Science
everyday for many years
why ?
Google Sea level Falling
and NASA will tell you the Sea Level is Falling
along with pages other real sources for real science that you ignore for your true belief
in your Political Media Agenda based on just ignoring real science
~ and ~
Happy Earth Day
~ as we are told to just believe ~
by those doing test proven Harm to Nature
by those who can provide zero scientific references to support their words of True Belief
by Proven Pathological Frauds
Dr. M. Sanjayan and CBS News
as Dr. M. Sanjayan
who ignore real science for his personal feelings of true belief
in flawed incomplete self-debunk unproven theory
based on one half of one climate variable while ignoring a dozen climate variables
while ignoring all known climate history
while ignoring the known test proven facts known today
all further debunking his true belief in self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction
who will not Publicly Debate the Real Science
while CBS News will allow Zero Rebuttal to Dr. M. Sanjayan and his words of True Belief
in test proven Debunk Garbage they call science
Real Science is: Questioned ~ Tested ~ Debated
and if you can not be asked the real Questions in Science or debate your Science
its not real science of the scientific method
True Belief in self-debunk unproven hypothetical conjecture is not knowledge
~ as we are told to just believe ~
the words of Pathological Frauds in the Media who can provide
zero scientific references when requested
to support their words of true belief
while a 13% consensus is not 97% consensus
as the 97% is a proven political media lie by True Believers with a political agenda
as the Pathological Frauds refuse to publicly debate the real science they ignore
for their true belief in their
Political Media ~ Paranoid ~ Climate Religion
~ Dr. M Sanjayan is a Political Media Preacher not a Scientist ~
and Ignoring proven fact tested knowledge for make believe
is Religion not Science
and allowing only one side of the story to be told to the Public is Political Fascism
in Tested Reality
True Belief in Self-debunk Hearsay Make Believe is not Science of the Scientific Method
as Pathological Frauds in Science dictate Science
while ignoring real science
as they are doing real test proven harm to the Carbon Cycle
the cause of all Nature
the cause of all the Green
the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
costing Trillions
because they ignore real science for their True Belief in self-debunk Garbage Science
because they ignore the Scientific Method for their True Belief
as they refuse to see beyond their Political Media True Belief
and refuse to publicly debate their True Belief
doing test proven Harm
as they do not know they just believe
True Belief in self-debunk unproven theory is not science
as those who Know continue to be ignored by those who just Truly Believe
as True Believers refuse to look and see
as True Believers live in Fear of Open Public Debate
as True Believers continue to live in fear of self-debunk prediction
based on true belief in flawed incomplete garbage they call science
while the Media refuses to acknowledge the 87 % who do not Truly Believe
in self-debunk prediction based on one half of one climate variable
of a dozen known climate variables ignored by Climate Religion
while ignoring all known climate history
while ignoring the known scientific facts of Nature today
all further debunking their paranoid True Belief in self-debunk prediction
as Religions do not acknowledge real science debunking their true belief
test proving their Religion is a Religion
and when you refuse to acknowledge all known facts old and new
for your true belief you are not a scientist
and when you prevent the Public from knowing test proven Science
for the sake of your true belief in your political agenda
then you are a test proven political Fascist too
…when you ignore the history of knowledge
you are ignoring the knowledge debunking your true belief of today
causing history to repeat itself again and again
Climate History has debunk Climate Religion
Climate Science has debunk Climate Religion
Nature has debunk Climate Religion
Climate Religion is: True Belief in Zero Knowledge dictating Science
~ as we are told to just believe ~
with zero Public Scientific Rebuttal and zero Public Scientific Debate
~ to just believe ~
the Sea level is rising when it is proven to be declining
~ to just believe ~
the rate of warming is speeding up when it is proven to be slowing down
~ to just believe ~
water vapor ~ white steam ~ coming from smoke stakes is: Toxic Poison and Pollution
~ to just believe ~
the cause of the first Atmosphere of this Carbon based Earth
causing the Carbon cycle with Oxygen and Hydrogen
is: Toxic Poison and Pollution
~ as we are told to just believe ~
the cause of all the Green on this Carbon based Earth
is: Toxic Poison and Pollution
~ as we are told to just believe ~
the cause of all the Oxygen we breathe today on this Carbon based Earth
is: Toxic Poison and Pollution
~ as we are told to just believe ~
the cause of all the Carbon based Food we Eat on this Carbon based Earth
is: Toxic Poison and Pollution
~ as we are told to just believe ~
the cause of all Carbon based Life on this Carbon based Earth
caused by
Carbon based Oxygen = CO2 = Carbon dioxide
from the Hot variable Liquid Core of this Carbon based Earth
while variably Heating all the Oceans the Crust and lower Atmosphere
of this
Carbon based Earth
is: Toxic Poison and Pollution
by those who have failed grade school science
and have earned zero right to scientific opinion
who refuse to Publicly Debate the Real Science of the Scientific Method
~ as we are told to just believe ~
when there is zero belief in real science
as they do not follow the real science to
~ know ~
their belief in prediction of the un-known future has now been self-debunk by real Nature
as they just ignore Fact Tested Reality for their personal feelings of true belief
and when you debunk a scientist and they just ignore the facts for belief
they are not a scientist
and the scientists who continue to preach un-proven theory as Test Proven Fact
are the Test Proven Frauds in Science
CBS News =
sensationalized fabricated paranoia of self-debunk garbage science
preached as scientific fact
by their continued on going very proven lies in climate science
their daily Political Media Insult to Intelligence
as they continue to publicly prove they failed grade school science
as they continue to preach and sell one sided un-debated
hypothetical conjecture = unproven proven theory as Scientific fact
and is: very bogus and not real science of the scientific method
just as the Democratic Party is doing
while preaching garbage science does not win votes
while proving
Political Religion Dictates Science to the Public
based on zero Science
based on zero scientific method
political science fiction is not scientific fact
and when you refuse to acknowledge the Oceans are falling and not rising
and you continue to Preach the Oceans are rising
that is a Political Media Paranoid Lunatic Religion not Science
and I do not Vote for Lunatics Preaching their Paranoid Lunatic Religion
who Ignore the Real Science
as Paranoid Climate Lunatics continue to dictate science to the public
with zero Scientific Rebuttal or Scientific Debate
Scientifically proving it is a Fascist Paranoid Lunatic Climate Religion
based on self-debunk Prediction
based on a very flawed very incomplete Study
a Study based on ~ one half ~ of one climate variable
~ * ~
I do not belong to any political organizations
while I by myself Lobby Independently for Truth in Science
I am a Scientist and Master Technician
41 years of working back ground in Atmospheric Emission Science Physics and Chemistry
Energy Transfer Science
Heat Energy Transfer and Cold Energy Transfer Science
with thousands of hours on going Climate Science Investigation since 2007
my first class in Artificial Intelligence was in 1976
my expertise are in Trouble Shooting and Diagnostics in many Sciences
I have evaluated Education Programs
I have been a Student of Law since 1980
my favorite subject is History
I received a Doctor Honor in 2011
I was Invited to Participate in the London Symposium on Climate Change
at the Oxford and Cambridge Club June of 2013
I am for Truth in Science
Truth in Fact Tested Knowledge
of the
Scientific Method
science is: to know
and I do not know far more than there is to know
as science is to learn how to know more than you know
to investigate knowledge
to continue to grow forward everyday with new knowledge
to look to find to see to know
and when someone tells you the Scientific Debate is: Over
and the Science is: Settled
they are not a Real Scientist of the Scientific Method
they are a Preacher of ~ their ~ True Belief
ignoring proven fact tested knowledge for the sake of their true belief in True Belief
as the Separation of Church and State is not defined by
Politicians making ~ their ~ True Belief in debunk True Belief the Law of the Land
based on zero proven fact tested knowledge of the scientific method
True Belief in self-debunk computer Ouija Board prediction is: Religion not Science
Climate Change is: Real ~ Climate Religion is: not Real while dictating science
Climate Religion is doing test proven Harm to the Carbon Cycle and all of Nature
reducing oxygen levels in the air and turning underground water into Acid
Costing Trillions of Dollars
to do this test proven ongoing Harm to the cause of all Carbon based Life
on this
Carbon based Earth
~ * ~